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Norbert Bartelme
Geographic In 6. Geographic Information Systems

6.1 Architecture of a GIS ............................. 1

Before addressing the diverse functionalities that
6.1.1 Information and Data ................... 1
can be found in a geographic information sys-
6.1.2 Geographic (Geospatial)
tems (GIS) of today, a definition of a geographic
Information................................. 3
information system, its purpose and its general 6.1.3 Geographic Information System
architecture shall be given. The different forms (GIS) Definitions ........................... 3
of GIS that are found in today’s ever expanding 6.1.4 Classical GIS
range of information technology tools will there- and Recent Modifications .............. 4
fore be discussed in section 2. The core of each GIS
is constituted by analysis functions. They are the 6.2 GIS Functionality .................................. 5
6.2.1 Categories ................................... 5
reason why a GIS is created in the first place. The
6.2.2 Data Capture Functions ................. 6
last section in this chapter (Sect. 6.2) contains a list
6.2.3 Update Functions ......................... 8
of the most common GIS functionality categories.
6.2.4 Structuring Functions.................... 9
A few typical examples of such analysis functions 6.2.5 Transformation Functions.............. 11
are described in more detail, so as to explain what 6.2.6 Storage, Checking, Archiving
geographic information (GI) is all about and how and Data Transfer Functions .......... 12
its digital form can be utilized to solve problems of 6.2.7 Data Request
geospatial nature efficiently, to gain insight into and Retrieval Functions ................ 14
the processes of geospatial nature that influence 6.2.8 Analysis Functions ........................ 16
many aspects of our life and to arrive at decisions 6.2.9 Design and Presentation Functions 28
that are sound, explainable and repeatable.
References .................................................. 30

Part A 6
6.1 Architecture of a GIS
6.1.1 Information and Data tion with – and sometimes identical to – digital data that
are becoming ubiquitous in today’s world. The Internet,
Before it is possible to provide a definition for a ge- for example, can be seen as an ever expanding resource
ographic information system (GIS) or, using a term of digital data, much of which is geographical data.
that has become increasingly popular, a geospatial From this pool of data, we seek to retrieve information
information system, we must first clarify what infor- that will answer the questions or satisfy the criteria that
mation means in the sense of information technology made us search. The crucial difference between data and
(IT) and how and to which degree it specializes into information is already visible. Any source on the Inter-
geographic/geospatial information. Basics for this dis- net, any database can only contain digital data – much
cussion can be found in the introductory chapter of of which is geographic data. Information results in our
this book, where modeling and encoding are dealt with brains, when we interpret the data for the sake of our
in detail and with the broad spectrum of information questions or problems to be solved. The Latin root of the
technology, therefore being also relevant for geographic word is informare which literally means to give a form
information technology (Chaps. 1, 3). The reader may or shape and this is usually extended into to give a form
wonder why we lay such importance on the definition of to the mind as in education, instruction, or training. In
the term information, since it is used widely in connec- contrast to data, information can be seen as an answer
2 Part A

