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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

StruxureWare™ Building Operation

Release v1.8.1

This document is written for and on behalf of Schneider Electric and is supplied on the express terms
that it is to be treated as confidential and that it may not be copied, used or disclosed to others except
as authorized in writing by this Company. This document is intended for internal use only.

Schneider Electric Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Table of contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Change History .................................................................................................................................... 4
2. StruxureWare Building Operation Release v1.8.1 Availability ............................................................................ 5
3. New Features in StruxureWare Building Operation Release v1.8.1................................................................... 6
3.1 General enhancements ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Notification object modifications .............................................................................................. 6
3.1.2 Notification report template ..................................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Alarm modifications ................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.4 Trend modifications ................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 -B (New in v1.8.1) ........................................................................................... 7
3.3 WebStation Enhancements ................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.1 Alarm Filter enhancements ..................................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 New Property grid ................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.3 Xenta Central Time Schedules................................................................................................ 7
3.3.4 Xenta Time Schedules ............................................................................................................ 7
3.4 Graphics .............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.4.1 Shared Graphics ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.4.2 View and Console objects ....................................................................................................... 8
3.4.3 Enable Pan and Zoom ............................................................................................................ 8
3.5 WorkStation Enhancements ................................................................................................................ 8
3.5.1 A faster Binding View .............................................................................................................. 8
3.5.2 Event modifications ................................................................................................................. 8
3.5.3 Trend modifications ................................................................................................................. 8
3.5.4 User Interface modifications .................................................................................................... 8
3.6 Cybersecurity Hardening ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.6.1 Document policy...................................................................................................................... 9
3.7 Backup / Restore and Upgrade (New in v1.8.1) .................................................................................. 9
3.7.1 Validate backup sets ............................................................................................................... 9
3.8 Assorted BACnet Improvements.......................................................................................................... 9
3.8.1 ReadRange service for all List type properties ........................................................................ 9
3.8.2 New TimeSynch properties ..................................................................................................... 9
3.8.3 New Deadband property to the Loop object ............................................................................ 10
3.8.4 New error codes in accordance with the BACnet standard ..................................................... 10
3.8.5 New Reliability enumeration to Reliability properties ............................................................... 10
3.9 Lon Enhancements .............................................................................................................................. 10
3.9.1 Updated Lon object model ...................................................................................................... 10
3.9.2 Delete obsolete Lon objects after upgrade to v1.8.1 (New in v1.8.1) ...................................... 10
3.9.3 Validate Lon bindings on Size ................................................................................................. 10
3.9.4 Symbolic constants for LonMark defined values ..................................................................... 11
3.9.5 Scan network for Lon devices ................................................................................................. 11
3.9.6 Change the default Lon binding profile (New in v1.8.1)........................................................... 11
3.10 Modbus Enhancements ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.11 TAC I/A Series MNB Controller Programmability ................................................................................. 11
3.12 Sigma Enhancements.......................................................................................................................... 11
3.13 TAC I/NET Enhancements .................................................................................................................. 11
3.13.1 Additional TAC I/NET Point Extension Support ....................................................................... 11
3.13.2 Application Specific Controller (ASC) Support ........................................................................ 12
3.14 SmartDrivers ........................................................................................................................................ 12
3.15 NETWORK 8000 PEM1 Overrides ...................................................................................................... 12
3.16 Andover Continuum b3 Conversion Program ...................................................................................... 13
3.17 Reports ................................................................................................................................................ 13
4. Defects Fixed in StruxureWare Building Operation Release v1.8.1 ................................................................... 14
5. Known Defects in StruxureWare Building Operation Release v1.8.1 ................................................................. 26
6. Important Engineering Information ..................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 General Engineering ............................................................................................................................ 36
6.2 WebStation .......................................................................................................................................... 37
6.2.1 Graphics Viewer ...................................................................................................................... 37
6.2.2 Workspace and Panels ........................................................................................................... 37
6.2.3 General information ................................................................................................................. 37
6.3 Graphics .............................................................................................................................................. 37
6.4 LonWorks ............................................................................................................................................ 38
6.5 b3 Devices ........................................................................................................................................... 39

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

6.6 Trends ................................................................................................................................................. 39

6.7 Archiving .............................................................................................................................................. 39
6.8 Web Services ...................................................................................................................................... 40
6.9 Reports ................................................................................................................................................ 40
6.10 Authentication ...................................................................................................................................... 40
6.11 Schedules ............................................................................................................................................ 40
6.12 WorkStation Alarm/Client Notifications ................................................................................................ 41
6.13 Import / Export ..................................................................................................................................... 41
6.14 BACnet ................................................................................................................................................ 41
6.15 Search ................................................................................................................................................. 41
7. APPENDIX A – StruxureWare Building Operation Release v1.8.1 Deliverable ................................................. 42
8. APPENDIX B – Known Issues ........................................................................................................................... 43
9. APPENDIX C – Procedures ............................................................................................................................... 44
9.1 Installing .............................................................................................................................................. 44
9.2 Upgrading ............................................................................................................................................ 44
9.2.1 General Upgrade Information .................................................................................................. 44
9.2.2 Upgrading a System with LON devices ................................................................................... 45
9.2.3 Delete obsolete objects after upgrading a System with LON devices ..................................... 46
9.2.4 Update objects and tools that use path based Lon references ............................................... 46
9.2.5 Forced Change of Default Password ...................................................................................... 47
9.3 Commissioning .................................................................................................................................... 48

