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BOOK TITLE: If I Never Forever Endeavor

This book was about a bird who didn't yet know how to fly.

The bird has to decide if it will try to fly, but it was not sure if it wants to. The bird thought,
"If I never forever endeavor" then I won't ever learn. On one wing, he worries he might fail
and on the other wing he thinks of how he may succeed. He worries that if he tries, he
may get lost in the world. That makes him want to stay in his nest where he's safe.

I think this book would help other children to learn that trying new things can be scary, but
sometimes when we try, we can find things that make us happy too. And this book will
help others know that mistakes are okay and part of learning.

My favorite part is that the bird tried and learned that she could fly. I also liked that I read
this book because it gave me a chance to talk to mom about making mistakes and how I
don't like making them. Then I learned they are good and part of learning.

Boys and girls who are 3 to 8 years old would like this book because it teaches about
trying a new thing and how it's important to get past being scared so you can learn new

I give the book 5 stars since I think it's important for other children to learn about courage.
Seven Types of Paragraph Development
In their pursuit of clear, concise writing, journalism students sometimes develop
the habit of writing everything in short, choppy paragraphs that are unrelated to one
another. Reviewing any good high school writing handbook will remind you that
considerable thought has been given to how longer paragraphs can be developed into
well focused presentations of single units of thought. What follows is an (imaginary) article
invented to illustrate many of the "modes of discourse"--the traditional methods by which
writing is developed. In succession, the following paragraphs are narration, exposition,
definition, classification, description, process analysis, and persuasion. (The process
analysis paragraph has been broken into a bulleted list, in typical "how to" style.) In most
writing, these modes are mixed in natural combinations; for example, narration frequently
includes description. The following paragraphs have been devised in an attempt to
emphasize the characteristics of each mode of writing. The result is somewhat artificial--
you would not normally write an article containing one each of seven types of paragraphs!-
-but I hope it is more memorable than a series of unrelated illustrations.

Around 2 a.m. something woke Charles Hanson up. He lay in the dark listening.
Something felt wrong. Outside, crickets sang, tree-frogs chirruped. Across the distant
forest floated two muffled hoots from a barred owl. It was too quiet. At home in New
Jersey, the nights are filled with the busy, comforting sounds of traffic. You always have
the comforting knowledge that other people are all around you. And light: At home he can
read in bed by the glow of the streetlight. It was too quiet. And much too dark. Even
starlight failed to penetrate the 80-foot canopy of trees the camper was parked beneath.
It was the darkest dark he had ever seen. He felt for the flashlight beside his bunk. It was
gone. He found where his pants were hanging and, as he felt the pockets for a box of
matches, something rustled in the leaves right outside the window, inches from his face.
He heard his wife, Wanda, hold her breath; she was awake, too. Then, whatever, was
outside in the darkness also breathed, and the huge silence of the night seemed to come
inside the camper, stifling them. It was then he decided to pack up and move to a motel.

Comments on narration:
• Normally chronological (though sometimes uses flashbacks)
• A sequential presentation of the events that add up to a story.
• A narrative differs from a mere listing of events. Narration usually contains
characters, a setting, a conflict, and a resolution. Time and place and person are
normally established. In this paragraph, the "story" components are: a protagonist
(Hanson), a setting (the park), a goal (to camp), an obstacle (nature), a climax (his
panic), and a resolution (leaving).
• Specific details always help a story, but so does interpretive language. You don't
just lay the words on the page; you point them in the direction of a story.
• This narrative serves as the opening anecdote that illustrates the topic of the
This family was a victim of a problem they could have avoided-a problem that,
according to Florida park rangers, hundreds of visitors suffer each year. "Several times a
month," ranger Rod Torres of O'Leno State
with the park: The hikers camped next to them loved the wild isolation of it. But it just
wasn't the kind of place the couple from New Jersey had in mind when they decided to
camp out on this trip through Florida. If they had known about the different kinds of parks
in Florida, they might have stayed in a place they loved.

Comments on exposition:
• Exposition is explanatory writing
• Exposition can be an incidental part of a description or a narration, or it can be
the heart of an article
• Aside from clarity, the key problem with exposition is credibility. What makes
your explanation believable? Normally, writers solve this problem by citing
authorities who have good credentials and good reason to be experts in the
• This paragraph also happens to serve as the justifier or "nut graf" for the little
article: the paragraph that, after an indirect opening, specifies the topic of the
article, why it is important, and what is to come.

