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Pronouns/ Relative pronouns

The grammatical errors have been underlined, write one word to correct the error in the space provided.

1 When I arrived at the first checkpoint, he topped up the radiator water and the engine oil

2 “Aiman was playing at this spot ten minutes ago. It was she who broke the glass
figurines,” said his sister

3 Does anyone know who left these camera on my desk?

4 They ourselves bought the items and packed them into a hamper

5 Nadilah is a fussy person. Let him make the decision on the type of fabric to use

6 “Those is the squatter colony which was highlighted in the newspapers,” ENcik
Mirzan said while pointing to the squatter colony nearby

7 She was ecstatic when she managed to solve the problems himself

8 No anyone believed the boy who claimed that he was kidnapped by aliens

9 Mr. Wong and Mrs. Chua were the only winners of the recent lottery draw. The
prize money was shared between it and her equally

10 They threatened our family and warned us of the harm that would befall each of
them if their instructions were not followed.

11 While we were looking at yourself in the mirror, we were taken aback by the
changes to our faces

12 If you wish to improve your English, you must read more. I can lend you your books
if you like.

13 We pitched our tents, cooked dinner himself, and prepared our equipment for the
trek deeper into the forest.

14 It had wrapped herself around a small mousedeer and was squeezing the like out of it

15 Those simple demonstration of the awesome strength of the anaconda excited us.

16 Our guide, Mr. Lopez herself was speechless for a while

17 “Who is going to capture her on tape?” asked Mr. Lopez in a nervous voice
18 “Will you do the honours, Mr. Lopez?” one of us asked her.

19 The old lady at what the dog is barking is my neighbout

20 That is the man who car skidded off the road

21 The rambutans who I plucked from the tree are very ripe

22 That is the taxi driver when helped us get to the hospital on time

23 The tie this I bought yesterday matches my blue shirt

24 The villagers killed the tiger who was terrorizing them

25 The burglar where tried to enter the second floor of the bungalow fell through a
hole in the roof

26 Here is the young girl who courage save the day

27 The boy where we met yesterday left for Ipoh today

28 “Where are the parents who son won the oratorical contest?”

29 Those are the girls which passed the examination with flying colours.

30 The boy which you saw me with ten minutes ago is Mei Lin’s brother.

31 I picked up a kitten where was injured in the accident

32 I met the boy who father is the Chief Minister of a state

33 The spinster where they were teasing was lonely

34 She is admiring the drawing this my daughter drew

35 I met the old lady where daughter just underwent surgery in hospital

36 I must locate the girl which found my documents yesterday

37 We had a look at the new cars this were in the showroom

38 She is the teacher who daughter is the head prefect of our school

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