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DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2010.02533.


Uterine rupture after previous caesarean section

I Al-Zirqi,a,b B Stray-Pedersen,a,b L Forsén,c S Vangenb
Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway b National Resource Centre for Women’s Health, Division of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway c Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Nydalen, Oslo, Norway
Correspondence: Dr I Al-Zirqi, Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo 0027, Norway.

Accepted 29 January 2010. Published Online 24 March 2010.

Objective To determine the risk factors, percentage and maternal Australia) origin (OR: 2.87; 95% CI: 1.8–4.7) and gestational age
and perinatal complications of uterine rupture after previous ‡41 weeks versus 37–40 weeks (OR: 1.73; 95% CI: 1.1–2.7).
caesarean section. Uterine rupture after trial of labour significantly increased severe
postpartum haemorrhage (OR: 8.51; 95% CI: 4.6–15.1), general
Design Population-based registry study.
anaesthesia exposure (OR: 14.20; 95% CI: 9.1–22.2),
Population Mothers with births ‡28 weeks of gestation after hysterectomy (OR: 51.36; 95% CI: 13.6–193.4) and serious
previous caesarean section (n = 18 794), registered in the Medical perinatal outcome (OR: 24.51 (95% CI: 11.9–51.9). Induction by
Birth Registry of Norway, from 1 January 1999 to 30 June 2005. prostaglandins significantly increased the odds for uterine
rupture compared with spontaneous labour (OR: 2.72; 95% CI:
Methods Associations of uterine rupture with risk factors,
1.6–4.7). Prelabour ruptures occurred after latent uterine activity
maternal and perinatal outcome were estimated using cross-
or abdominal pain in mothers with multiple or uncommon
tabulations and logistic regression.
uterine scars.
Main outcome measure Odds of uterine rupture.
Conclusion Trial of labour carried greater risk and graver outcome
Results A total of 94 uterine ruptures were identified (5.0/1000 of uterine rupture than elective repeated caesarean section,
mothers). Compared with elective prelabour caesarean section, although absolute risks were low. A review of labour management
odds of rupture increased for emergency prelabour caesarean and induction protocol is needed.
section (OR: 8.63; 95% CI: 2.6–28.0), spontaneous labour
Keywords Elective caesarean section, emergency prelabour
(OR: 6.65; 95% CI: 2.4–18.6) and induced labour (OR: 12.60;
caesarean section, induced labour, maternal and perinatal
95% CI: 4.4–36.4). The odds were increased for maternal age
outcome, previous caesarean section, risk factors, spontaneous
‡40 years versus <30 years (OR: 2.48; 95% CI: 1.1–5.5),
labour, trial of labour, uterine rupture.
non-Western (mothers born outside Europe, North America or

Please cite this paper as: Al-Zirqi I, Stray-Pedersen B, Forsén L, Vangen S. Uterine rupture after previous caesarean section. BJOG 2010;117:809–820.

ous perinatal outcomes.10,11 This resulted in an increase in

the rate of caesarean section and associated short-term and
Uterine rupture is a rare peripartum complication associ- long-term complications.7,8 A meta-analysis found that
ated with severe maternal and perinatal morbidity and uterine rupture may be twice as common after TOL than
mortality,1,2 and is one of the most common clinical causes at elective repeat caesarean section.12 The majority of stud-
of medical litigation in the developed world.3 Previous cae- ies compared total TOL with elective repeated caesarean
sarean section is the main risk factor for uterine rup- section without looking specifically into ruptures at emer-
ture.1,4–6 Because the rate of caesarean section is increasing gency prelabour caesarean section, and without comparing
worldwide, we are dealing with an increasing number of rupture rates after each of spontaneous and induced labour
mothers with previous caesarean section, with consequent with elective repeated caesarean section.
higher risk of uterine rupture.7 The percentage of uterine Norway has an increasing rate of caesarean section, from
rupture after trial of labour (TOL) remains low (<1%),8 1.8% in 1967 to 17.1% in 2008.13,14 However, there is a rel-
with usually favourable maternal and perinatal outcome.1,2 atively high rate of TOL with vaginal births in 51% of
However, dramatic reduction of TOL9 has been observed mothers with previous caesarean section.15 This gives a
after reports of a worrying increase in rupture-related seri- good basis for studying uterine rupture among mothers

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Al-Zirqi et al.

