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School of Distance Education


Study Material

III Sem BSc Mathematics

Core Course

Calculus and Analytic Geometry

2014 Admission
Prepared by:

Module I: Mohamed Nishad Maniparambath

Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics
Farook College, Kozhikkode
Module II: Rashmi. M.P
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics
VTB College, Sreekrishnapurm
Module III: Abdul Rof. V
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics
KAHM Unity Women’s College,
Module IV: Jalsiya. M. P
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
TMG College, Tirur
Scrutinised by:
Sreekrishna College, Guruvayur
Board of Studies in Mathematics (UG)
Type settings and Lay out
Computer Sectio, SDE

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MODULE I 1. Natural Logarithm 5

2. The Exponential Function 13

3. ax and log ax 19

4. Growth and Decay 25

5. L’Hospital’s Rule 30

6. Hyperbolic Functions 38

MODULE II 1. Sequences of real numbers 52

2. Infinite series 58

MODULES III 1. Power Series 73

2 Taylor And Maclaurin Series 81

3. Convergence of Taylor Series 86

MODULE IV 1. Conic Sections, Parametrized 92

Curves, And Polar Coordinates

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Chapter1: Natural Logarithm

Example 1.

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Example 2:

Example 3:

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Example 4:

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We take natural logarithm on both sides

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Chapter 2
The Exponential Function

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Chapter 3

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Chapter 4
Growth and Decay

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Chapter 5
L’Hospital’s Rule

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Chapter 6
Hyperbolic Functions

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Problems: Natural Logarithm




The Exponential Function


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Problem- 10.

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Problem-11 .



Problem -14



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L’Hospital’s Rule



Problem- 21.

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Hyperbolic Functions


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Chapter 1
Sequences of real numbers

A Sequece of real numbers is a function defined on the set

= {1,2,3,4, … … … … } of natural numbers whose range is contained in the
set of real numbers .

If : → is a sequence ,the image ( ) of a positive integer n is denoted

by or ( ) and is known as the nth term of the sequence. we denote this
sequence by the notations { } or { ∶ }.


1. : → ∶ ( )=2 is a sequence even natural

numbers {2,4,6,8……..}
2. The sequence 2,2,2,2………… or eqvilently : → ∶ ( ) =
2 has every term equal to 2.such a sequence in which all terms
are equal is called a constant sequence.

3. The sequence given by the defnition 1 = 1, 2 = 1, +1= −

1 + , ℎ ≥ 2 is known as Fibonacci sequence. Here = 1, =
1, = + = 2, = + = 1 + 2 = 3, = + = 2 + 3 = 5 and
so on.

The sequence {an} converges to the number L , if to every positive number ϵ,

however small there corresponds an integer m such that │an-L│<ϵ for all n>m. Here
we call L , the limit of the sequence and we write →∞ = or →
→ ∞. If no such number L exist , we say that the sequence { } diverges.


Prove that →∞ = 0, = 1/ .

Choose any > 0, we have to find a natural number such that │ − 0 │ < for all

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Here │ − 0│ < │1/ − 0│ <

, 1/ < . , > 1/

Choose m to be a positive integer greater than 1/ . Then we get

> => > 1/ => 1/ < => │ − 0│ <

so lim → = 0.



A sequence { } is said to be bounded from above if there exist a real number such that
≤ . The number M is an upper bound for { }.

If M is an upper bound for { } and no number less than M is an upper bound for{an},then M
is the least upper bound for { }

{ }is said to be bounded from below ,if there exist areal number m such that ≥ for all

The number m is a lower bound for { }

IF m is a lower bound for {an} and no number greater than m is a lower bound for { },then
m is the greatest lower bound for { }.
1. {1/n} is bounded from below and from above .hence it is a bounded sequence.
Here 1 is the least upper bound and 0 is the greatest lower bound.
2. The Sequence {n} is bounded from below but is not bounded from above
.hence it is not bounded
3. The sequence {(−1) } is bounded above and below. hence it is a bounded


If the sequence of real numbers { } is convergent .Then the limit of { }is unique.


Suppose that L1 and L2 are both limits of { } and L1≠ L2.Choose = │ − │.

Corresponding to this > 0 there exist an integer 1 such that │ − 1│ <
, > , and there exist an integer such that │ − 2│ <
Let = { 1, 2}.Then for ≥ we apply the triangle inequality to get

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│ − │ = │( − )−( − )│ ≤ │ − │+│ − │< + =2

=│ − │
So we get │ − │ < │ − │
This is a contradiction. Hence L1=L2.
Every convergent sequence is bounded.
Let { } be a sequence which converges to L. Then take = 1, there exist a
positive integer such that
│ − │< ≥
, −1< < +1 ≥
, ( − 1, + 1) ≥
= { − 1, , , . . . . . . }
= { − 1, , , . . . . . . }
ℎ ℎ ≤ ≤
So { } is bounded.
If { }, { } be two sequences of real numbers such that
= and = , then
a) ( + )= + = + (Sum Rule)
b) ( – )= – = − (Difference Rule)
c) ( ) = . = . (product Rule)
d) ( ) = ( ) for any number k (Constant multiple rule)
e) ( / )= ( )/ ( ) = / , Provided ≠ 0 (Quotient Rule)
Sandwich theorem for sequences
Let { }, { } and { } be sequences such that
a) for some positive integer , ≤ ≤ for all ≥ and
b) = = , then { } is convergent and =
A Sequence { } is said to be monotonically increasing or non decreasing if
≤ for all n.
A Sequence { } is said to be monotonically decreasing or non increasing if
≥ for all n
A Sequence is said to be monotone if it is either a non-decreasing sequence
or a non-increasing sequence.
1. The Sequence {1,2,3,4 … … … . . }is a non decreasing sequence
2. The sequence{1, , , … … … … } is a nonincreasing sequence

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A nondecreasing sequence of real numbers converges if and only if it is bounded
from above.If a nondecreasing sequence converges ,it converges to its least upper
Evaluate lim →

We have lim( → ) = 0. Using limit rules we can write

−1 1 1
lim = lim (1 − ) = lim 1 − lim = 1 − 0 = 1
→ → → →


Evaluate lim


lim = lim = (By limit Rules) =

→ →


Evaluate lim


lim = lim ( )(
= lim =0
→ → ) →


Evaluate lim


We have −1 ≤ ≤1

So − ≤ ≤

We know that lim − = lim = 0

→ →

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o by sandwich theorem , lim = 0.