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

1. Introduction
The StruxureWare™ Building Operation Release v1.8.1 Release Notes document includes
information about the new release as well as some general information about the StruxureWare
Building Operation products. The general information can be found in the numerous APPENDIX

Release v1.8.1 allows a user to upgrade a v1.7.y.xx system. Runtime compatibility is only
provided between, v1.7.0, and v1.8.1. Prior to accomplishing any upgrade, refer to the
upgrade documentation.

Release v1.8.1 of StruxureWare Building Operation provides many new features for the user.
Among them are:

 Support for the new SmartX Controller AS-B (Automation Server - Bundled)
 Notification object redesign
 Introduction of Shared Graphics
 Remodeled and improved LON operation
 Performance improvements in BACnet
 Cybersecurity hardening
 TAC I/A Series™ BACnet controller programmability
 Introduction of SmartDrivers

These major modifications and more are described in greater detail in Section 3. All features that
are new in v1.8.1 and were not in v1.8.0 RC area tagged with (New in v1.8.1) in the section

It is imperative that any upgrades be accomplished only after reading and understanding this
document, especially those areas that are related to the upgrade process.

1.1 Change History

Revision Date Revision/Author Description/Change

A 2016 – June 7 D. White Initial Version
B 2016 – June 8 D. White Removed Beta designation from SmartDriver
C 2016 – June 9 D.White Added AS-B DFU procedure

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

2. StruxureWare Building Operation Release v1.8.1

The software and firmware included in the StruxureWare Building Operation Release v1.8.1
deliverable is available for download on The Exchange.
For additional information about the deliverable see Appendix A – StruxureWare Building
Operation Release v1.8.1 Deliverable.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

3. New Features in StruxureWare Building Operation

Release v1.8.1
3.1 General enhancements
3.1.1 Notification object modifications
The Notification concept has been re-designed. Existing Notification objects are converted during
upgrade and are replaced by new Alarm Triggered Notifications, which now support multiple
distribution methods within one Notification, i.e. Email, Write To File, SNMP and Client. This will
decrease engineering time and reduce the number of Notification objects required.

Write to file notifications are now available in the system tree and can be reached and managed in

There is also a new type of Notification, called the Variable Triggered Notification. The variable
Triggered Notification allows a binary variable, e.g. a Digital Schedule or a digital value object, to
trigger a Notification. It is also possible to trigger any Notification manually by using a context menu

It is now possible to configure the number of decimals and the date format in the notification. Default
number of decimals is 2.

When using Email as distribution method in your Notifications, there is now support for encrypted
email messages, TLS and SSL.

3.1.2 Notification report template

Notification report template is a new powerful feature, which is designed to be used with any kind of
Notification. The template can be configured to attach plain text, property values and trend log data to
the Notification. It is also possible to configure relative property values and trend log data if there are
many identical rooms on a site. If an alarm is triggered in one room, then only relevant data for that
room is attached to the Notification report.

The template concept is very flexible. Since it is based on plain text, the advanced user can structure
the template as any plain text format such as xml or html. In order to deliver good results, all of the
user documentation should be read carefully.

3.1.3 Alarm modifications

 Alarms can be configured to be hidden automatically when triggered.
 Event logging for the alarm when changing state can be disabled in order to decrease the
amount of events in the system.
 A prefix for the alarm source name can be added.
 The user documentation is improved with descriptions for most of the System Alarms.
3.1.4 Trend modifications
 A System Alarm will also be generated if too many logs are allocated.
 Interval trend logs are now logging at exact defined interval with start from activation time.
 Change of Value Trend Logs, can be configured with a maximum log interval in case of no
value changes.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

3.2 -B (New in v1.8.1)

AS-B are released in conjunction with the release of
StruxureWare Building Operation version 1.8.1. Version 1.8.1 is also the minimum SBO version
required for adding AS-B controllers to a SmartStruxure solution.

AS-B is a new Smartstruxure Server device. For total installed cost reduction it has power supply and
highly flexible I/O built-in with overall functionality that is very similar to other SmartStruxure server

The As-B requires a slightly different method to enter DFU mode that is required by other
SmartStruxure server devices. The procedure is as follows:

1. The unit shall be on(power applied)

2. Connect the USB cable into the device port and Host PC.
3. Press the reset button three times
4. Wait until the status LED is flashing with green/red light and that the status of the device
in the device administrator is DFU mode.
5. Run the device administrator installation.
N :I p c u b v ’ w k y with a USB Host port supporting USB 2.0
only.(The port shall not be marked with SS USB logo.)