with different starts to birth after previous caesarean sec- tion performed before onset of labour, ‘Emergency
tion. Such information is available through the Medical prelabour caesarean section’, defined as emergency caesar-
Birth Registry of Norway (MBRN) where data about all ean section before onset of labour, ‘Spontaneous labour
births are routinely recorded.13 onset’, and ‘Induced labour onset’. Elective and emergency
The aim of the present study was to determine the risk prelabour caesarean section constituted prelabour caesarean
factors, percentage and maternal and perinatal outcomes of section, whereas spontaneous and induced labour consti-
uterine rupture after previous caesarean section. A further tuted TOL. Definition of TOL was ‘an attempt of labour
aim was to study the impact of different induction meth- that either resulted in vaginal birth after previous caesarean
ods on uterine rupture and perinatal outcomes. section (VBAC), or resulted in emergency caesarean section
after labour start (failed VBAC). Information about start of
birth was complete.
Gestational age in weeks calculated by ultrasound at
Design and study population 18 weeks, categorised into: ‘24–36’, ‘37–40’ (reference), and
The study was a population-based registry study. We used ‘‡41’.
data from the MBRN. It is mandated by Norwegian law to Demographic factors including Maternal age in years cate-
notify the MBRN of all births in Norway. Midwives or physi- gorised into: ‘<30’ (reference), ‘30–39’, ‘‡40’; Parity cate-
cians attending a birth complete a standardised form within gorised as ‘para 1’ (one previous delivery) (reference) and
7 days of delivery. The form contains information on mater- ‘para 2+’ (‡2 previous deliveries); Maternal ethnic origin,
nal health before and during pregnancy, detailed information categorised into ‘Western’ (reference) defined as: Europe,
about delivery and complications occurring intrapartum or North America and Australia, and ‘Non-Western’ defined
postpartum, and information about the newborn. as outside Europe, North America and Australia.
The target population of the present study was all mothers Specific induction methods were categorised into: ‘Sponta-
giving birth from 1 January 1999 to 30 June 2005 neous labour onset’ (reference), induction by ‘Prostaglan-
(n = 365 107). This study sample comprised mothers with dins with or without amniotomy’, ‘Prostaglandins,
previous caesarean section and subsequent births at gesta- amniotomy and oxytocin’, ‘Oxytocin with or without
tional age ‡28 weeks. We excluded antepartum stillbirths, amniotomy’, and ‘Mechanical methods’ defined as amniot-
and births with missing information on maternal age (n = 4), omy alone or other non-medical induction methods.
parity (n = 19), gestational age (n = 56) and ethnic origin In line with national guidelines,16 the prostaglandins
(n = 161). The final sample included 18 794 mothers who used were Prostin E2 (Dinoproston) intravaginal tablets
gave birth to a total of 19 057 infants. History of previous 3 mg repeated after 6 hours if needed, with maximum dose
caesarean section was specified in the MBRN data in a ticked of three tablets. Oxytocin infusion consisted of 10 IU oxy-
box without specifying the numbers of previous caesarean tocin in 100 ml NaCl 9 mg/ml, using an IVAC infusion
sections. According to national guidelines, mothers attempt- pump, with a rate starting from 3 ml/hour when used for
ing TOL should have only one previous caesarean section.16 induction, and from 1 ml/hour when used for augmenta-
We additionally performed a review of the medical tion. Infusion rate was increased by 3 ml/hour every
records of mothers with uterine rupture detected at prela- 30 minutes if there was no established labour, with maxi-
bour caesarean section during the study period. mum infusion rate of 18 ml/hour, not exceeding 6 hours.
Fetal heart was monitored by cardiotocography (CTG) in
Variables all mothers undergoing induction. The infusion was termi-
nated or reduced if contractions were well established. It
Main outcome measure was also terminated if no contractions were established
The main outcome measure was uterine rupture, coded as within 8 hours from start of infusion.
‘yes’ or ‘no’. Uterine rupture was identified through diag- All variables were identified in a ticked box on the birth
nostic code ICD-10: O71.0 (uterine rupture prior to labour registration form.
start) and O71.1 (uterine rupture during labour) in the
registration form. The International Classification of Dis- Secondary outcome measures
eases coding does not differentiate between complete or Secondary outcome measures consisted of maternal and
incomplete uterine rupture.17 perinatal outcomes.

Explanatory variables Maternal outcomes

These included the following variables: Severe postpartum haemorrhage, moderate postpartum
Start of birth categorised into: ‘Elective prelabour caesar- haemorrhage, hysterectomy, and exposure to general anaes-
ean section’ (reference), defined as planned caesarean sec- thesia were secondary maternal outcome measures. Other

810 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª RCOG 2010 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Uterine rupture