Let { } be a sequence of real numbers. If → and if f is a function that is

continuous at L and defined at all , then ( ) → ( )


Evaluate lim


lim = lim = =2
→ →

Let ( ) = √ then f is continuous on the set of all non negative real numbers
and hence continuous at 2. So by previous theorem we get

lim = lim → ( ) = (lim → 2 / +1 )= (2) = √2


1. lim → =0

2. lim → =1

3. lim → = 1,for any >0

4. If │ │ < 1, lim → =0

5. lim → 1+ =


Evaluate lim → 1+


lim → 1+ = (by Result 5)

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Evaluate lim → (4 n)


lim (4 n) = lim 4n = 4. lim n = 4.1 = 4 (by Result 2)

→ → →


1.Use Definition of limits to show that lim → =

2.Write out the first five terms of the sequence = 1, = .

3.Prove that lim → =0

4.Find the limits of the following sequences

a) =

b) =8

c) =

d) = −√ −


2) 1, , , ,

4) (a) converges ,-1. (b) converges ,1 (c )converges ,e2 (d)


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Chapter 2
Infinite series

Let { } be a sequence of real numbers. Then the sum of the infinite number
of terms of this sequence i.e, + + +. . . . . . . . . + + ⋯ … is defined as
an infinite series.

An infinite series is generally denoted by ∑ or ∑ .

If denotes the the sum of the first n terms of this series i.e, = +
+ +. . . . . . . . . +

Then { } is called the sequence of partial sums of the given series.


1. Consider the series ∑ , where =

∑ =1+ + + + + ⋯………..+ + ……

=∑ = 1 + + ⋯……+ .

2 .Consider the series ∑ , where = (−1) .

Then ∑ = −1 + 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + ⋯ … … … … … + (−1) and

=∑ = -1, if n is odd

0, if n is even


Let ∑ be aseries of real numbers with partial sums = + +

+. . . . . . . . . +

If the sequence { } of partial sums converges to a limit , we say that the

series converges and the sum is .

If the sequence of partial sums does not converge ,then the series diverges.

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Show that the series 1 + + 1/2 + ⋯ … ….converges
Here the sequence of partial sums is given by
1 1
= =1+ + ⋯……+ .
2 2
= 2
→0 →∞ ( , 1/2 < 1)
lim = lim 2 − = 2
→ 2→
ℎere the sequence of partial sums converges and so the given series converges and
its sum is 2.
Discuss the convergence of the series + + + ⋯..+ )
+ ⋯……
. . . .(
Here = nth term of the series = )
= −
1 1
= −
1 2
1 1
= –
2 3
1 1
= −
3 4
1 1
= −
Adding we get
= + + + ⋯……+ = 1−
Since →0 →∞,
lim =1

here the sequence of partial sums converges .So the given series is converget and
its sum is 1.

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Geometric series are series of the form

+ + + + ⋯…….. + ⋯…….= ∑ ,

Where and are fixed real numbers and ≠ 0.The number r is known as the
ratio of the geometric series.


If │ │ < 1 ,then the geometric series converges and

∑ =


The geometric series with = = is

+ + + ⋯……..= ∑ ( )n-1= =1/6



If ∑ n= and ∑ n= are convergent series, then

a) sum rule : ∑( n+bn) = ∑ n + ∑ n= A+ B

b) Difference Rule: ∑( n-bn) = ∑ n - ∑ n= A–B

c) Constant multiple Rule : = ∑ n = k ∑ n = kA


If ∑ converges , then the nth term → 0.


If lim → fails to exist or is different from zero, then ∑ n diverges.


Examine the convergence of the series ∑ ( + 1)/


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Here the nth term =

lim = lim = 1 ≠ 0
→ →
then by previous result ∑ n diverges.

( )
Find the sum of the series ∑ ( + )

( ) ( )
∑ ( + )=∑ +∑ (using sum rule)

∑ is a geometric series with = and = .here │ │ < 1 so the series


∑ = /1 −

= = =1

( )
∑ is also a geometric series, with = − and = −

here │ │ < 1 so the series converges and the sum is

(−1) −
= = 5
5 1− 1
1− −

= =
= -1/7
( ) ( )
Therefore ∑ ( + ) )=∑ +∑

= 1 − 1/7 = 6/7


Find the sum of the series ∑ ( + )

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∑ ( + ) =∑ +∑ (using sum rule)

Here both series on the right side ,are geometric series . for the first series
= 5 and = and for the second series = 1 and =

For both the series , the common ratio is less than 1,so both series converges
and their sums are

∑ ( + ) =∑ +∑

= +

= +

= 10 +


Examine the convergence of the series ∑


The given series ∑ =1+ + + ⋯……..+ + ⋯. Is a

geometric series with a= 1 and

= .Here │ │ = │ │<1

so the given series converges and its sum is,

∑ = =

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Examine the convergence of the series ∑ cos
∑ cos = 0 + + 2 + ⋯….+ + ⋯..
= 1 + (−1) + 1 + (−1) + ⋯ … + (−1) + ⋯ …
Which is a geometric series with = 1, and = − │ │ = 1,so the
given series diverges.
Here lim → = lim → (−1) does not exist ,so the given series diverges.
1.Which of the following series converge and which diverge ? If a series
converge, find its sum:
a) ∑
b) ∑ (−1) ( )
c) a) ∑ (2 − 1)/3
2.Find the values of for which the geometric series converges. Also find the sum of
the series for those values of :
a) ∑
b) ∑ 2
c) ∑ (−1) (1 + )
3. Form a Geometric series that converges to the number 5 if = 2.
1. (a) converges .8. (b) converges , 1. (c) converges ,3/2.
( )
2. (a) ≠ , integer, . (b) │ │ < 1/2, .
(c) −2 < < 0,
3. = 3/5.


A Series ∑ of nonnegative terms converges if and only if its sequence of

partial sums is bounded from above.


Show that the series ∑ 1/ = 1 + + + + ⋯ . + + ⋯ ….diverges

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To show that the given series diverges we need only show that the sequence
{ } of its partial sums is not bounded from above.

