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Brady Walsh

Public Speaking
Traditions Speech

For the Past couple of years, the Christmas tradition for my family has been roughly the

same. Ever since my mom's parents (my grandparents) moved out to be residents in Florida,

they always come up usually 2 times a year, in the summer and during Christmas. And every

year it seems like they decide to stay less days but as long as there up there for Christmas

that’s all that really matters. So they’ve been coming down for the last couple of years, and i

guess you could call that some sort of tradition now. Another tradition that my family’s held for

quite a while since i was born is that we always go to the same place to get out Christmas tree.

And we’ve always cut down our own tree, not getting them pre-cut. But for this winter break we

usually do the same things but this year for the first year in a couple of years we didn’t host

Christmas. For the past couple of years my family usually hosts my moms side of the family to

come over for Christmas but this year we didn’t. Over the break i spent time with my

grandparents for the week they were here until they went back to Florida. Then on Christmas

Day, i went to my aunts house on my dads side.

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