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January 4th, 2019
I began recording footage to use in my vlogs. My friends and I went to Rochester
to get food and ice cream, so I recorded shots throughout the night to hopefully use in
my first vlog. Unfortunately, I only recorded approximately 5 minutes’ worth of footage
as I kept forgetting to actually record footage.

January 9th, 2019

We had Regionals for BPA today, so I was able to get a good chunk of video to use in
my vlog (Hopefully!). I recorded a lot during the hypnotist! Unfortunately, I didn’t get to
record during the award as my phone died, next time I will bring a portable charger. I
recorded approximately 5-6 minutes of footage.

January 15th, 2019

18th Birthday! My family and I went out to eat so I was able to record a lot during dinner
and with my sister as well. Overall this night I recorded about 10 minutes of footage,
although I won’t be using it all since my final video will probably be about 5 minutes.

January 24th, 2019

My mom, sister, and I went out to eat in Rochester before taking my sister to the ER so
of course I thought it’d be the perfect opportunity to get some funny footage to use. I
recorded approximately 5 minutes of footage to use.

January 29th, 2019 (UPLOAD DAY)

I spent time editing the videos together to create my first 5-minute vlog to upload onto
YouTube. Trimming and re-watching clips to get the correct cut point took up most of
my time editing, otherwise the rest of it was adding titles and music/sound effects. I
didn’t do much to the clips because I am just learning the ropes in I-movie. Hopefully
next time I will be better at it/faster. I spent about 3 hours editing the clips which brings
my total time spent on this vlog to 3.5 hours!

February 3rd, 2019

I began recording footage for my second vlog while at dome-ball. I also checked on my
co-worker’s cats today, so I got a bunch of footage from there as well. Overall today I
recorded approximately 10 minutes of footage.

February 4th, 2019

I checked on my co-worker’s cats again today, so I was able to get more video of them.
I also recorded some footage while at RCTC for my yoga class. Again, the footage
added up to be about 10 minutes’ worth.
March 7th-9th, 2019
I didn’t record enough footage over the last month for it to be sufficient but now we had
State BPA so I was able to record a significant amount of footage over the last 3 days.
Totaled up, I recorded approximately 15 minutes including our send off, our team
dinner, and a chunk of the awards ceremony.

March 17th, 2019 (UPLOAD DAY)

Today I finally found the time to sit down and crunch together my videos for my second
vlog. Though the trimming of the clips was easier for me now, it still took what felt like
years to make sure I selected the right point to cut the clips or split the clips. Since
much of my footage was from State BPA, I split a good chunk of the clips into multiple
sections so I could get rid of certain parts/rearrange the order of a clip. I had to do the
same with cat footage to make it flow smoothly. In this vlog I also included a little part
after our team meal with everyone’s rating. This took a while because I had to edit the
same picture multiple times to add another person’s rating as that was the only way I
could figure out how to do it. It took me about 3 hours to edit thanks to the picture part I
mentioned just before this. I experienced a setback however because I uploaded the
video, but a student pointed out some errors, so I had to take it down and spend about
5 minutes fixing and reuploading it. Overall this vlog took a little over 3.5 hours!

March 15th, 2019

Yes, this date is before the previous one, but I didn’t use this footage in the second
vlog so I figured it would be best to group it with this one instead. On this day I went
bowling with a few of my friends at Bowl-o-city in Rochester. I was able to record
approximately 10 minutes of footage from the night.

March 18th-20th, 2019

Throughout these days I had spent some time with my boyfriend, so I recorded a good
amount of footage over the three days. I also recorded some other footage of my sister
during these days. Overall, I recorded about 10 minutes of footage.

March 22nd, 2019

I had my Early Registration at Winona today, so I recorded some footage throughout
the day. I tried not to use my phone as much though. My parents also drove me around
where they used to live so I got to record a few minutes during the drive. In total, I only
recorded about 5-6 minutes.

April 1st, 2019

My sister and I did dishes tonight so I recorded us doing so to have some fun dancing
and more footage with my sister. I left my video recording while we were doing the
dishes so I recorded about 15 minutes worth of video, but I will probably only end up
using a little chunk of that.
April 6th, 2019
Jonas Brothers Concert!! Jessica and I drove up to the cities to see the Jonas Brothers
perform live and I recorded a LOT of video! I recorded about 30 minutes’ worth since I
took videos of most of their songs, as well as the opener Elle King, and of course I took
videos during our wait to get in. Obviously, I won’t be using all of this footage, but I
think for this vlog I will try to make it 10 minutes since I have so much to use!

April 27th, 2019

Prom happened today, so I got some footage of the dance that totaled up to about only
5 minutes. It will be a good addition however to my vlog because some people had
some really good dance moves in the little circle we created.

April 28th. 2019

I recorded a lot of footage of me and my coworkers at work today because it was
extremely slow. I set my phone down in the front and recorded for about 10 minutes
due to customers, etc. Hopefully I got some good content from this.

April 30th, 2019 – May 5th, 2019

Nationals BPA!! I got a LOT of footage from this trip including the opening ceremony,
our trip to Disney, the “SoCal” Bash, and the awards ceremony. And of course, on our
flights there and back and everything else in between. Total, I recorded about 40
minutes of footage especially thanks to the Disney parade which took forever to go by.
I am thinking I going to make BPA its own vlog and use previous footage to create

May 6th, 2019 – May 12th, 2019 (UPLOAD DAYS)

Despite these being the last few days before the project is due, I still need to finish up
some hours so thankfully I have a lot of footage. I combined all of the rest of my
footage into two separate videos that I uploaded Wednesday night and Sunday night.
Very last minute, but that’s what happens when you procrastinate. Because I had so
much footage, I spent a significant amount of time editing the two videos. For the
longer clips, from BPA or washing dishes for example, I had to spend a lot of time re-
watching to make sure the video was one I needed or to know where to clip the video
to cut parts I didn’t need. For the last two vlogs I also tried to make them a little bit
more creative than the first two, so I also spent a lot of time with text, sounds, and
background music. I spent about 3 hours editing each of the videos completely, so that
adds up to 6 hours for the editing along with the footage minutes which is
approximately 2 hours since I hadn’t used any of the footage mentioned in this vlog
section. Total, my project time adds up to a little bit over 15 hours.

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