Refer to specific release information from The Exchange for detailed AS-B
information, such as:

 PA-00476 SmartX -B
 uc -B
 Release Note for AS-B

3.3 WebStation Enhancements

3.3.1 Alarm Filter enhancements
It is now possible to use favorite and standard filters for the Alarm Viewer in WebStation. The filters
are created in WorkStation and can now be applied in both WorkStation and WebStation.

3.3.2 New Property grid

The look and feel of the WebStation PropertyGrid has changed. The main differences between the
new and the previous PropertyGrid are:

 Inline editing - No more dialogs popping up when a value is edited.

 Larger controls to make it more user friendly on a mobile device.
3.3.3 Xenta Central Time Schedules
WebStation has received support for XCTS. It is now possible to edit existing XCTS from WebStation.
The look and feel of the user interface has changed to an interface similar to the time schedules
editors for XTS in both WorkStation and Menta.

3.3.4 Xenta Time Schedules

The XCTS editor has replaced the old XTS editor.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

3.4 Graphics
3.4.1 Shared Graphics
We have w p “ G p c ”, w c “ G p c ” T
Vista. You can now have multiple instances of a TGML Graphic and when the user has chosen to
“ b yp ” c G p c will be updated whenever the TGML is edited and
saved. Bindings are unique to each instance which makes it possible to reuse the TGML Graphics
and bind the instances to different variables.

N w c c w y u c py G p c bj c , bu u u “ b red
yp ” “ ”b v .T c v b c x uu v c .I
you want to copy existing bindings when you create a new instance (copy the Graphics), use the
“ p c ”c .

3.4.2 View and Console objects

Two new JavaScript objects, View and Console, have been added to TGML in both WorkStation and
WebStation. The view object allows graphic designers to access properties like width, height and
zoomlevel and others via JavaScript. This can be used to create responsive TGML images etc. The
Console object allows a designer to print debugging information that can be viewed in either the
Graphic Editors new Console window or in the web browsers console.

3.4.3 Enable Pan and Zoom

A new property DisablePanAndZoom on the TGML element allows graphic designer to disable or
enable panning and zooming in the graphics viewer.

3.5 WorkStation Enhancements

3.5.1 A faster Binding View
The filtering of the binding tree has been removed to improve the performance dramatically. We have
also adjusted the binding tree implementation so that the behavior of the binding tree is more like the
general system tree.

3.5.2 Event modifications

 Favorites is now available in the Event View.
 There is a new date and time picker for the Event View.
 Thanks to major performance improvements in the Event View, it is now possible to have
100 000 events in the view.
3.5.3 Trend modifications
 In order to avoid creating too many Trend Logs and running out of memory, an indication bar
has been added the wizard for guidance.
 It is possible to create a Multi Trend Log List where you can have many Trend Logs in one
list. A Trend Chart can be converted to a Multi Trend Log list.
3.5.4 User Interface modifications
In order to make the user interface easier to understand, there have been some harmonization
 The Show properties toolbar button is replaced by right side slide out.
 The Group box is moved to column context menu.
 The Alarm View and the Detailed view toolbar button is replaced by right side slide out.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

3.6 Cybersecurity Hardening

3.6.1 Document policy
It is possible to configure a whitelist of file extensions for Documents. You cannot save or open a
cu w x ’ w in the system. The most common file extensions are
allowed as default, e.g. doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, txt, jpg. You can extend or decrease the list in the
Control Panel. Upgraded systems will have the default settings per default and will need to be
modified if previously saved documents have other file extensions.

3.7 Backup / Restore and Upgrade (New in v1.8.1)

3.7.1 Validate backup sets
To minimize the risk of storing a corrupt backup set, the system will validate backup sets in many
different situations. Both the database integrity, i.e. the "plumbing" of the database, and the archiving
of data, i.e. the "zipping", will be validated.

Backup sets will be validated in the following situations:

 Local backup on a standalone server. The validation will take place on the server and a
system alarm will be raised if a corrupt backup set is identified.
 Local backup on a sub-server. The validation will take place on the sub-server. The backup
set will also be validated on the Enterprise Server before it is stored there. A system alarm will
be raised if a corrupt backup set is identified during validation.
 Restore on a standalone server. The validation will take place on the server and a system
alarm will be raised if a corrupt backup set is identified.
 Restore on a standalone server from a backup set stored on the computer file system. The
validation will take place on the server, during the restore process. A system alarm will be
raised if a corrupt backup set is identified during validation.
 Restore on a sub-server. The validation will take place on the server and a system alarm will
be raised if a corrupt backup set is identified.
 Restore on a sub-server from a backup set stored on the computer file system. The validation
will first be done when the backup set is imported. The second validation will take place on
the server, during the restore process. A system alarm will be raised if a corrupt backup set is
identified during validation.
 Restore configurations with new IDs. Same validation strategy as Restore.
 Add new sub-server, based on a backup set. Same validation strategy as Restore on a sub-
 Upgrade of sub-server using Device Administrator. The validation will take place in the Device
Administrator. A message box will be showed if a corrupt backup set is identified. Additional
information will also be recorded in the upgrade log.
 When backup sets are purged on ES. A validation of the backup set structure will be done
each time the Enterprise Server purge the archive to store a new backup set. This is not a full
validation, just the structure. A system alarm will be raised if a corrupt backup set is identified
during validation and the corrupt backup set will be deleted.

