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Horse Stable Ventilation

lthough horse enthusiasts have maintaining good air quality in other

A a wide variety of riding-driving

disciplines, breeds, and inter-
ests, all agree that good air quality
stable layouts and in run-in-sheds or
indoor riding arenas.
Table of Contents
What Is Ventilation? ................................... 1
Common Ventilation Questions .................. 2
inside their horse’s stable is impor-
tant. Veterinarians and professional
What Is Ventilation? Recommendations for Providing
horse handlers recommend good ven- The objective of ventilation is to pro- Effective Natural Ventilation ...................... 5
tilation for stabled horses to maintain vide fresh air to the horse. Ventila- Three Design Features to Improve
respiratory health. We know that the tion is achieved by simply providing
Horse Stall Ventilation .............................. 13
stable should smell like fresh forage sufficient openings in the building so
and clean horses rather than manure that fresh air can enter and stale air Why Inadequate Ventilation? ................... 15
or ammonia. Yet, failure to provide ad- will exit. There are ways to provide Measuring Ventilation Rate ...................... 15
equate ventilation is the most com- each stabled horse with access to
mon mistake made in construction Summary ................................................... 16
fresh air all the time. The stable will
and management of modern horse fa- have “holes” in it to admit air; it can- Acknowledgements .................................. 16
cilities. Why would not be constructed tight as a thermos Additional Resources ............................... 16
Inadequate such a universally bottle like our own homes. Com-
ventilation is agreed upon fea- pared to our homes, stables have
the most ture be overlooked much more moisture, odor, mold,
common in stable design? and dust being added to the air, not
mistake made Are we placing hu- to mention manure being deposited
man needs over within the facility.
in modern
horse comfort? Ventilation is needed to remove
horse facilities.
Have building de- heat from the stable in hot weather.
signers and owners It is beneficial to provide a cooling
lost perspective of the features of a breeze over the horse, which is more
well-ventilated stable? There is a trend comfortable than hot, still air. Dur-
toward residential construction prac- ing warm weather the stable doors
tices in horse housing. Horses are con- and windows are usually open to aid
sidered livestock when it comes to in moving air through the stable.
housing design, despite the fact that
they are our companions and pets.
This publication outlines proven prac-
tices of ventilation that have been suc-
cessfully used in maintaining good air
quality in horse facilities. Although
the emphasis is on stables with box
stalls to each side of a central aisle,
the principles are equally effective in


During cold weather, the stable is of- Common Ventilation Questions Horse owners often want warm
ten managed with closed windows stable conditions for their comfort
and doors to keep chilling winter What are comfortable conditions? during horse care activities. Instead
winds off the horse. In winter, the A horse’s most comfortable tempera- of heating the whole barn or cutting
ventilation goal changes from heat ture range is between 45 and 75oF. off ventilation to trap horse body
removal to controlling moisture, Our most comfortable human tem- heat, provide a heated grooming and
odor, and ammonia that have built perature is at the upper end of the tacking area. If freezing conditions
up in the more closed environment horse comfort zone. Clearly, horses cannot be tolerated, then supple-
of the stable. Moisture comes from tolerate cold very well and adapt to mental heat will be needed in suscep-
horse respiration and other stable chilling breezes when housed out- tible areas, such as the tack room or
activities such as horse bathing and side. If conditioned to cold weather, washing and grooming areas. Frost-
facility cleaning. With moisture horses with long-hair coats and ad- proof, self-draining hydrants (Figure
buildup, comes increased risk of con- equate nutrition can withstand tem- 2) and freeze-proof automatic water-
densation, intense odor, more ammo- peratures below 0 o F. Even show ers are available. Water pipes within
nia release, and pathogen viability, horses with a short-hair coat can be the stable need to be buried to the
which contributes to respiratory in- maintained in a cold but dry indoor same depth as supply plumbing to
fection. facility when provided with blankets the stable site.
Ventilation involves two simple and hoods. Within a box stall, horses
processes (Figure have the freedom to move away from What about drafts?
1). One is “air ex- uncomfortable conditions. A draft occurs when cold air blows
The objective
change,” where on a horse. Warm air blowing over a
of ventilation What is a well-ventilated stable
stale air is replaced horse is not a draft. Since horses tol-
is to get fresh with fresh air, and going to feel like? erate colder conditions than humans,
air to the the second is “air The stable environment in winter is what we consider drafty is not neces-
horse. distribution,” almost as cold as outdoors but com- sarily uncomfortable to the horse. Be
where fresh air is fortably dry with no condensation sure to differentiate between cold
available throughout the stable. dripping from the structure. Cold temperature and draft. A main prin-
Proper ventilation provides both; one and humid conditions are uncom- ciple of ventilation is that even very
without the other is not adequate ven- fortable for both horse and human cold fresh air can be introduced into
tilation. For example, it is not good and lead to a stuffy, dank environ- a horse stall, so when mixed and tem-
enough to let fresh air into the stable ment within the stall. Upon first en- pered with stable air, it no longer has
through an open door at one end of tering a stable, make an objective the air speed and chill of a draft.
the building if that fresh air is not dis- evaluation about its air quality before
tributed throughout the horse stalls. you have adapted to those conditions.
Nor is proper ventilation satisfied if In hot weather, the stable tempera- Figure 2. Design detail for freezing
a tightly closed stable uses interior cir- ture will be within a few degrees of conditions, such as this self-draining
culation fans to move stale air around outdoors and more comfortable due water hydrant, will be needed in most
the facility. to shading from the sun. horse stables.
During winter, horse stables
should be kept no more than 5 to
Figure 1. Air exchange and air 10°F warmer than the outside tem-
distribution are the two ventilation perature. This guideline helps assure
processes. fresh air conditions, but it also means
freezing will occur inside stables in
northern climates. It is a manage-
Pathogens ment mistake with regards to air qual-
Moisture Oxygen ity and to your horses’ health to close
the barn tight just to keep conditions
air Dust above freezing in cold weather. If
in Heat condensation occurs on interior sur-
Stale faces, then the stable is too closed off
air for proper ventilation.