"Park" is difficult to define in Florida, because there are so many kinds of parks.
Basically, a park is a place to go for outdoor recreation-to swim, picnic, hike, camp, walk
the dog, play tennis, paddle your canoe, and, in some places take rides in miniature trains
or swish down a waterslide. Florida has a rich variety of parks, ranging from acres of RVs
ringed around recreation halls, to impenetrable mangrove wilderness. To make things
more complicated, not all of them are called "parks," and even the ones called "parks"
come in several varieties.

Comments on definition:
• Never define anything by the "according to Webster's" method. Meaning is found
in the world, not in the dictionary. Bring the world into your story and use it to define
your terms.
• Saying what something is NOT can help readers; but make a strong effort to say
what it IS.

O'Leno is a good example of a state park in Florida. Surrounded by the tall, shaded
woods of a beautiful hardwood forest, the Santa Fe River disappears in a large, slowly
swirling, tree-lined pool. After appearing intermittently in scattered sinkholes, the river
rises three miles downstream in a big boil, then continues on to meet the Suwannee and
the sea. Nearby, stands of cypress mirror themselves in the still waters, walls of dense
river swamp rise before you, sudden sinkholes open in the woodlands-rich with cool ferns
and mosses. Farther from the river, expanses of longleaf pinelands stretch across rolling
hills. In the midst of this lovely setting, you find 65 campsites, 18 rustic cabins, and a
pavilion for group meetings. A diving platform marks a good place to swim in the soft, cool
waters of the Santa Fe, and canoeing up this dark river is like traveling backwards in time
in the direction of original Florida.

Comments on description:
• Description is not what you saw, but what readers need to see in order to imagine
the scene, person, object, etc.
• Description requires you to record a series of detailed observations. Be especially
careful to make real observations. The success of a description lies in the
difference between what a reader can imagine and what you actually saw and
recorded; from that gap arises a spark of engagement.
• Use sensory language. Go light on adjectives and adverbs. Look for ways to
describe action. Pay special attention to the sound and rhythm of words; use these
when you can.
• Think that your language is not so much describing a thing as describing a frame
around the thing--a frame so vivid that your reader can pour his or her imagination
into it and "see" the thing--even though you never showed it. Portray. Also evoke
• The key problem in description is to avoid being static or flat. Adopt a strategy
that makes your description into a little story: move from far to near, left to right,
old to new, or, as in this example, down a river, to give your description a natural
flow.Think of description as a little narrative in which the visual characteristics
unfold in a natural, interesting, dramatic order. Think of what pieces readers need,
in what order, to construct a scene. Try making the description a little dramatic
revelation, like watching an actor put on a costume--where you cannot decipher
what the costume means until many of the parts are in place.
• Never tease readers or withhold descriptive detail, unless for some strange
reason that is the nature of your writing. Lay it out. Give your description away as
generously as the world gives away sights. Let it show as transparently as seeing.
• The cognitive difficulty in description is simple: People see all-at-once. But they
read sequentially, one-part-at-the-time, in a series of pieces. Choose the pieces.
Sequence them so they add up. Think: Readers first read this, now this, now this;
what do they need next?
• Remember, you never just describe something: The description is always part of
a larger point. Use the description to make your point, or to move your story along.


Forest and river dominate O'Leno State Park. By contrast, Lloyd Beach State
Recreation Area, near Fort Lauderdale, is dominated by the oily bodies of sun-
worshippers who crowd into it every summer weekend. Where O'Leno gives you so much
quiet you can hear the leaves whispering, Lloyd Beach is a place of boisterous activity.
You can walk a few yards in O'Leno and pass beyond every sign of human civilization.
When you walk at Lloyd Beach, you have to be careful to step over the picnic baskets,
umbrellas, jam boxes, and browning bodies. At night, O'Leno wraps itself with the silence
of crickets and owls. Lloyd Beach is busy with fishermen till well past midnight. If you want
to fish near town, or dive into the busy bustle of an urban beach, Lloyd Beach is the place
to go. But if you want to stand at the edge of civilization and look across time into an older
natural world, O'Leno is the park to visit.