maternal outcomes such as postpartum sepsis, injuries to using cross-tabulation and logistic regression. All explana-
other organs and maternal deaths were not detected after tory variables with a significance level of P £ 0.20 in bivari-
uterine rupture, and were therefore not included. ate analyses were included in the multivariate analysis. The
Severe postpartum haemorrhage was defined as a visually association between uterine rupture and maternal and peri-
estimated blood loss of >1500 ml within 24 hours postpar- natal outcomes was assessed using cross-tabulations and
tum, or the need for blood transfusion regardless of the bivariate logistic regression models at different starts of
amount of blood loss, coded as ‘yes’ or ‘no’; birth. Fisher’s exact test was used when the outcome mea-
Moderate postpartum haemorrhage was defined as a visu- sure was of insufficient sample size. A multiple logistic
ally estimated blood loss of 500–1500 ml within 24 hours regression model was used to measure the association of
postpartum. Severe and moderate postpartum haemorrhage induction methods with uterine rupture risk among moth-
and exposure to general anaesthesia were identified in a ers attempting TOL. The association of induction of labour
tick box on the birth registration form. with perinatal outcomes was measured using cross-tabula-
Hysterectomy was identified through diagnostic coding tions and multiple logistic regressions. The level of signifi-
(The Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee Classification of cance in multivariate analysis was set at P < 0.05 and the
Surgical Procedures: LCD 00; LCC96; LCC00; MCA30; data were analysed using SPSS, version 15 (Chicago, IL,
MCA33).18 Information on maternal deaths was collected USA). The influence of observations on the fit of the model
from The Causes of Death Registry, Statistics Norway. was tested for each coefficient in the final models by using
the influence test DfBeta in the logistic regression in SPSS.20
Perinatal outcome
Perinatal outcome was categorised into four mutually
exclusive groups:
Perinatal deaths defined as intrapartum fetal deaths A total of 11 954 mothers of 18 794 with previous caesar-
‡28 weeks of gestation, and neonatal deaths seven or more ean section attempted TOL, giving TOL rate of 63.6%,
days after birth, not related to congenital causes. Antepar- whereas 6840 had prelabour caesarean section (36.4%)
tum stillbirths were excluded from the present study (Figure 1). There were 94 uterine ruptures detected among
because they were not delivery-related. 18 794 mothers (5/1000). Ruptures were identified in 80
Post-hypoxic encephalopathy defined clinically as cerebral mothers after TOL and in 14 mothers with prelabour cae-
irritation, cerebral depression or seizures in the presence of sarean sections. Although the percentage of uterine rupture
severe asphyxia. Cerebral irritation was defined by national was lowest for elective prelabour caesarean section (0.7/
consensus as a stage 1 encephalopathy, and cerebral depres- 1000), it was much higher when prelabour caesarean sec-
sion as stage 2 encephalopathy as described by Sarnat and tion was an unplanned emergency section (7.1/1000). Rup-
Sarnat.19 tures were significantly higher after TOL compared with
Severe asphyxia efined by diagnostic coding ICD-10: prelabour caesarean section (6.7/1000 versus 2.0/1000;
P21.0 (falling or steady pulse <100/minute at birth, absent P = 0.000). Failed VBACs were associated with the highest
or gasping respiration, poor colour, absent tone; asphyxia rupture rates. Trial of labour resulted in 80.1% VBACs and
with 1-minute Apgar sore 0–3), without encephalopathy. 19.9% failed VBACs. Failed VBAC was significantly more
Other complications defined as any neonatal problem likely after induced labour than spontaneous labour
with or without admission to neonatal intensive care unit, (Figure 1, Table 1). Vaginal births complicated by ruptures
excluding perinatal deaths, severe asphyxia and post-hyp- were five spontaneous vaginal and five vacuum deliveries.
oxic encephalopathy (PHE) described above. Common
problems included prematurity, moderate and non-specific Risk factors of uterine rupture
asphyxia, hypoglycaemia, respiratory distress syndrome and Start of birth was a significant risk factor for uterine rup-
transient tachypnoea of the newborn. ture. Compared with elective prelabour caesarean section,
Serious perinatal outcome was a computed variable, the odds of rupture were highest for induction (OR: 12.6;
defined as a composite of perinatal deaths, severe asphyxia 95% CI: 4.4–36.4), followed by emergency prelabour cae-
and PHE. sarean section (OR: 8.6; 95% CI: 2.6–28.0) and spontane-
ous labour (OR: 6.6; 95% CI: 2.4–18.6) (Table 1).
Statistical analysis Trial of labour (spontaneous and induced labour) signif-
Frequency analysis was used to quantify the percentage of icantly increased the odds for uterine rupture versus elec-
uterine rupture among all mothers with previous caesarean tive caesarean section (OR: 7.96; 95% CI: 2.9–22.0) (data
section, and among mothers with different starts of birth. not shown in table). Although a maternal age ‡40 years
The association of uterine rupture with different starts of versus <30 years was not a significant risk factor in bivari-
birth, demographics and obstetric risk factors was analysed ate analysis, it significantly doubled the odds for rupture in

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Al-Zirqi et al.

Total pregnant population

n = 365 107

Mothers with previous CS

n = 18 794

Prelabour CS Trial of labour

n = 6840 (36.4) n = 11 954 (63.6)

Elective CS Emergency CS Spontaneous onset Induced onset

n = 5442 (79.6) n = 1398 (20.4) n = 9239 (77.3) n = 2715 (22.7)


n = 7555 (81.8) n = 1684 (18.2) n = 2018 (74.3) n = 697 (25.7)

Uterine rupture Uterine rupture Uterine rupture Uterine rupture

n = 8 (0.1) n = 43 (2.6) n = 2 (0.1) n = 27 (3.9)

Uterine rupture Uterine rupture Uterine rupture Uterine rupture

n = 4 (0.07) n = 10 (0.7) n = 51 (0.6) n = 29 (1.1)

Uterine rupture Uterine rupture

n = 14 (0.2) n = 80 (0.7)

Uterine rupture
n = 94 (0.5)

Figure 1. Uterine rupture (n, %) at prelabour caesarean section (CS) and at trial of labour among mothers with previous CS.

