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CClean Burning Blomass Cookstoves Side Feed Forced Dratt Stove Chapter 13 Side Feed Forced Draft Stove High Power PM 2.5: 4.Smg/min @ 3.3kW Low Power PM 2.5: 3.8 mg/min @ 1.4kW In this Forced Draft Rocket stove, the sticks are pushed horizontally into the fire as they are consumed, The made charcoal falls beneath the sticks and helps to keep the sticks lit by radiation. Adding forced drat to the Rocket stove accomplishes better mixing of gases, flame, smoke, and air. A chimney was added to this stave to comply with new WHO standards. Test Results CCAD drawings are found in Appendix C. [Stove type/mode! ‘Side Feed Forced Draft eran Location Average cov Tier IWA Performance Metrics _units High Power Thermal Efficiency % 47.1% 4% a lLow Power Specific Consumption MU/minvL. 0.010 8% 4 High Power CO gM 176 30% 4 lLow Power co afminit 0.01 20% 4 High Power PM mgiMJe 47.2 53% 3 lLow Power PM mgiminiL. 0.47 48% 4 dor Einissions CO gfmin 0.16 2236 4 indoor Emissions PM malmin AS 57% 3 er Clean Buring Biomass Cookstoves Side Feed Foxced Dratt Stove Design History and Overview Andy McClean worked with Mr. Shen to develop the Side Feed Forced Draft Stove ti jae\ Andy McClean developed the Side Feed Forced Draft Rocket Stove at ARC with Dean Stil and worked with Mr ‘Shen at Shengzhou Stove Manufacturer to build the various prototypes. ‘The Side Feed Forced Draft stove follows the same feed pattern used in a Three Stone Fire and in most traditional stoves. The sticks are pushed horizontally into the fire as they are consumed. ‘The made charcoal falls beneath the sticks and helps to keep the sticks lit by radiation, Adding forced draft to the Rocket stove accomplishes better mixing of gases, flame, smoke, and air. A computer fan pushes forceful jets of air into the burning fuel from underneath the floor of the combustion chamber, The natural draft of the fire and the upwards motion of the jets of air direct the fire up the Rocket's short insulated chimney to the pot, The air flow was adjusted to keep the fire inside the combustion chamber. When the velocity of the air jets was too high the smoke could be pushed out of the fuel door. ARC researchers first tried to add jets of sec- ondary air above the fuel in the vertical section 68 of the Rocket combustion chamber. Generally, the approach to side feed forced draft stoves has followed the secondary air technique invented by Dr. Tom Reed for his TLUD stove. ARC research- et Mark Witt started working on a side feed fan stove with added jets of forced draft above the fire in 2005. In 2009, ARC Lab Manager Nordica MacCarty worked on a single jet approach that swirled the air above the burning sticks of wood. Several side feed fan stove prototypes with jets of secondary air were shown at the annual ETHOS (Engineers in Tech- nical and Humanitarian Opportunities of Service) conference over the years. However, when these prototype stoves were tested under the emissions hood the results were generally disappointing, ‘There are industrial burners that utilize jets of primary air that enter underneath the fuel bed to clean up combustion, Both Underfeed Stokers and Fluidized Bed Boilers use primary air that enters the fuel bed from underneath. Underfeed Stok- ers push the fuel (and forceful jets of air) into the bottom of the fuel bed where heat creates burnable gases and combustion of the gases. The fuel is located over a grate where it is exposed to air and radiant heat from the made charcoal. Underfeed Stokers supply both fuel and primary combustion air from beneath the grate assuring that the top of the fuel pile is not cooled by secondary air. Fluidized Bed Boilers are a recent type of com- bustion chamber developed for the clean burning of biomass. The flow of air and fuel to the fuel bed is controlled so that the temperature stays constant. Excess air is needed to achieve close to complete combustion even though the above stoi- chiometric levels of air decrease the heat transfer efficiency. Jets of secondary air can also be used above the fuel bed in Underfeed Stokers and Flu- idized Bed Boilers to further improve combustion efficiency. ‘The technique of using jets of bottom-air-only has been seen in the cook stove space. In 2007 ARC tested the bottom-air-only Wood Flame stove made in Canada. The stove was very