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Max Weber was a founding figure of the field of

sociology and is considered one of the most

Research Work in Sociology famous sociologists in history. He is known for
his thesis of the "Protestant Ethic" as well as his
List of foreign and filipino sociologist and ideas on bureaucracy. Click here to learn more
their respective contribution to sociological about Weber's take on how Protestant religious
knowledge. values combined with the early capitalist
economy in the American colonies to create the
Throughout sociology's history, there have been ideological and economic foundation of the
many famous sociologists who have left their U.S., and here to read about his famous theory
mark on the field of sociology as well as the of the "iron cage."
world at large.
Harriet Martineau ,Though wrongfully
FOREIGN SOCIOLOGISTS: neglected in most sociology classes today she
was a prominent British writer and political
August Comte is known as the founder of activist, and one of the earliest Western
positivism and is credited with coininging the sociologists and founders of the discipline. Her
term sociology. Comte helped shape and scholarship focused on the intersections of
expand the field of sociology and placed a great politics, morals, and society, and she wrote
deal of emphasis in his work on systematic prolifically about sexism and gender roles.
observation and social order.
W.E.B. Du Bois was an American sociologist
Karl Marx is one of the most famous figures in best known for his scholarship on race and
the founding of sociology. He is known for his racism in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War. He
theory of historical materialism, which focuses was the first African American to earn a
on the way social order, like class structure and doctorate degree from Harvard University and
hierarchy, emerges out of the economic system served as the head of the National Association
of a society. He theorized this relationship as a for the Advancement of Colored People
dialectic between the base and superstructure (NAACP) in 1910. His most notable works
of society. Some of his notable works, like "The include The Souls of Black Folk, in which he
Manifesto of the Communist Party," were co- advanced his theory of "double consciousness,"
written with Friedrich Engels. Much of his and his massive tome on the social structure of
theory is contained in the series of volumes U.S. society, Black Reconstruction.
titled Capital. Marx has been described as one
of the most influential figures in human history, Alexis de Tocqueville Biography of Alexis de
and in a 1999 BBC poll was voted the "thinker of Tocqueville, a sociologist best known for his
the millennium" by people from around the book Democracy in America. Tocqueville
world. published many works in the areas of
comparative and historical sociology and was
Emile Durkheim is knows as the "father of very active in politics and the field of political
sociology" and is a founding figure in the field of science.
sociology. He is credited with making sociology
a science. One of his most famous pieces of Antonio Gramsci was an Italian political activist
work includes Suicide: A Study In Sociology, and and journalist who wrote prolific social theory
another important work of his that focuses on while imprisoned by Mussolini's fascist
how society functions and regulates itself is The government from 1926-34. He advanced Marx's
Division of Labor in Society. theory by focusing on the role of intellectuals,
politics, and media in maintaining the
dominance of the bourgeois class in a capitalist for developing the concepts of "self-fulfilling
system. The concept of cultural hegemony is prophecy" and "role model."
one of his key contributions.
Herbert Spencer was a British sociologist who
Michel Foucault was a French social theorist, was one of the first to think of social life in
philosopher, historian, public intellectual and terms of social systems. He saw societies as
activist best known for revealing through his organisms that progressed through a process of
method of "archaeology" how institutions wield evolution similar to that experienced by living
power by creating discourses that are used to species. Spencer also played an important role
control people. He is one of the most widely in the development of the functionalist
read and cited social theorists, and his perspective.
theoretical contributions are still important and
relevant today. Charles Horton Cooley is best known for his
theories of The Looking Glass Self in which he
C. Wright Mills is known for his controversial declared that our self-concepts and identities
critiques of both contemporary society and are a reflection of how other people perceive
sociological practice, particularly in his book The us. He is also famous for developing the
Sociological Imagination (1959). He also studied concepts of primary and secondary
power and class in the United States, as relationships. He was a founding member and
displayed in his book The Power Elite (1956). eighth president of the American Sociological
Patricia Hill Collins is one of the most revered
sociologists alive today. She is a ground- George Herbert Mead is well-know for his
breaking theorist and research in the areas of theory of the social self, which is based on the
feminism and race, and is most well known for central argument that the self is a social
popularizing the theoretical concept of emergent. He pioneered the development of
intersectionality, which emphasizes the symbolic interaction perspective and developed
intersecting nature of race, class, gender, and the concept of the "I" and "Me." He is also one
sexuality as systems of oppression. She has of the founders of social psychology.
written numerous books and scholarly articles.
