Assignment 1

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Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

School of Technology
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

Assignment # 1

1. Two refrigerators A and B operate in series. The refrigerator A absorbs energy at the rate of 1
KJ/s from a body at temperature 300K and rejects energy as heat to a body at temperature T. The
refrigerator B absorbs the same quantity of energy which is rejected by the refrigerator A from
the body at temperature T, and rejects energy as heat to a body at temperature 1000K.If both the
refrigerators have the same C.O.P., calculate:
1. The temperature T of the body;
2. The C.O.P. of the refrigerators;
3. The rate at which energy is rejected as heat to the body at 1000K

2. A cold storage plant is required to store 20 tonnes of fish. The fish is supplied at temperature
of 300C.The specific heat of fish above freezing point is 2.93kj/kg K. The specific heat of fish
below freezing point is 1.26 kj/kg K. The fish stored in cold storage which is maintained at -
80C.The freezing point of fish is -40C.The latent heat of fish 235 kj/kg.if the plant requires 75
kW to drive it, find:
1. The capacity of the plant and
2. Time taken to achieve cooling.
Assume actual C.O.P. of the plant as 0.3 of the Carnot C.O.P.

3. The atmospheric air at pressure 1 bar and temperature -50C is drawn in the cylinder of the
compressor of Ball-Coleman refrigerating machine. It is compressed isentropically to pressure of
5 bar. In the cooler, the compressed air is cooled to 150C, pressure remaining the same .It is then
expanded to a pressure of 1 bar in an expansion cylinder, from where it is passed to the cold
chamber .Find
1. The work done per kg of air,
2. C.O.P. of the plant
For air assume law for expansion , pv1.2= constant ; law for compression ,pv1.4=constant and
specific heat of air at constant pressure =1 kJ/kg K.

4. A refrigerating machine of 6 tonnes capacity working on Bell-Coleman cycle has an upper

limit of pressure of 5.2 bar. The pressure and temperature at the start of compression are 1 bar
and 160C respectively. The compressed air is cooled at constant pressure to temperature of
410C, enters the expansion cylinder. Assuming both expansion and compression processes to be
isentropic with γ =1.4, Calculate :
1. Coefficient of performance;
2. Quantity of air in circulation per minute;
3. Piston displacement of compressor and expander;
4. Bore of compressor and expansion cylinders. The unit runs at 240 r.p.m. and is double
acting. Stroke length is 200mm;
5. Power required to drive the unit.
For air, take γ = 1.4, and cp =1.003 kJ/kg K.

5. In open cycle air refrigeration machine, air is drawn from a cold chamber at -20C and 1 bar
and compressed to 11 bar. It is then cooled at this pressure, to the cooler temperature of 200C
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
School of Technology
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
and then expanded in expansion cylinder and returned to the cold room. The compression and
expansion are isotropic, and follows the law pv1.4=constant. Sketch the p-v and T-s diagrams of
the cycle and for a refrigeration of 15 tonnes, find: 1. Theoretical C.O.P.; 2. Rate of circulation
of the air in kg/min ; 3. Piston displacement per minute in the compressor and expander ; 4.
Theoretical power per tonne of refrigeration.

6. A dense air refrigeration system of 10 tonnes capacity works between 4 bar and 16 bar. The air
leaves the cold chamber at 00C and discharges air at 250C to the expansion cylinder after air
cooler. The expansion and compression cylinders are double acting. The mechanical efficiency
of compressor and expander are 85% and 80% respectively. The compressor speed is 250 r.p.m.
and has a stroke of 250 mm. Determine: 1. C.O.P.; 2. Power required; 3. Bore of compression
and expansion cylinders. Assume isentropic compression and expansion as polytropic with n

7. A dense air refrigeration cycle operates between pressures of 4 bar and 16 bar. The air
temperature after heat rejection to surroundings is 370C and air temperature at exit of refrigerator
is 70C. The isentropic efficiencies of turbine and compressor are .85 and .8 respectively.
Determine compressor and turbine work per TR ; C.O.P.; and power per TR. Take γ = 1.4 and cp
= 1.005 kJ/kg K.

8. The cockpit of a jet plane is to be cooled by a simple air refrigeration system. The data
available is as follows : Cock-pit cooling load 20 TR, Speed of the plane = 3000 km/h, Ambient
air pressure = 0.35 bar, Ambient air temperature = -15°C Ram efficiency = 90% Pressure ratio in
the main compressor = 3, Pressure drop in the heat exchanger re 0.1 bar, Isentropic efficiencies
of main compressor and cooling turbine = 80% ,Temperature of air entering the cooling turbine
= 30°C, Pressure of air leaving the cooling turbine = 1.06 bar, Pressure in the cock-pit = 1 bar. If
the cock-pit is to be maintained at 25°C, find I. Stagnation temperature and pressure of air
entering the main compressor : 2. Mass flow rate of air to cock-pit : 3. Power required to drive
tic refrigerating system : and 4. C.O.P. of system.

