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BNS Form No.

1C-Barangay Situational Analysis



‘Date Prepared: _________________


1. Total Population

2. Total Number of Puroks

3. Estimated Total Number of Households

4. Total Number of household surveyed during Operation Timbang Plus

5. Total Number of households with:

a. Preschool children aged 0-71 months old

b. Infants 0-11 months old

c. Preschool children aged 0-24 months old

d. Preschool children aged 25-71 months old

e. Prechool children aged 0-59 months old

6. Total Number of women who are:

a. Pregnant

b. Lactating

7. Actual Population of Preschoolers 0-71 months old

8. Total number of Preschool weighed and measured during OPT Plus

9. Percent (%) of OPT Plus Coverage

10. Number of prechool children according to weight-for-age status

a. Severely Underweight (SUW)

b. Underweight (UW)

c. Normal (N)

d. Overweight (OW)

11. Number of preschool children according to length/height-for-age status

a. Severely Stunted (Sst)

b. Stunted (St)

c. Normal (N)

d. Tall (T)
11a. Total Number of families with undernourished children

a. Weight-for-age

b. Height/Length-for-age

c. Weight-for-Height/Length

11b. Total Number of families with overnourished children

d. Weight-for-age

e. Height/Length-for-age

f. Weight-for-Height/Length

12. Total Number of Fully Immunized Children (FIC)

13. Total Number of Day Care Centers

14. Number of Elementary Schools:

a. Public

b. Private

15. Total Number of School Children (preschoo and grades 1-6

16. Total Number of School Children weighed and measured at the start of the school year

17. Percent (%) measurement coverage

18. Number Of School Children According To Nutritional Status

a. Thin (W)

b. Normal (N)

c. Overweight (OW)

BNS Form No. 1C-Barangay Situational Analysis



Date Prepared: _________________


19. Number of Households with:

a. Water-sealed Toilet

b. Open Pit
c. Other types, specify:

d. No toilet

20. Number of households getting potable/drinking water from:

a. Piped water system

b. Well

c. Spring

d. Others, specify

21. Number of households with:

a. Vegetable garden

b. Livestock/poultry

c. Fishpond

22. Total number of households using iodized salt

23. Total number of household using iron-fortified Rice

24. Total number of eateries/carinderia

25. Total number of sari-sari stores

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