to a question (even if it has only been implicitly posed) crucial for information technology, for any information
that heightens the level of understanding of the inquirers system and therefore also for geographic/geospatial in-
or makes them capable of reaching a goal. formation technology being implemented in GIS or –
Figure 6.1 illustrates data being pixels or points, in a web-enabled environment – in GIS services. One
lines, areas, from which we retrieve the information that of the things that information systems have to do is
these data describe part of a city, with streets, a river and the transport of information from system A to system
other topographic landmarks. If we utilize a web tool for B or from user C to user D, yet all that can really be
route planning, wanting to go from A-street to B-square, done is a transport of data (Fig. 6.2). This means that
such services usually answer with maps and textual de- information in the sending system has to be decom-
scriptions of the recommended route. Examples for data posed into chunks of data that can be – and must be
are the characters in a string of such a text, or para- - transported to the receiving system, where it can be
graphs, or the whole text. Data can also be individual reconstructed into information. The last and most rel-
pixels, or chunks of pixels, or a rectangular array of pix- evant reconstruction step has to be taken by the user
els constituting the map. Information is what we retrieve sitting in front of the screen and reading and interpret-
from the text, its meaning for us included, the recom- ing text or a map. It is clear that this process going
mended roads, turns, routes. Information is also what in reverse directions both on the sending and on the
we see on the map image. Our eyes register pixels (data) receiving end can only in theory result into equiva-
but our mind registers the best route (information). lent information contents on both sides. In all practical
A third and still higher level on top of data and infor- cases, an information loss has to be taken into consid-
mation would be knowledge. It is a concept that extends eration. The more elaborate an information construct
the information concept into comparing, remembering, is, the greater is the danger of information loss. In-
learning. If one recognizes the city shown in Fig. 6.1, formation that is highly interconnected in a network,
one has crossed from information to knowledge. Also, information that is highly structured, information car-
in the routing example just given, a knowledge engineer rying strong application-dependent semantics will be
would combine the collective memory of typical route especially vulnerable in such a sequential stream of ba-
users, like taxi drivers, and use their experience which is sic data entities. One of the most relevant consequences
sometimes difficult to model, about typical recommen- for the design of any information system is therefore the
dations for day times, seasons, or vehicle types to arrive necessity of laying much importance on the ways users
at a complex knowledge system that becomes smarter are being assisted when performing this reconstruction
with every usage. Knowledge is dealt with in the first of data into information they need. Of course, data may
chapter of this book (Chap. 5). also show a structure, for example a sequence of value
Returning to the difference and the blending be- pairs carrying some common attributes. Reading the at-
tween data and information, we arrive at a point that is tribute values River and Danube and noting that the
Part A 6.1

value pairs are given by real numbers, we interpret this

data as the river Danube. Likewise, a linear concatena-
tion of blue pixels on the screen may spawn the same
interpretation, leading us from data to information.

System A System B
Information Information

Decomposition Decomposition

Data Data

Fig. 6.1 Data and information Fig. 6.2 Transfer of data and (implicitly) of information
Geographic Information Systems 6.1 Architecture of a GIS 3

To sum up, the difference between information and more straight-forward a geospatial interpretation is, the
data relevant for GIS is characterized as follows. clearer the modeling of the geometric and topological
properties of such an information will be. For land use
• Data is what is stored and transported, like strings
and cadastre, well-known geometric entities exist, and
of characters or pixels or defined structures thereof.
this is also the case for roads and intersections in traf-
• Information is a result of the interpretation when
fic and transport. Yet the geospatial extent of a dialect in
visualizing or analyzing data.
linguistic GIS applications requires a different approach
since this extent is fuzzy.
6.1.2 Geographic (Geospatial) Information To sum up, geographic (or geospatial) information
is characterized as follows.
Having clarified the concepts and differences of data
and information, we can proceed to geographic(al)
• Location, extent, coverage is an aspect of prime im-
portance for such information.
information, or geo-information, or geospatial infor-
mation. The term geo-information is mostly used in
• However, geometrical concepts may – depending on
the application – be concise or fuzzy.
German-speaking countries. Geospatial is a term that
successfully tries to bridge the gap between geograph-
ical information in the strict sense like, for example, 6.1.3 Geographic Information System (GIS)
digital terrains and spatial information like, for exam- Definitions
ple, a model for a 3-D structure, a building or a bridge.
In a widened perspective, this term denotes not only Let us now cite some definitions for the essence of
things that exist (or things that are being planned) on a GIS. There are scores of definitions to draw from.
some location of the Earth’s surface, but also events like We prefer some of the older definitions, because they
traffic congestions, floods, and yes, also events in every- pertain to the still existing traditional GIS (in contrast
day language, like an open air festival. For the rest of to newer paradigms like geospatial web services). The
this chapter and for the sake of simplicity, let us assume references to older publications are in the literature
that the terms mentioned are all synonyms. All these appendix of this chapter followed by more recent pub-
examples share one basic aspect: they exist or happen lications of the mentioned authors. Also, the choice of
somewhere on the Earth’s surface, they have a spatial definitions used here reflects the fact that each of the
extent, in many cases they also have a temporal aspect, following citations carries a flavor that distinguishes it
a position in time and a temporal extent. We can there- to some extent from the other definitions.
fore speak of a 4-D continuum (three spatial dimensions
and one temporal dimension) that characterizes geo- • It serves for capturing, storing, analysis and visu-
graphic data and geographic/geospatial information. alization of data that describe a part of the Earth’s