Comments on comparison:
• There is a helpful technique for writing a comparison. If you follow it, your
comparisons will benefit.
• Before writing a comparison, draw up a chart and fill it in, to make certain you
have all the elements necessary to write a comparison. As in the model below, list
the two items being compared, and the criteria by which they will be compared. If
you do not make such a chart, there is a chance you will have a hole in your
o Criteria O'Leno Lloyd Beach o noise quiet noisy
o people solitude available busy crowds
o water resources river to swim and canoe Atlantic beach
o natural features forest beach
o wildlife abundant, forest type fish and seabirds
• Then choose whether to to "down the columns" or "across the rows" in writing
your description. Either describe all of O'Leno and compare it to all of Lloyd Beach
by working "down" columns two and three, or take the first category, "noise" and
compare the two parks in terms of it, then the next category, and so on "across the
• Once you commit to a "down" or "across" strategy, stick with it till the end of the

Process Analysis
[Note: I couldn't think of a way to write the following paragraphs that followed naturally
from the previous material. For the next paragraph, pretend you are reading an article on
how to put up a particular brand of tent.]

When you find the park you are looking for, you will need to make camp. One
person can set up the Family Proof Tent, though it is easier with two, yet almost
impossible with three or more. Here's how: First, clear a 9 by 9 foot area of snags, limbs,
and anything that might pierce the bottom of the tent. Unfold the tent so that the corners
of the waterproof bottom form a square. Peg down the corners of the bottom. Next, snap
together all four external tent-poles (they are held together by shock cords to ake sure
you get the pieces matched up). Place a pole near each of the pegs. Thread each pole
through the two loops leading toward the top of the tent. After you have all four poles in
place, lift one of the poles. While holding the pole up, pull its guyrope tight and peg the
guyrope down, so that the pole is held up by the guyrope and the pegs on opposing sides
of the tent bottom. Lift the pole on the opposite side of the tent in the same way, but this
time, fit it into the upper end of the standing pole before securing its guywire. Assemble
the two remaining tent poles in a similar manner. Finally, unroll the front flap to form an
awning. Prop up the awning with the two remaining poles and secure them with guyropes.
Now you are ready to move in.

Comments on process analysis:

• In describing how a process happens or how to perform a series of actions,
always think of your
readers: can they follow this?
• Analyze the process into a series of steps. Put the steps into sequence.
• Then isolate the steps: number then, use bullets, put them in separate
• Use illustrations keyed to the steps when appropriate: people can often read
diagrams better than they can read lists of steps
• Always ask an outsider to read your process analysis to see if it can be followed.
Once you are close to a subject, it is difficult to know when you have left something


Before you go camping in Florida, plan ahead. Don't wind up in the wilds when you
want to be near Disney World, and don't wind up on a concrete RV pad when you really
want the forest primeval. Find out what parks are available, and what they are like. Get
good information on what to expect, and what your options are. This can make all the
difference in the quality of your vacation.

Comments on persuasion:
• This paragraph is but a small example of the kind of writing used widely in
editorials and columns, and it uses a direct, exhortatory approach: Believe Me and
Do It!
• This persuasive paragraph also serves as the ending to this little article and
brings a sense of closure in the form of, OK, now get up and act!"
• To persuade people to change their minds or take an action, more is needed than
your opinion or sense of conviction. You need to supply them with the information,
analysis, and context they need to form their own opinions, make their own
judgments, and take action.
• Remember: Readers are interested in only one opinion--their own. If you can help
them formulate and deepen that opinion, they will be glad they read your article.
This is a campaign poster on Organ Donor
Frayer Model
The Frayer Model is a graphic organizer for building student vocabulary. This technique
requires students to define target vocabulary and apply their knowledge by generating
examples and non-examples, giving characteristics, and/or drawing a picture to
illustrate the meaning of the word. This information is placed on a chart that is divided
into four sections to provide a visual representation for students.
Definition: Characteristics

A change is size, shape, or state New materials are not formed.

of matter where the composition Same materials are present before
of the substance does not change. and after the change.
Examples: Change Non-examples:

Melting Ice Burning wood

Cutting hair Baking a cake
Dissolving sugar Reacting baking soda with
vinegar (carbon dioxide is
Poem Graphic Organizer for “Jabberwocky”

Poem Fix-Up Options

’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Connect to background knowledge
(text-to-text): “’Twas “means “it was,” as
in the poem “’Twas the Night before
Make an inference: “Brillig” sounds like
the word “brilliant.” Perhaps the events in
the poem take place in the daytime.
Look at sentence structure (BK):
“Slithy” is probably an adjective that
describes the toves.
Make a prediction: The toves are
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: Look at sentence structure (BK):
“Gyre” and “gimble” are verbs.
Make an inference: The wabe is the
place where the toves live.
Read ahead to the end of this verse.
All mimsy were the borogoves, Make inferences: Borogoves and raths
are also creatures that live in the wabe.
“Mimsy” sounds like “whimsy,” which
And the mome raths outgrabe. suggests a pleasant, peaceful scene.
Visualization: Imagine strange animals.
Ask a new question: Are they living
peacefully in a forest?
Inaugural Address of President Manuel L. Quezon, November 15, 1935

Fellow Countrymen:

In the exercise of your constitutional prerogative you have elected me to the presidency
of the Commonwealth. I am profoundly grateful for this new expression of your
confidence, and God helping me, I shall not fail you.

