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Do you know what a hovercraft is? A hovercraft could e.

g can
either be a low flying plane with no wings or a ship that ride a) ________
b) ________
out of water. It was inventing by Sir Christopher Cockerel in
c) ________
1955. The first works model was used 4 years later. A d) ________
e) ________
hovercraft is much faster than a ship. It have a unique ways
f) ________
of eliminating the drag caused by boats travelling by water. A g) ________
h) ________
hovercraft glide on a cushion of air produces by downward-
i) ________
pointed fans. An air is held by a skirt or sidewall around the j) ________
hovercraft. A hovercraft can carries a much larger load than a
plane. It could carry dozens of cars and about 400 passengers
at a time. Moreover, it did not need harbours or runways to


Once there living a blind man in a small town. He e.g. lived

always carry a lighted lamp in his hand whenever he went a) ________
b) ________
out over night.
c) ________
On one dark night he was go with his lighted lamp in d) ________
e) ________
his hand. A group of mans were passing that way. They saw
f) ________
the blind man and make fun of him. They said," O Blind man
g) ________
why do you carrying the lighted lamp. You are blind and
h) ________
cannot see anything? i) ________
j) ________
The blind men polite said, "This lamp is not for me,
but for you people who have eye. You may not see a blind
man coming and push him”. They felt ashamedly and begged
for his pardon. They have learned them lesson well.

Once a king arranged an feast. He was fond of fish. Fish e.g. a

are not available. A fisherman brought a fish. The gatekeeper a) ________
b) ________
stopped him in the gate. The gatekeeper said. "I can
c) ________
allowed you if you give me half of whatever you get". d) ________
e) ________
The fisherman agreed. The king were very happy to get
f) ________
the fish. He asked the prize of the fish. The fisherman replied, g) ________
h) ________
"One hundred lash on my bare back". The king was shocked.
i) ________
But he ordered by it. j) ________
When the fisherman had got fifty lashes, he cries, "Stop,
I have an partner in this business. Half of the profit will go to
him. It is the gatekeeper". The king understands the story.
The gatekeeper got fifty lashes on his bare back. He was
dismissed. The fisherman got a good reward.


There were an old farmer who lived in a village. He had four e.g. was
sons, who were lazy and idle. They often quarrel among a) ________
b) ________
themselves. The old man were very much annoyed with it.
c) ________
So he called he four sons and told them that since his end d) ________
e) ________
was near, he wanted to teach they a lesson. So he told them that
since his end was near, he wanting to give them a useful piece of f) ________
g) ________
advice. He sent for a bundle of sticks, it was brought. He asked all
h) ________
his sons turn by turn to break the bundle of the sticks. All tries i) ________
j) ________
hard, but none of them was able to breaking the bundle.
Then he asked one of they to untie the-bundle. This was also
done immediately. Then him asked each of them to break the
sticks individually. Now each one succeed in doing so.
The old farmer then said to them, "If you live together in peace,
none can harm you. But if you are divided, you will lose.

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