3.8 Assorted BACnet Improvements

3.8.1 ReadRange service for all List type properties
Support for 3 party clients incrementally to read supported list properties using the read-range
service has been added.
3.8.2 New TimeSynch properties
User-configurable time synchronization messages featuring "Align intervals", "Synch interval", and
"Interval offset" to the BACnet interface have been added.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

3.8.3 New Deadband property to the Loop object

Deadband property to Intrinsic alarming for BACnet Loops has been added.
3.8.4 New error codes in accordance with the BACnet standard
New error codes in accordance with the BACnet standard have been added.

3.8.5 New Reliability enumeration to Reliability properties

Communication Failure enumeration has been added. to objects that support the Reliability property

3.9 Lon Enhancements

3.9.1 Updated Lon object model
The internal structure of Lon objects and properties has changed. The change is done for a number of
reasons. The main reason is to reduce the configuration footprint in the database. The Automation
Server configuration database can only store a certain number of objects. Another reason is to
enhance the user experience when Network Variables and Configuration Parameters are displayed in
the user interface and when doing bindings as values and properties.

As a result of the changes to the Lon model, other changes are required to update path dependent
internal functions if they reference LonWorks network variable fields. Check and update your saved
searches, saved watches and binding templates.
The structure in v1.7 and earlier:
The structure in v1.8:

After the upgrade to version 1.8 you also need to update external utilities that either generate
structured LonWorks network variables to the system or collect structured LonWorks network
variables from the system. Examples of external utilities are EWS, Expert Tool or other transition tools
using the WorkStation transition SDK.

3.9.2 Delete obsolete Lon objects after upgrade to v1.8.1 (New in v1.8.1)
During the upgrade process from version 1.7.1 to v1.8.x all servers, hosting Lon networks using
LonWorks imported Lon device templates (.XIF) or Lon resource kits (.DRF), need to keep objects
representing references between servers in both the "old" Lon format and in the updated format. This
is done to support runtime compatibility during upgrade, when servers in a multi server system is
temporarily running different versions. When the upgrade is completed and an internal "reference
synchronization" is done, the now obsolete objects can be deleted. The "reference synchronization"
can take all from a couple of minutes, up to a couple of hours, depending on how many servers and
how many bindings there are in the system.

The Delete obsolete Lon objects command is found in the Actions menu when the server object is
selected. If the command is launched from the enterprise server (ES), all servers in the multi server
system will be handled. It is possible to launch the command logged on to each sub-server
separately. If so, make sure all servers have been updated to 1.8.1 before you launch the command,
or you may break references (bindings) between servers.

3.9.3 Validate Lon bindings on Size

It is now possible to bind Lon Network Variables of different types, between two devices in a Lon
network, as long as they have the same size (number of bytes).

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

3.9.4 Symbolic constants for LonMark defined values

It is now possible to use symbolic constants for some LonMark defined values for Network Variables
and Configuration Parameters.

 Invalid value (NaN)

 Minimum value (-Infinity)
 Maximum value (Infinity)

Note! NaN, Infinity and -Infinity are localized values and different for other languages.

3.9.5 Scan network for Lon devices

As an alternative to discover Lon devices on a network using Service Pin, it is now possible to let the
server scan the network for Lon devices that are online and communicating. The command is found in
the Devices section in the Device Discovery tab (Actions menu or right-click).

3.9.6 Change the default Lon binding profile (New in v1.8.1)

Point-to-point bindings use the Acknowledged profile as default. However, it is now possible to
change the default point-to-point binding profile when a different profile than the Acknowledged profile
is preferred. The selected profile will be used until another profile is selected as default profile.

3.10 Modbus Enhancements

This version of StruxureWare Building Operation provides the following Modbus enhancement:

 Bit mask can only be used with 16 bit unsigned register type and any other register type
causes an error to be shown to the user when the changes are saved. Originally reported in
defect 28885.

