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Checklist for ISTC 301 Digital Playground


I met the
Expectations for what you should be able
to do in today’s class. Work at the pace
Thoughts: fun? easy to use? Ways to
use in the classroom? Potential applications in
expectation you need to work in order to accomplish
the PTE? Made me laugh? Scared me? Happy
as much as possible.
to do it? Would never use again?
I previewed the different virtual reality apps, This was fun! I scrolled through some options, but
and I selected one to download (if possible on
YES! settled on the New York Times app because I could
your phone).
use it with Google Cardboard.
I looked through the Google Cardboard to see This was fun and easy to use! I downloaded the
YES! the virtual reality scene (either on my phone
New York Times app on my phone and watched a
or someone else’s).
virtual reality video about Abraham Lincoln and
the civil war! It was really interesting, and it
definitely capture my attention more as I was
more involved in the process of capturing and
viewing the information being presented to me. I
would definitely use it again!
I went to the Skype in Education website and This was very informative, as I learned how to
YES! talked with others about how to use virtual
use virtual field trips and guest speakers in my
field trips/guest speakers in the classroom.
future classroom! I was a bit nervous about
collaborating with strangers, but all in all, it was
worth it!

YES! I drew an object on the white board. This was fun and easy to do!
YES! I erased an object on the white board. This was fun and easy to do!
YES! I created a Thinglink This was very interesting to be introduced to and
I look forward to applying it into my teaching in
the future. It was sort of overwhelming as I first
started to browse the website, as there are so
many options and different potential applications
of the options that Thinglink provides.
YES! I tried out Scratch. Scratch was fun and very cute! I can definitely
see myself using it in my future classroom to
help facilitate my student’s comfortability and
willingness to write or make their own stories.
YES! I made Dash & Dot do something! This was fun and challenging! I was very invested
in succeeding in this task, as it was not an easy
one. It was also interesting to see the different
apps available that correspond to the Dash & Dot.
I navigated through Tinkercad and Thingiverse This was fun to think about, but hard to envision
YES! and thought about ways in which students
in my future classroom as I am not very familiar
could use 3D printing in the classroom.
or very comfortable with coding myself. It sort
of scared me, but I was glad to explore it!
I downloaded Plickers on my phone (if This was fun and compelling! I had hardly heard of
YES! possible), created a practice question, and
Plickers before this class, so actually trying it for
scanned others for a response.
myself was pretty cool!
NO! I created a Multicolored Square w/turtle This was very challenging, and I honestly was
frustrated with it. I could not really understand
how to work the program, no matter how hard I
tried to.
YES! Took note of and played with an iPad app I used the Notes app on the iPad to see how many
(which one?)
ways I could take notes. It was really interesting
to use, as I have the app on my phone and don’t
really use it. It is definitely underestimated!
Created a QR Code about an item outside This was fun and easy to do! I love how easy it is
YES! (think plants/trees/shapes/math/English
to scan QR codes on Snapchat!

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