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Nombre Subsector: Idioma extranjero Inglés Curso: 1º Medio
Nombre Docente responsable: Mr. Shell
Aprendizaje Esperado: Reconocen vocabulario correspondiente a la unidad I,
reconocer y aplicar “Present Simple of Be" (Positive, Negative, Interrogative Form &
Short Answers), Possesives Adjetives y el uso de los artículos “a & an”
Objetivos: Responder preguntas con alternativa; reconocer palabras relativas al
vocabulario de la unidad 1, escribir usando “Present Simple of Be" (Positive, Negative,
Interrogative Form & Short Answers), reconocer y usar los “Possesives Adjetives” y el
correcto uso de los artículos “a & an”

Name: Last Name: Date:

Grade: Ideal Score 70 Score: Mark:

I. Write the names of the countries under the correct map. (10 points)

01. Portugal :
02. Italia :
03. Alemania :
04. Japón :
05. Estados Unidos :
06. Brasil :
07. Hungría :
08. España :
09. Inglaterra :
10. Francia :

II. Complete the sentences with: my, your, his, her, its, our, or their. (7

01. I’m a teacher. _______ job is very interesting.

02. We have a dog. _________ Name is Blackie.
03. We live in a small village. _________ house is small and very pretty.
04. My sister works in a theater. She loves _________ job.
05. You’re a doctor. Do you like _________ work?
06. My friends don’t have much money. _________ lives are quite difficult.
07. My friend is married to a Brazilian man. _________ name is Ricardo.

III. Write A or An. (12 points)

01. Ticket 07. Ice-cream

02. Orange 08. Car
03. Camera 09 Student
04. House 10. Telephone
05. Apple 11. Bag
06. newspaper 12. Magazine
IV. Match the question and answers. (6 points)

01. What’s this in English? a. N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K.

02. What’s his name? b. OK.
03. What’s your name? c. That’s right.
04. Where’s he from? d. Marta Lazzeri
05. How do you spell your first name? e. J-U-L-I-A.
06. How do you spell your surname? f. Felipe Gonzales
g. It’s a notebook
h. Portugal
i. A-L-V-A-R-E-Z

V. Complete the dialogues. (13 points)

Dialogue 1 Options
01. Hello. My name’s Angela. _______’s your name? (how – where – are – what)
02. ________ Kim. (your name – his name - their name – my name)
03. Where ____________ from, Kim? (you are – are they – is he – are you)
04. I’m from Kansas _______ the United States. (from – in – country – is)

Dialogue 1 Options
05. Hello, Karl. _________ are you? (how – when – where - what )
06. _________. Thank you. And you? (good – yes – fine – very good)
07. _________ OK, thanks. (I – she’s – am – I´m)

Dialogue 1 Options
08. This is ______ photo of my friends (is – are – a - an)
09. What _______ their names? (is – ‘s – are - am)
10. Luisa, Hans, ____ Gabi. (and – a – an - is)
11. Where ____________ from? (they are – are they – country - are)
12. Luisa _______ from Italy. (is – ‘re – am - are)
13. and Hans and Gabi _______ from Germany. (‘s – am – is - are)
VI. Complete the text. Choose the correct word from the box. (8 Points)

doctor have hospital live ‘m are in

want from is like language country an


My name’s Margarita Sanchez and I’m a ______________ . I

________________ 35. I’m married and I ______________ three children.
They ____________ five, seven, and then years old. I ______________ in a
flat _______________ Santander in the north of Spain. I ____________ to
learn English because it’s an international ___________________ .

VII. Listen, write & translate the sentences. (14 Points)



I. Write the names of the countries under the correct map. (10 points)

01. Portugal
02. Italy
03. Germany
04. Japan
05. United States
06. Brazil
07. Hungary
08. Spain
09. England
10. France

II. Complete the sentences with: my, your, his, her, its, our, or their. (7

01. MY
02. ITS.
03. OUR
04. HER
05. YOUR
07. HIS

III. Write a or an. (12 points)

01. A
02. AN
03. A
04. A
05. AN
06. A
07. AN
08. A
09. A
10. A
11. A
12. A

I. Match the question and answers. (6 points)

01. G
02. F
03. D
04. H
05. E
06. I
II. Complete the dialogues. (13 points)

Dialogue 1
01. WHAT
04. IN

Dialogue 2
05. HOW
06. FINE.
07. I’M

Dialogue 3
08. A
09. ARE
10. AND
12. IS
13. ARE

Complete the text. Choose the correct word from the box. (8 Points)


My name’s Margarita Sanchez and I’m a DOCTOR . I _____‘M 35.

I’m married and I HAVE three children. They ARE five, seven,
and then years old. I LIVE in a flat IN
Santander in the north of Spain. I WANT to learn English
because it’s an international LANGUAGE .

III. Listen sentences, write & translate it. (14 Points)

01. My name is Mr. Shell

02. I from Santiago in Chile
03. I like play piano
04. My mother is 35
05. I learn english
06. They are doctors
07. I’m fine, thanks
Tabla de Especificaciones

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