What about air distribution within has 1/2 air changes per hour from How is ventilation provided to the
the stable? infiltration through various cracks, structure?
An open, unobstructed interior helps such as around doors and windows. Natural ventilation is used in horse
move air around the stable. Provide This recommendation for stable ven- stables and riding arenas. Wind and
airflow between the openings in the tilation is substantially more than the thermal buoyancy (hot air rises) are
stable where fresh air enters and stale average residential air exchange rate the natural forces that drive this type
air exits. Fresh air is brought into the to maintain fresh air conditions and of ventilation (Figure 3). Natural ven-
horse stalls where it picks up mois- good air quality in the more challeng- tilation uses openings located along
ture, heat, dust, and ammonia and ing stable environment. the sidewall and ridge (roof peak) to
can exit out an- accommodate these air movement
An open, other opening. forces. (Figure 4 shows building ter-
unobstructed Stuffy stables, and minology used in this publication.)
interior gets their poor air qual- The sidewall open-
fresh air to the ity, are the product ings are more im-
horses and of limited air ex- portant than the Go into the
Figure 3. Horse stable ventilation uses
provides an exit change and/or ob- architecture with openings along
ridge openings if horse stall
path for stale structions to get- stable design can-
sidewalls and ridge to accommodate the to deter-
ting the fresh air to not accommodate
air. two forces behind natural ventilation: mine the air
where the horses both sets of open-
thermal buoyancy and wind. quality of a
are stalled. ings. The stable
Go into the horse stall to deter- ventilation system stable.
mine the air quality of the stable. will work better
Moisture, odor, and ammonia are Wind when both ridge and sidewall open-
generated primarily in the stalls, ings are provided. The ridge open-
where fresh air is needed for horse buoyancy ing allows warm and moist air, which
respiration and to dilute air contami- accumulates near the roof peak, to
nants. Since most dust and ammonia escape. The ridge opening is also a
are down near the bedding and ma- very effective mechanism for wind-
nure, check air quality near the floor driven air exchange since wind moves
as well as at horse-head height. Floor- faster higher off the ground.
level air quality is particularly impor-
tant for foals or when horses eat at Figure 4. Building terminology used for describing ventilation system design and
ground level and spend time laying functions.
in the stall. It is not uncommon for
the stable’s working aisle to be breezy Ridge openings
and well ventilated while the stalls
Roof shapes
suffer from stuffy conditions.
Gable Gambrel
How much ventilation should be Simple Upstand
Overshot Monitor Arch Cap Cupola
Natural ventilation is often expressed
in “air changes per hour.” An air
change per hour (ACH) means that Chimney
the total volume of air in the stable is
replaced in an hour’s time. Six air
changes per hour means a complete Eave
air change every 10 minutes. Provide
4 to 8 air changes per hour to reduce Eave detail
mold spore contamination, minimize all
condensation, and reduce moisture, Sid
odor, and ammonia accumulation. Fascia
For comparison, the modern home Soffit

Wind is the dominant force in horse are 25 cfm for moisture con- into a duct to distribute fresh air
horse stable natural ventilation. With trol in cold weather; 100 cfm for heat throughout a part of a stable where
the variability in wind speed and di- removal during mild weather; or 200 direct access to outside air is difficult
rection, openings on the stable will to 350 cfm during hot weather. Inlets (Figure 5). This duct system can be
frequently alternate between being are sized at 1.7 ft2 ⁄1,000 cfm of fan used in retrofitting older barns and
an inlet for fresh air and an outlet capacity. is particularly effective in the under-
for stale air. Wind will push air into Circulation fans may be used in ground portions of bank barns where
the stable through openings on the stables for temporary relief to disrupt access to fresh air is limited. Ducts
windward side of the building while warm, stale areas or to provide a cool- can also effectively distribute supple-
drawing air out of the stable on the ing breeze over the horse’s body. mental heat in a barn.
leeward, or downwind, side. Once the These fans move air already in the
wind speed is above about 1 mph, stable so they do not provide more
wind-driven ventilation will dissipate fresh air to the horse. A properly de-
the effects of thermal buoyancy in signed stable ventilation system Each stall should have direct
horse stables. should virtually eliminate the need access to fresh air openings
Since horse stables are typically for circulation fans. that are open year-round.
unheated, they are considered “cold” Another application of mechani-
housing. Thermal buoyancy (hot air cal ventilation uses a fan blowing air
rises) is dependent upon a tempera-
ture difference between the warmer
stable interior, where the horses’ Figure 5. Overhead view of two mechanical ventilation systems with fan and duct
body heat will slightly warm the sur- used to distribute air.
roundings, and the cooler outside Top diagram shows distribution duct for a combination of fresh, heated, and/or recirculated air. Exhaust fan
conditions. Because a properly ven- system draws air into stable through louvered inlet on one wall and discharges stale air on the opposite
wall. Bottom diagram shows fresh air distribution with no recirculation. Louvered outlets provide stale air
tilated stable has less than a 10°F dif- exit.
ference between the stable interior
and outside conditions, there is not
a large temperature difference as a
driving force for buoyant air move-
ment. Duct with holes for air
distribution Fan in
What about using fans? duct Powered
louver inlet
The other major type of ventilation Exhaust for fresh air
fan entry when
is mechanical ventilation, which uses
fans, inlets, and controls in a pres- exhaust fan
Fresh air from louvers may be is on.
sure-controlled structure. Mechani- mixed with barn air and/or Heater
Air is “pulled” (optional)
cal ventilation is typical in some types into stable by the supplemental heat.
of livestock housing (poultry and exhaust fan
through open
swine) but is not commonly needed louvers on
in horse stables. Natural ventilation opposite wall.
is adequate for housing animals, such
as horses and cattle, that are tolerant Fresh air distribution
of a wide range of temperature con- from duct with holes
ditions. Mechanical ventilation is Fan attached
to duct
more expensive to install and main- outlets
forces fresh
tain but offers control over the air air into duct.
exchange rate. Heated stables may
employ mechanical ventilation dur-
ing the heating season. The fan(s)
has a known capacity in cubic feet per
minute (cfm) and provides a uniform
air exchange rate. Minimum recom-
mendations for each 1,000-pound

