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Problem Solving

The title of my first interdisciplinary project was Lead Toxicity. This assignment was

completed in the class time we had and at home. I was asked to inform people about the different

health risk and diseases that lead toxicity was causing in their community. Also, we were asked

to test soil from our backyards to determine if we were exposed to lead. This IDP assignment fits

the problem solving category because we had to identify what the problem with Lead Toxicity

was. We had to do research in order to understand how it affects us. For example, it affects our

nervous system, kidneys, brain, and stomach. Then, we analyzed our research and created a

action plan that gave out information to the public. For example, we went to gage middle school

and we presented to a 8th grade class about how lead is affecting our community.

The second IDP assignment was the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This assignment

was completed in class. I was asked to inform people what PTSD was. My group and I had to

identify stressors and show some coping mechanisms. We also created a call to action where we

offered a teen talk therapy at Linda Marquez High School and our plan was to create a club about

anxiety to help students who needed it. This fits the problem solving category because my team

and I had to identify what post traumatic disorder syndrome is. We had to do research on the

causes of post traumatic syndrome and the different types of PTSD. We then had to analyze the

research to look at the causes and effects of different types of ptsd and come up with a solution

to help people in our community who suffer from PTSD.

In both IDP’s I was an active citizen. I met the SLO of active citizen for my lead toxicity

artifact. My team and I created a presentation that was designed specifically for 8th grade

students. We went to Gage Middle School to educate them on the dangers of lead toxicity in the
soil and water to better prepare them on how to protect themselves. For example we went to

Gage middle school and had their students take a kahoot where me and my group would find out

if they are fully aware of the problems that Huntington Park has. We also created a survey that

we distributed around the community. For the City Fair I volunteered to make a booth where we

showed our presentation to the community. For my second IDP for Post Traumatic Stress

Disorder in 10th grade me and my group offered a teen talk therapy in Linda Marquez high

school. Our goal was to create a club about anxiety and help students who needed it.

Three areas of growth that I saw within myself was that before I wasn't able to talk loud

in front of people, but I have improved over the years. I wasn’t able to work with other people

until now. I improved in applying all the SLO(s) in my assignments. The areas I still need to

improve on is making eye contact when I have to present and being confident in the work I do. I

can use the skills I learned from the IDP’s in the future because I’ll be able to work with other

people and be well at communicating.

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