Some of the most widely read are Black Erving Goffman is a significant thinker in the
Feminist Thought, and the article "Learning field of sociology and in particular the symbolic
from the Outsider Within: The Sociological interaction perspective. He is known for his
Significance of Black Feminist Thought," writings on the dramaturgical perspective and
published in 1986. pioneered the study of face-to-face interaction.
His notable books include The Presentation of
Pierre Bourdieu was a French sociologist and Self in Everyday Life, and Stigma: Notes on the
philosopher who contributed a great deal in the Management of Spoiled Identity. He served as
areas of general sociological theory and the link the 73rd President of the American Sociological
between education and culture. He pioneering Association and is listed as the 6th most-cited
terminologies such include habitus, symbolic intellectual in the humanities and social
violence, and cultural capital, and he is known sciences by The Times Higher Education Guide.
for his work titled Distinction: A Social Critique
of the Judgment of Taste. Georg Simmel, a sociologist best known for his
neo-Kantian approach to sociology, which laid
Robert K. Merton is considered one of the foundations for sociological anti positivism,
America's most influential social scientists. He is and his structuralist styles of reasoning.
famous for his theories of deviance as well as
Jurgen Habermas is a German sociologist and Erich Fromm was a sociologist, also a
philosopher in the tradition of critical theory psychologist and while in the USA, he became a
and pragmatism. He is known for his theory of vocal critic of the work of Sigmund Freud. As an
rationality and for his concept of
Orthodox Jew, he focused heavily on the
modernity. According to Habermas, there are
three types of formal reasoning: cognitive- meaning behind certain biblical stories,
instrumental reason (which is used in sciences), particularly the Fall in the Garden of Eden. Yet
moral-practical reason (which concerns ethics he departed in that he saw their actions as both
and morality) and aesthetic-expressive reason a virtue and indicative of human independence
(concerning the arts). His interest is in the of thought and curiosity.
second, particularly when understanding the
breakdown of traditional religious strictures. He
is currently ranked as one of the most Eileen Vartan Barker, one of the most
influential philosophers in the world and is a celebrated sociologists in the modern era, she
prominent figure in Germany as a public
has dedicated most of her research career to
intellectual. In 2007, Habermas was listed as the
understanding a number of concepts
7th most-cited author in the humanities by The
Higher Times Education Guide. surrounding religion – especially cults and
new religious movements and the curious
Anthony Giddens is a British sociologist best phenomena of brainwashing. This she set up in
known for his theory of structuration, his relation with the Church of England and the
holistic view of modern societies, and his British government. Though most of her studies
political philosophy called the Third Way.
and published work concern the Moonies, a lot
Giddens is a prominent contributor to the field
of sociology with 34 published books in at least of her concepts can apply to any other cult or
29 languages. religion where brainwashing could be used as a
tool of control and dependency.
Talcott Parsons, a sociologist best known for
laying the foundation for what would become
the modern functionalist perspective. He is Nancy Fraser is one of the most noteworthy
regarded by many as the twentieth century's feminist thinkers concerning the concept of
most influential American sociologist. social justice. Most notably, her theory is that
justice must contain three concepts:
distribution (of resources), recognition (of the
varying contributions of different groups), and
representation (linguistic). She has been an
advocate of Marxists campaigning for greater
social contribution as well as fairer distribution
(which she sees as its main concept). In her
famous work Redistribution or Recognition?
Fraser investigates this concept that certain
roles should be given greater value.
Jane Addams, one of the most prominent controversially that the relative absence of
female sociologists in a time before feminism, nuclear families (those having both a father and
Addams is seen as a quite remarkable person mother present) would greatly hinder further
progress toward economic and political
for her valuable contribution to the discipline.
