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Present Continous Tense

Rule: Folosim Present Continuous pentru a exprima

o actiune ce are loc in momentul vorbirii
!!!Formam acest timp cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar
TO BE (AM/IS/ARE) si verbul actiunii la care
adaugam terminatia –ING.
e.g. Eu privesc la televizor acum.
I am watching TV now.
Negative Form: AM NOT / IS NOT=ISN’T / ARE NOT=
e. g.I am not watching TV now.
=eu nu privesc la televizor acum.
Interrogative Form: AM/IS/ARE + Subject+ vb-ING?
e.g. Am I watching TV now?=privesc eu la
televizor acum?
 RIGHT NOW=Chiar acum
 AT THE MOMENT= in acest moment
 TODAY=astazi
 TONIGHT=diseara
 THIS ….(week=saptamana/ month=luna /
SCRIERE CORECTA: ING mananca e-ul final al

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