multivariate analysis after adjusting for start of birth. The an inverted T scar following spontaneous contractions at
odds of rupture at older age became even greater after 37 weeks; she presented in the index pregnancy with prela-
excluding mothers with prelabour caesarean sections. Non- bour dehiscence at 28 weeks. Multiple uterine scars were
Western maternal origin doubled rupture odds compared present in eight mothers, and two presented with acute
with maternal Western origin. Gestational age ‡41 weeks abdomen revealing complete ruptures of myomectomy
versus 37–40 weeks significantly increased the odds for scars. All but two neonates had Apgar scores ‡7 at 1 minute.
uterine rupture, but this increase was marginal in multivar- Severe postpartum haemorrhage occurred in one mother.
iate analysis after adjusting for start of birth. Parity ‡2
showed a protective effect against uterine rupture, espe- Maternal outcome after uterine rupture
cially in the TOL group where the risk was halved, indicat- Uterine ruptures among all mothers with previous caesar-
ing a protective effect of previous vaginal delivery. There ean section resulted in a three-fold, seven-fold, ten-fold
was no major influence of single individuals on the esti- and 23-fold increased risk of moderate postpartum haem-
mated coefficients after using the influence test DfBeta. orrhage, severe postpartum haemorrhage, general anaesthe-
sia exposure and peripartum hysterectomy, respectively
Ruptures at prelabour caesarean section (Table 3). The increase in the odds of these morbidities
Clinical details of 11 of 14 mothers with ruptures at prela- was significant only if ruptures occurred after TOL
bour caesarean section were available and are shown in (Table 3). However, no maternal death, injuries to other
Table 2. All infants were inside the uterine cavity. Three organs or postpartum sepsis was identified. Almost half of
mothers had elective caesarean sections, revealing complete the mothers diagnosed with uterine rupture after TOL,
rupture without any contractions or CTG changes. Eight developed moderate postpartum haemorrhage and almost
mothers had emergency prelabour caesarean sections after half were exposed to general anaesthesia, while 15% devel-
infrequent contractions and/or abdominal pain, revealing oped severe postpartum haemorrhage and 3.8% needed
five complete ruptures and three dehiscences. CTG changes peripartum hysterectomy.
were observed in only two mothers, and both had complete
ruptures. Low vertical uterine scars or transverse scars in the Perinatal outcomes after uterine rupture
lower part of the corpus were present in five mothers; one Among 19 057 births, 97 were complicated by uterine rup-
of the five mothers had had previous complete rupture of tures (81 after TOL and 16 at prelabour caesarean section).

812 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª RCOG 2010 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Uterine rupture

Table 1. Risk factors for uterine rupture among mothers with previous caesarean section

Total no. Uterine rupture, Unadjusted Adjusted OR*

n (no./1000) OR (95% CI) (95% CI)

Total 18 794 94 (5.0)

Start of birth
Prelabour caesarean section 6840 14 (2.0)
Elective prelabour caesarean section (ref.) 5442 4 (0.7) 1 1
Emergency prelabour caesarean section 1398 10 (7.1) 9.79 (3.1–31.2) 8.63 (2.6–28.0)
Trial of labour 11 954 80 (6.7)
Spontaneous labour onset 9239 51 (5.5) 7.54 (2.7–20.9) 6.65 (2.4–18.6)
Induced labour onset 2715 29 (10.7) 14.67 (5.2–41.8) 12.60 (4.4–36.4)
Maternal age in years
<30 13 608 66 (4.8) 1 1
30–39 (ref.) 4339 21 (4.8) 0.99 (0.6–1.6) 1.19 (0.7–1.9)
‡40 847 7 (8.3) 1.71 (0.6–7.6) 2.48 (1.1–5.5)**
Ethnic origin
Western (ref.) 16 862 72 (4.3) 1 1
Non-Western 1932 22 (11.4) 2.68 (1.7–4.3) 2.87 (1.8–4.7)
1 (ref.) 10317 63 (6.1) 1 1
‡2 8477 31 (3.6) 0.59 (0.4–0.9) 0.61 (0.4–0.9)***
Gestational age in weeks
28–36 1704 9 (5.3) 1.34 (0.7–2.7) 1.10 (0.5–2.3)
37–40 (ref.) 13996 55 (3.9) 1 1
‡41 3094 30 (9.7) 2.48 (1.6–3.9) 1.73 (1.1–2.7)

OR, odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence intervals.

*Adjusted for all variables in table.
**Analysing only mother attempting trial of labour: OR: 3.02; 95% CI: 1.3–7.2.
***Analysing only mother attempting trial of labour: OR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.3–0.8.