She was also a peace protester, a member of
the Anti Imperialist League and started a Harry Edwards (born November 22, 1942) is an
Settlement House in the 1880s after reading African-American sociologist who took his PhD
inspiring Christian literature and travelling to at Cornell University and is Professor Emeritus
London to visit Toynbee Hall. Once there, she of Sociology at the University of California,
came to understand the vital part they played in Berkeley. He was one of the first students to
cultural connections and to integrating settlers study black sociology. After receiving his M.A. in
into 19th century America. 1966, Edwards took a temporary leave from
Cornell to teach at SJS as a visiting professor
Zygmunt Bauman – as a Polish native – was during the 1966-1968 academic years. In 1971
driven out of his country in the early 1970s by Edwards earned his Ph.D. from Cornell and
the Communist regime; he has lived in England became a sociology professor at the University
ever since. As a (non-practising) Jew who lived of California, Berkeley. While there he
through both World War II (fighting for the developed the field of race and the sociology of
Soviet Polish First Army) and then through sport. Edwards retired from the University of
communist invasion, much of his career has California on June 30, 2000. He continues to
been dedicated to writing social theory on the lecture and write books on black athletes and
holocaust, but also modernity, postmodern amateur and professional sports.
consumerism and liquid modernity, particularly
Francisco Pascasio Moreno (May 31, 1852 –
in relation to rationality and changing social
November 22, 1919) was a prominent explorer
values of the 1980s. and academic in Argentina, where he is usually
referred to as Perito Moreno (perito means
"specialist, expert"). Perito Moreno has been
Ibn Khaldun lived in 14th century Tunisia and is
credited as one of the most influential figures in
said to be the grandfather of modern sociology; the Argentine incorporation of large parts of
he is also considered one of the greatest Patagonia. He was appointed as chief of the
philosophers anywhere in the Muslim world. He Argentine exploring commission of the southern
first formulated the concept of social conflict territories, and member of numerous European
and the much-used idea today of a scientific societies. For his contributions to
science, Moreno received a doctorate Honoris
“generation―. Most importantly, he is
causa from the National University of Córdoba
responsible for coming up with the ideas of in 1877. He is also known for his role in
tribalism and social cohesion and their defending Argentine interests. He made
importance to society. defining surveys that led to the Boundary treaty
of 1881 between Chile and Argentina. These
Daniel Patrick Moynihan (March 16, 1927 – surveys and others yielded Moreno a vast
March 26, 2003) was an American politician and collection of archaeological and anthropological
sociologist. He focused on the deep roots of data and artifacts, for which he founded an
black poverty in America and concluded
anthropological museum in Buenos Aires in continuing to the present day, Meyer has
1877.[2] contributed fundamental ideas to the field of
sociology, especially in the areas of education,
Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk (Czech: [ˈtomaːʃ ˈɡarɪk organizations, and global and transnational
ˈmasarɪk]), sometimes called Thomas Masaryk
sociology. He is best known for the
in English (7 March 1850 – 14 September 1937), development of the neo-institutional
was a Czechoslovak politician, sociologist and perspective on globalization, known as world
philosopher, who as an eager advocate of
society or World Polity Theory.
Czechoslovak independence during World War I
became the founder and first President of Edvard Alexander Westermarck (20 November
Czechoslovakia.[1] He originally wished to 1862 – 3 September 1939) was a Finnish
reform the Austro-Hungarian monarchy into a philosopher and sociologist. Among other
democratic federal state, but during the First subjects, he studied exogamy and the incest
World War he began to favour the abolition of taboo. The phenomenon of reverse sexual
imprinting (when two people live in close
the monarchy and, with the help of the Allied
domestic proximity during the first few years in
Powers, eventually succeeded. He also founded the life of either one, both are desensitized to
Athenaeum, a magazine devoted to Czech sexual attraction), now known as the
culture and science.[citation needed] Athenaeum Westermarck effect, was first formally
issued in October 15, 1883 (editor was Jan described by him in his book The History of
Otto). Human Marriage (1891).
He has been described as "first Darwinian
Michael S. Schudson (born November 3, 1946) sociologist" or "the first sociobiologist".
is Professor of Journalism in the Graduate He helped found academic sociology in the
School of Journalism, Columbia University and United Kingdom, becoming the first professor of
sociology (with Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse) in
Adjunct Professor in the Department of
1907 in the University of London.
