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Agricultural technology refers to technology for the production of machines used on a farm to help

withfarming. ... People who are trained to designagricultural machinery, equipment, and structures are known
as agricultural engineers.

Agricultural technologies could increase global crop yields up to 67% Increased demand for food due to
population and income growth, and the impacts of climate change on agriculture will ratchet up the pressure
for increased and more sustainable agricultural production to feed the planet.

Agricultural technology refers to technology for the production of machines used on a farm to help
with farming. Agricultural machines have been designed for practically every stage of
the agricultural process.
The Purpose of Technology. In general, when technology attempts to solve problems of matter, energy, space,
or time, it is successful. When it attempts to solve human problems of the mind, communication, ability, etc. it
fails or backfires dangerously.

Agriculture Technology
Modern farms and agricultural operations work far differently than those a few decades ago, primarily
because of advancements in technology, including sensors, devices, machines, and information
technology. Today’s agriculture routinely uses sophisticated technologies such as robots,
temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology. These advanced devices
and precision agriculture and robotic systems allow businesses to be more profitable, efficient, safer,
and more environmentally friendly.


Farmers no longer have to apply water, fertilizers, and pesticides uniformly across entire fields.
Instead, they can use the minimum quantities required and target very specific areas, or even treat
individual plants differently. Benefits include:

 Higher crop productivity

 Decreased use of water, fertilizer, and pesticides,
which in turn keeps food prices down
 Reduced impact on natural ecosystems
 Less runoff of chemicals into rivers and groundwater
 Increased worker safety

In addition, robotic technologies enable more reliable monitoring and management of natural
resources, such as air and water quality. It also gives producers greater control over plant and animal
production, processing, distribution, and storage, which results in:

 Greater efficiencies and lower prices

 Safer growing conditions and safer foods
 Reduced environmental and ecological impact
NIFA advances agricultural technology and ensures that the nation’s agricultural industries are able to
utilize it by supporting:

 Basic research and development in physical

sciences, engineering, and computer sciences
 Development of agricultural devices, sensors, and
 Applied research that assesses how to employ
technologies economically and with minimal
disruption to existing practices
 Assistance and instruction to farmers on how to use
new technologies

Biology is essential in agriculture for interpreting genetics, reproduction of both plants
and animals, how plants and animals grow and what is done to take advantage of that growth to
make them into food (especially in regards to meat animals like chickens, pigs, and cattle),
understanding anatomy, morphology and physiology of plants and animals in respect to using
them for agriculture, and many, many other aspects. Biology is the essence of agriculture because
without it, agriculture couldn't nor cannot be what it is as we know it.

Why is biology important?

Importance of Biology Biology is very important as it strives to tell us about the natural world
around us. Biology can tell us about the physical makeup of our bodies, which enables us to
develop cures and treatments for many diseases. It can also tell us about the bodies of other animals
so we can provide clinical treatments for pets and farm animals. Biology can also tell us about
plants and how they can be beneficial to our bodies. Biology has given us ways to classify different
animals and helps us to understand what they [animals] do to help and hurt our planet. Biology can
help us know more about the organisms in our bodies. It can also tell us why humans and animals
act the way they do. These are just a few reasons why biology is important

What is the importance of biology?

Biology is important because it is a natural science which studies living organisms and how they
interact with each other and their environment. It examines the structure, function, growth, origin,
evolution, and distribution of living things. Also, it classifies and describes organisms, their
functions, and how species come into existence. Four unifying principles form the foundation of
modern biology: cell theory, evolution, genetics and homeostasis. Biology as a separate science
was developed in the nineteenth century as scientists discovered that organisms shared fundamental
characteristics. Biology is now a standard subject of instruction at schools and universities around
the world, and over a million papers are published annually in a wide array of biology and medicine
journals. Most biological sciences are specialized disciplines. Traditionally, they are grouped by the
type of organism being studied: botany, the study of plants; zoology , the study of animals; and
microbiology, the study of microorganisms. The fields within biology are further divided based on
the scale at which organisms are studied and the methods used to study them: . biochemistry
examines the fundamental chemistry of life; . molecular biology studies the complex interactions of
systems of biological molecules; . cellular biology examines the basic building block of all life, the
cell; . physiology examines the physical and chemical functions of the tissues and organ systems of
an organism; and . ecology examines how various organisms and their environment interrelate.

Why is agriculture important?

