Giving Health Promotion

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1. Pre Interaction phase:

- Collect the client data
- Read the client’s status
Name : Rahma
Age :25 years old
Sex : Female
- Explore your feeling, fear, and competency
- Make a plan to interact with client

2. Orientation phase:
Greet and smile to the client
Nurse : Good morning Ms Rahma
Client : Good morning nurse

Introduce your self

Nurse : I would like to introduce my self, My name is Banu, I am a nursing student at
Health Polytechnic of Yogyakarta.

Ask the client would be like to be called

Nurse : How can I address you ?
Client : Ms. Rahma, please

Explain the responsibility of the nurse and the client

Nurse : Ok Ms. Rahma, I practice in this ward to take care of you, I hope you could
cooperate so that you could be health again as before.

Explain the role of the nurse and the client

Nurse : Here I work with other health profession such as pharmacists, doctors,
nutritionists etc. you may ask about the treatments you get especially for
those you don't understand.
Client : Thank you ners.

Explain the activity that will be conducted: health teaching

Nurse : Today I will discuss you about dehydration that you got.

Explain the purpose of health teaching

Nurse : It is important to do so that after the treatment in the hospital, you could
prevent dehydration at home.
Explain about the time to do health teaching
Nurse : It will take about 10 minutes. It is okay?
Client : It’s okay

Explain about the confidentiality

Nurse : I will keep the confidentiality of some parts of this discussion if you feel un
comfortable, so would you please not hestitate to express your feeling or
Client :Thank you nurse.

3. Working phase
Give a chance to your client to ask
Nurse : Is there anything you want to ask or to do before we start ?
Client : Not,now.

Start the health teaching in a good way

Nurse : Could we start right now Ms. Rahma?
Client : Yes please.

Do the health teaching

a. assess the client’s knowledge about the disease
Nurse : Ms. Rahma, have you ever heard dehydration before ?
Client : Yes I am.
Nurse : What do you know about dehydration?
Do you know the causes, sign and how to prevent the dehydration?
Client : Sorry I don’t know exactly.

b. explain the necessary things

Nurse : Okay, I will explan you about the dehydration. Dehydration happens
when your body liquid needed doesn’t fulfild. As we know 70 % of human
body is composed of liquid. Human organs such as the brain, heart, lungs,
and blood mostly contain water. So without enough water, your body can’t
work properly.
Dehydration divide into mild, moderate, or severe dehydration
depending on how much fluid is missing from your body. It’s normal to lose
water from your body every day by sweating, breathing, peeing, and
pooping. You can lose more water than usual with a fever, diarrhea, or
vomiting. Signs of dehydration include are thirst, dry or sticky mouth, dark
yellow pee, headache, muscle cramps, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing.
So its really important for you to fulfild your body liquid needed to
prevent you from dehydration again. You should drink for about 8 glass or
equal 2 liters water every day. Its better for you to drink it when you
stomach is empty so it can absorbed optimaly by the intestines.

c. give a chance to the client to ask

Nurse : Is there anything that you still don’t understand ?
Client : I think it’s clear enough.

d. ask the client to explain what you have already explained

Nurse : Ms. Rahma could you explain what we have already discussed, please?
Client : Ofcourse, Dehydration happens when your body doesn’t have as much
water as it needs.The way to prevent from dehydration is fulfild body liquid
needed by consuming 2 liters water every day. Its better to drink it when our
stomach is empty. Am I right?

4. Termination phase
Make a conclusion from the health education’s result
Nurse : Yes, Thats great. Ms. Rahma, from the discussion I can make a conclusion
that you have already known about dehydration.
Client : Thanks nurse.

Give positive reinforcement

Nurse : You were so active while we were discussing.
Client : My pleasure.

Make a next plan for the client

Nurse : Ms. Rahma I will write the result of this discussion on your status, Thanks for
your attention.
Client : Your welcome.
Nurse : Good by now and see you later.

Response Dimension
- face to face
- eye contact
- smile in the right time

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