3.11 TAC I/A Series MNB Controller Programmability

TAC I/A Series MNB BACnet controllers are supported as native devices with the following features:

 Create, import, and edit I/A Series MNB applications in SBO WorkPlace Tech Editor
 Assign I/A Series applications to MNB devices in SBO WorkStation
 Download I/A Series applications to MNB controllers in SBO WorkStation
 p c , , , MNB v c c “ u ”
 Controllers supported: MNB-70, MNB-V1,MNB-V2, MNB-300, MNB-1000

3.12 Sigma Enhancements

This version of StruxureWare Building Operation provides the following additions to the Sigma
 Increase number of Sigma Global objects from 100 to 500
 New Text Report to display Sigma controller contents
 Introduction of graphical Short Form Edit functionality for Setpoint Adjust, Optimizers and
Control Loop objects

3.13 TAC I/NET Enhancements

3.13.1 Additional TAC I/NET Point Extension Support
This version of StruxureWare Building Operation provides support for the following additional TAC
I/NET point extensions:
 Trend Sampling (TR)
 Runtime (RT)

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

 Consumption (CN)
These extensions can now be added, deleted, and modified directly within StruxureWare Building

3.13.2 Application Specific Controller (ASC) Support

 ASC Lines
When you upload an I/NET DCU to StruxureWare Building Operation, DDC lines associated
with ASCs will now appear beneath the appropriate MCU(s). This allows you to view line
values in ListView and, if necessary, bind ASC lines to other objects such as graphics.

 ASC Parameters
You now have the ability to upload ASC parameters into StruxureWare Building Operation.
You can then view and modify the parameters settings without having to use the legacy I/NET

3.14 SmartDrivers
With the release of v1.8.1 StruxureWare Building Operation will introduce SmartDrivers.

SmartDrivers w“ v ” b p y , u p v SmartX
Controller - AS-P. SmartDrivers is only available on the Enterprise Server and AS-P.

A driver is a component that can be added after installation of the server software. Drivers are
typically developed to communicate with proprietary third party systems that are not natively
supported by StruxureWare Building Operation. An example of such a third party system is a fire
monitoring system.

Data in the third party system is realized in StruxureWare Building Operation by the creation of
SmartDriver Interfaces, Devices, Points and Values. This very similar to how Modbus registers are

A maximum of two SmartDriver Interfaces are to be created on an Enterprise Server and AS-P.

In order to be able to deploy drivers to the Enterprise Server and AS-P, SmartDrivers must be
enabled in Security Settings. By default deploy of drivers is disabled in all servers.

For the v1.8.1 release, development of drivers is being restricted to a single team.

Contact Product Management for further information about SmartDrivers.

3.15 NETWORK 8000 PEM1 Overrides

Capability to perform timed software override (timed force) of the outputs on NETWORK 8000 PEM1
controllers. This functionality is the same as was previously implemented for the MicroZone II
controllers. The override is available as timed, until, or forever as was previously performed with PSI

ASD session security is now handled with authentication properties stored in the Network 8000
Interface object. The default values of the these authentication properties are the same as the default
values that were in a GCM or in the ASD controllers. This means no changes will need to be made
unless your controllers have non-default username or password. In that case simply update the
authentication in the interface and save it.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

3.16 Andover Continuum b3 Conversion Program

There is now a check box presented as part of the StruxureWare Building Operation WorkStation
installation to allow the installation of the v1.8 compatible Andover Continuum b3 to SBO Conversion
Program. The program that is posted on The Exchange (Services\Transition to SmartStruxure\
Andover Continuum) is compatible with v1.6 only. All documentation that is included on The
Exchange site is valid for this v1.8 version as well. When the check box is selected as part of the
installation of WorkStation the conversion program will get installed and will be accessible from the
same location in the start menu as all of the other elements of StruxureWare Building Operation:
Schneider Electric StruxureWare\Building Operation v1.8.

3.17 Reports
StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1 introduces a new Installer package for Building Operation
WebReports installation. Outlined below are the highlights of the new installer:
 System check, Enterprise Server configuration, and SQL configuration are taken care of by
the new installer.
o The System Check determines if the recommended Operating System, Internet
Information Services, and required disk space are available.
o The Enterprise Server configuration checks if the communication is established
between Report Server and Enterprise Server.
o Using the SQL Server page, you can select the existing instance of SQL to create
Reports database. WebReports Installer detects all the existing instances of SQL
installed in the local machine.
o The SQL Configuration checks if Reports database, Reporting services, User
permissions, and scripts are configured and executed correctly. If configuration of any
of the components fail, you can correct the error and start the configuration again.
 Improved uninstallation process. Uninstalling WebReports does not remove the Reports
 The upgrade process is simple and efficient.
 Now supported on Windows 7 Professional (32 or 64 bit)
 Now supported on Windows 8 Pro (64 bit)