The event which is now taking place in our midst transcends in importance the mere
induction into office of your Chief Executive. We are bringing into being a new nation. We
are seeing the fruition of our age-old striving for liberty. We are witnessing the final stage
in the fulfillment of the noblest undertaking ever attempted by any nation in its dealing
with a subject people. And how well this task has been performed is attested to by the
blessing which from 14 million people goes to America in this solemn hour. President
McKinley’s cherished hope has been fulfilled—the Filipinos look back with gratitude to the
day when Destiny placed their land under the beneficent guidance of the people of the
United States.

It is fitting that high dignitaries of the American Government should attend these
ceremonies. We are thankful to them for their presence here. The President of the United
States, His Excellency, Franklin D. Roosevelt, ever solicitous of our freedom and welfare,
has sent to us, as his personal representative, the Secretary representative, the Secretary
of War, Honorable George H. Dern, whose friendship for our people has proven most
valuable in the past. Vice President Garner, Speaker Byrns, distinguished members of
the Senate with their floor leader, Senator Robinson, and no less distinguished members
of the House of Representatives have traveled ten thousand miles to witness this historic
event. I feel that their presence, the whole American Nation, is here today to rejoice with
us in the fulfillment of America’s pledge generously given that the Filipino people is to
become free and independent. It is my hope that the ties of friendship and affection which
bind the Philippines to America will remain unbroken and grow stronger after the
severance of our political relations with her.

In behalf of the Filipino people, I express deep appreciation to Honorable Frank Murphy,
our last Governor-General, for his just and efficient administration and for the
wholehearted assistance he has rendered us in the difficult task of laying the
constitutional foundation of our new Government.
As we enter the threshold of independent nationhood, let us pause for a moment to pay
tribute to the memory of Rizal and Bonifacio and all the heroes of our sacred cause in
grateful acknowledgment of their patriotic devotion and supreme sacrifice.

Fellow countrymen: The government which we are inaugurating today is only a means to
an end. It is an instrumentality placed in our hands to prepare ourselves fully for the
responsibilities of complete independence. It is essential that this last step be taken with
full consciousness of its significance and the great opportunities that it affords to us.

Under the Commonwealth, our life may not be one of ease and comfort, but rather of
hardship and sacrifice. We shall face the problems which lie in our path, sparing neither
time nor effort in solving them. We shall build a government that will be just, honest,
efficient, and strong so that the foundations of the coming Republic may be firm and
enduring—a government, indeed, that must satisfy not only the passing needs of the hour
but also the exacting demands of the future. We do not have to tear down the existing
institutions in order to give way to a statelier structure. There will be no violent changes
from the established order of things, except such as may be absolutely necessary to carry
into effect the innovations contemplated by the Constitution. A new edifice shall rise, not
out of the ashes of the past, but out of the standing materials of the living present.
Reverence for law as the expression of the popular will is the starting point in a
democracy. The maintenance of peace and public order is the joint obligation of the
government and the citizens. I have an abiding faith in the good sense of the people and
in their respect for law and the constituted authority. Widespread public disorder and
lawlessness may cause the downfall of constitutional government and lead to American
intervention. Even after independence, if we should prove ourselves incapable of
protecting life, liberty, and property of nationals and foreigners, we shall be exposed to
the danger of intervention by foreign powers. No one need have any misgivings as to the
attitude of the Government toward lawless individuals or subversive movements. They
shall be dealt with firmly. Sufficient armed forces will be maintained at all times to quell
and suppress any rebellion against the authority of this Government or the sovereignty of
the United States.

