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Is Human Population Growing Exponentially?

When we are talking about population, we are talking about the number of people, or living
thing that is inhabiting a city, a country or a specific area. In this case we are talking about
the human population. Human population has changed a lot from the last generations, one
example could be the amount of kids that people had in the past. Our ancestors had like 7 or
more sons because in that period of time people did not care sexually, so that was the main
reason for people to have sons in quantity. Now in days people do not have sons
abundantly, but nevertheless, is human population growing exponentially?

On one hand Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) statistics say that in average a person is
borned every 0, 25 seconds. In one year are borned 131.4 million of people and 55.3
million of people die each year. I think that people is growing exponentially, because
human population is almost being duplicated based on this data. In my opinion this is bad
for the world or not bad, although this is not good at all for the world for the reason that is
different to have the water supply for 100 people than for 200 people. It seems to me that if
human population continues growing in that way it would be more difficult to have the
necessary supplies like the water how I said before. For instance, if a country with
economic problems starts to reproduce its population exponentially, for a long time, how
could they distribute its necessary supplies for everyone? I think that for another period of
time they will have to do something to survive altogether like reducing the amount or the
quantity of things or probably that could cause a critic situation in the country.

Moreover, in the world there is a country that passed or is passing by a critic situation due
to its large population; this country is China which has one fifth of the universal population
with 1,357 thousand of million people. On 1978 Republic of China took a drastic choice
which was that only a pair could have one son, that choice was to reduce the large
population that they had but this “law” lasted until final of 2015 specifically in October,
2015. I would say that population will continue growing; furthermore the average of having
sons (per woman) is 2,5 between 1960 and 2012. Something that could change is the
number of sons (per woman) this is relative because in ancient times people had a lot of
kids and that average was decreasing, that means that now the average could decrease due
to the economic situation of the families or due to other important facts. It depends by each

To sum up, now people have less sons than before. I can deduce that from Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) statistics every 2 people are borned one is dying so now people
is being duplicated. China is one the countries leading (the countries with more population
in the world) so they needed to implement the law of “One Child Policy” to reduce the
number of population. I conclude that the population will grow approximately 50 years
more and then it will decrease the average of (sons per woman) because of the generations
that will come.





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