Figure 6. The best way to provide draft-free fresh air to each horse stall is through Recommendations for
an opening at the eave. Figure shows a cut-away view of stall components and Providing Effective Natural
eave opening. The eave is open year-round with additional, large warm weather Ventilation
openings provided by opening windows and doors.
Permanent Openings
Furnish stalls with some sidewall
openings that are permanently open
year-round. Each stall should have
Truss direct access to fresh air openings. A
guideline is to supply each stabled
Fresh air to each stall. Provide at least 1-inch horse the equivalent of at least 1
continuous opening per 10 feet of building width. square foot of opening into its stall
to allow ventilation even during the
Window that opens
coldest weather. The best location for
this permanent opening is at the eave
(where sidewall meets roof). A slot
Open grillwork on
stall partitions opening along the eave that runs the
entire length of the stable is often
7-foot minimum to window sill

used (Figures 6 and 7).

There are several benefits of a
continuous slot opening at the eaves.
The slot opening provides equal dis-
10-foot typical

tribution of fresh air down the length

Optional: Gaps
between stall wall, and on both sides of the stable, pro-
boards (shown in viding every stall with fresh air. The
Figure 21) opening’s position at the eave, 10 to
12 feet above the floor, allows the in-
coming cold air to be mixed and tem-
pered a bit with stable air before
reaching the horse. The long slot in-
let is desirable during cold weather
since air enters the stable through a
relatively narrow opening as a thin
sheet of cold, fresh air rather than as
Figure 7. Perspective view of ventilation openings on a central-aisle stable. Eave a large, drafty mass of air provided
inlet slot runs entire length of sidewall. Ridge vent shown has simple opening with by an open window or door.
upstand. A minimum guideline for cold cli-
mates is to provide at least 1 inch of
continuous-slot, permanent opening
Eave opening 3–4" Ridge opening 6–8" wide for each 10 feet of building width. For
permanently open slot
a 12-foot-wide stall, a 1-inch-wide con-
tinuous slot will supply 144 square
inches, or 1 square foot, of perma-
nent opening. One functional and
recommended design, shown in Fig-
ure 7, incorporates 3 to 4 inches of
permanent opening at the eave on
each sidewall of a center aisle stable
(36 feet wide). This is slightly above
the minimum recommendation and
Seasonal opening works well to ensure a well-ventilated
Doors and windows for warm weather breezes stable during cold and cool condi-

Figure 8. Options for eave inlet openings. tions when other stable openings are
often kept closed. Some stables have
larger permanent openings, sporting
Optional 13-inch eave vent openings on 16-
Continuous soffit vent Hinged board to inch eave overhangs plus a 6-inch
change opening opening at the ridge. These vents are
size. Close up to 3/4
of the opening. open all year.
Other stables outfit the eave open-
Open ing with a hinged panel so that the
opening size may be partially closed
during extreme cold weather (Figure
Optional 8). It is open the full 6 inches all sum-
1-inch wire mesh
Mesh to discourage bird entry may be mer and reduced to a 2-inch slot in
horizontal or vertical. the winter by swinging a 1 x 4 board
Closed over part of the opening. Do not
cover more than 75% of the eave
opening and only do so during severe
weather. In foaling stalls, in moder-
ate climates, a 2-inch by 7-foot-long
slot may be installed about 20 inches
above the floor to guarantee fresh air
Closed at foal level. This gets the foal off to
a good start.

Seasonal Openings
Optional In addition to the permanent open-
Hinged board may close all of ings for cold weather, another set of
opening for half of stall width; large openings allow cooling breezes
i.e., 6-foot closed vent door to enter the stable during warmer
and 6-foot open on 12-foot
wide stall. weather (Figure 9). Stables with in-
Open terior central aisles have large
endwall doors that are opened for
this function. When horses are kept
indoors during warm weather, allow
Figure 9. Natural ventilation construction features include high and low openings, breezes to enter the horse stall with
some of which are open year-round. Larger openings provide hot weather air windows or doors that open from the
movement. stall to the outside (Figure 10). Pro-
vide openings equivalent to at least 5
High openings
Ridge vent to 10% of the floor area in each stall.
For a 12-foot x 12-foot box stall, suf-
ficient openings would be a 3 x 2 1⁄ 2
foot open window for 5% opening or
4 x 3 1⁄ 2 foot open window (or top of
Dutch door) for 10% opening.
openings Minimize Eave open Stable Ventilation Openings
obstructions year-round
Figures 11, 12, and 13 provide rec-
ommendations for the minimum ac-
ceptable cold weather openings and
warm weather options. Greater open-
Sidewall openings ings at the eaves, except for the cold-
—big for hot weather
—controllable for cold weather
est days, are desirable to assure good
air quality within the stable during