Part A 6.1
At this point of the discussion, we may stop and surface, the technical and administrative entities as
think what types of information are nonspatial or non- well as findings of geocience, of economics and eco-
geographic in the sense that they are independent of logical applications [6.1, 2].
where and when they are relevant. Strictly speaking, • It is an information system with a database of ob-
there is hardly any such information that is totally void servables of spatially distributed objects, activities
of any geospatial context. This context may not always or events, which can be described by points, lines,
appear in the model of such information, but it is inher- or surfaces [6.3].
ently there. In cases of land use, traffic and transport, • It is a comprehensive collection of tools for
climate, agriculture, economics, the spatial aspect is ev- capturing, storing, retrieval, transformation and vi-
ident and in many cases also modeled. In other cases sualization of spatial data of the real world for
like linguistics, philosophy, literature it may be less ev- special applications [6.4].
ident and it is seldom modeled. At the end of the range • It is an information system containing all spatial
are laws of mathematics, physics, chemistry which are data of the atmosphere, the Earth’s surface and the
almost independent of the location where their valid- lithosphere, allowing the systematic capture, up-
ity is tested. This seemingly philosophical discussion date, manipulation and analysis of such data, based
about the extent of geospatially relevant application do- on a standardized reference frame [6.5].
mains has – high-end as it seems at first thought – some • It is a system for decision support which integrates
very practical consequences on the design of a GIS. The spatial data in a problem solving environment [6.6].
4 Part A

Further definitions of GIS may be found in [6.7]. themselves for more than one purpose. This is also ad-
Depending on the point of view, a GIS can be seen as visable for reasons of practicality, efficiency and cost.
The functions will depend more heavily on the applica-
• A collection of spatial data plus the corresponding
tion that is envisioned. Typically, a GIS offers functions
functions for storage and retrieval
for storage and retrieval, for query, visualization, trans-
• A collection of algorithmic and functional tools
formation, geometrical and thematic analysis and more
• A set of hardware and software components needed
(see also the next section for more details.) Even if
for the handling of geospatial data
these functions are more or less available in every GIS,
• A special type of information technology
their specific form depends to a large extent on the
• A goldmine for answers to geospatial questions
application. As an example, visualizing in a cadastral
• A model of spatial relationships and spatial recon-
application will have prerequisites that are quite differ-
ent from visualizing a 3-D city model. The same holds
also for the other types of functions.
6.1.4 Classical GIS and Recent Modifications The traditional setup of a GIS has been modified in
several ways, due to the arrival of new technologies and
In the classical sense, an information system consists new concepts. The arrival of the Internet, of web-based
of a database representing the inner core of the system service approaches, tools, applications has greatly in-
and being managed by a database management sys- fluenced and modified the whole IT arena. The second
tem (DBMS) and of an outer shell of tools that can boost has been initiated by mobile technology and the
be utilized by the user for manipulating and analyz- miniaturizing of hardware components. Therefore also
ing this data (Fig. 6.3). This definition, taken from [6.8], the paradigms of GIS have changed and the architecture
is one of the earliest and best-known. Chapter 4 is de- of a GIS nowadays is quite different from what it was
voted to databases. The reader is invited to check further a few years ago (Fig. 6.4). Data are no longer restricted
details there. Here, we concentrate on the impact of to the user’s primary domain of interest and control, but
databases on GIS. Taking the definition just given, tra- they can in principle be imported from everywhere, any-
ditional GIS conform to this concept. While in the early time, and in principle on any device. Often, a normal
years of GIS technology the database usually followed browser can perform GIS tasks, even if this is nowa-
a standard relational database approach, this concept days restricted to simple GIS functions like displaying,
has in the sequel been expanded to an object-relational zooming, panning.
database management system (ORDBMS) to enable We talk about ubiquitous geographic/geospatial in-
geospatial data types and geospatial predicates, as well formation and this means the universal availability of
as the means to deal with the ever-growing volume of geographic information as we see it on mobile de-
geospatial data collections by supplying methods for vices like cell phones where maps, satellite images,
Part A 6.1

organizing, searching and retrieving large datasets. positioning and routing services and even 3-D simu-
There is no such thing as a general-purpose in- lations gain an ever larger segment of the consumer
formation system. Data are abstractions of reality. An market. (For location-based services on mobile de-
abstraction process can lead to different results, de- vices Chap. 28, for ubiquitous geographic information
pending on the view of the abstractor. Therefore, each Chap. 32 in this book.) Also, in contrast to earlier times
information system is application-dependent. The de- when a GIS consisted of a well-balanced combination
gree of dependence varies for the different components of hardware, software and data components, today the
of an information system. The data will often lend border lines between the functionality of an ordinary