Let us group the terms of the series:

1+ + ( + ) + ( + + + ) + ( + + ⋯ … … … . . ) + ⋯ ..
The sum of the first two terms is 1.5
The sum of the next two terms is + > + = =
The sum of the next 2 terms is
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1
+ + + > + + + = =
5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 2
The sum of the next 2 terms is
1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1
+ + ⋯………..+ > + + ⋯….+ = =
9 10 16 16 16 16 16 2
In general ,the sum of 2 terms ending with is
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
+ + ………+ > + + ⋯…+ = =
2 +1 2 +2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hence if = 2 ,then
= 1+ +( + )+( + + + )+ ( ) + ⋯….+ )
> + + + ⋯ ….( times) = /2.
Hence the sequence { } of partial sums is not bounded from above, so the give
series is divergent.
The -Series ∑ = + + + ⋯…+ + ⋯ … where is areal constant
,converges if > 1 and diverges if ≤ 1.
The Direct Comparison Test
Let ∑ be a series with nonnegative terms. Then
a) ∑ n converges if there is a convergent series ∑ n with ≤ for all > ,
for some positive integer m
b) ∑ n diverges if there is a divergent series of nonnegative terms ∑ n with an
≥ dn for all n>m, for some positive integer m.
The Limit Comparison Test
Suppose that an>0 and bn>0 for all n ≥ m ,for some positive integer m,
a) If limn→∞ an / bn = c>0 ,then ∑ n and ∑ n both converge or diverge

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b) If limn→∞ an/ bn = 0 and ∑ n converges , then ∑ n converges.

c) If limn→∞ an/ bn = ∞ and ∑ n diverges , then ∑ n diverges.

Test for convergence of the series + + + ⋯…
√ . √ . √ .
Here the nth term =
( )

Take =
Then = =
( ) ( / )

( )

Hence limn→∞ = 1 ,a finite non zero number

Therefore by limit comparison test ∑ n and ∑ n both converge or diverge
But ∑ n= ∑ 1/ diverges .Hence ∑ n diverges.
Test for convergence of the series ∑
( )( )
Here =
( )( )

Take =
( )
Then = =
( )( ) ( )( )

Hence limn→∞ an/ bn = 10 , a finite non zero number.

Therefore by limit comparison test ∑ n and ∑ n both converge or diverge
But ∑ n= ∑ 1/ 2,the p-Series with p=2>1,converges . Hence ∑ n

Test for convergence of the series ∑


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Here an=

Take bn =1/n

Then / = .

Hence limn→∞ an/ bn = 1 , a finite non zero number.

Therefore by limit comparison test ∑ n and ∑ n both converge or diverge
But ∑ n= ∑ 1/ diverges .Hence ∑ n diverges.
Test for convergence of the series whose nth term is √ + 1 - √
√ √ √ √ [( ) ]
Here an =√ + 1 − √ = = =
√ √ √ √ √ √
√ 1+ +1

Take =

Then an/bn = √

Hence limn→∞ an/ bn =1/2, a finite non zero number.

Therefore by limit comparison test ∑ n and ∑ n both converge or diverge
But ∑ n= ∑ 1/ √ ,the p-Series with p=1/2 <1,diverges. Hence ∑ n

1) Test for convergence of the series + + + 9/25 + ⋯ ..
2)Discuss the convergence of the series ∑
3) discuss the convergence of the series ∑ sin

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4) Test for convergence of the series ∑ 1/(1 + 2 + 3 + ⋯ … … … . + )

5) Test for convergence of the series + + + + ⋯ … ..
1)diverges 2)converges 3)diverges 4)converges 5)converges
Let ∑ n be a series of positive terms and suppose that lim → = r
Then (a) the series converges if r <1,
(b) the series diverges if r>1 or r is infinite,
(c) the test is inconclusive if r =1
Examine the convergence of the series : ∑ /n!
( )
Here = =
! ( )!
( )
Then = /
( )! !

= ( + 1) / = 1+

lim → = lim → 1+ = >1

so by Ratio test the above series diverges.

Test the convergence of the series ∑
Here = and =
( )

Then = /
( )

( )

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3 1
So lim → = lim → = >1
2 1 3
So by Ratio test the series diverges.
The nth Root Test
Let ∑ n be a series with ≥ 0 for ≥ and suppose that lim → √ =

Then (a) the series converges if < 1

(b)the series diverges if > 1 or is infinite,
(c) the test is inconclusive if = 1.
Examine the convergence of the series
∑ (2 / )
Here = then

√ n = =2/ √
limn→∞ √ n = limn→∞ ( 2/( √ )2 =2/1=2>1.
So by nth root test the series is divergent.
Test for convergence the series ∑ ( √ -1)n
Here an =( √ -1)n then √ n = √ -1
limn→∞ √ n = limn→∞ ( √ - 1) =1 -1=0<1
Therefore by nth –Root test the given series diverges.
1.Test for convergence:
a) ∑
b) ∑ ( + 1)( + 2)/ !
c) ∑ /n!
d) ∑
2.Discuss the convergence of the series + + + ⋯ … ..
3.Test the series 1 + 2 + 3 + ⋯ …. for convergence for all positive values of .
4.Examine the convergence of the series ∑ /(2n)2

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5. Examine the convergence of the series
1. (a)diverges (b)converges (c)divergent (d) converges
2. Converges
3. Converges if x<1 ,diverges if x≥1
4. Diverges
5. Converges.
A series in which the terms are alternately positive and negative is an
alternating series.
( )
1. 1 − + − + − + ⋯……+ + ⋯ … ..
2. 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ⋯ … … … … . +(−1) + ⋯…………….
Leibniz’s Test or Alternating series test
The series ∑ (−1)n+1 un =u1 –u2 + u3 – u4 +……
Converges if all three of the conditions are satisfied :
1.The un᾽s are all positive.
2. un ≥un+1 for all positive integer n.
3. limn→∞ un =0
Examine the convergence of the series : − + − +
⋯ … … … ….(p>0)
Given series is an alternating series of the form ∑ (−1) , =
= = <1 ( > 0)
( + 1) 1
therefore un+1<un
Also limn→∞ un = limn→∞ 1/np =0 (since p>0)
So the given series satisfies all the three conditions of the Leibniz’s test and
hence the series converges.
Let ∑ be a series real numbers.then

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(a) If ∑| | converges ,we say that ∑ n converges absolutely.