All were single births except for two sets of twins, delivered without encephalopathy were delivered at term by emergency
by prelabour caesarean sections, and one twin set after caesarean section because of threatened fetal hypoxia. These
TOL. Uterine ruptures resulted in 56 neonates with perina- comprised one after spontaneous labour, one after induction
tal complications (0.29% of total births), of which nine with prostaglandins and one after mechanical induction.
were serious (Table 4). There were no deaths later than In contrast, ruptures at elective or emergency prelabour
7 days following ruptures. Uterine rupture resulted in a sig- caesarean sections had no significant impact on perinatal
nificantly larger number of perinatal complications when it outcome. These ruptures resulted in eight neonates with
occurred after TOL. Perinatal complications occurred in 48 minimal complications, mainly because of prematurity and
neonates out of 81 ruptures after TOLs (59.3%). respiratory distress syndrome.
One intrapartum death followed rupture and placental
abruption after induction by prostaglandins at 40 weeks of The impact of induction method
gestation. The other resulted after inverted T scar rupture at Among mothers attempting TOL, induction significantly
37 weeks following spontaneous contractions. Early neonatal increased the odds for uterine rupture versus spontaneous
death occurred on the second day following uterine rupture labour, only when using prostaglandins with or without
after spontaneous labour, augmented by oxytocin, at amniotomy (OR: 2.7). Induction by mechanical methods
41 weeks of gestation. All three were delivered by emergency resulted in a rupture rate similar to the rate after spontane-
caesarean section because of threatened fetal hypoxia. Neo- ous labour and lower than the rupture rate after prosta-
nates with PHE comprised one born after spontaneous glandins (Table 5).
labour at 41 weeks, and two born at term after induction Compared with spontaneous labour without rupture,
with prostaglandins. Two were delivered by emergency cae- uterine ruptures after induction increased the odds for seri-
sarean section and one by vacuum extraction because of ous perinatal outcomes by 41-fold, whereas ruptures after
threatened fetal hypoxia. Neonates with severe asphyxia spontaneous labour increased the odds by 15-fold.

ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª RCOG 2010 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 813
Al-Zirqi et al.

Table 2. Characteristics of births in 11 mothers with uterine ruptures at prelabour caesarean section

Obstetric history Clinical presentation Operative finding Outcome

Mother 1 Para 2; two previous CS; first at 38 weeks; no contractions; Complete rupture of transverse 1 minute AS ‡7
25 weeks (vertical uterine normal CTG; elective CS lower segment scar; intact
incision); second at 33 weeks amniotic membranes
(low transverse incision)
Mother 2 Para 1; previous CS at 28 weeks 38 weeks; no contractions; Small complete rupture in 1 minute AS ‡7
(vertical uterine incision) normal CTG; elective CS uterine fundus; intact amniotic
Mother 3 Para 2; two previous CS; second 38 weeks; twin pregnancy; no Complete rupture of upper scar; 1 minute AS ‡7
at term, through transverse contractions; normal CTG; intact amniotic membrane
incision in lower part of corpus elective CS
due to adhesions.
Mother 4 Para 3; first: vaginal delivery; 28 weeks; infrequent Dehiscence: absence of muscles Severe maternal
second: emergency CS at contractions; normal CTG; in isthmus and vertical midline PPH
29 weeks (inverted T incision); ultrasound showed uterine wall up to fundus; infant parts 1 minute AS ‡7
thrid: rupture of scar at could not be seen; emergency palpated under a fibrous
37 weeks after contractions, prelabour CS membrane
resulting in stillbirth
Mother 5 Para 4; four previous CSs at 33 weeks; twin pregnancy; Dehiscence (lower segment scar). 1 minute AS ‡7
term. constant pain and tenderness Infant seen moving under
on uterus; normal CTG; transparent serosa
ultrasound showed thin
isthmus; emergency prelabour
Mother 6 Para 1; previous CS at term due 41 weeks; infrequent Complete rupture (lower 1 minute AS ‡7
to prolonged labour contractions; borderline CTG; segment scar); intact amniotic
emergency prelabour CS membranes
Mother 7 Para 1; previous CS at term due 38 weeks; infrequent Complete rupture (lower 1 minute AS ‡7
to prolonged labour contractions; normal CTG; segment scar); placenta
emergency prelabour CS protruding through rupture
Mother 8 Para 1; previous CS; previous 37 weeks; acute abdomen; no Complete rupture in uterine 1 minute AS ‡7
laparoscopic myomectomy contractions; normal CTG; fundus; amniotic fluid filling
emergency prelabour CS peritoneal cavity
Mother 9 Para 2; two previous CS; one at 36 weeks; infrequent Dehiscence (transverse lower 1 minute AS 4;
26 weeks (vertical incision) contractions; emergency segment scar); infant seen 5 minute AS ‡7
prelabour CS moving under transparent
Mother 10 Para 2; two previous CS due to 38 weeks; infrequent Complete rupture (lower 1 minute AS ‡7
prolonged labour contractions; borderline CTG; segment scar); amniotic
emergency prelabour CS membranes: not intact
Mother 11 Para 1; previous CS; previous 35 weeks; constant pain and Complete scar rupture on 1 minute AS 3;
laparoscopic myomectomy on tenderness on uterus; normal posterior uterine wall; amniotic 5 minute AS ‡7
posterior uterine wall. CTG; emergency prelabour CS membrane: not intact

AS, Apgar score; CS, caesarean section; CTG, cardiotocograph; PPH, postpartum haemorrhage.

pain in mothers with multiple or uncommon uterine scars.

