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[Fecha] Universidad

Proyecto aula

karla Yensuni Torres Torres

Jonathan Iván Torres Alafita
Gustavo Abraham Cruz Martínez
Interviewers: Good afternoon!
Interviewed: Good afternoon!
Is: Thank you for this interview, let´s start!
Gustavo: What´s your name?
Eike: My name is Eike Fuhrken.
Karla: What´s your last name?
Eike: My last name is Batista Da Silva.
Gustavo: How old are you?
Eike: I am59 years old.
Karla: When is your birthday?
Eike: My birthday is on 3rd of november.
Gustavo: Where are you from?
Eike: I´m from Brazil.
Karla: What´s Brazil like?
Eike: It´s very beautiful, sunny, quiet and has beautiful beaches.
Gustavo: What´s your favorite season of Brazil?
Eike: It´s spring.
Karla: What do you do?
Eike: I´m businessman and president of group EBX.
Gustavo: Where do you work?
Eike: I work for grupo EBX.
Karla: What is group EBX?
Eike: It´s group of companies related to the sectors of mining, energy,
renewable energy and entertainment.
Gustavo: Do you like your job?
Eike: Yes, I do.
Karla: Why do you like your job?
Eike: I like my job because represents the development of energy for
Gustavo: What do you every week?
Eike: Well, I go to office from Monday to Friday, in Wednesday i
supervise of development of constructions in all country and on
weekends i like to go to the lake for competitions of sport boats.
Karla: What´s your Schedule like?
Eike: I get up at 7 A.M., I go for a run at 7:30 A.M. and then i have my
breakfast at 8:15 A.M. and i start mi work at 9:00 A.M.
I take mu lunch at 2:00 P.M. then back to my office to leave at 8:00 P.M.
Gustavo: Are you married?
Eike: I am divorced.
Karla: Do you have any children?
Eike: Yes, I have two children.
Gustavo: What are their names?
Eike: Their ames are Thir and Olin.
Karla: Where do you live?
Eike: I live in Rio de Janeiro.
Gustavo: Do you live in a house or aparment?
Eike: I live in an aparment.
Karla: What do you do in your free time?
Eike: In my free time I like run, swin and racing speedboats.
Gustavo: What are your hobbies?
Eike: My hobbies are read and dance.
Karla: What kind of music do you like?
Eike: I like classic music.
Gustavo: What kind of movies do you like?
Eike: I like action and fiction movies.
Karla: What do you like to read?
Eike: I like to read poetry.
Gustavo: What do you like to wear?
Eike: I like wear suit for my job and for my free days i like to wear casual
clothes with T-shirt, shorts and sandals.
Karla: And finally describe your personality and appereance.
Eike: My personality is quiet, careful, friendly, funny and smart.
And appereance I tall and slim, with brown eyes and short straight dark
Interviewers: Well, thank you for this interview!
Eike: Your welcome!

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