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Matthew Delgado

Personal Insight Question
Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this
interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.
Math has always been my favorite subject ever since I was little. It is kind of ironic to me

because no one in my family is good at it except me. Every time I solve equations and grasp

concepts or lessons so easily, this sensation of concentration takes control of time as the only

way to break this focus is a distraction. Of course when it comes to math, others need help as

well which isn't a bother to me since I am used to it. This subject never becomes dull to me, the

passion that is behind this complex understanding of numbers and symbols is what motivates me

to move on in education. Math is problems, everyone gets stuck with problems, even I do. My

passion for this subject always keeps me persistent when it comes to a problem that is difficult.

Math doesn't just bring out the good in me, it also brings out the frustration and emotions in me.

Even though I never show it, I carry myself high as I know I can conquer the understanding of

math. This subject brings out the help in others, which is very good , it forms new relations as

group study and tutoring. Solving equations swiftly and carefully makes me appreciate every

second of the time I spend focusing. The two hours of math instruction I have every other day

isn't enough for me. I began to create my own world where numbers, formulas, and variables is

the only language I speak. This terminology is what defines me as a student, wanting to spend

every single second solving for solutions for the problems in the world. This passion for this

subject will continue to live on as I am able to apply it to everything I do and everywhere I go.

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