Sociology. He is Professor Emeritus at the
University of California, San Diego. He is a well-
respected and widely-cited expert in the fields Thorstein Bunde Veblen (born Torsten Bunde
such as journalism history, media sociology, Veblen; July 30, 1857 – August 3, 1929) was an
political communication, and public culture. He American economist and sociologist, and leader
is the author of six books and editor of two of the institutional economics movement.
Veblen is credited for the main technical
others concerning the history and sociology of
principle used by institutional economists,
the American news media, advertising, popular known as the Veblenian dichotomy. It is a
culture, Watergate and cultural memory. In distinction between what Veblen called
2004, he received the Murray Edelman "institutions" and "technology". Besides his
distinguished career award from the political technical work, Veblen was a popular and witty
communication section of the American critic of capitalism, as illustrated by his best-
known book The Theory of the Leisure Class
Political Science Association and the
(1899). Veblen is famous in the history of
International Communication Association. economic thought for combining a Darwinian
evolutionary perspective with his new
John W. Meyer is a sociologist and emeritus
institutionalist approach to economic analysis.
professor at Stanford University, located in Palo He combined sociology with economics in his
Alto, California. Beginning in the 1970s and
masterpiece, The Theory of the Leisure Class Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender
(1899), where he argued that there was a (1978);[2][3] Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory
fundamental split in society between those who (1989); Femininities, Masculinities, Sexualities:
make their way via exploitation and those who Freud and Beyond (1994); and The Power of
make their way via industry. Feelings: Personal Meaning in Psychoanalysis,
Gender, and Culture (1999). She is widely
regarded as a leading psychoanalytic feminist
Ulrich Beck (May 15, 1944 – January 1, 2015) theorist and is a member of the International
was a well known German sociologist, and one Psychoanalytical Association, often speaking at
of the most cited social scientists in the world its congresses.[4] She spent many years as a
during his lifetime.[2] His work focused on professor in the departments of sociology and
clinical psychology at the University of
questions of uncontrollability, ignorance and
California, Berkeley. She retired from the
uncertainty in the modern age, and he coined University of California in 2005. The
the terms "risk society" and "second Reproduction of Mothering was chosen by
modernity". He also tried to overturn national Contemporary Sociology as one of the ten most
perspectives that predominated in sociological influential books of the past twenty-five years.
investigations with a cosmopolitanism that
acknowledges the interconnectedness of the Laurence John "Laurie" Taylor (born 1 August
1936) is an English sociologist and radio
modern world. He was a professor at the
presenter originally from Liverpool. He has a
University of Munich and also held particular interest in criminology and was one
appointments at the Fondation Maison des of the founder members of the National
Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) in Paris, and at the Deviancy Conference. Perhaps his best known
London School of Economics. early work was the book co-written with
Stanley Cohen: Escape Attempts: The Theory
Charles Tilly (May 27, 1929 – April 29, 2008[1]) and Practice of Resistance to Everyday Life. The
was an American sociologist, political scientist, book arose from research into the wellbeing of
and historian who wrote on the relationship long term prisoners. He has also collaborated
between politics and society. He was professor on research with bank robber turned author
of history, sociology, and social science at the John McVicar.
University of Michigan 1969–1984 and in his
last position the Joseph L. Buttenwieser Theodor Holm Nelson (born June 17, 1937) is
Professor of Social Science at Columbia an American pioneer of information technology,
University. He has been described as "the philosopher, and sociologist. He coined the
founding father of 21st-century sociology"[1] terms "hypertext" and "hypermedia" in 1963,
and "one of the world's preeminent sociologists and published them in 1965. Nelson has also
and historians" as his "scholarship was
been credited as being the first person to use
unsurpassed, his humanity of the highest order,
his spirit unwavering."[2] After his death, the words transclusion, virtuality,
numerous special journal issues, conferences, intertwingularity, and teledildonics.