(b) If ∑ n converges ,but ∑| | diverges, we say that ∑ n converges
If ∑ n converges absolutely, then ∑ n converges i.e, every absolutely convergent series
is convergent.
Show that the series ∑ ((−1) converges absolutely.
Here an = (−1)
Then │ │=│ │ ≤ 1/ 2
We know that ∑ 1/ converges (which is a p-series with p=2>1)
So by direct comparison test ∑ │ n│ converges. so the given series converges absolutely.
1. Examine the convergence of series ∑ (−1) /
2. Examine the convergence of series 1 – + − + ⋯…………
.√ .√ .√
3. show that the series ∑ (−1) converges absolutely.
( )
4. show that the series ∑ converges conditionally.
∑ ( )
5. examine the convergence of the series
1. converges 2.converges 5.converges absolutely.
A Series ∑ n of real numbers is a rearrangement of a series ∑ n if there
is a bijection : → ,
Where N is the set of all positive integers, such that = ( ) .
The series 1 + − + + − + ⋯ … … … … …is a rearrangement of the
1 − + − + ……………
Let ∑ n be an absolutely convergent series and ∑ n be a rearrangement of
∑ n .then ∑ n converges absolutely and ∑ n= ∑ n.

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Chapter I
Power Series

A power series about = 0 is a series of the form

∑ = + + + ⋯……+ + ⋯ ..
A power series about = is a series of the form
∑ ( − ) = + ( − ) + ( − ) + ⋯……+ ( − ) +
⋯ ..,

in which the center a and the coefficients , , ,………… , . . .. are


Example: Consider the series,

=1 + + + ⋯……+ + ⋯ ..

This is a power series with = 1, for every n. See that, the given series is a
geometric series with first term 1 and common ratio x. So the sum of the series
is, , provided | | < 1. So,
= 1 + + + ⋯……+ + ⋯ . . , −1 < < 1.
Example: Consider the power series,

1 1 1
1 − ( − 2) + ( − 2) + ⋯ … … + − ( − 2) + ⋯ …
2 4 2
Find the sum and the interval in which the power series converges to this sum?

Solution: Given series is a geometric series with first term = 1 and common
= − ( − 2). So it converges when | | < 1 and the sum is .
Therefore, the series converges when,
| | < 1 ⟹ − ( − 2) < 1 ⟹ ( − 2) < 1 ⟹ −1 < ( − 2) < 1
⟹ −2 < − 2 < 2 ⟹ 0 < < 4

1 1 2 2
= = = = =
1− 1 1 2+ −2
1 − − ( − 2) 1 + ( − 2)
2 2

Hence, = 1 − ( − 2) + ( − 2) + ⋯ … … + − ( − 2) + ⋯ …and
the series converges to the sum when 0 < < 4

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Theorem: If a power series ∑ = + + + ⋯ … converges

at = ≠ 0, then it converges absolutely for all with | | < | |. If the series
diverges at = , then it diverges for all with | | > | |.

The Radius of Convergence of a Power Series

Consider the power series

∑ ( − ) = + ( − )+ ( − ) + ⋯……+ ( − ) +
⋯ ..

If the power series converges, when | − | < and diverges when| − | >
, then R is called the radius of convergence of the power series. The power
series converges in the interval, − < < + .
For a geometric power series we can find the radius of convergence from the
condition | | < 1.
For other power series’ we may make use of ratio test to find the radius of
We have the series ∑ converges when, lim → < 1 and diverges
when lim → > 1. So the power series ∑ ( − ) converges
( ) ( )
when, lim → ( )
< 1 ⟹ lim → <1

⟹ | − | < lim

So choose = lim →
Remarks: 1) If = ∞, the power series converges everywhere.
2) If = 0, the power series converges at = and diverges everywhere else.

Example: For what values of x, the following power series converge?

a) ∑ (−1) = − + − ⋯……
b) ∑ (−1) = − + + ⋯ ..
c) ∑ = 1 + + + + ⋯ … ….
! ! ! !
d) ∑ ! = 1 + 1! + 2! + 3! + ⋯ … …

( ) ( )
Solution: a) = . =
( )

= lim → = lim ( )
= lim − = lim = lim 1 + =
→ → → →


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So the power series converges when | − 0| < 1.

ie: when | | < 1and diverges when | | > 1. Therefore the power series
converges when −1 < < 1. Again, when = 1, the series
∑ (−1) = 1 − + − + ⋯ …. converges.
( )
When = −1, ∑ (−1) =∑ , diverges. So, the power series
converges when −1 ≤ < 1.
( ) ( )( ) ( )
b) = . = ( )
2 +1 2 +1
= lim = lim 2 − 1 = lim − = lim
→ → (−1) → 2 −1 → 2 −1
2 +1
( )
= lim = 1.
→ ( )
As in case a) the power series converges when −1 < < 1. Again, when =
1, the series ∑ (−1) =∑ (−1) , converges by Leibniz
test. Again when = −1, the series
( ) ( )
∑ (−1) =∑ (−1)

=∑ (−1) is also convergent. So the power series converges when

−1 ≤ ≤ 1.
c) Here = . =
! ( )!
1 1
= lim = lim ! = lim ! = lim ( + 1) = ∞
→ → 1 → 1 →
( + 1)! ( + 1) !
So power series converges for every .ie: −∞ < < ∞
d) Here = !, = ( + 1)!
! ! 1
= lim = lim = lim = lim =0
→ → ( + 1)! → ( + 1) ! → ( + 1)
So power series converges at = 0only and diverge everywhere else.

Theorem: Multiplication of Power Series

If ( ) = ∑ and ( ) = ∑ converge absolutely

for | | < and = + + + ⋯..+ =∑ ,
then ∑ converges absolutely to ( ) ( ) for | | < :

(∑ ) (∑ )=∑

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If ( ) = =1+ + + ⋯……+ + ⋯..= ∑ , −1 < < 1,

find a power series for ( )
using power series multiplication.