GIS Client Layer Viewer Mobile Desktop Browser

(Web Server)
Application 1 Database
(Functions) Application Layer Application 1 Application 2
(Data/Map Server)
Application 2 (DBMS) Data
... Data Layer Database Maps

Fig. 6.3 GIS in the classical sense Fig. 6.4 GIS in a client-server architecture
Geographic Information Systems 6.2 GIS Functionality 5

Internet browser and a GIS functionality is often fuzzy. in the previous paragraphs. Object-relational database
Likewise, contents are displayed that may, via web ser- management systems relieve the outer shell of many
vices like web map services (WMS), be composed on typical definitions of data types as they are needed in
the fly, coming from different sources but having the ap- geospatial applications, as well as many typical oper-
pearance of a combined dataset, whereas in many cases ations that conform to such data types. They still are
the data itself are not transported, rather they are on-the- based on the relational concept of tables though, with
fly visualized. The data remain at their various home rows (for the objects) and columns (for the attributes
localities, which is an asset as far as currency and lack of such objects). In addition to the pure relational ele-
of redundancy is concerned. ments of a table, a geometry column comes into effect
The question whether a cell phone can be seen as which takes care of the geospatial aspects mentioned.
a GIS is a rather theoretical one and certainly does not Object-oriented databases go one decisive step further.
interest the general public. However, these new devel- They are no longer based on relational tables. Instead,
opments have opened new user segments. They do not object classes take over the role of principle building
replace the traditional GIS users in the domains of pub- blocks, adhering to principles of data abstraction, en-
lic administration, of utility companies, of communities capsulation, modularity, polymorphism and inheritance.
in the diverse domains of science that are deeply rooted Object-oriented GIS have up to this point gained no
in models of geospatial nature. Yet the new web-based wide acceptance in the arena of GIS products, how-
and mobile amenities have become important additions ever they carry a big promise since GIS – in contrast to
to the core elements of GIS technology, especially since many other information technology domains – are being
they lend themselves to a more user-friendly handling characterized by structures that are often more compli-
which is less dependent on office hours and strict work cated and less unified. As an example let us look at the
protocols. To be able to work from home, to perform way a building as an object can be constructed of many
part of the job requirements in different places, to in- different components (base area, walls, roof) that can
tegrate via web services the strengths of other experts, again be decomposed into still simpler objects. Each
of other systems, this greatly enhances the value of ge- level of this decomposition can be seen as a different
ographic information and the associated technology as object class. In contrast to this GIS domain, the books
a whole. in a library constitute a rather flat structure with compo-
Another change to the concept of a GIS, less spec- nents that are uniform. An information system dealing
tacular than the web-based and mobile aspects, but still with entities from this domain lends itself more easily
very important, was introduced with object-oriented to a strictly relational database management approach.
modeling and the corresponding methods in program- To sum up, the modifications that have in recent
ming and database structures. Object-oriented methods years been transforming a classical GIS into newer
have bridged the gap between data and functions by forms of geospatial analysis tools are as follows.

Part A 6.2
the definition phase and prior to the insertion of data.
Also, for each class of objects the appropriate func- • Web-based and service-oriented approaches have
tions are defined. Object-oriented methods have bridged led to a client-server architecture.
the gap between data and functions. For each class • Mobile technology brings ubiquitous GIS to hand-
of objects an individual and particularly suitable func- held devices, opening a whole new market.
tion may be defined in order to serve for data capture, • Object-oriented concepts partly have entered via
storage and retrieval. This relieves the burden on the object-relational databases.
functional shell that is built around the core database. • Traditional GIS use benefits also from mobile and
One step in this direction has already been explained service-oriented technology.

6.2 GIS Functionality

6.2.1 Categories many functions interact with each other in a manner that
rather corresponds to a network than to a sequential list.
The list of GIS functionality categories can be arranged However, a list describes a way of ordering chunks of
in many ways. There is no ideal arrangement since we any matter that is easy to grasp for our minds. Our list,
eventually have to arrive at a sequential setup, whereas being simple, follows the life cycle of data from their

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