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

4. Defects Fixed in StruxureWare Building Operation

Release v1.8.1
Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID
Account Logging into AS using default domain fails when
Management the default logon domain is different than ES's
Account Return the correct error code instead of one with
Management strange error text for the logon context
Account Not possible to have different default logon 23309964
Management domain in ES and AS.
Account BOTT can't log on to AS if the default log on 23466544,
Management domain is an inherited domain 24366479
Log on to default log on domain in AS 00
Account synchronized from the ES does not work if
Management default log on domain in ES and AS is not the
Selecting 'recheck' for a selected alarm in the 99
22719 Alarm View
alarm viewer does not recheck the alarm
Monitored Value substitution code returns 15658788,
27261 Alarms incorrect value when email sent for transition to 21997226
Normal state
When setting up SNMP queries and traps for the 00
AS in Device Administrator, it's not clear what
28354 Alarms
version of SNMP and what type of password
encryption we support
ES sporadically sends duplicate email 14996783
28514 Alarms
notifications for same alarm event
System alarm "Unable to access lead object" on
Alarms Security Manager/Global Security Settings
appears directly after upgrade

WorkStation crashes when changing alarm reset 18927174

29073 Alarms
text (Traditional Chinese text)
29420 WorkStation has crashed at several occasions 21981843
when trying to create alarms
An alarm generating an email notification will 99,232841,2446
29507 Alarms contain the point value and display 13 decimal
place for that value
30500 Alarms Converted units don’t display on alarm 23965581
30500 Alarms Converted units don’t display on alarm 23965581
Value in alarm window shows variable status 26364871
30891 Alarms instead of variable value when substitution code
is used
WorkStation hangs when browsing the
31153 Alarms notification plugin module 27261413

AS-B Digital pulsed output requested value does

30991 AS-B not work 99

31068 AS-B AS-B: Resistance measurement out of spec. 99

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

After AS to AS-P upgrade of 20, SE7000s, the
28037 AS-P c . w “R M R QU T G
WorkStation crashes when being automatically
25699 Auto logoff logged if Buffer Overflow error screen has been
WorkStation loses connection with AS-P when 23712189
29632 b3
performing operating tasks on b3
Performing a b3 learn on MSTP network with
31021 b3 duplicated mac ids causes AS to lockup. 19029098

When AS backups are created there is no

30951 Backup / Restore mechanism to check if they are malformed 99

Automation Server trend.db size causing failure

27445 Backup/Restore to backup 16258788

No selective BACnet object drag from discovery 199372

23281 BACnet
A BACnet trend fails to log values from an object
25605 BACnet
on a different BACnet IP network
No error message is displayed when a BACnet
26791 BACnet field bus device rejects a Value or Priority array
property write request
Property "Backup and Restore State" of a 21683617
29151 BACnet BACnet Interface under an AS indefinitely set to
"Backup in progress" after a backup is performed
ES Crashed due to a BACnet proxy async 98
29168 BACnet
BACnet binding Issue to B3 controllers running 22549775
29593 BACnet
older firmware
29729 BACnet BACnet crash while releasing BACnet point 98
29905 BACnet ES crashed during shutdown of the server
Upgrade of 70 AS from v1.5 to v1.7.1 with many 24960561
30352 BACnet
now at 100% CPU
Unable to create a Floating Limit BACnet Alarm 25538469
30516 BACnet in a b3 controller, the Setpoint Reference cannot
be entered and saved
Analog Outputs do not show the correct value 25818519
30658 BACnet when both a hardware and software (Forced)
override are applied
"Print IO Module Labels..." only prints 5 IO 19592802
28522 Central IO
module labels per page
False system alarm "IO-module offline" after 99
29119 Central IO
Changing an ES port number will prevent any 18394568
28156 Communication future AS additions from having their
communications tab updated correctly
AS communication with ES - if IP various 21428644
29137 Communication
issues appear
26041 Database LON Devices Maximum Objects Exceeded Error 234415

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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

Fail to upgrade Enterprise Server database from 243889
26771 Database v1.5 to v1.7.0 when Email notifications include
long lists of recipients
Unclear explanation regarding "Duplicate 26420265
30905 Documentation SmartStruxure Server Device from a Backup Set"
regarding LonWorks
Event view settings are not consistent (changes if 21121656
28963 Event view
another workstation is used or the view is copied)
29127 A filtered event view that can't present any events 21095995
Event view
displays odd result
When a user is prevented from logging on due to 99
29493 Events the password policy, a successful logon is
recorded in the event log
Function Block StruxureWare functionblock program TSCHI
28488 Programs description is wrong 19529812