awards and obituaries appeared in his honor.[3]
Seymour Martin Lipset (March 18, 1922 –
Nancy Julia Chodorow (born January 20, 1944) December 31, 2006) was an American political
is a feminist sociologist and psychoanalyst.[1] sociologist, a senior fellow at the Hoover
She has written a number of influential books, Institution at Stanford University, and the Hazel
including The Reproduction of Mothering: Professor of Public Policy at George Mason
University. His major work was in the fields of the advancement of civil rights for African
political sociology, trade union organization, Americans and all ethnic minorities. He
social stratification, public opinion, and the preferred to work collaboratively with liberal
sociology of intellectual life. He also wrote white groups in the South, quietly as a "sideline
extensively about the conditions for democracy activist," to get practical results.
in comparative perspective.
Claude S. Fischer is Professor of the Graduate
Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein School in Sociology. He arrived at Berkeley in
(/ˈwɔːlərstiːn/;[1] born September 28, 1930) is an 1972 with an undergraduate degree from UCLA
American sociologist, historical social scientist, and a Ph.D. from Harvard. Most of his early
and world-systems analyst, arguably best research focused on the social psychology of
known for his development of the general urban life—how and why rural and urban
approach in sociology which led to the
experiences differ—and on social networks,
emergence of his World-System Theory.[2] He
publishes bimonthly syndicated commentaries both coming together in To Dwell Among
on world affairs.[3] Friends: Personal Networks in Town and City
(1982). In recent years, he has worked on
Julia Kristeva (French: [kʁisteva]; Bulgarian: American social history, beginning with a study
Юлия Кръстева; born 24 June 1941) is a of the early telephone's place in social life,
Bulgarian-French philosopher, literary critic, America Calling: A Social History of the
psychoanalyst, sociologist, feminist, and, most
Telephone to 1940 (1992). Along the way,
recently, novelist, who has lived in France since
the mid-1960s. She is now a Professor at the Fischer has worked on other topics, including
University Paris Diderot. Kristeva became writing a book on inequality with five Berkeley
influential in international critical analysis, colleagues, Inequality by Design: Cracking the
cultural theory and feminism after publishing Bell Curve Myth (1996). Fischer was also the
her first book Semeiotikè in 1969. Her sizable founding editor of Contexts, the American
body of work includes books and essays which Sociological Association's magazine of sociology
address intertextuality, the semiotic, and
for the general reader, and its executive editor
abjection, in the fields of linguistics, literary
theory and criticism, psychoanalysis, biography through 2004.
and autobiography, political and cultural
Ronald M. Enroth (born October 28, 1938) has
analysis, art and art history. Her works also
have an important place in post-structuralist been a Professor of Sociology at Westmont
thought. College[1] in Santa Barbara, California,
prominent evangelical Christian author of books
She is also the founder and head of the Simone concerning what he defines as "cults" and "new
de Beauvoir Prize committee. religious movements" and important figure in
the Christian countercult movement.

Theodor W. Adorno (/əˈdɔːrnoʊ/; German:

Charles Spurgeon Johnson (July 24, 1893 –
[aˈdɔʀno]; born Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund;
October 27, 1956) was an American sociologist
September 11, 1903 – August 6, 1969) was a
and college administrator, the first black
German sociologist, philosopher and
president of historically black Fisk University,
musicologist known for his critical theory of
and a lifelong advocate for racial equality and
society. Adorno coined the tern ‘identity
thinking’ to describe the process of categorical Revolutionists Daughter: Sherlock Holmes Meets
thought in modern society, by which everything Karl Marx (1983). The novel can be read as a
becomes an example of an abstract, and thus critique of Marx's personal moral failings, which
nothing individual in its actual specific call into question his philosophy and politics
uniqueness is allowed to exist.
Amos Henry Hawley (December 5, 1910 –
Dmitry Grigoryevich Glinka (Russian: Дмитрий August 31, 2009)[1] was an American sociologist.