1 1 1
= . =( )( )
(1 − ) 1− 1−

Here = = 1, for every . So,

= + + + ⋯..+ = 1 + 1 + ⋯ … + 1 [(n+1 )
= +1
1 1 1
= .
(1 − ) 1− 1−

=( )( )= = ( + 1)

=1+2 +3 + ⋯ . . +(( + 1) + ⋯ …., −1 < <1

Theorem: If ∑ converges absolutely for | | < , then

∑ ( ( )) converges absolutely for any continuous function on | ( )| <

Example: We have =1+ + + ⋯……+ + ⋯..=

∑ ,converges for | | < 1.
So the series = 1 + 4 + (4 ) + ⋯ … … + (4 ) + ⋯.=
∑ (4 ) converges for |4 | < 1 ⟹ |2 | < 1 ⟹ | | <

Theorem: Term-by-Term Differentiation

If ( ) = ∑ ( − ) = + ( − ) + ( − ) + ⋯……+
( − ) + ⋯ ..defines a function on − < < + , then ( ) has
derivatives of all orders in the same interval.
( ) = + 2 ( − ) + 3 ( − ) + ⋯……+ ( − ) + ⋯ ..

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: ( )= ( − )

Similarly, ( )=∑ ( − 1) ( − ) ,
Each of the series converge for, − < < +

Example: Find the series for ( ) and ( ) if,

( )= =1+ + + ⋯……+ + ⋯..= , −1 < <1

( )
= =1+2 +3 +4 + ⋯……+ + ⋯..
(1 − )

= , −1 < <1

′′( ) = = 2 + 6 + 12 + ⋯ … … + ( − 1) + ⋯..
(1 − )

= ( − 1) , −1 < <1

Theorem: Term-by-Term Integration

Suppose ( ) = ∑ ( − ) = + ( − )+ ( − ) +
⋯ … … + ( − ) + ⋯ ..converges for − < < + .
( )
Then ∫ ( ) =∑ + converges for − < < + .
Example: Identify the function,
(−1) x x x
( )= = x− + + ⋯ … , −1 ≤ x ≤ 1
2n + 1 3 5

Differentiating the original series, we have,

( )=1− + + ⋯ = 1 − x + x + ⋯….= = , −1 < <
( )
(Since this is a geometric series with first term 1 and common
ratio− , provided, |− | < 1, : | | < 1)

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: ( )=
Integrating, ( ) = ∫ = tan + .
From the given series, (0) = 0 − + ⋯ . . = 0
Therefore, (0) = tan 0 +
: = 0.
Hence, ( ) = tan , −1 < < 1

Again, the series converges for = ±1, by Leibniz test.

( )
So, ( ) = ∑ = x− + + ⋯… = , −1 ≤ x ≤ 1
Example: Use the series 1 − + − + ⋯ … … , −1 < < 1, to find a
series for ln (1 + )
We have, = 1 − + − + ⋯ … … , −1 < < 1.
Integrating over (0, ), we get,

= − + − + ⋯……
1+ 2 3 4

: [ln (1 + )] = − + − + ⋯ ..
2 3 4
: ln(1 + ) = − + − + ⋯..= , −1 < <1
2 3 4
Remark: Convergence of a power series in the radius of convergence is
absolute convergence.

Additional Problems
1. Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the series,
∑ (−1) (4 + 1) . Also find the sum.

∑ (−1) (4 + 1) = 1 − (4 + 1) + (4 + 1) − (4 + 1) + ⋯ .. is a
geometric series with first term = 1 = −(4 + 1). So
it converges when | | < 1 ⟹ |−(4 + 1)| < 1 ⟹ |4 + 1| < 1
So radius of convergence is 1.
⟹ −1 < 4 + 1 < 1 ⟹ −2 < 4 < 0 ⟹ − < < 0
and diverges otherwise. Again the power series converges to the sum
1 1 1
= = =
1− 1— [−(4 + 1)] 1 + 4 + 1 4 + 2
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2. Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the series,

(−1) ( + 2)

( ) ( )
= and =
( )

= lim → = lim → ( )
= lim = lim 1 + =1.
→ →

The power series converges when | − | <

: | + 2| < 1 ⟹ −1 < + 2 < 1 ⟹ −3 < < −1 .
When = −3,

(−1) ( + 2) (−1) (−3 + 2)


( ) ( )
=∑ =∑
which is divergent. When = −1,
(−1) ( + 2) (−1) (−1 + 2)

(−1) (1) (−1)

= =

which is convergent. So the interval of convergence is, −3 < ≤ −1.

3. Find the radius of convergence the power series,

Solution: The radius of convergence can be evaluated using root test. Consider

lim | | = lim
→ → +1
= lim | |
→ +1

= lim | |
→ 1
(1 + )

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= lim | |
→ 1
(1 + )
| |
So the power series converges when,
| | < 1 or
| |< − < < . So the radius of convergence is .
1. Find the radius and interval of convergence of
( )
a) ∑
b) ∑ ( + 5)
( )
c) ∑
d) ∑ 1+
( )
e) ∑ (−1)

2. Find the radius of convergence of the power series

a) ∑
. . ……
( !)
b) ∑ ( )!
Answers: 1.a) 10, −8 < < 12 b) 1, −4 < < 6 c) 1/3, ≤ <1
d)1, −1 < < 1 e) 2, −4 ≤ < 0 2. a)3 b)8

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Chapter 2
Taylor And Maclaurin Series
Consider the power series,
( )=∑ ( − ) = + ( − ) + ( − ) + ⋯……+
( − ) + ⋯.
Substituting = in the equation, we get,
( ) = + ( − ) + ( − ) + ⋯……+ ( − ) + ⋯.=

( )= + 2 ( − ) + 3 ( − ) + ⋯……+ ( − ) + ⋯ ..

( )= + 2 ( − ) + 3 ( − ) + ⋯……+ ( − ) + ⋯ ..

So, ( )=

( )=2 + 3.2 ( − ) + 4.3 ( − ) + ⋯ … … + (

− 1) ( − ) + ⋯ ..

( )=2 + 3.2 ( − ) + 4.3 ( − ) + ⋯ … … + (

− 1) ( − ) + ⋯ ..

( )
So, ( ) = 2 . In general ( ) = ! . So = .
Hence the power series can be written as,

( )=∑ ( − ) = + ( − )+ ( − ) + ⋯……+
( − ) + ⋯.

( ) ( ) ( )
= ( )+ ( − )+ ( − ) + ⋯……+ ( − ) + ⋯.
1! 2! !

Let be a function with derivatives of all orders throughout some interval
containing as an interior point. Then the Taylor Series generated by at
= is,
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( − ) = ( )+ ( − )+ ( − ) +⋯……+ ( − ) + ⋯.
! 1! 2! !