Ruptures occurring after TOL were associated with signifi-
Main results cantly higher odds for severe maternal morbidity and serious
Uterine rupture occurred in 5/1000 mothers with previous perinatal outcomes. The greatest odds for serious perinatal
caesarean section. Trial of labour, especially after induction outcomes followed ruptures after induction of labour.
using prostaglandins, significantly increased the odds for
uterine rupture compared with elective prelabour caesarean Strengths and weaknesses of the study
section. Ruptures at emergency prelabour caesarean section The strength of this study was the population-based design,
occurred mostly after latent uterine activity or abdominal covering a large sample, allowing analysis of a rare compli-

814 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª RCOG 2010 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Uterine rupture

Table 3. Maternal outcomes after uterine ruptures at different starts of birth following previous caesarean section (n = 18 794 mothers)*

Start of birth Severe postpartum Moderate postpartum Hysterectomy General anaesthesia

haemorrhage haemorrhage (500–
(>1500 ml blood loss) 1500 ml blood loss)

n (%) OR n (%) OR n (%) OR n (%) OR

(95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)

Elective prelabour 115 (2.1) 1144 (26.5) 11 (0.2) 377 (6.9)

CS (n = 5442)
No rupture (ref.) (n = 5438) 115 (2.1) 1 1143 (26.5) 1 11 (0.2) 1 377 (6.9) 1
Rupture (n = 4) 0 (0.0) NA 1 (25.0) 0.92 0 (0.0) NA 0 (0.0) NA
Emergency prelabour 52 (3.7) 351 (25.1) 6 (0.4) 250 (17.9)
CS (n = 1398)
No rupture (ref.) (n = 1388) 51 (3.7) 1 350 (25.2) 1 6 (0.4) 1 246 (17.7) 1
Rupture (n = 10) 1 (10.0) 2.90 1 (10.0) 0.33 0 (0.0) NA 4 (40.0) 3.09
(0.4–23.4) (0.04–2.6) (0.8–11.8)
Trial of labour** 253 (2.1) 2098 (17.6) 12 (0.1) 749 (6.3)
(n = 11 954)
No rupture (ref.) (n = 11 874) 241 (2.0) 1 2059 (17.3) 1 9 (0.1) 1 711 (6.0) 1
Rupture (n = 80) 12 (15.0) 8.51 39 (48.8) 4.53 3 (3.8) 51.36 38 (47.5) 14.20
(4.6–15.1) (2.9–7.0) (13.6–193.4) (9.1–22.2)
All mothers (n = 18 794) 420 (2.2) 3893 (20.7) 29 (0.2) 1376 (7.3)
No rupture (ref.) (n = 18 700) 407 (2.2) 1 3852 (20.7) 1 26 (0.1) 1 1334 (7.1) 1
Rupture (n = 94) 13 (13.8) 7.21 41 (43.6) 2.98 3 (3.2) 23.67 42 (44.7) 10.51
(3.9–13.0) (1.9–4.5) (4.0–79.6) (6.9–15.8)

CS, caesarean section; NA, not applicable; OR, odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence intervals.
*No injuries to other organ, postpartum sepsis or maternal deaths detected following uterine ruptures.
**Spontaneous and induced labour.

cation like uterine rupture. We included all births after The impact of start of birth on uterine rupture
previous caesarean section regardless of the size of the The overall percentage of uterine rupture of 0.5% in moth-
maternity unit so a selection bias due to unit resources was ers with previous caesarean section was low, similar to that
avoided. reported in previous studies in the developed world.8,23
The weaknesses of this study include the use of ICD cod- Our rupture percentage of 0.7% after TOL was under 1%,
ing not distinguishing between complete and incomplete in agreement with previous reports.22,23 Although TOL
uterine rupture. However, we performed a small validation increased the odds of uterine rupture eight-fold compared
study of coding practice of intrapartum ruptures during the with elective prelabour caesarean section, the absolute
year 2003 in Oslo University Hospital. We found three com- number was low. The percentage of rupture of 1.1% after
plete and nine incomplete ruptures. The diagnostic codes induced labour lies within the range reported earlier
O71.0 or O71.1, used to identify uterine ruptures in the between 0.3%25 and 4.6%.26 The low rupture rate at elec-
MBRN file, had only been given to the three complete rup- tive prelabour caesarean section (0.07%) was consistent
tures; the nine dehiscences were coded Z03.8 (threatened with that of 0.16% reported in a meta-analysis.12 The sig-
uterine rupture), which was not used to identify ruptures in nificant increase of ruptures at failed VBACs indicates the
the data file. Moreover, the percentage of uterine rupture in importance of careful selection of mothers for TOL, and
this study, especially after TOL, was similar to percentages optimising labour management.
reported for complete uterine ruptures in other studies.21,22
The worse maternal and perinatal outcomes after these rup- Obstetric history and ruptures at prelabour
tures indicate that they were probably complete ruptures. caesarean section
As a result of the small number of events (ruptures), Complete uterine ruptures were detected at elective caesar-
some of the results were associated with wide confidence ean sections in two mothers with low vertical uterine scars
intervals. However, meta-analyses may achieve higher preci- and one with a transverse scar in the lower corpus. This
sion.21–24 indicates that the type of scar plays a role in prelabour

ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª RCOG 2010 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 815
Al-Zirqi et al.