Григорьевич Глинка) (July 28, 1808 - May 14, Hawley studied extensively how human
1883, Lisbon) was a Russian diplomat, privy populations interacted with their changing
councillor in deed, and sociologist. He is the environments along with the growth of
author of Esquisse d'une théorie du droit naturel populations. He focused his studies on the
(Berlin, 1835) and La philosophie du droit ou behavior of populations in terms of
explication des rapports sociaux (Paris, 1842). organization, development, and change over
space and time. Hawley contended that "the
Martha Beatrice Webb, Lady Passfield (née environment, population, and the ecosystem
Potter; 22 January 1858 – 30 April 1943), was tend to move toward equilibrium" (Human
an English sociologist, economist, socialist, Ecology,p10). In his book, Human Ecology,
labour historian and social reformer. Her
Hawley wrote that humans will modify their
husband, Sidney Webb, was created Baron
Passfield in 1929. Along with her husband and behavior patterns to fit with changes in their
numerous others, Webb co-founded the biophysical environment. Through this adaption
London School of Economics and played a human groups can either evolve or expand into
crucial role in forming the Fabian Society. She complex societies. For systemic change to
coined the term "collective bargaining". occur, such as expansion of a population,
disequilibrium is required along with multiple
Lewis Samuel Feuer (1912-2002) was an
challenges to the environment.[8]
American sociologist. Initially a committed
Marxist, he became a neo-conservative. His Paul Wilhelm Massing (30 August 1902 – 30
work ranged across a wide range of fields such April 1979) was a German sociologist. From
as Marxist and neo-Marxist thought, the 1948 and for many years, Paul Massing taught
sociology of knowledge, the sociology of political sociology at Rutgers University in New
science, sociological theory, ideology and Jersey. His most important work is Rehearsal for
intellectuals, the history of ideas, the sociology Destruction: A Study Of Political Anti-Semitism
of generations, the history and sociology of in Imperial Germany (1949), translated into
Jews and Judaism, and philosophy. He was one German in 1959 this Prehistory of Political Anti-
of the earliest interpreters of the relationship Semitism was published with a preface of Max
between psychoanalysis and philosophy and Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno.
produced many studies of the psychoanalytic
dimensions of ideology and intellectual life. His Arthur Ruppin (1 March 1876 – 1 January 1943)
extensive knowledge of the more arcane was a Zionist thinker and leader. He was also
intricacies of Marx's life and a deep love of the one of the founders of the city of Tel Aviv,
fictional character of Sherlock Holmes were the directing Berlin's Bureau for Jewish Statistics
basis for a novel entitled The Case of the and Demography from 1902 to 1907. In 1926
Ruppin joined the faculty of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem and founded the Niklas Luhmann (December 8, 1927 –
sociology department. A building there is now November 6, 1998) was a German sociologist,
named in his honor. His most celebrated and a prominent thinker in systems theory, who
is increasingly recognized as one of the most im
sociological work is "The Jews In The Modern
Systems theory
World" (1934). Luhmann's systems theory focuses on three
topics, which are interconnected in his entire
Alexandru Dimitrie Xenopol (Romanian work.
pronunciation: [alekˈsandru diˈmitri.e 1. Systems theory as societal theory
kseˈnopol]; March 23, 1847, Iaşi – February 27, 2. Communication theory and
1920, Bucharest) was a Romanian scholar, 3. Evolution theory
economist, philosopher, historian, professor, portant social theorists of the 20th century.
sociologist, and author. Among his many major Luhmann's systems theory is not without its
accomplishments, he is credited with being the critics; his definitions of "autopoietic" and
Romanian historian credited with authoring the "social system" differ from others. At the same
first major synthesis of the history of the time his theory is being applied or used
Romanian people. In his 1899 French-language worldwide by sociologists and other scholars:
Les Principes fondamentaux de l'histoire ("The
Fundamental Principles of History"), his work Alfred Winslow Jones (9 September 1900 – 2
most well-known internationally, he argued for June 1989), a sociologist, author, and financial
history being a true science which follows journalist, is credited with forming the first
clearly defined laws and logic, through which modern hedge fund and is widely regarded as
the reasons for historical processes could be the father of the hedge fund industry.
clearly defined.