Figure 10. Options on exterior stall doors to provide warm Figure 12. Recommended ridge and eave openings for single
weather ventilation openings. aisle stable with stalls facing an outside work aisle.
Eave and Ridge Natural Ventilation—minimum opening sizes
12-foot square box stalls
10-foot aisle
Open aisle design

Dutch door Dutch door with grillwork so horse

cannot reach head outside 1" 1"


Dutch door with partial grill Complete open grillwork for air 2–4"
to limit horse reach outside movement though whole door 1–4"
and to discourage jumping opening 1–4"
the lower door panel 4' x 4'
1–4" 1–4"
Open stall window/door on front Open aisle endwall doors
Figure 11. Recommended ridge and eave openings for center Open stall window on back (optional) Open stall and aisle windows
aisle stable with stalls on both sides.
Eave and Ridge Natural Ventilation—minimum opening sizes
12-foot square box stalls Figure 13. Recommended ridge and eave openings for
12-foot aisle double aisle stable with four rows of horse stalls across
width. The central stalls in the four-row layout will get
almost no fresh air since they are not near a fresh air
1–2" 1–2" opening.

Eave and Ridge Natural Ventilation—minimum opening sizes

12-foot square box stalls 8"
12-foot aisles

1–4" 1–4" 3–4" 3–4"

Open stall doors/windows
Open aisle endwall doors 8–12"

6–8" 6–8"
4–8" 4–8"

Summer Summer
No stall doors/windows Open aisle endwall doors
Open aisle endwall doors Open stall door/windows (optional)

cold and cool weather. If sufficient so tell your builder that you need the Ridge Vent
ridge vent is not provided, then ventilation air exchange at the eaves Ridge opening area should match the
double the eave vent opening sizes. and leave off the soffit metal. The eave opening area with a minimum
Center aisle (Figure 11) and single perforated metal soffit was designed of 1 square foot of opening per horse.
aisle (Figure 12) stables are easy to for residential and commercial attic The same recommendation for the
properly ventilate. ventilation applications where the eaves (providing at least 1 inch of
The recommended ventilation need is about one-third of even the continuous slot opening per 10 feet
openings for a double-aisle stable, minimum airflow for horse stables. of building width) applies to the
with four rows of horse stalls across Residential soffit has very tiny holes ridge opening. If no ridge opening
width (Figure 13), attempt to over- to exclude large insect entry, but will is provided, then supply double the
come shortcomings of this building clog with dirt and dust within months minimum recommended eave open-
design. The central stalls in the four- if installed in a horse stable. In addi- ing (supply 2 inches of continuous
row layout will get almost no fresh tion, attics are almost dust-free com- eave opening per 10 feet of stable
air since they are not near a fresh air pared to horse stables. To discourage width if no ridge vent is used). Simi-
opening. Ventilation in these central bird entry at the eaves, wire mesh lar to cautions raised about eave
stalls will be particularly compro- squares of approximately 3⁄ 4 to 1 inch openings, be sure to avoid residen-
mised if stall walls are solid without may be installed. Since birds will en- tial and commercial ridge vent assem-
grillwork on the top portion. With ter the facility through larger open- blies that are overly restrictive to air
solid stall walls and a ceiling over the ings such as doors and windows, wire movement. Insect screens restrict air-
central stalls (for storage), there will mesh on the eaves is not necessary. flow. Remember, you are ventilating
be no fresh air movement into those Similar logic applies to fly entry. a barn not a house attic—not only is
stalls. This double-aisle layout is not
recommended when horses will be
kept inside more time than turned Figure 14. Open area and effective area for ventilation through eave inlet
out. Daily stall cleanout will be im- treatments.
portant to keep ammonia and odors Note: Some soffit coverings are so restrictive to airflow that greatly increased soffit area is needed to
from accumulating in the central provide 1 square foot of inlet area per stall. Tight screenings and small holes will clog with dust within
stalls. It is particularly important that months of installation, providing almost no airflow through opening.
this building design contain an open
interior (no ceiling and open To provide
Open 1 square foot
grillwork on stall walls) so that fresh area Diagram Description of opening Effective area
air can move freely. Similar improper
100% Simple opening 1 sq ft Recommended. Full
airflow is seen in stables that share a area allows airflow.
common sidewall with indoor riding
arenas. The horses near the arena 87–94% Opening covered with 1 to 1.1 sq ft Recommended.
1" square wire mesh or Slight but acceptable
sidewall will have no access to fresh poly bird netting with restriction to air
air unless openings are provided on 3/4 x 1 1/8" openings moving through mesh.
that side of the stable. 80–84% Opening covered with 1.25 to 1.5 sq ft Potential for chaff;
2 x 2 mesh hardware insects and freezing
Avoid Restrictions to Airflow cloth with 1/2" openings condensate to clog
the openings.
The permanently open sidewall eave
openings should be constructed to 66% Residential insect 2.5 to 3 sq ft NOT recommended. Too
screening 18 x 16 mesh restrictive to airflow and
be as open as possible. Ideally, they per sq in with 0.05" holes small holes will clog
are left completely open. Do NOT with dust.
cover with residential window insect
43% Under eave louver or slot- 2.5 to 3 sq ft Restrictive to airflow
screening or metal soffit treatments. vented soffit with 1/8 to and often includes an
Both these coverings severely restrict 5/16" slots insect screen, which
desirable airflow and will soon clog will clog with dust
with dust and chaff, eventually elimi- 4–6% Soffit vented with 1/8" 16 to 25 sq ft NOT recommended.
nating almost all airflow (Figure 14). punched holes Designed for house
attic insect exclusion.
Metal-sided buildings are commonly
Provides almost no air-
finished with metal fascia and soffit flow and will clog with
dust within months.