9. A boot-strap air refrigeration system of 20 TR capacity is used for an aeroplane flying at an

altitude of 2000m. The ambient air pressure and temperature are 0.8 bar and 0°C. The ram air
pressure and temperature are 1.05 bar and 17°C. The pressure of air after isentropic compression
in the main compressor is 4 bar. This air is now cooled to 27°C in another auxiliary heat
exchanger and then expanded isentropically up to the cabin pressure of 1.01 bar. if the air leaves
the cabin at 25°C and the efficiencies for the main compressor, auxiliary compressor and the
cooling turbine are 80%, 75% and 80% respectively: find :1. Power required to operate the
system ; and 2. C.O.P. of the system.

10. A regenerative air refrigeration system for an aeroplane is designed to take a load of 30 TR.
The temperature and pressure conditions of the atmosphere are 5°C and 0.85 bar. The pressure of
the air is increased from 0.85 bar to 1.2 bar due to ramming action. The pressure of air leaving
the main compressor is 41 bar. 60% of the total heat of the air leaving the main compressor is
removed in the heat exchanger and then it is passed through the cooling turbine. The temperature
of the rammed air which is used for cooling purposes in the heat exchanger is reduced to 50°C by
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
School of Technology
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
mixing the air coming out from the cooling turbine. The isentropic efficiencies of the compressor
and turbine are 90% and 80% respectively. The pressure and temperature required in the cabin
are 1 bar and 25°C respectively. Assuming isentropic ramming and mass of cooled air passing
through the heat exchanger equal to the mass of cooling air. Find : 1. the ratio of by-passed air to
ram air used for cooling purposes ; and 2. the power required for maintaining the cabin at
required condition.

11. The following data refer to a reduced ambient refrigeration system :

Ambient pressure = 0.8 bar, Pressure of ram air = 1.1 bar, Temperature of ram air 20°C,
Pressure at the end of main compressor = 3.3 bar, Efficiency of main compressor = 80%, Heat
exchanger effectiveness = 80%, Pressure at the exit of the auxiliary turbine = 0.8 bar, Efficiency
of auxiliary turbine = 85%, Temperature of air leaving the cabin = 25°C, Pressure in the cabin
1.013 bar, Flow rate of air through cabin = 60 kg / min. Find : 1.Capacity of the cooling system
required ; 2. Power needed to operate the system : and 3. C.O.P. of the system

12. An air-cooling system for a jet plane cockpit operates on the simple cycle. The cockpit is to
be maintained at 25°C. The ambient air pressure and temperature are 0.35 bar and – 15°C
respectively. The pressure ratio of the jet compressor is 3. The plane speed is 1000 kilometers
per hour. The pressure drop through the cooler coil is 0.1 bar. The pressure of the air leaving the
cooling turbine is 1.06 bar and that in the cockpit is 1.01325 bar. The cockpit cooling load is
58.05 kW. Calculate:
Stagnation temperature and pressure of the air entering the compressor.
Mass flow rate of the air circulated.
Volume handled by the compressor and expander.
Net power delivered by the engine to the refrigeration unit.
COP of the system.
13. (a) An aircraft flying at an altitude of 8000 m, where the ambient air is at 0.341 bar pressure
and 263 K temperature, has a speed of 900 km/h. The pressure ratio of the air compressor is 5.
The cabin pressure is 1.01325 bar and the temperature is 27°C. Determine the power requirement
of the aircraft for pressurization (excluding the ram work), additional power required for
refrigeration and refrigerating capacity on the basis of 1 kg/s flow of air.
(b) Determine the same if the following are to be accounted
 Compressor efficiency, η_C = 0.82
 Expander/turbine efficiency, η_T = 0.77
 Heat exchanger effectiveness, ε = 0.8
 Ram efficiency η_R = 0.84
14. The following performance is expected in a certain Bootstrap system:
Turbine efficiency, η_T = 85%
Secondary compressor efficiency, η_C = 77%
Secondary heat exchanger effectiveness, ε = 0.9
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
School of Technology
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
The cabin pressure is maintained at one standard atmosphere. The cooling air temperature
entering the secondary heat exchanger is 32°C. The compressed air leaves the primary heat
exchanger at 64°C. The refrigerated air is required to enter the cabin at 4.5°C. Calculate:
 The temperature of air entering the cooling turbine.
 The pressures of air at discharge from primary and secondary compressors
15. An open-air refrigeration system operating between pressures of 16 bar and 1 bar is required
to produce 33.5 kW refrigeration. The temperature of air leaving the refrigerated room is –5°C
and that leaving the air cooler is 30°C. Assume no losses and clearance. Calculate for the
theoretical cycle:
(a) Weight rate of air circulated per minute.
(b) Piston displacement of compressor and expander.
(c) Net work
(d) COP.
16. A dense air machine operates between 17 bar and 3.4 bar. The temperature of the air after the
cooler is 15°C and after the refrigerating coils is 6°C. Determine:
(i) Temperature after expansion and compression.
(ii) Air circulated per minute/TR.
(iii) Work of the compressor and expander/TR.
(iv) Theoretical COP and hp/TR.