Table 4. Perinatal outcomes after uterine ruptures at different starts of birth following previous caesarean section (n = 19 057 births)

Start of Serious Serious perinatal outcomes Other perinatal Total perinatal

birth perinatal complications complications
outcomes Perinatal death Severe asphyxia Post-hypoxic

n (%) P n (%) P n (%) P n (%) P n (%) P n (%) P

Elective prelabour CS 5 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 5 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 2033 (36.6) 2038 (36.7)
(n = 5555)
No rupture (ref.) 5 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 5 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 2029 (36.6) 2034 (36.6)
(n = 5550)
Rupture (n = 5) 0 (0.0) 1.000 0 (0.0) NA 0 (0.0) 1.000 0 (0.0) 0.063 4 (80.0) 0.063 4 (80.0) 0.064
Emergency prelabour CS 17 (1.2) 6 (0.4) 9 (0.6) 2 (0.1) 771 (53.2) 788 (54.3)
(n = 1450)
No rupture (ref.) (n = 1439) 17 (1.2) 6 (0.4) 9 (0.6) 2 (0.1) 767 (53.3) 784 (54.5)
Rupture (n = 11) 0 (0.0) 1.000 0 (0.0) 1.000 0 (0.0) 1.000 0 (0.0) 1.000 4 (36.4) 0.262 4 (36.4) 0.241
Trial of labour (n = 12 052) 69 (0.6) 17 (0.1) 38 (0.3) 14 (0.1) 4544 (37.7) 4613 (38.3)
No rupture (ref.) (n = 11 971) 60 (0.5) 14 (0.1) 35 (0.3) 11 (0.1) 4505 (37.6) 4565 (38.1)
Rupture (n = 81) 9 (11.1) 0.000* 3 (3.7) 0.000 3 (3.7) 0.002 3 (3.7) 0.000 39 (48.1) 0.052 48 (59.3) 0.000
All births (n = 19 057) 91 (0.5) 23 (0.1) 52 (0.3) 16 (0.1) 7348 (38.6) 7439 (39.0)
No rupture (ref.) (n = 18 960) 82 (0.4) 20 (0.1) 49 (0.3) 13 (0.1) 7301 (38.5) 7383 (38.9)
Rupture (n = 97) 9 (9.3) 0.000 3 (3.1) 0.000 3 (3.1) 0.002 3 (3.1) 0.000 47 (48.5) 0.045 56 (57.7) 0.000

NA, not applicable.

*Odds ratio: 24.51 (95% confidence interval: 11.9–51.9).

ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª RCOG 2010 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Uterine rupture

Table 5. Association of induction of labour with uterine rupture and perinatal outcomes after previous caesarean section

Total no. Uterine rupture OR (95% CI) OR** (95% CI)

(mothers)* no. (per 1000)

Total 11 954 80 (6.6)

Spontaneous labour onset (ref.) 9239 51 (5.5) 1 1
Induction methods 2715 29 (10.7)
Prostaglandins +/) amniotomy 1130 18 (15.9) 2.91 (1.7–5.0)*** 2.72 (1.6–4.7)
Prostaglandins, amniotomy and oxytocin 168 2 (11.9) 1.30 (0.5–3.6) 1.22 (0.4–3.4)
Oxytocin +/) amniotomy 555 4 (7.2) 2.17 (0.5–8.9) 2.01 (0.5–8.3)
Mechanical methods 862 5 (5.8) 1.05 (0.4–2.6)*** 1.04 (0.4–2.6)

Total no. Serious perinatal OR (95% CI) OR** (95% CI)

(births) outcome no. (%)

Total 12 052 69 (0.6)

Spontaneous labour, no rupture (ref.) 9259 45 (0.5) 1 1
Spontaneous labour, rupture 52 4 (7.7) 17.06 (5.9–49.3) 15.40 (5.3–44.8)
Induced labour, no rupture 2712 15 (0.6) 1.13 (0.6–2.0) 1.08 (0.6–1.9)
Induced labour, rupture 29 5 (17.2) 42.65 (15.6–116.8) 41.77 (15.1–115.8)

OR, odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.

No major influence of single individuals on the estimated coefficients was found in the model after using the influence test DfBeta.
*Mothers attempting trial of labour.
**Adjusted for gestational age.
***Prostaglandins versus mechanical method: (OR: 2.75: 95% CI: 1.1–7.4).

ruptures.27,28 We propose that mothers with these scars samples, found an increased rupture risk for gestational age
should be scheduled for elective caesarean section not later beyond term, possibly as result of decreased thickness of
than 38 weeks. However, one should be aware that the risk the lower uterine segment as the pregnancy progresses.31–34
of iatrogenic prematurity and respiratory problems would Other studies of larger samples, showed that advanced ges-
be increased in infants born by caesarean sections at earlier tational age was not a significant risk factor.35 In this study
gestations; a balance between uterine rupture and prematu- there was a significant risk associated with advanced gesta-
rity risk should be assessed for each individual pregnancy. tional age, but this was mostly related to the higher induc-
The high percentage of ruptures identified at emergency tion rate at this gestational age. A maternal age ‡40 years
prelabour caesarean section in this study has not been was associated with increased risk of uterine rupture, a
addressed previously. The majority of these mothers had finding in accordance with previous studies.33,36 Many fac-
multiple uterine scars or other risk factors in their obstetric tors may contribute to the increased uterine rupture at
history. With the exception of two borderline CTGs, there older age, including increasing dysfunctional labour
were no other abnormal CTG changes. This indicates that because of decreasing strength of the myometrium, and
mothers presenting with infrequent contractions and normal defective healing of the uterine scar.37 Mothers of non-
CTG should not be left without quick intervention if they Western origin had increased risk of uterine rupture, in
had either multiple uterine scars, vertical scars, previous keeping with previous studies indicating greater risk of
uterine ruptures or myomectomy scars.29 Ultrasound evalu- maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in these
ation of lower segment thickness in the third trimester might mothers.38 Communication problems and missing informa-
help to prevent such ruptures.30 The prelabour dehiscences tion on obstetric history might play a role in this regard.
and ruptures could have resulted in catastrophic outcomes if Finally, the protective effect of previous vaginal delivery is
mothers had been left longer without intervention. in agreement with previous studies.21,39