more air exchange needed, but also unrestricted airflow with modest pro- flow. Several ridge vent designs incor-
the stable dust will clog small screen tection from precipitation. Figure 15 porate transparent or translucent
openings. Ridge vent assemblies from shows several commercially available materials to allow natural light entry
natural ventilation equipment manu- ridge vent assemblies. Some are use- into the stable.
facturers that specialize in agricul- ful in horse stable ventilation, while The actual ridge opening is mea-
tural buildings will offer relatively others restrict natural ventilation air- sured at the most restrictive part of

Figure 15. Examples of manufactured ridge vent construction showing opening sizes and air flow path.
The narrowest part of the airflow path, at location-Z, will influence air movement. Agricultural ridge vent assemblies (15a, b, and c) may be used in horse stables.
Some commercial/industrial building ridge vent assemblies may be used on horse stables (15d, e, and f), although they are moderately disruptive to natural
ventilation air movement. Residential ridge vents are not recommended (and not shown here) since they do not provide enough opening for horse stable ventilation
and are prone to condensation, freezing the opening shut.

Attributes of good ridge vents for horse stables.

15a 15b Wire mesh 15c Transparent cover

allows for natural light
airflow but
discourages Support Upstand
Wire mesh bird entry straps deflects
allows airflow driven rain
but discourages Rain and snow
bird entry protection
Open design
Rain and minimal Y
protection interference to Obstructions to
Z natural rise of Z airflow are
Condensate minimized
warm, moist gap
Y airflow X
X Gap for Throat
Throat moisture from
rain or
Wide throat and minimal condensate to
restriction at locations Y drain
and Z

Attributes of less desirable ridge vents for horse stables.

Air rises at ridge so not inclined to go down to exit ridge assembly
Severe vent restriction at Z versus wide throat clearance

15d 15e 15f

1" mesh

Throat Y


the ridge vent assembly. Manufactur- inclined to move downward to get out side of the opening that increase air
ers often supply the throat opening of the ridge vent assembly. This air movement through the ridge open-
where the bottom of the ridge vent trapped in the ridge vent will not only ing.
attaches to the building interior, but block ventilation but may condense, The ridge vent can be a continu-
the key measurement for air move- leading to dripping or freezing dur- ous opening or a series of intermit-
ment is where the airflow path is nar- ing cold weather. The simplest and tent vent assemblies spaced uni-
rowest. This narrowest restriction is most effective ridge vent is an unpro- formly along the structure. During
shown at location “Z” of the vent as- tected opening at the ridge (Figure winter, a portion of the vents can be
semblies of Figure 15. Some of these 16). The building trusses or rafters closed to provide only the recom-
designs (particularly d and e) prevent are protected from precipitation and mended permanent opening area,
warm, moist air from naturally flow- the stable interior is managed so that while all the vents are opened dur-
ing upward and out of the building occasional rain entry is tolerated. Fig- ing warmer weather when more air
ridge vent when no wind is blowing. ure 16f shows a ridge opening with exchange is needed.
Warm, moist air flows up and is not an upstand, vertical boards on each

Figure 16. The simplest and most effective ridge opening is an unprotected opening. Six design options are shown.
From Natural Ventilating Systems for Livestock Housing. MWPS-33. MidWest Plan Service, Ames, Iowa. 1989.

Simple ridge opening

Add flashing on (a) or above (b) exposed truss members

Metal Ridge Protect

Metal flashing opening truss with
above each metal
16a Ridge flashing 16b Ridge 16c flashing
opening on each opening truss
Purlin truss protects
member from
Roofing precipitation

top chord


Gutter of corrugated roofing or sheet metal

slopes toward end of stable

Adjustable ridge openings Ridge opening with upstand

A hinged baffle or pipe is raised and lowered. Adjustable ridge is useful on heated barns to regulate
ventilation rate.
Ridge Ridge 1 x 12
opening Flashing to opening Eye screws
16d protect each 16e 16f

Insulation Nylon
Hinged baffle between cord
trusses with cord to adjust PVC pipe between trusses can be
opening size raised and lowered to adjust Upstand improves airflow on simple ridge
opening size. opening. Upstand deflects blowing rain and
snow from opening.