If an ALARM block has the same MODULE name 19637504

Function Block
28540 u , bu “upp / w ”
c , ’ p b v MT BO
28211 The value are not visible when opening a graphic 18801472
in WebStation html5
TGML pop-up sometimes does not show 20368086,2316
28780 Graphics
correctly in WorkStation in fullscreen 5023
In WorkStation PathData using relative move (m) 21311314
29067 Graphics
followed by arc (a) does not render correctly
The default click event still works like before 22473789,2249
29549 Graphics v1.7.1 while click is now handled correctly in 8854
Gradient stop out of permitted range will block 22394017
29613 Graphics rendering of the remaining objects affected by a
getButton in script doesn't work for the click event 23655174
29639 Graphics
in WebStation - ok in WorkStation
Double click on a graphic link in a panel causes 22849497
29701 Graphics
values to stop updating
Trend object missing when viewing from a TGML 23018485
29766 Graphics
29788 Parts of the picture is missing when converting 23196770
an svg file to TGML using the TGML editor
Graphics Editor does not select new objects after 23469311,2373
29898 Graphics
applying 2600
Graphics Editor Crashes when ungrouping a new 23592843
29920 Graphics
RadiusX and RadiusY (rounded corners) doesn't 00
30105 Graphics
work correctly in WebStation
30599 WorkStation crashes when a graphic triggers an 25742627
invoke command on load
30896 Horizontal bar in Graphics works fine in WS but 25451627
disappears in WebStation
When changing General ID field in properties in a
graphic within the Graphic editor is does not save
31116 Graphics the text entered in the TGML Object box tree. 27091318

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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

After importing WorkPlace Tech Editor
applications and then logging off of a server,
26231 I/A LON Transition when you log back on, the imported applications
do not show up in the WorkPlace Tech Editor
control panel application list
MNL-800 program ID truncated when saved into 19431289
28447 I/A LON Transition the AS causing the controller to fail
When you modify an MNL-800 application in
SmartStruxure WorkPlace Tech Editor, all MNL-
30114 I/A LON Transition 800 controllers that use the application have to
be re-commissioned even if the controllers'
network variables have not been changed.
When you attempt to change an application's S-
30422 Link sensor type in WorkPlace Tech Editor, the
I/A LON Transition
changes are not saved to the server and no error
indication is given.
I/A LON Transition
WorkPlace Tech Editor and Monitor crash when
30630 I/A BACnet
the a v c ’ pp c w .
I/NET Action messages are not attached to I/NET 21889372
29403 I/NET Transition
29559 I/NET Transition I/NET crashes during startup 98
29712 I/NET Transition Unable to Upload I/NET controller into AS 22847903
29921 I/NET Transition 7798B will not upload into SBO 21928662
29923 I/NET Transition ChangeSetTransaction Rollback due to Inet Error 23218075

30454 Script used in converted INET graphics doesn't 25419329

I/NET Transition
work in WebStation
29710 Import/Export Unable to Export/Import I/NET controllers 22852631
Discrepancy in language used when object 123456
29642 Localization
default name applied
Unable to Drag/Drop Binding from a Xenta 302 228650
25526 LON
Module to a Graphic
30332 The nciBoxOffset is out of range if the offset is a 24199676
negative value
Even after the user is logged out from
WebStation the AS will continue to poll Lon
30949 LON variables. 26436396

WorkStation crashes when trying to edit any 26917369,2747

31110 LON bindings under the LON network 0538

The names on the fields under some UCPT:s in

StruxureWare is not the same as the names in
14139 LonWorks/Xenta Lonmaker 877410

It is not possible to bind UNVTs if they are not the

16717 LonWorks/Xenta exact same type even if they are the same length 113243

SNVT_config_src dos not get set to

20001 LonWorks/Xenta CFG_External when node is commissioned 162767

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

XIF file dialogue in the properties for a Xenta
21594 LonWorks/Xenta 300/400 181406

Third party controller does not work in

23209 LonWorks/Xenta SmartStruxure 198025

23444 LonWorks/Xenta Not possible to import the XIF file 200504

23654 LonWorks/Xenta Binding problem between ES and AS 202650

Issue with externally managed LonWorks

Interface when a function block starts with a
LonWorks/Xenta number. 245286

Why are the bits shown as Multistate value in a

27468 LonWorks/Xenta SNVT_State_64 and not as a digital value? 16506795

27576 LonWorks/Xenta Import of XIF file just stops, no error messages 5455

Unable to assign AS as remote LPA interface 20367916

28829 LonWorks/Xenta until the AS is restarted

L-DALI controller makes AS warmstart when 20734142

28877 LonWorks/Xenta adding the XIF file

LonWorks Externally Managed Network Interface 20649120

28957 LonWorks/Xenta
Program ID changes during upgrade
29039 LonWorks/Xenta AS keeps going offline 21095778

In a new installation, got Failed to create device

in LNS when trying to configure via an LNS 22267431,
29657 LonWorks/Xenta Plugin 22365201

It is possible to have the same Neuron ID on two

29677 LonWorks/Xenta Lon devices in an AS/ES 22829250

Not possible to bind TAC Xenta inputs to other

29851 LonWorks/Xenta objects in the system if the inputs are in a module 23453818

30750 LonWorks/Xenta Issue regarding LON Bindings to Local Node. 26001019

WorkStation crashes when downloading a TAC

30780 LonWorks/Xenta Xenta programmable controller 25931935

The network variable values in the Local Node 99

will be wrong and applications such as Function
Block or Script will not execute correctly. Sites
30860 LonWorks/Xenta using LonWorks Externally Managed Network
together with Stibil specific network variables in
the Local Node should not upgrade to 1.8.1RC.
The problem is fixed in 1.8.1.