The Maclaurin Series generated by is,

(0) (0) (0) (0)
= (0) + + + ⋯……+ + ⋯,
! 1! 2! !
the Taylor series generated by at = 0.

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Find the Taylor series generated by ( ) = at = 2. Where, if anywhere,
does the series converge to ?
The Taylor series at = 2 is,
(2) (2) (2) (2)
( − 2) = (2) + ( − 2) + ( − 2) + ⋯ … … + ( − 2) + ⋯.
! 1! 2! !
( )=
( )=− =−
6 3!
( )= =
In general, ( ) = (−1)
(2) =
(2) = −
(3) =
… … … … … ….
(2) = (−1)
So the Taylor series of ( )
(2) (2) (2)
(2) + ( − 2) + ( − 2) + ⋯ … … + ( − 2) + ⋯ …
1! 2! !
1 ( − 2) ( − 2) (−1) ( − 2)
= − + + ⋯……+ + ⋯…
2 2 2 2
This is a geometric series with first term and common ratio =− . So
when | | < 1 ⟹ − < 1 ⟹ | − 2| < 2 ⟹ −2 < −2<2⟹0< <
4, the series converges to the sum
2 1 1
= =
−2 2+ −2

Taylor Polynomials
Let ƒ be a function with derivatives of order k, for = 1,2, … . , in some
interval containing a as an interior point. Then for any integer n from 0 through
N, the Taylor polynomial of order n generated by ƒ at = is the polynomial
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )= ( )+ ( − )+ ( − ) + ⋯…+ ( − ) +. . … + ( − )
1! 2! ! !
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Find the Taylor series and Taylor Polynomial generated by ( ) = , = 0.

We have ( ) = , ( ) = , ( ) = , … … … . , ( ) = , …., and
therefore, (0) = 1, (0) = 1, (0) = 1, … … … . , (0) = 1, ….
So, the Taylor series generated by ( ) = , = 0, is,
(0) (0) (0)
(0) + + + ⋯……+ + ⋯ ..
1! 2! !
=1+ + + ⋯ … + +. . … … =
1! 2! ! !
and the Taylor Polynomial of degree n is,
( )=1+ + + ⋯…+
1! ! 2!
Find the Taylor series and Taylor Polynomial generated by
( ) = cos , =0
We have ( ) = cos , ( ) = − sin , ( ) = − cos , f ( ) = sin and so
on. Therefore, (0) = 1, (0) = 0, (0) = −1, (0) = 0, ….
So, the Taylor series generated by ( ) = cos , = 0, is,
(0) (0) (0)
(0) + + + ⋯……+ + ⋯ ..
1! 2! !
2 3 4 2
= 1 + 0. + −1 + 0. + 1. … … + −1 +. . … … = (−1)
1! 2! 3! 4! (2 )! (2 )!
and the Taylor Polynomial of degree 2n is,
( )= 1− + + ⋯ … + (−1)
2! 4! (2 )!
Additional Problems
1. Find the Taylor series generated by ( ) = 2 at = 1.
( )(
Solution: ( ) = 2 , ′( ) = 2 ln 2, ( ) = 2 ( 2) , ) = 2 ( 2)

(1) = 2 = 2, (1) = 2 ln 2 = 2 ln 2 , (1) = 2 ( 2) = 2( 2) ,

( )( )
1 = 2( 2)
Therefore, the Taylor series generated by ( ) = 2 at = 1 is,

(1) (1) (1)

(1) + ( − 1) + ( − 1) + ⋯ … … + ( − 1) + ⋯ ..
1! 2! !
( − 1) 2 ( − 1) ( − 1)
= 2 + 2 ln 2 . +2 2 + ⋯ … + 2 ln 2 +. . … …
1! 2! !
( − 1)
= 2( 2)
2. Find the first three non-zero terms of the Maclaurin series generated by

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( )= − and the values of for which the series converges

The Maclaurin series generated by cos is,
1− + + ⋯ … + (−1) + ⋯ … ..
2! 4! (2 )!
and the Maclaurin series generated by is,

1 + + + ⋯….+ + ⋯.
So, the Maclaurin series generated by ( ) = − is,
(1 − + + ⋯ … + (−1) + ⋯ … ..)-(1 + + + ⋯….+ + ⋯.)
! ! ( )!

=− − − −
+ − + ⋯ … ..
! !
3 23
=− − − − + ⋯ ..
2 24
The Maclaurin series of is valid for every ,but the Taylor series of
converges for −1 < < 1. So the resulting series converges absolutely for
−1 < < 1.
3. Find the Maclaurin series of
The Maclaurin series of sin is
(0) (0) ( ) (0)
(0) + + + ⋯……+ + ⋯ ..
1! 2! !
= − + − ⋯……+ + ⋯ … ..
3! 5! (2 + 1)!
So the Maclaurin series of is,
− 2 + 2 − ⋯……+ 2 + ⋯ … ..
2 3! 5! (2 + 1)!
= − + − ⋯……+ + ⋯…..
2 2 . 3! 2 . 5! 2 (2 + 1)!

2 (2 + 1)!

1. Find the Taylor Polynomials of order 0,1,2 and 3 for
a) ( ) = , =0

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b) ( ) = , =2

c) ( ) = sin , =

2. Find the Taylor series of

a) ( ) = , =2

b) ( ) = , =1
3. Find the first three terms of Maclaurin series and the values of x for which
the series converges absolutely if,
( ) = sin ln (1 + )
1. a) ( ) = 1, ( ) = 1+2 , ( ) = 1+2 +2 , ( )=1+2 +2 +

b) ( )= , ( ) = − ( − 2), ( )=

− ( − 2) + ( − 2) , ( ) = − ( − 2) + ( − 2) − ( − 2)

√ √ √ √ √ √
c) ( )= , ( )= + − , ( )= + − + − ,

√2 √2 √2 2 √2 3
( )= + − + − − −
2 2 4 4 4 12 4

2. a) ∑ ( − 2) b) ∑ (−1) ( + 1)( − 1)

3. − + + ⋯…

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Chapter 3
Convergence of Taylor Series
Taylor’s Theorem:
If and it’s first derivatives , , , … … . . ( ) are continuous on
the closed interval between and , and ( ) is differentiable on the open interval
between and , then there exists a number and such that,
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )= ( )+ ( )( − ) + ( − ) + ⋯.+ ( − ) + ( − )
2! ! ( + 1)!