There can be no progress except under the auspices of peace. Without peace and public
order, it will be impossible to promote education, improve the condition of the masses,
protect the poor and ignorant against exploitation, and otherwise insure the enjoyment of
life, liberty, and property. I appeal, therefore, to every Filipino to give the Government his
loyal support so that tranquillity may reign supreme in our beloved land.
Our Constitution established an independent judiciary by providing for security of tenure
and compensation of judges. But independence is not the only objective of a good
judicialy. Equally, if not more important, is its integrity which will depend upon the judicious
selection of its members. The administration of justice cannot be expected to rise higher
than the moral and intellectual standards of the men who dispense it. To bulwark the
fortification of an orderly and just government, it shall be my task to appoint to the bench
only men of proven honesty, character, learning, and ability, so that everyone may feel
when he appears before the courts of justice that he will be protected in his rights, and
that no man in this country from the Chief Executive to the last citizen is above the law.

We are living today amidst the storm and stress of one of the most tragic epochs of
history. Acute unemployment and economic distress threaten the stability of governments
the world over. The very foundations of civilized society are shaken. The common man
alone can save humanity from disaster. It is our duty to prove to him that under a
republican system of government, he can have every opportunity to attain his happiness
and that of his family. Protection to labor, especially to working women and minors, just
regulation of the relations between the labor and capital in industry and agriculture,
solicitous regard on the part of the government for the well-being of the masses are the
means to bring about needed economic and social equilibrium between the component
elements of society.

A government draws the breath of life from its finances, and it must balance its income
and expenditures as any other going business concern if it expects to survive. It is my
duty, then, to see that the Government of the Commonwealth live within its means and
that it stands foursquare on a well-balanced budget.

The larger expenditures which the grave responsibilities ahead of us will entail, including
national defense, must be borne by taxation. So long as we are able to meet those
responsibilities from our present income, we shall not impose new taxes. But we are
among the least taxed people in the world and, therefore, when necessity arises, we
should be willing to accept the burden of increased taxation. Liberty and independence
can be possessed only by those who are ready to pay the price in life or fortune.

To enable us more adequately to meet the new responsibilities of the Commonwealth

and to raise the living conditions of our people, we must increase the wealth of the Nation
by giving greater impetus to economic development, improving our methods of
agriculture, diversifying our crops, creating new industries, and fostering our domestic
and foreign commerce. I trust that the forthcoming trade conference between
representatives of the United States and the Philippines will result in a more just and
beneficial commercial relation between the two countries.

The establishment of an economical, simple, and efficient government; the maintenance

of an independent civil service; the implantation of an adequate system of public
instruction to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience, and
vocational efficiency; the safeguarding of the health and vigor of the race; the
conservation and development of our natural resources—these and other matters of
equal import are touched upon at length in the platform of the Coalition and in my speech
of acceptance of my nomination, and it is unnecessary for me to reiterate my views
regarding them. Having been elected on the virtuality of that platform and the policies
enunciated by me in the course of the presidential campaign, I renew my pledge faithfully
to carry them into execution.

Goodwill towards all nations shall be the golden rule of my administration. The peoples
of the earth are interdependent, and their prosperity and happiness are inseparably linked
with each other. International brotherhood and cooperation are therefore necessary.
Amity and friendship, fairness and square deal in our relations with other nations and their
citizens or subjects, protection in their legitimate investments and pursuits, in return for
their temporary allegiance to our institutions and laws, are the assurances I make on
behalf of the new Government to Americans and foreigners who may desire to live, trade,
and otherwise associate with us in the Philippines.

In the enormous task of fully preparing ourselves for independence, we shall be beset
with serious difficulties, but we will resolutely march forward. I appeal to your patriotism
and summon your nobility of heart so that we may, united in the common endeavor, once
more dedicate ourselves to the realization of our national destiny. I face the future with
hope and fortitude, certain that God never abandons a people who ever follows His
unerring and guiding Hand. May He give me light, strength, and courage evermore that I
may not falter in the hour of service to my people!
Claims of the speech:

1. I want our people to be like a molave tree, strong and resilient, standing on the
hillsides, unafraid of the rising tide, lighting and the storm, confident of its strength
2. Fellow countrymen: “the government which we are inaugurating today is only a
means to an end. It is an instrumentality placed in our hands to prepare ourselves
fully for the responsibilities of complete independence. It is essential that this last
step be taken with full consciousness of its significance and the great opportunities
that it affords to us.”
3. “value your honor as you value your life. Poverty with honor is preferable to wealth
with dishonor.”
4. “there can be no progress except under the auspices of peace. Without peace and
public order, it will be impossible to promote education, improve the condition of
the masses, protect the poor and ignorant against exploitation, and otherwise
insure the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property. “

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