Without agriculture, there is no culture. Agriculture produces the house you live in, the chair you
sit on, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, and the job where you work. The agricultural
industry directly employs 20 percent of America's workforce, or approximately 21 million people.
That doesn't include waitresses who serve agricultural products, builders who use agricultural
products, store clerks who sell agricultural products, etc. agriculture gives us things we need to live
and survive in the world.

What is the importance of agriculture?

Have you seen the bumper stickers that say, "Farming is everybody's bread and butter" on a truck
or other vehicle? We all have to eat, and it's all about agriculture and what we can do with the land
to maximize the production of nutritious and inexpensive foodstuffs. American farmers have
traditionally been the backbone of our nation because of their ability to produce food. One
American farmer feeds about 98 people these days on average. This is being done on less acres of
land every year. The best of our farm land is being lost to development. We're already seeing rising
energy costs and the diversion of farm output to production of biofuel causing potential food
"shortages" and riots. There is no way to overstate the importance of agriculture. No way. You have
to breathe. You have to drink water, and you have to eat. Everything else falls in line behind that.
Continued food production is the most important activity on earth. Unfortunately, it is often
overlooked, especially in the media and by politicians. Humans have the ability at this time to
provide cheap food to every person on earth. It is only when the importance of farmers and their
products are recognized that this can actually happen.

The 5 main applications of biology in agriculture

1- Pest control
Pest control is one of the primary applications of biology in agriculture. Biological knowledge has
developed a method to suppress or control the population of undesirable insects, other animals or

This is done by introducing, stimulating or artificially raising their natural enemies to economically
unimportant levels.

Among the mechanisms used are natural ones, such as predation, parasitism or herbivory.
In this way, the active manipulation of natural phenomena is placed at the service of human purpose.
This allows us to work in harmony with nature.

2- Creation of plants resistant to pests

Another application of biology in agriculture is the development of plant varieties resistant to pests.

Around the world, unwanted animals are a threat to agricultural crops.

These significantly reduce yield and affect almost every aspect of the plants.

Through conventional breeding, some insect resistant crops have been created.

Recently there have been great advances in biotechnology. For example, resistance to pests and
diseases of crops has increased through genetically modified plants, which implies the reduction of
chemical control of pests.

3- Selective breeding to improve agricultural plants and

Since the 18th century, knowledge about biology has been used to carry out crossings of related

Selective breeding seeks to improve traits such as taste, color, disease resistance and productivity.

At the beginning of the 20th century, genetics began to be used to develop new varieties of plants
and animals.

This has brought important changes in agriculture, especially in the productivity of some crops.

4- Understanding the effects of climate on crops

Biology helps to understand how climate changes affect crops. For example, temperature plays an
important role in the different biological processes that are critical for the development of the plant.

The optimum temperature varies for germination, growth and reproduction. These optimum
temperatures must occur at certain times in the life cycle of the plant; otherwise, the growth and
development of the plant may be affected.

5- Food preservation
Food preservation refers to the processes to stop food spoilage due to microbial action.

Lately the biological methods of food preservation have become increasingly important.

These consist of adding cultures of innocuous microorganisms of high purity to the food. The cultures
have an inhibitory effect on the undesirable decomposition microorganisms
Agricultural Biology
The Agricultural Biology program provides a comprehensive background in the life sciences and allows
students to focus on particular areas relevant to agriculture, such as biotechnology, genetics and evolution,
plant pathology, plant molecular biology and wildlife ecology, through selection of appropriate restricted and
open electives.

Agricultural Biology provides students with the ability to apply scientific principles to
biotechnology, genetics, evolution and wildland ecology including but not limited to wildlife and
conservation biology, toxicology and environmental conditions, and wildlife and domestic animals.
With focus on particular areas relevant to agriculture—such as biotechnology, genetics and evolution,
plant pathology, plant molecular biology and wildlife ecology—you will examine situations that are relevant to
Saskatchewan. Our close associations with government and private research institutions that have
considerable expertise provide opportunities for you to gain practical hands-on experience through student
employment programs.

Agricultural biology is the study of plant and animal life that has been domesticated for production. A variety
of jobs exist in this field, including natural science managers, scientific sales representatives
and agricultural scientists.
This class will cover a broad range of biology topics from animal science, plant science, cellular
science, genetics and ecology. Biology is one of the fundamental processes of life. It is important to
understand how not only we function, but also the environment around us too.It is my intention for you
to leave this class with a greater appreciation of agriculture, biology and give you positive ideas for
careers in the field of agriculture and biology.

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