clean burn- ing and its performance was comparable to the CClean Burning Blomass Cookstoves Side Feed Forced Dratt Stove ‘Tom Reed WoodGas stove. (Still et al., 2014). In the Wood Flame stove only high velocity jets of primary air shoot up into the burning wood. There is no secondary air blowing into the flame above the fuel. Both bottom air and top air approaches seemed to work equally well. (Please contact the ‘Wood Flame company before manufacturing this, type of stove to discuss their patent protections.) In 2013, with DOE funding, ARC built a bot tom-air-only prototype stove and has experimented with improving the stove for two years. There are several advantages in a bottom-ait-only approach. The jets of air flow into the fuel bed from holes in the floor of the combustion chamber. The fan sim- ply pushes air into a sealed space beneath the floor. Since the air flows vertically, back-drafting out of the fuel door is not difficult to overcome. The in- creased velocity of the high temperature flue gases also improves heat transfer efficiency. A Side Feed Forced Draft stove can reduce firepower to simmer food just like a natural draft Rocket stove by pushing fewer sticks into the combustion chamber. The Side Feed Forced Draft Rocket stove can simmer water at 97°C using two lem x 2cm sticks. Ina forced draft Rocket stove the velocity of the jets of air can be decreased when the fire is smaller. However, the experimental development of this stove has shown that almost complete combustion at both high and low power seems to require very force- ful jets of air. This stove has a rocket-style combustion chamber with an electrically-powered fan providing prima- ry air from sixty-four 104mm holes in the bottom of the metal combustion chamber. The metered fuel, long sticks of wood pushed into the combus- tion chamber, is above the forceful jets of primary air. The fan speed has an effect on firepower, but it is not as determinant as the number of sticks or the length of the burning portion of the sticks. Feeding four lem x 2cm sticks at about 2.Sem per minute into the stove creates approximately 3kW. of firepower. Only the tips of the wood, about 8em_ long, are allowed to combust. An insulative ce- ramic brick is placed at the same level as the metal combustion chamber just inside the fuel door to decrease radiative heating of the “cold” portion of the sticks, For cleanest burning the sticks need to be close to or touch the floor of the combustion chamber where the air is injected. Locating the sticks very close to the made charcoal also makes it easier to sustain the fire. The small jets of air disperse quickly and the mixing effect is diminished about 12cm above the burning sticks ‘When operating the stove, the cleanest burning configuration seems to be when the flames above the wood sticks are short and choppy. The higher PM emissions events tend to happen when the flame rises up into the upper part of the combus- tion chamber. Higher fan speeds are needed to support cleaner combustion. The more forceful jets create more mixing in the combustion zone. Smaller sized holes seem to result in cleaner com- bustion by creating faster jets of air. Reducing the diameter of the vertical Rocket chimney above the larger diameter combustion zone resulted in more complete combustion. However, if the diameter is too small then the stove back drafts. Increasing the height of the combustion chamber also increases the draft, even with the narrow chimney section. This combus- tion chamber configuration makes it easier to keep the fire going and creates hotter temperatures, better heat transfer efficiency and lower overall firepower. Since the lower firepower generally re- sults in reduced emissions of PM 2.5, the smaller diameter chimney configuration was more likely to result in cleaner emissions. In the final designs, however, a higher firepower was desirable and we returned to the original 10cm diameter chimney. A large fuel-feeding door caused excessive heat loss to the environment through radiative heat transfer. A Sem high door was chosen for this rea- son. A smaller height would make it more difficult to see the burning fuel and to know when to add more fuel. A larger pot and more water can be used to im- prove the low power metrics. This is a function of 68

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