17. A dense air machine is to produce 10 tons of refrigeration with a compressor entrance
pressure of 4.5 bar and a temperature of 0°C. The compressor discharge pressure is 20.5 bar. A
pressure drop of 0.6 bar takes place in the air cooler and of 0.2 bar in the refrigerating coils.
Assume the following pressure drops due to throttling in valves:
Compressor suction 0.2 bar
Compressor discharge 0.4 bar
Expander admission 0.3 bar
Expander exhaust 0.15 bar

The air temperature leaving the cooler is 38.5°C. Also assume the indices of the compression and
expansion processes as 1.25 and 1.35 respectively. The clearance factor of the compressor is 2
per cent, and its mechanical efficiency is 0.8. Neglect the heat losses in piping. The compressor
and expander are double-acting. Calculate:
(i) Refrigeration per kg of air and kg of air circulated per min.
(ii) Water flow required per min, the rise in temperature of water
being 8°C.
(iii) Indicated work of compressor and expander.
(iv) Horsepower.
(v) Water required in the compressor jacket for 5.5°C rise.
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
School of Technology
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
(vi) Volumetric efficiency of the compressor.
(vii) Piston displacement
(viii)Bore, stroke and rpm of the compressor, stroke/bore ratio = 1.3
18. An air-cycle unit operating on the simple system is designed for the following conditions: 7.5
kg/min of conditioned air, air entering the turbine at 4.4 bar, cabin pressure 1 bar, dry air rated
discharge temperature of – 6°C and a tur- bine efficiency of 80 per cent.
(i) At what temperature does the air enter the turbine?
(ii) How much power does the turbine supply to the fan?

19. (a) For an air cycle refrigeration system, the highest refrigeration temperature is 15°C and the
exit temperature of the air from the cooling coils is 40°C. Find the minimum pressure ratio
necessary for producing refrigeration at 1 atmosphere pressure.
(b) If the capacity of the plant is 33.3 kW and the pressure ratio is 4, calculate:
(i) The weight rate of air circulated.
(ii) Theoretical displacements of the compressor and expander.
(iii) The theoretical horsepower of the plant and its COP.
20. Dry air is supplied to the cabin superchargers of an aero plane at 1 bar and is discharged at 2
bar and 135°C. Twenty-five kilograms per minute of this air is supplied to the primary
intercooler of an air cycle refrigeration system. Determine:
a) The air temperature leaving the intercooler if 25 kW heat is removed. From the
intercooler, the air enters a secondary compressor where the pressure is increased
to 3.2 bar.
b) The discharge air temperature.
c) The compressor horsepower (mechanical efficiency = 86%). The air then flows
through a secondary intercooler and 38 kW heat is removed.
d) The air temperature leaving the secondary intercooler. The air then enters an
expansion turbine (n = 1.3), where the pressure is dropped to 1.02 bar.
e) The final discharge air temperature.
f) The work recovered from the expansion turbine (mechanical efficiency= 65%).
21. (a) An aircraft is flying at a speed of 1000 km/h at a height where the surrounding air
pressure and temperature are 0.35 bar and – 15°C. Calculate the limiting temperature to which
air can be cooled after compression.
(b) A reduced ambient cycle is used in the above aircraft refrigeration system. The pressure ratio
of the jet compressor is 3. Effectiveness of the air cooler is 0.75. Determine DART and COP of
the cycle.

22. A simple evaporative air refrigeration system is used for an aeroplane to take 20 tonnes of
refrigeration load. The ambient air conditions are 20°C and 0.9 bar. The ambient air is rammed
isentropically to a pressure of 1 bar. The air leaving the main compressor at pressure 3.5 bar is
first cooled in the heat exchanger having effectiveness of 0.6 and then in the evaporator where its
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
School of Technology
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
temperature is reduced by 5°C. The air from the evaporator is passed through the cooling turbine
and then it is supplied to the cabin which is to be maintained at a temperature of 25°C and at a
pressure of 1.05 bar. If the internal efficiency of the compressor is 80% and that of cooling
turbine is 75% , Determine :
1. Mass of air bled off the main compressor; 2. Power required for the refrigerating system; 2nd
3. C.O.P. of the refrigerating system.

NOTE: Assume the suitable data where-ever you required with justification of assumed

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