Taylor’s Formula:
If has derivatives of all orders on an open interval , containing , then
for each positive integer and each in ,
( ) ( )( )
( )= ( )+ ( )( − ) + ( − ) +⋯.+ ( − ) + ( ), where,
! !
( )( )
( )=
( )!
( − ) , for some c between and .

This equation is called the Taylor’s Formula, and the function ( ) is called the
reminder of order or the error term for approximation of ( ) by ( )
Remark: We can express ( ) as the sum of Taylor Polynomial of degree ,
( ) and ( ).
: ( )= ( )+ ( ).
If ( ) → 0 as → ∞, for all ∈ , we say that the Taylor series generated by at
= converges to on , and we write

( )
( )= ( − )

Example: Show that the Taylor series generated by ( ) = at = 0 converges to

( ), for every real values of .
The function ( ) = has derivatives of all orders throuout the interval =
(−∞, ∞).
We have ( ) = , ( ) = , ( ) = , … … … . , ( ) ( ) = and
therefore, (0) = 1, (0) = 1, (0) = 1, … … … . , ( ) (0) = 1.
So, the Taylor formula is,

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( ) ( ) ( )( )
( ) = (0 ) + + + ⋯……+ + ( ),
! ! !
( )( )
Where ( )=
( )!

: =1+ + + ⋯…+ + ( )
1! 2! !
Where ( )= for some between 0 and .
( )!

Since is finite and lim → = 0 for every , lim ( ) = 0.nSo the series
( )! →
converges to for every . Thus,

= =1+ + + ⋯…+ + ⋯.
! 1! 2! !

The Reminder Estimation Theorem

If there is a positive constant such that ( ) ( ) ≤ for all
between and , inclusive, then the reminder term satisfies the inequality
| − |
| ( )| ≤
( + 1 )!
If this inequality holds for every and the other conditions of Taylors’s Theorem are
satisfied by , then the series converges to ( ).
Show that the Taylor series for at = 0 converges for all .
The function and its derivatives are
( ) = sin , ( ) = cos
( ) = −sin , ( ) = −cos
( ) ( )( ) = cos
( ) = sin ,
( ) ( )(
( ) = (−1) sin , ) = (−1) cos
(0) = sin 0 = 0, ( ) = cos 0 = 1
( ) = 0, ( ) = −1

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( ) ( )( )=1
( ) = 0,
( ) ( )( )
(0) = (−1) sin 0 = 0, 0 = (−1) cos 0 = (−1) .
By Taylor formula,

( ) ( ) ( )( )
( ) = (0 ) + + + ⋯……+ + ( ),
! ! !

( )( )
Where ( )=
( )!

1 0 −1 (−1)
: sin =0+ + + + ⋯………+ + ( )
1! 2! 3! (2 + 1 )!

: sin = − + − ⋯……+ + ( )
3! 5! (2 + 1 )!
( )( )
Where ( )=
( )!

To apply reminder estimation theorem we have to find such that, ( )( ) ≤

. All the derivatives of sin have absolute value less than or equal to 1.
So, = 1 and
.| |
| ( )| ≤ .
( )!

But we have, lim → = 0 for every , so that ( ) → 0, as → ∞.


Hence the Taylor series of at = 0 converges to for all . Thus,

sin = = − + − + ⋯……
(2 + 1 )! 3! 5! 7!

Example: Show that the Taylor series for cos at = 0 converges for all .
As in the above example, we have,
( )
cos =1+ + + + ⋯………+ ( )!
+ ( )
! ! !

ie cos =1− + − ⋯………+ + ( )
2! 4! (2 )!

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All the derivatives of cos have absolute value less than or equal to 1.
So, = 1 and
.| |
| ( )| ≤ .
( )!

But we have, lim → = 0 for every , so that ( ) → 0, as → ∞.


Hence the Taylor series of at = 0 converges to for all . Thus,

cos = =1− + − + ⋯……
(2 )! 2! 4! 6!

Using Taylor Series

Since every Taylor series is a power series, the operations of adding,
subtracting, and multiplying Taylor series are all valid on the intersection of their
interval of convergence.
Example: Find first few terms of the Taylor series of the following functions using
the power series operations.

a) (2 + cos ) b) cos

a) We have the Taylor series generated by cos at = 0 is

cos = = 1 − + − + ⋯……
(2 )! 2! 4! 6!

1 2
(2 + cos ) = + cos
3 3 3
= + 1− + − + ⋯……
3 3 2! 4! 6!
= + − + − ⋯……
3 3 6 72

b) We have the Taylor series generated by at = 0 is

= =1+ + + + ⋯……
! 1! 2! 3!


cos = 1+ + + + + ⋯…… 1− + − + ⋯……

1! 2! 3! 4! 2! 4! 6!

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=1+ + − − + + − + …
1! 2! 2! 1! 2! 3! 4! 2! 2! 4!

=1+ − − + ⋯ … … … … … ….
3 6
Remark: If ( ) is a continuous function, we can use the Taylor series of ( ) to find
the Taylor series of ( ( ))

Example: We have the Taylor series generated by cos at = 0 is

cos = =1− + − + ⋯……
(2 )! 2! 4! 6!

So the Taylor series generated by cos 2 at = 0 is

(−1) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 )
cos 2 = =1− + − + ⋯……
(2 )! 2! 4! 6!

2 2 2
=1− + − + ⋯……
2! 4! 6!

(−1) 2
(2 )!

Example: For what values of can we replace sin by − with an error of

magnitude no greater than 3 × 10 ?

We have the Taylor series representation,

sin = − ⋮+ − + ⋯……
3! 5! 7!
This is an alternating series for positive values.

By Alternating Series Estimation Theorem, the error in truncating after is no greater

| |
5! 120
Therefore the error will be less than or equal to 3 × 10 if
| |
< 3 × 10

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| |< 360 × 10 ≈ 0.514

1. Use the method of substitution to find the Taylor series at = 0 of the following
b) sin( )

c) cos(5 )

2. Using power series operations find the Taylor series at = 0 of the following
a) sin
b) cos

c) cos (Hint: use cos = )

3. Find the first three terms of the Maclaurin series of (tan )

4. For approximately what values of can we replace sin by − with an error of

magnitude no greater than 5 × 10 ?