The impact of gestational age, maternal age The impact of uterine rupture on outcome
and ethnic origin The minimal maternal morbidity after uterine ruptures at
There is a controversy regarding the role of advanced gesta- prelabour caesarean section, in contrast to ruptures after
tional age in increasing rupture risk among mothers with TOL, indicates the significant risks of labour after previ-
previous caesarean section. Earlier studies, mostly of small ous caesarean section. The absence of maternal death,

ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª RCOG 2010 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 817
Al-Zirqi et al.

injuries to other organs, and postpartum sepsis may be outcome. Further studies covering a larger sample over a
related to prompt diagnosis and management in hospital longer interval of time are highly recommended.
The significant impact of uterine rupture after TOL on Disclosure of interest
perinatal outcomes was similar to other studies,23,24 reflect- None declared.
ing the serious nature of such ruptures, even in hospital
settings. However, the absolute numbers of serious perina- Contribution to authorship
tal outcomes were relatively low. IA designed the study and wrote the paper. SV and BS
The lack of significant impact of ruptures at prelabour contributed to the study design and drafting, revising it
caesarean section may indicate a shorter duration of fetal critically and approving the final article draft. LF helped in
hypoxia versus ruptures after TOL, a less catastrophic nat- statistical analyses, interpretation of the results and produc-
ure in the absence of strong contractions, or that unneces- ing the tables.
sary delay in delivering the infant was avoided.40
Details of ethics approval
The impact of induction The Regional Ethical Committee for Medical Research, the
Induction of labour, especially with prostaglandins, Norwegian Data Inspectorate and the Norwegian Director-
increased the risk of uterine rupture in this sample as dem- ate of Health approved the study.
onstrated elsewhere.26,33,41–46 Buhimschi et al.46 found that
women induced with prostaglandins were more likely to Funding
rupture at the site of the uterine scar than those induced We would like to thank the Norwegian Foundation for
with oxytocin, suggesting that prostaglandins could induce Health and Rehabilitation and the Norwegian Women’s
local, biochemical modifications that weaken the scar, pre- Public Health Association for funding the study.
disposing to rupture. Amniotomy and other mechanical
methods carried lower risk of rupture than prostaglandin. Acknowledgements
This might reflect the strategy of using prostaglandins for Special thanks are due to Pernille Frese, from the National
an unripe cervix, whereas mechanical methods and oxytocin Resource Centre for Women’s Health in Rikshospitalet for
are used when the cervix is riper, resulting in shorter dura- her help in drawing the figure provided. We are also grate-
tion of induction. According to our protocol of induction, ful to our Consultant colleagues for their great effort in
we were using a relatively higher dose of prostaglandins and compiling the clinical details from case records of mothers
oxytocin compared with other countries with a stricter pro- with uterine ruptures in their respective departments: Dr
tocol.25 The results suggest a need to review our induction Anne Flem Jacobson from Ullevål hospital, Oslo University
protocol. Mechanical methods such as intracervical Foley Hospital, and Dr Per E Børdahl from Haukeland Hospital,
catheter for preinduction ripening might offer safer induc- Bergen. j
tion. 47 Induction, especially with prostaglandins, should be
used with extreme caution among mothers with previous
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Journal club

Discussion points
1. Objective and background: Compare the risks of trial of labour/attempt at vaginal birth after previous caesarean
section with the general risks of repeat caesarean section.
What are the main complications of uterine rupture? How is this different for women undergoing induction of
labour for intrauterine death?
2. Methods: Describe the design of this study and discuss its potential limitations.
The Equator website ( provides links to guidelines that facilitate both the writing and
the critique of scientific studies. Which guideline would be most useful for this study? Review the methods of this
study with reference to the relevant checklist. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of deviating from the
structure described in the checklist.
3. Results and implications: Was there any difference in maternal or perinatal outcome between repeat caesarean and
attempt at vaginal birth (trial of labour)? Which were the other risk factors for adverse outcome? Were there any
‘protective’ factors? Discuss the implications for clinical practice.
How are women with previous uterine scar(s) and latent uterine activity (early labour) managed in your
practice/unit? What are the potential risks according to this study?
The risk of uterine rupture is increased with trial of labour as compared to repeat caesarean section in this study
but is still relatively low. What is your interpretation of the level of risk of rupture and adverse outcomes associated
with induction of labour, especially with prostaglandins? What is your current recommendation for women with an
unfavourable cervix who wish for a vaginal birth? What is the guidance in your unit/country? j
D Siassakos
Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK

820 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª RCOG 2010 BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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