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reisr019 ‘Depth Conversion & Velocty Modeling: VorKz Functions Search ) VotKZ FUNCTIONS FOR VELOCITY MODELS & DEPTH CONVERSION Vo+Kz Functions Anisotropy Velocity Types Velocity & ‘As sedients busied it undergoes compaction, As his compaction inceases with pth so does des ane hence aust vloty Compaction (erduing spec cases, 9, overpressure, ult), Geology alo infveneesveloty, 9, nreosing shale, sand conte ‘oursning sequence, The degree of compaction may change suddenly between tera. fom sandstone to nesta ving "5 to sun changes in Beste impedance and hereore vel beaks on the Soni og. 1 general sole vat tends to show a regular change wh depth ovr an Ite. Aralscal vlc faretans ae use to model this change a vlety Vork2 Funct ‘Anat vloty functions alow us to but out vey moda based onthe velocty ten we Se ong data. The mast common orK2 Functions form assumes velocy varies nea with dt and hence ae defn nthe fom y= Vingt = Vo +z Wher, Vist = nstatancousvlocy, Vo = reference vlc, K's the vlaty grant and 2s doth ‘in sre cases functions are based ona nomtinear,asytas, or power based rend, Fouts Ln canara ene vlcy lg exng 4 velo bess We can mde vlcy ovr ech anal wth 2 stage te Vo and Gradient (k) ty enna 4 veloty ty 1 we oat the lop So hat sarc veloc ion the Y-anis an depth son the Xx, we se tha each Ine dies 2 function inthe fomy = me+ ‘ 4 reisr019 Instantaneous Velocity Interval Velocity Reference Velocity at MSL (Vo) Calculating Depth from Reference Velocity (Vo) ‘ Depth Conversion & Velocty Modeling : VorKz Functions. Depth Where, yis the rstantaneous veloc (Vist) in msec, m= the vlc gradient (0), x = depth (2) nets, andes the veo a surface (¥o) in nse. S, normaly writen as: Vinet = Vo + Kz Inthe time domain ths equations writen Vist = Vo + K (wheres timein seconds) Instantaneous vlc the welocy a» spe point a cepth Z wit a sven ints, Over this ntl Vist changes 98 2 ‘hong in lion to a grade K Te Vo+Kefneiondeserbes haw Vint ries Haecy over the ites Using tis cin we « extenatenstananeaus velo 9 spect depth point within the ite nee Vo ls the nstacancous veloc at za meters Both intaralvelety (Vir) ad rstantaneousvelecy (Vins) describe vlcty vation over an tana they are not the same Tn the agrams above, we extended the fos fo ach nerve 2r0 meters (MSL) hence tis refered to a Vo. Vo can be alot by he formal: 12 / Lexp (K)-31 Were ts OWT in seconds from surface and Vos he Instarcancous vebty 220 matrs ‘As canbe sean fom the ine forintaval CD, this resus na negative Vo elect. To resolve this the reference eloct s commonly token fom the top ofthe ntl to obtain a more meaningful reference veloc (et) The dass cleution relsng depth 20 Vo and tes: Z=(Vo/ K)*[(eKt)-1] Vo reference vlooy at MSL Kisgradient {is OWT in second from surace reisr019 Calculating Vref at the ‘Top of an Interval (sic. Vo from Vint) Calculating Depth {(sopach) When Vo and DeltaT are Used Calculating Vref For a Different Reference Depth (Zref) DISCLAIMER ‘ Depth Conversion & Velocty Modeling : VorKz Functions. For layarcake models tis uation only dscbesthe fst ayer. Subsequent yes are described sing ettaz = (Vraf/ K)* [fe Keel) 2] etaz ste depth ram the tp ofthe teal (et - 2) eta isthe OWT coresponing to dekaz Wes the instantaneous vlocty atte top ofthe nena Fou know xara have tne and dept ales rom the wel you can cle the Vet atthe topo the ayer 3 flows Wret =. deltaz / (@(K. delta) 3) Were, Vers instantaneous veloc atthe op ofthe interval isthe graient ota rterval tikes nom (ez = da it) eta iinteva thickness in OT in seones ‘Sir, you know interval vlcy Vint and want to aku Ve using a known K Yu obtain Data er Detar Vint = detaz / dena (ote this ste same equation as above for inst!) When the Vo is measured fam ssfae (0 mes) you ca cle the depth sing the folowing format 22= [((Vo/K) + 28). (K. delta7) -(Vo/K) Ware, 22 the sth a the bem fhe inten 2. sthe deth of the prevoushoraon deta isthe OWT ove the tern seconds Vo isreference velety at ro meters Kiscradient Following frm Equation 1 above, we obtain Reference Velocity (Ve) or reference depth Ze ta dierent dosh lve Vref = Vi=K* (24 2ret) Where, Ves the instantaneous velocy at 2et et ste reference deta Vi sthe mstantancous vlooty 2 21, Le, t woul be Vie at the top of eur yer Zuo the pth of th topo the ayer Kise gradient Note on a scent caer the vere fn Ine cor eect you ea meer fo yuma lhe pba omaton, Teor od tt ry ara ao ‘care sath an apes geavaec tos gebpeate goed ape eta csc we ray lee ste ers Freee Saha coment oir ‘eur shits cre eta mae writs ty yur Pad wa ne pene, GCN UK) 2 NEA (US. be Wee ee pochininsn nd yar bowangecresenon bs eapies Fs maces a onong ee ree Toe EQ sto omer neue te cons, Tost ete

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