In 1984, Jones transformed his fund into a fund
His six-volume Istoria românilor din Dacia- of funds, investing its capital in other hedge
Traiană ("The History of the Romanians in funds with different areas of expertise and
Trajan's Dacia"), completed between 1888 and investment styles. He gradually disengaged
1893, strongly asserts that the Romanians are himself from his office and gave his time to the
of predominantly Roman origin - a position Peace Corps and even tried to establish a
further elaborated by the historian Nicolae "reverse Peace Corps" in which aid recipients
Iorga, one of Xenopol's numerous pupils (see would send their own volunteers back to the
Origin of the Romanians). United States to work with the poor in that
country, as a "hedge" against creating a culture
Reinhard Bendix (February 25, 1916 – February of inferiority among developing countries.[4][16]
28, 1991) was a German American sociologist.
Talcott Parsons (December 13, 1902 – May 8,
Born in Berlin, Germany, he briefly belonged to 1979) was an American sociologist who served
Neu beginnen and Hashomer Hatzair, groups on the faculty of Harvard University from 1927
that resisted the Nazis. In 1938 he emigrated to to 1973.
the United States. He received his B.S., M.A., Parsons developed a general theory for the
and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, and study of society called action theory, based on
subsequently taught there from 1943 to 1946. the methodological principle of voluntarism and
He then taught for a year in the Sociology the epistemological principle of analytical
Department of the University of Colorado realism. The theory attempted to establish a
before moving to the Department of Sociology balance between two major methodological
at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1947 traditions: the utilitarian-positivist and
where he remained for the rest of his career. hermeneutic-idealistic traditions. For Parsons,
voluntarism established a third alternative Steve William Fuller (born 12 July 1959) is an
between these two. More than a theory of American philosopher-sociologist in the field of
society, Parsons presented a theory of social science and technology studies. He has
evolution and a concrete interpretation of the published in the areas of social epistemology,
"drives" and directions of world history. academic freedom, and the contentious
Parsons explicitly wrote that the term subjects of intelligent design and
"functional" or "structural functionalist" were transhumanism, for which he has received both
inappropriate ways to describe the character of praise and derogation at the hands of
his theory. prominent critics.

Theda Skocpol (born May 4, 1947) is an Luce Irigaray (French: [iʁigaʁɛ]; born 3 May
American sociologist and political scientist at 1930) is a Belgian-born French feminist,
Harvard University. She served from 2005 to philosopher, linguist, psycholinguist,
2007 as Dean of the Graduate School of Arts psychoanalyst, sociologist and cultural theorist.
and Sciences. She is influential in sociology as She is best known for her works Speculum of
an advocate of the historical-institutional and the Other Woman (1974) and This Sex Which Is
comparative approaches, and well known in Not One (1977).
political science for her "state autonomy
theory". Skocpol has written widely for both Edgar Morin (French: [mɔʁɛ̃]; born Edgar
popular and academic audiences. Nahoum in Paris on July 8, 1921) is a French
philosopher and sociologist. He is of Judeo-
In 2007, Skocpol was awarded the Johan Skytte Spanish (Sefardi) origin. He is known for the
Prize in Political Science, one of the world's transdisciplinarity of his works.
most prestigious prizes in political science.[1] In
2002-3, Skocpol was president of the American Manuel Castells (Spanish: Manuel Castells
Political Science Association. Oliván, pronounced: [kaˈsteʎs]; born 1942) is a
Spanish sociologist especially associated with
Daniel Bell (May 10, 1919 – January 25, 2011)[1] research on the information society,
was an American sociologist, writer, editor, and communication and globalization. The 2000–09
professor emeritus at Harvard University, best research survey of the Social Sciences Citation
known for his contributions to the study of Index ranks him as the world’s fifth most-cited
post-industrialism. He has been described as social science scholar, and the foremost-cited
"one of the leading American intellectuals of communication scholar.
the postwar era."[2] His three best known works
are The End of Ideology, The Coming of Post- He was awarded the 2012 Holberg Prize, for
Industrial Society and The Cultural having "shaped our understanding of the
Contradictions of Capitalism.[3] political dynamics of urban and global
economies in the network society." In 2013 he
Herbert Marcuse (German: [maʀˈkuːzə]; July 19, was awarded the Balzan Prize for Sociology.