Ridge Opening Options example, a 48-inch-square by 80-inch-

tall cupola will look properly propor- Condensation and
The ridge vent does not have to be a
continuous opening, although this tioned on top of a 30- to 36-foot-wide Insulation
offers the most benefit in uniform air by 40- to 60-feet-long stable. Condensation occurs when
quality within the stable. Cupolas are In stables with a ceiling, chimneys
moisture is released from air as it
a popular architectural feature in are a popular construction for mov-
cools in contact with a cold
many stables and they can be used as ing air from the stable area and ex-
surface. Insulation is used to keep
a ridge opening (Figure 17). Measure hausting it at the roof peak (Figure
18). The vertical duct of the chimney potentially cold surfaces near the
the open area at the most restrictive
travels through the roof or upper interior building temperature,
construction of the cupola, which is
story of the stable (attic or hay mow). reducing condensation. Unheated
often at the louvers. A cupola may
have a 3-foot-square opening into the When chimneys run through an at- barns need R-5 insulation at the
stable area that offers 9 square feet tic or mow, insulate the chimney walls roof to discourage condensation on
of ventilation opening, but make sure to R-10 to discourage condensation roof steel, even under well-
that the louvers above this opening as the relatively warm stable air is ventilated stable conditions.
also have at least 9 square feet of ef- ducted through the cold areas. The Condensation not only leads to
fective open area. Louvers commonly chimney exit must extend at least 1 annoying dripping but also shortens
block 50% of the open area they are foot above the building peak (i.e., the life of metal and wood roof
protecting. Be aware that some cupo- stable air is not discharged into the
materials. Shingle roofs over
las are purely decorative and have no attic or mow).
plywood construction provide an
way for stable air to move through Sizing of the cupola and chimney
insulation level near R-2. A 1-inch
them. For visual balance of the cu- opening is the same as for continu-
ous ridge vent (at least 1 square foot thickness of polystyrene provides
pola with the stable size, provide
of opening per horse housed) with R-5 insulation value and is resis-
about 1 inch of cupola width for ev-
additional chimney requirements for tant to moisture absorption.
ery foot of roof length. Most cupolas
are square in width at the opening to proper airflow being no smaller than Polystyrene also has good vapor
the stable and taller than wide. For 2 x 2 feet for one-story buildings and barrier properties, although each
4 x 4 feet for two-story buildings. On rigid board joint needs to be sealed
Figure 17. Cupolas are a popular horse a long stable, it is better to provide against moisture movement.
more than one cupola or chimney at
stable design feature and can provide
approximately 50-foot intervals.
ridge ventilation if sufficient louvered
openings are provided. Ridge vent
assemblies that are made for livestock
Figure 18. Chimneys are useful as the high opening on stables with ceilings.
building ventilation are a good option
for unrestricted airflow.
Provide chimney
opening equivalent
Ventilation is to 1⁄ 2 to 1% of
through free area stable floor area
for airflow at gaps with a 2-foot-square
Airflow gap between louvers. minimum chimney
size for one-story
buildings and 4-
minimum for two-
story buildings. A
damper, controlled
via cable from
below, is useful in
cold climates. The
damper with 90%
closure is located
near the top of the
chimney to keep the
Opening into stable interior is often much larger shaft charged with
than total gap areas at louvers. Smallest area (at warm air for more
louver gaps) controls airflow. controlled airflow.

Avoid screening cupolas or chimney Figure 19. Monitor roof design offers high openings via soffit vent and/or windows
openings for anything smaller than that open near the roof peak.
bird entry (approximately 1-inch-
square wire mesh).
A monitor roof (Figure 19) offers
high openings at windows that open
near the peak. Vent area can also be
provided along the soffit at the eaves
of the monitor section. Light from
the windows along the monitor roof
is another benefit of this roof design.

The Breathable Wall

An additional way to allow fresh air
exchange in a stable is the breathable
wall concept. With barn board siding
there are miles of small cracks be-
tween the boards that allow a bit of
air movement at each juncture (Fig-
ure 20). This is known as a breathable
wall. Battens added to the boards will
reduce this effect as will tongue and
groove siding. Modern construction
with large 4 by 8 foot (and larger)
panels have eliminated the breath-
Figure 20. Stable interior showing airflow gaps of the breathable wall siding at end
able wall via eliminating the cracks of stable aisle. This stable has other good ventilation features including eave and
(large panel construction requires ridge vents, a window that opens for each stall, open grillwork on stall partitions,
eave and ridge vent to replace the and no overhead airflow obstructions.
crack openings). Taking a look at an
older barn, much of its informal ven-
tilation was through the airy nature
of the breathable wall provided by the
barn siding. The air coming in the
cracks is nicely uniform throughout
the structure and by being such a tiny
air jet, is quickly dissipated, thereby
not becoming drafty.
Comfortable and uniform fresh air
conditions can be maintained within
the stable even under windy condi-
tions. Some stables are still built with
this deliberate breathable wall con-
cept. The vertical barn boards are
spaced 1⁄ 4 to 1 inch from each other
in good construction practice. Rough-
cut green lumber may be attached as
siding. Once dry, gaps will provide dif-
fuse ventilation. From the stable exte-
rior, the breathable wall siding looks
solid and well constructed. From the
stable interior, sunlight can be seen
penetrating between the boards indi-
cating that air can enter.

Three Design Features to With solid sidewalls, the front stall

wall becomes more important for Improve Horse Stall
Improve Horse Stall Ventilation
stall ventilation. Provide openings for
Ventilation air movement into the stall with
Unobstructed airflow and air
Remember, the objective of ventila- 1-inch gaps between boards in the
quality are improved by:
tion is to get fresh air to the horse. solid lower portion of the stall wall
Getting fresh air into the stable is the and/or a full-length wire mesh stall 1. Open grillwork on top of front
first important step for good ventila- door. The mesh stall door is particu- and side stall partitions
tion; next is distributing this air to the larly effective in providing air move-
ment to the stall interior. 2. No ceiling with interior open to
stall occupants. Air distribution
For isolation stalls and specialized roof peak
within the stable is improved by an
open, airy interior. The horse stalls buildings, such as veterinary practices Compromise: High ceiling at 12
provide obstruction to getting air to and some high-traffic breeding facili-
feet minimum
where the horse is, but a solidly built ties, solid washable partitions be-
stall is necessary for safe confinement tween stalls may be desirable. Solid 3. No overhead hay-bedding
of the horse. walls will limit air distribution around storage
the stable interior. Provide fresh air
Compromise: No storage over
Open Stall Partitions access in each stall and an airflow
path for stale air removal. A mechani- horse stalls
Ventilation air movement is greatly
improved by providing openings for cal ventilation system with fan and
air to flow in and out of the stall (Fig-
ure 21). Open grillwork on the top Figure 21. Features that improve air movement into and out of the horse stall
portion of front and side stall parti- include gaps between partition boards, open grillwork on upper portions of stall
tions is highly recommended versus partitions, and door with full-length open grillwork.
solid stall partitions. Open partitions Adapted from Horse Housing and Equipment Handbook, MWPS-15. MidWest Plan Service, Ames,
provide benefits beyond the obvious Iowa. 1971.
improvement in ventilation. Open
partitions allow horses to see each
other for companionship, which is
important for this social animal.
Open partitions improve manage- Full-length mesh door
ment by allowing the caretaker to see
horses from most anywhere in the Open
stable. Horses are less prone to be grillwork
bored and develop bad habits in a on stall
stable with open partitions since they
can see other horses and stable ac- gaps
tivities. A horse in a stall with limited between
visibility of stablemates and activities stall
is in virtual solitary confinement.
Admittedly, some horses are a
hazard to their neighbors. A reason
to provide solid sidewall partitions is
to decrease bickering between horses
in adjacent stalls. One option is to
provide open grillwork throughout
the stable but cover the grillwork par-
tition with a panel (i.e., plywood or
spaced boards for more air move-
ment) for unneighborly horses.

