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Khi em viết Stds, khi em viết Sts????

Grade: 11 Name: Nguyễn Thị Lệ, Trần Thị My, Lê Thị Ngân
Class: English Linguistics K17A

B. Speaking
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, stds will be able to :
1. Language focus:
- 1. Knowledge:
- Raise their views (like or dislike) on competitions at school
- Learn structures: it ‘s + adj ; It makes me + adj
- Learn words about competition
- Talk about activities of a competition after observing
2. Skills: Speaking
- talk perfectly about a competition they have taken part in or observed
- use correctly structures: it ‘s + adj ; It makes me + adj (in their opinion…)

3. Attitudes: Stds are eager to speak naturally about competitons

II. Teaching Aids:

Textbook, lesson plan, projector, handout.
III. Teaching method:
Communicative language teaching
IV. Procedures

Time Content Teacher’s activities Students’

I.warm-up -Play game
(5 minutes) +Stds work individual and give
the answer for each question - Conduct the game -play game
+Give correct answer:
1. Olympic
2. Beauty contest
3. Olympia contest
4. English speaking contest
5. Tug of war

II.Before VOCABULARY (em nên tìm vài - Introduce new words - Listen to teacher
speaking bức tranh để giải thích từ vựng and write down
(10 minutes) nhé) new words in
1. Competitions = contest(n): their notebook.
cuộc thi - Ask sts to listen and
Example: He came first in repeat. - Listen and
the chess competition repeat.
2. Annual ( adj) = every year:
hằng năm
Example: Swimming - Ask stds to
competition take place stand up and
annual (sửa lại vd en read the new - Stand up
nhé) words and read
3. Stimulate (v): động viên, - Corect new words
khuyến khích, khuấy động pronunciation - Do
ai/ cái gì mistakes for exercise
Example: English students
speaking contest - Give stds
stimulated interest in the handouts to do
students(sửa lại vd en exercise about
nhé) words
4. Spirit (n): tinh thần
Example: He has a brave
5. Award (v): tặng, thưởng,
Example: She was
awarded a gold medal
6. Judge (n): giám khảo
Example: Judges
announce the winners
7. Representative (n): đại ??????
diện, đại biểu
Example: Our HS làm gì?
representative in the ??????? (gv làm gì?
Worldcup (sửa lại vd en
Task 1: Match these words with
the correct definitions
- Give correct answer:
1. Competition: an
event or contest in
which people
2. Annual: occurring
once every year
3. Stimulate: to
something to grow,
4. Spirit: part of
emotion and
personality; the soul
5. Award: give
something as a prize
to someone
6. Judge: a person
who gave the
competition result
7. Representative:
typical of a class,
group of opinion.

II.While FORM: - Give sts the .- Listen to the

speaking structures and instruction.
(10 minutes) ● It’s + adj ( boring, cheerful, explain its use. - Write
happy…) - Give sts example down the
● It makes me + adj ( intersting, A: What do you structures
yoyful…) think of the Singing
=> These structures are used to contest
express your feelings for the B: I think it’s
competition wonderful. It makes - Work in pairs
Task 2: Students practice me cheerful - Some pairs of
speaking based on this structure - Ask stds to work stds stand up
(bảng) in pairs to do the and make an
task conversation
- Go around the
class to give help
- Call on some stds
to ask and answer
in front of the
- Check sts and give
feed back.
III.Post- Task 3: Talk about a - Students listen
writing competition they have take part to the instruction.
(20 minutes) in based on these questions: - Ask sts work in group
1. What competition/ contest of four to report to their
have you ever seen/ parners.
joined? - Go around observing,
2. When and where did you offering help.
see it? - Call on some students
3. Who participated in it? to report what they have - Work in group
4. Who sponsored/ organized found out. of four to
it? - Correct mistakes and discuss
5. Who won the competition/ gives feedback.
contest? - Ask Sts write a report
6. Did you enjoy it? Why or what you have found out
why not? from 2 partners

- Answer
Quiz game: Working groups the
of 4 to choose the best - Ask stds anwser the questions
answer for each question questions
1. Where was the World Cup - Each correct question
2018 held? will be have a small gift
A. Viet Nam
B. Russia
C. France
D. Germany
2. In which country were the
2008 Olympic held?
A. Germany
C. Italy
D. China

3. How many members in

each team of Speaking
Contest at Tay Nguyen
University 2019?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
4. Who is the Champion in
Vietnam Miss Universe
A. Tran Tieu Vy
B. Le Au Ngan Anh
C. H’Hen Nie
D. Dang Thu Thao
5. Who is the Master of
Ceremonies of the English
Speaking Contest 2019 at
Tay Nguyen University?
A. Miss Ngoc Anh and
Miss Dung
B. Miss Ngoc Anh and
Mr Hughes
C. Miss Dung and Mr
D. Mr Hughes

The correct
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. A
The reward for the game is cake

words and phrases/ Describe a

● Ask stds to:
- Learn by heart new words,
- Review some ways of asking for
an opinion and giving an opinion
- Prepare new lesson.

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