1898 – July 29, 1979) was a German-American
philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, Carol Queen is an American author, editor,
associated with the Frankfurt School of critical sociologist and sexologist active in the sex-
theory. In his written works, he criticized positive feminism movement. Queen has
capitalism, modern technology, historical written on human sexuality in books such as
materialism and entertainment culture, arguing Real Live Nude Girl: Chronicles of Sex-Positive
that they represent new forms of social Culture. She has written a sex tutorial,
control.[6] Exhibitionism for the Shy: Show Off, Dress Up
and Talk Hot, as well as erotica, such as the
novel The Leather Daddy and the Femme. Ledivina Vidallon Cariño was a Filipino
Queen has produced adult movies, events, sociologist and political scientist. She was
workshops and lectures. Queen was featured as University Professor (the highest academic rank
an instructor and star in both installments of
in the University of the Philippines), and later
the Bend Over Boyfriend series about female-to-
male anal sex, or pegging. She has also served University Professor Emeritus, at the National
as editor for compilations and anthologies. She College of Public Administration and
is a sex-positive sex educator in the United Governance of the University of the Philippines
States. Diliman (UP-NCPAG). She also once served as
president of the Philippine Sociological Society.
Morris Janowitz (October 22, 1919 – November
7, 1988) was an American sociologist and Karina Constantino-David is a former
professor who made major contributions to Chairperson of the Civil Service Commission of
sociological theory, the study of prejudice, the Philippines. She also served as the
urban issues, and patriotism. He was one of the
chairperson of the Career Executive Service
founders of military sociology and made major
contributions, along with Samuel P. Huntington, Board, a government entity supervising the top
to the establishment of contemporary civil- management personnel of the Philippine
military relations. government. She presently sits as a member of
the Government Service Insurance System
Hubert Morse Blalock, Jr. (August 23, 1926 — (GSIS) Board of Trustees. David started working
February 8, 1991) was an American sociologist in 1966 as a Teaching Assistant in the
who was internationally known for his work on
Department of Sociology of the University of
statistical research methods.[1][2] He was a
professor of sociology at the University of the Philippines Diliman. She became an
Washington,[1] president of the American Assistant Professor from 1970 to 1975. In 1986,
Sociological Association[1][3] and a member of she was appointed Undersecretary in the
the National Academy of Sciences.[1] According Department of Social Welfare and
to the National Academies Press, Blalock Hubert Development. From 1975, David has been a
"played a major role in shaping the field of Professor of Community Development at the
sociology during the latter half of the twentieth
University's College of Social Work and
Community Development.[1]

Randolf "Randy" S. David is a Filipino journalist,

FILIPINO SOCIOLOGIST television host and a sociologist. He is a
professor emeritus of sociology at the
Walden Bello (born 1945) is a Filipino author, University of the Philippines Diliman. He
academic, and political analyst who currently currently pens a weekly newspaper column for
serves in the Philippine Congress. He is a the Philippine Daily Inquirer, as well as being a
professor of sociology and public administration member of the board of advisor of ABS-CBN
at the University of the Philippines Diliman, as Corporation.[1]
well as executive director of Focus on the
Global South. Dr. Czarina Aya-ay Saloma-Akpedonu,
sociologist, was named Outstanding Young
Scientist by the National Academy of Science
and Technology (Philippines) in 2007.[1]
Saloma-Akpedonu wrote her first book, Possible
Worlds in Impossible Places: Globality,
Knowledge, Gender, and Information
Technology in the Philippines (Ateneo de Manila
University, 2006), where she explores the
everyday life-worlds of the actors in the
Philippine information technology industry.

She is concurrently the Director of the Institute

of Philippine Culture of the Ateneo de Manila
University.[2] Her professional responsibilities
included being Chair of Ateneo's Department of
Sociology and Anthropology (2005-2010),
President the Philippine Sociological Society
(2006–2007) and Vice President of the Research
Committee on Science and Technology of the
International Sociological Association (2010–

Paulo Montillon Austria is a Filipino sociologist

who developed spiritual behavior in the field of

Dr. Corazon Lamug was a sociology professor

and appointed associate dean and eventually
dean of CAS of University of the Philippines at
Los Banos (UPLB).

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