ducted air can be used to control air Figure 22. Avoid stable design with low ceilings, which inhibit airflow within the
exchange and to limit air mixing with stable.
the rest of the stable environment. In
most applications, the natural venti-
lation principles using fresh air open- Recommended
No ceiling
ings for each stall and ridge vent No overhead hay/bedding storage
should be sufficient.

No Ceiling
When the interior has no ceiling and
is open to the roof peak (and ridge Compromise
Higher ceiling
opening), more air exchange and
distribution can occur. If a ceiling Not recommended
must be used in a stable, position it Low ceiling
no less than 12 feet above the floor
to allow air circulation (Figure 22).
8' 10–12'
Stables with ceilings, and particularly
low ceilings, appear more confined
and are darker than an open, airy

No Overhead Hay/Bedding Storage

To improve air quality and distribu-
tion, do not incorporate overhead
hay and bedding storage in the stable.
Figure 23. Do not store hay and bedding overhead to increase air movement within
If hay and bedding must be stored the stable and minimize dust and fire hazard. As a compromise, provide storage
overhead, construct the storage over over the aisle to maximize airflow to the horse stalls.
the work aisle so that the horse stall
has no ceiling for better air circula-
tion (Figure 23). Leave at least 3 feet Leave clearance for
of clearance between the height of airflow at ridge and
overhead stored items and the
roofline to allow an airflow path to
the ridge opening. Ridge openings
above overhead hay storage should
not allow precipitation or condensa-
tion to fall onto the forage. 10–12'
The most often cited reason to
eliminate overhead hay-bedding stor-
age is for decreased dust and aller- Not recommended Compromise
gens in the stable. Managers of rede- Storage over stalls Storage over aisle
signed stables, where the hay and
bedding are now stored in a separate
building, provide testimony to the
decreased dust irritation. Dust, chaff, ing tossed down. Dust and mold can Stored hay is a spontaneous com-
and molds rain down on the stalled be somewhat contained in the hay- bustion fire hazard when not prop-
horses from overhead hay storage. loft, particularly if trap doors to the erly cured. Unfortunately, the fire
When the overhead hay storage is stall hay feeders are kept closed ex- hazard from stored hay and bedding
completely separated from the horse cept when in use. Recall that full ceil- is often dismissed. The fire depart-
area with a full ceiling, dust and mold ings need to be relatively high to al- ment is rarely able to save the hay/
generation is minimized for the low proper natural ventilation of the bedding storage structure once ig-
horses except when hay bales are be- horse stalls. nited. If hay storage is in your stable,

understand the risk. Forage fires are Good-intentioned horse owners Figure 24. A vane anemometer
intensely hot and burn at a very fast are the second part of the ventilation measures air speed.
rate. Fire departments work to con- problem. Most horses are kept in sub-
A rough estimate of ventilation rate may be made
tain the fire, but have little chance of urban settings with few horse owners with inlet air speed multiplied by area of ventilation
putting it out to save the structure. familiar with ventilation performance opening. This instrument also measures relative
and benefits. With most horses kept humidity and temperature so it can also be used to
monitor conditions in the stable and horse stalls.
for recreational purposes, the effects
Why Inadequate Ventilation? of poor ventilation often manifest as (Instrument source is provided in the Additional
Two major factors lead to inadequate chronic but mild respiratory condi-
ventilation in modern stable con- tions versus the quickly measurable
struction. First, some stable design- drop in performance seen in other
ers are unfamiliar with how much air livestock (decreased milk or meat
exchange is needed in a horse stall. production).
Second, horse owners tend to be Stable designs often have a dis-
most comfortable in copying residen- tinctly residential flair and may not
tial building practices. The belief that be suitable for the health of the
indoor housing provides a more de- horse. Air-tight buildings are for
sirable environment for horses is true people. Horses need a more open en-
only if a well-designed ventilation sys- vironment and are in fact, healthier
tively low body heat accumulation in
tem is an integral part of the stable. when kept outside most of the time.
a stable that is equipped with plenty
Very limited information has been Good agricultural builders regret the
of warm weather ventilation openings.
available for horse stable builders and compromise to proper ventilation at
A ridge opening will let the hottest air
designers to refer to when properly the request of a client who wants the
escape out the top of the building.
designing horse stable ventilation sys- building completely closed tight to
A rough estimate of ventilation
tems. Many of these architects and warm the building with horse body
rate may be made by measuring the
builders work primarily in the resi- heat. Other builders are caught be-
velocity of air entering (or leaving)
dential and commercial building in- tween providing proper ventilation
the stable through ventilation open-
dustry where moisture, odor, and openings and the ire of the building
ings and multiplying this by the open-
dust loads are much lower than in owner when a bit of snow or rain
ing size. Air velocity is measured with
horse stables. Even when the differ- blows in. Better to allow a chance for
an anemometer (Figure 24), in feet
ences in environment are appreci- a bit of precipitation to enter the
per minute, and multiplied by the
ated, the ventilation system may fail stable during a few moments in a year
opening area, in square feet, to get
due to a lack of understanding how than a whole season of the barn be-
ventilation rate in cubic feet per
to get fresh air into each horse’s stall. ing too stuffy. The solution to inad-
minute (cfm). To calculate the air
Fewer builders are specializing in equate ventilation is a familiarity with
changes per hour, divide the ventila-
agricultural (i.e., horse and other proper ventilation attributes and
tion rate by the building air volume.
livestock) construction and the envi- some experience in well-ventilated
The stable volume is the floor square
ronment within these structures. It is facilities to understand the benefits.
footage multiplied by the average
better to find an experienced builder
roof (or ceiling) height.
who understands horse stable design
and ventilation features, but properly
Measuring Ventilation Rate Measure the incoming ventilation
air speed at several openings and at
supplied with design ideas, inexperi- Measuring a building ventilation rate
several locations on large openings,
enced builders can tackle horse is quite simple but in practice it is
then average the velocities and mul-
stable construction. With the low ani- nearly impossible to estimate accu-
tiply by the open area of airflow. With
mal density of horse stabling (at rately for naturally ventilated struc-
wind variations moving air into and
about 4 lbs of horse per sq. ft) com- tures, such as horse stables. When the
out of the stable, the air speed (and
pared to other commercial livestock guidelines presented in this bulletin
possibly direction) at each ventilation
enterprises (for example, a freestall for opening sizes are followed, the
opening is going to be frequently
dairy at 13 pounds of cow per sq. ft) stable will ventilate naturally and ap-
changing as the measurements are
and with horses often being outside propriately. The most challenging
made. This variation of conditions is
a large portion of the day, the stable weather for naturally ventilated struc-
the primary difficulty in accurately
ventilation system can be a bit forgiv- tures is during hot but windless days.
estimating a natural ventilation rate.
ing of imperfect design. Fortunately for horses, there is rela-


AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL Good ventilation and respiratory
Well-ventilated stables are necessary ENGINEERING EXTENSION health information in chapters on
for horse health and are the hallmark 246 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING BLDG. “Housing the Horse” (D.S.B.
of good management. Modern con- UNIVERSITY PARK, PA 6802 Sainsbury) and “Stable Environment
struction practices and “residential” PHONE: 814-865-7685 in Relation to the Control of Respi-
influences have resulted in inad- FAX: 814-863-1031 ratory Diseases” (A.F. Clarke). Horse
equate ventilation in many new WEB SITE: HTTP://WWW.ABE.PSU.EDU/ Management. 1987. John Hickman,
stables. There is a need to demystify
editor. Academic Press. London. Ap-
ventilation; the objective is simply to
get fresh air to the horse. Ventilation Additional Resources proximately $100.
is primarily driven by wind forces, so Fact Sheet
good ventilation is achieved by allow-
ing wind to bring fresh air into the Horse Barn Ventilation, 96-031. 1997. Visit Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences on the Web:
Harry Huffman. Ministry of
building, while drawing out stale air.
A permanent opening along both Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research, extension,
eaves that allow air entry into each Ontario, Canada. and resident education programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
stall will provide fresh air to each the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
horse. Ridge openings are important engineer/facts/96-031.htm
This publication is available from the Publications Distribution
for stale, warm, humid air to escape. Sources for instruments monitoring Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural
Good ventilation is ideally de- air speed, humidity, and Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802. For
information telephone 814-865-6713.
signed into the original stable plans: temperature.
• Permanent openings at eaves and Product in Figure 24 is called a Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no
ridge for winter moisture removal Kestrel “wind meter,” manufactured endorsement by Penn State Cooperative Extension is implied.

and summer heat relief. Breath- by Nielsen-Kellerman. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of
able walls offer diffuse air entry Congress May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S.
Suppliers include: Department of Agriculture and the Pennsylvania Legislature. T. R.
around the stable perimeter.
Nielsen-Kellerman Alter, Director of Cooperative Extension, The Pennsylvania State
• Windows and/or doors that open 104 West 15th Street University.
into stalls for warm weather Chester, PA 19013 This publication is available in alternative media on
breezes. 610-447-1555 request.
• Promote interior airflow and im-
The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that
proved air quality with open parti- all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities,
Tek Supply (Farm Tek)
tions and no overhead hay storage. admission, and employment without regard to personal
1440 Field of Dreams Way characteristics not related to ability, performance, or
Dyersville, IA 52040 qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or
Prepared by Eileen Fabian Wheeler, 1-800 FARMTEC 800 327-6835
federal authorities. It is the policy of the University to maintain an
academic and work environment free of discrimination, including
associate professor of agricultural fax: 800-457-8887 harassment. The Pennsylvania State University prohibits
and biological engineering discrimination and harassment against any person because of
age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race,
religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Acknowledgements 100 Countryside Dr.
Discrimination or harassment against faculty, staff, or students
will not be tolerated at The Pennsylvania State University. Direct
all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the
Three reviewers offered detailed and P.O. Box 270 Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University,
helpful recommendations for im- Belleville, WI 53508 328 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802-5901, Tel 814-
800-382-8473 865-4700/V, 814-863-1150/TTY.
provement of the content and clar-
ity of this publication. Thanks to © The Pennsylvania State University 2003
Nancy Diehl, assistant professor of
Produced by Information and Communication Technologies in the
equine science, Robert Graves, pro- College of Agricultural Sciences
fessor of agricultural engineering,
and Jennifer Smith Zajaczkowski, se- CAT UB039 3M303PS ICT4502
nior research technologist in agricul-
tural and biological engineering.

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