Title.-Clear, Concise, Accurate and Abstract. - Contains A General

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Reading Critically: Things to Notice and Questions to Ask


The Five Basic Questions

Basic Question Component of Research Report Critical Evaluation (Questions to Ask) Action
What Is the Report Title.- clear, concise, accurate and Does the title indicate the important constructs and
About? appealing. relationships in the study?
Abstract.- contains a general Does the abstract provide enough information to make a
statement of the research topic, a brief decision about reading the full report?
Does the abstract suggest the importance of the study?
description of the study design and the
Is the purpose of the study clearly stated, and it is framed within
methods involved, and the most introductory material that makes it easy to understand?
important results obtained. Having read the title, abstract, and statement of purpose, do
Purpose.- clear indication of exactly you find yourself interested in reading the next part of the
why the study was performed. study?

How Does the Study Introduction, Research Purpose, Is the topic of the study introduced in terms of previous
Fit Into What Already and Related Literature.- the investigations?
introduction provides context for the Did the author explain what is known and not known in
is Known? sufficient detail for you to understand how the study fits into the
purpose of the study, a good
present structure of knowledge?
introduction not only accomplishes the
Were decisions about the design and procedures of the study
end of inserting the study into what is explained in terms of what has been found effective or
already known, it also leads you ineffective in previous investigations?
forward toward a discussion of If there have been conflicting findings in the relevant literature,
methods. were they discussed and given consideration in the present
References.- learn if are old or recent, study?
type of journals published the reports Do the references include recent reports from investigators who
being cited, contribute to a judgment have established track records for research in the area?
about the quality of the study.

How Was the Study Method Is there evidence that the subjects were treated with due
Done? Subject.- when humans are studied, considerations for ethical standards?
individuals be described not as generic Is there a clear explanation for why these particular subjects
“subjects” but as particular people – were selected?
Are the selection criteria clearly specified?
adults, males, children, players, etc.
Is the selection process thoroughly explained?
Use the term participant instead of
Has the author explained why the number of subjects is
subject. How many were examined adequate to the procedures and purposes of the study?
also is a vital part of method. How Is the quality of the subject sample high (do most of them
carefully the number of subjects has closely match the selection criteria)?
been considered is of greater Does the author address any limitations produced by selection
importance than its precise size. procedures?

Research Plan or Design.- if the study Did the author name the design and introduce the primary
is quantitative, the primary variables variables and their relationships?
will be named and placed in their Was the general design of the study explained in clear terms?
respective positions. A rationale for Was a rationale given for the selection?
why that particular plan constitutes the Was the subsection dealing with design placed where it was
helpful in understanding the remainder of the report?
best choice from among alternatives.

Instrumentation.- artifacts ( tests, Are all of the instruments used in the study named and
measuring instruments, and protocols described?
for obtaining data) that were used in In each case for which it is appropriate, are validity and
the study. Values for reliability and reliability values provided?
Have researcher-constructed instruments been pilot tested?
validity will be noted. Explain why each
Has a rationale been given for selection when there were other
instrument was selected and that is the
available options?
most accurate means of data collection
How Was the Study Procedures.- explains how the Were you informed of the environmental conditions under which
Done? instruments were used. It is not each instrument was used?
sufficient to know that a questionnaire Does the report indicate the exact protocol to use for each
(Continued) instrument?
was used, even if its validity and
Are you told how data from each instrument were recorded?
reliability are given and a full copy of
Did the author explain the exact manner in which each
the document provided in an appendix.
intervention was applied to each subject?
You need to know how it was used.
Analysis.- describes how the data were
organized and then subjected to

What Was Found? Results

Description of the findings.- should
provide a reflection of the problems,
questions, or hypotheses laid out in the
opening section on the purpose(s) of
the study.
Figures.- use them when significant Does the caption clearly identify the variables displayed?
improvements in clarity and economy Do the legends on the figure clearly identify the scales assigned
(by substantial reduction in text) can to each axis?
be achieved. Used when it is important Does the caption provide essential information about the source
of data at each interval, as well as significant differences or
to draw readers’ attention to general
comparisons and to interaction among Was everything you needed to understand the findings easily
variables. Described by captions that available, or did you have to retreat to the text to retrieve
present the number of the figures as explanatory information?
cited in the main text. A caption must
allow the figure to stand alone.

Tables.- serve for condensing large Does the title clearly identify all the variables or categories of
volumes of raw data into a economical variables displayed in the data field?
space and preserving the precise Do the row and column headings clearly identify the exact
characteristics of those data. Also use nature of the data contained?
If appropriate, is information about sample or treatment group
them when it is more important to the
sizes provided?
reader to know specific numeric values If appropriate, are statistically significant numbers clearly
rather than, for example, to know how marked and referenced in explanatory footnotes?
various values relate to each other or Is the degree of numeric precision no grater than necessary for
to the whole. Their components are: sustaining the meaning of the findings?
title, column headings, row headings, Was everything you needed to understand the table easily
data field, and, in some cases, available, or did, you have to retreat to the text to retrieve
footnotes. explanatory information?

What Do the Results Discussion and Conclusions.- is the Do the conclusions stay within the bounds of the findings, or do
Mean? point at which the author considers all that they range into unsupported speculation?
has happened, decides what has been Are the conclusions presented in such manner that it is easy to
learned, and communicates it to readers. connect them with the purposes of the study and the specific
Researcher matches findings with the research problems that shaped it?
original research purpose, indicates which Does the author help you understand how the results fit into the
aspect of the results is the most important, fund of existing knowledge?
and gives an answer to the ever-present (if Is the author frank and thorough in presenting the limitations to
unspoken) question, “So what?” which the conclusions are subject?
Researchers ought to make a clear In retrospect, it is your sense that the author has made an
statement of what the findings mean to adequate response to the question, “So what?”
them, three points that characterize good
quality discussion and sound conclusions:
1) if there were unanticipated difficulties in
the conduct of the study, 2) effort to place
findings into the wider frame of existing
knowledge, and 3) conclusions must match
the findings.
From: Locke, L. F., Silverman, S. J., and Spirduso. W. W. (1998). Reading and Understanding Research, SAGE Publications, Inc.
C:\Doctorado\Literature Review\Formats and Templates\5 Basic Questions – Template.doc

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