(−1) 5
1. a) ∑ !
(−1)2 +1 2 +1 2 +1
b) ∑
22 +1 2 +1 !

2 4
(−1)2 5
c) ∑ 2 !

(−1)2 +1 2 +3
2.a) ∑ 2 +1 !

b) − + − + ⋯.= ∑ (−1)
! ! ! ( )!

( ) ( )
c) 1 + ∑ .( )!

3. − + − + ⋯ ….

4. | | < (0.06) < 0.56968

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Chapater 1
Conic Sections, Parametrized Curves,
And Polar Coordinates

Conic Sections and Quadratic Equations

A circle is the set of points in a plane whose distance from a given fixed point in the
plane is constant. The fixed point is the center of the circle; the constant distance is the

 the standard equation of a circle with center (h, k) and radius a is (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 =
 the standard equation of a circle with center at the origin and radius a is x2 + y2 = a2.

A set that consists of all the points in a plane equidistant from a given fixed point and a
given fixed line in the plane is a parabola. The fixed point is the focus ofthe parabola. The
fixed line is the directrix.

Standard-form equations for parabolas with vertices at the origin

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The parabola x2 = 4py ,p > 0 The parabola x2 = -4py, p > 0

The parabola y2 = -4px,p > 0 The parabola y2 = -4px, p > 0

 The equation ( − ℎ) = 4 ( − ) represent a parabola having vertex at (h,k) and

axis of symmetry is = ℎ

An ellipse is the set of points in a plane whose distances from two fixed points
in the plane have a constant sum. The two fixed points are the foci of the ellipse.

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The line through the foci of an ellipse is the ellipse’s focal axis. The point on the axis
halfway between the foci is the center. The points where the focal axis and ellipse cross are
the ellipse’s vertices

The ellipse defined by the equation PF1 + PF2 = 2a is the graph of the equation + =1

The major axis of the ellipse + = 1 is the line segment of length 2a joining the points
(± , 0) . The minor axis is the line segment of length 2b joining the points (0,± ).The
number a itself is the semimajor axis, the number b the semiminor axis. The number
=√ − is the center-to-focus distance of the ellipse.

Standard-Form Equations for Ellipses Centered at the Origin

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( ) ( )
 the equation + = 1 represent an ellipse having center at (h,k)
and axes parallel to the coordinate axes. The length of the semi-major axis and
semi-minor axis are a and b respectively.

A hyperbola is the set of points in a plane whose distances from two fixed points in
the plane have a constant difference. The two fixed points are the foci of the hyperbola.

The line through the foci of a hyperbola is the focal axis. The point on the axis
halfway between the foci is the hyperbola’s center. The points where the focal axis and
hyperbola cross are the vertices

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 Hyperbolas have two branches. For points on the right-hand branch of the hyperbola
shown here, PF1 – PF2 =2a . For points on the left-hand branch, PF2 – PF1 =2a,
 the line = ± are the two asymptotes of the hyperbola

Standard-Form Equations for Hyperbolas Centered at the Origin

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Classifying Conic Sections by Eccentricity


 The eccentricity of the ellipse + = 1 ( > ) is = =

 The eccentricity of the hyperbola − = 1 is = =
 The eccentricity of the parabola is =1

 In both ellipse and hyperbola, the eccentricity is the ratio of the distance between the
foci to the distance between the vertices (because c>a = 2c>2a).
Eccentricity =( distance between foci) /(distance between vertices)
 For ellipse and hyperbola , the lines = ± act as directrices
 The “focus–directrix” equation PF=e.PD unites the parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola
in the following way. Suppose that the distance PF of a point P from a fixed point F
(the focus) is a constant multiple of its distance from a fixed line (the directrix). That
is, suppose PF=e.PD where e is the constant of proportionality. Then the path traced
by P is

(a) a parabola if e=1

(b) an ellipse of eccentricity e if e<1 and
(c) a hyperbola of eccentricity e if e>1.

Find the ellipse’s standard form equation if the foci are(3,0) and (-3,0) and the
eccentricity is 0.5

Solution Here c=3 and e=c/a=0.5

So a = 6, b= √ − = √6 − 3 =5
Therefore the ellipse’s standard form equation is + =1

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Quadratic Equations and Rotations

The cross product term

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In practice, this means determining a from one of the two equation

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Possible graphs of quadratic equations

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The discriminant test

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Parametrization of plane curves


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EXAMPLE A Parametrization of the ellipse + =1

Solution The position P(x, y) of a particle moving in the xy-plane is given by the
equations and parameter interval
x = a cos t , y = b sin t , 0≤ ≤ 2 .
Solution We find a Cartesian equation for the coordinates of P by eliminating t between
the equations
x = a cos t , y = b sin t
We accomplish this with the identity + = 1 which yields + = 1 .
Since the particle’s coordinates (x, y) satisfy the equation the motion takes place
somewhere on this ellipse. When t=0 , th particle’s coordinate are x = a cos(0) = a, y = b
sin(0) = 0 so the motion starts at (a,0). As t increases, the particle rises and moves towards
the left , moving counter clockwise. It traverses the ellipse once, returning to its starting
position (a,0) at time t=2 .

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Calculus with parametrized curves

Formula for finding

The parametric formula for

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Length of parametrized curve

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The area of the surface of revolution

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Polar Coordinates

To define polar coordinates, we first fix an origin O (called the pole) and an
initial ray from O . Then each point P can be located by assigning to it a polar
coordinate pair(r, ) in which r gives the directed distance from O to P and
gives the directed angle from the initial ray to ray OP.

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Polar equations and graphs

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Equations Relating Polar and Cartesian Coordinates

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Graphing in Polar Coordinates

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Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates

The Standard Polar Equation for Lines

EXAMPLE 1 Write the standard polar and cartesian equation for the line in figure


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Ellipses, Parabolas, and Hyperbolas

 Polar Equation for a Conic with Eccentricity e is = where x=k > 0 is the
vertical directrix.

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 Polar Equation for the Ellipse with Eccentricity e and Semimajor Axis a

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Integration in Polar Coordinates

Area in the Plane
Area of the Fan-Shaped Region Between the Origin and the Curve = ( ), ≤ ≤

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Area of the Region 0 ≤ ( )≤ ≤ ( ), ≤ ≤

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Length of a Polar Curve

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Area of a Surface of Revolution of a Polar Curve

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