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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

LonWorks - Change set error when edit a local
30875 LonWorks/Xenta node object 26241226

After deleting network variables in Local node AS

30961 LonWorks/Xenta crashed. 26559961

31017 LonWorks/Xenta SBO v1.8 truncates LON UCPT values 26782022

30628 Micronet Transition IAC Touchscreen Address resetting to default 25320130

Refreshing a MicroNet Value Reference in
30732 Micronet Transition WorkStation that has a Trend Log configured
displays its previous value
Automation Server failure (RED LED) and 26351608
30936 Micronet Transition backup created that cause the same AS failure,
when restored to a AS
MNB native objects do not retain value after 00
31001 MNB
Technicians Tool Android - Sometime graphics 19984964
(and other views) freeze for 10 -20 seconds and
Mobile Apps
28682 there is no clue if a graphic button has been

BOTT - too long identifier cause edit properties 22669350

29659 Mobile Apps
window to be too small
28207 AS Modbus Server does not respond to a remote 18529810
Modbus client following a power cycle
28331 Register group requested poll set to 5000 ms but 18529810
points in group show 500 ms requested poll
When something other than 16 bit is selected for 20576541
28885 Modbus
Modbus register type, the bit mask is still enabled
Transferring values over Modbus is intermittently 99
29096 Modbus
ES / AS Crashes when Modbus puts device 22325669
29167 Modbus
ModbusMasterProtocol runtask crashes during 98
29643 Modbus
29644 ModbusTCPServerConnectionFactory crashes 98
during shutdown of server
Modbus TCP communications in a number of 22827897
29789 Modbus
AS's stop updating after varying periods of time
Adding a new column to the search results of 00
29804 Modbus Modbus objects, appears to "Hang", but
eventually does complete
Modbus serial communication is not reliable after 24127146
30259 Modbus
upgrading to v1.7.1 from v1.4.1
When the "Poll Interval" is configured as "Inhibit" 24830307
30280 Modbus in the AS and it restarts, the AS no longer polls
the Modbus registers
Modbus TCP Network communicating to devices 24870381
30383 Modbus using their DNS names (computer name), stop
communicating if IP address is changed.
Can not acknowledge Modbus Master Network 99
30632 Modbus
offline in alarm list (AS-B)
Modbus TCP Interface displays offline after
30757 Modbus
device polling is disabled and re-enabled

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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

30760 Modbus value with a trend log does not update
when it is refreshed in WorkStation
Detaching an AS belonging to an multi server
25541 Multi Server system by logging on to the AS itself causes
strange behavior in ES "add server " command
Just one log on attempts to the AS in a Multi
26728 Multi Server
Server system if the ES is offline
NW8K devices do not appear in the device count
28386 of individual Automation Servers or in the total
device count at the Enterprise Server
Attempting to force a MICROZONE II object from
28996 the watch window or a graphic causes
WorkStation to crash
ASD device proxy objects fail to communicate
29116 NETWORK 8000
with ASD devices after importing a NETWORK
8000 interface
NETWORK 8000 NETWORK 8000 Interface ASD COM port 20392921
Transition assignment intermittently goes Unused
Network 8000 NETWORK 8000 OSS Block comes in with 24557352,
Transition incorrect preconfigured values 25640652
APT objects under the Network 8000 interface 24616014
Network 8000
30263 not coming up with expected values following a
power cycle.
30343 Network 8000 The occupancy status for all MF2-PIC controllers 24785502
Transition always display null
NETWORK 8000 AS-P is unable to communicate with ASD
31023 Transition network 26347649

Binding of graphic or watch window subscription

NETWORK 8000 to Network 8000 string values causes loss of
31169 Transition other subscription values 27365517

Manually edited Network 8000 OSS pre-start and

pre-stop table values are not saved through a
NETWORK 8000 block reset or AS restart when the freeze table
31182 Transition flag is enabled to true 25751973

29095 AS nsp_servers crashes on startup - 21359576

CDA link attached
29174 Operation ES crashed while reading subscription 98
29450 Operation ES Crashes due to timechange 98
29519 Operation ES Crashed in ClientAsyncTCPTransport 98
Time format differs in WorkStation and 00
29597 Operation WebStation depending on format and if script is
used or not
AS does not restart correctly unless the Ethernet 18926807
29668 Operation
cable is removed (effects more than one AS) 20615493
29838 Operation AS crash almost every week. 22760519
30284 Operation ES crashed while updating subscribed values 25325206
AS crashed due to progress object while 24426331
30344 Operation
executing change set
30366 Operation AS crashed after one week of operation 25200373

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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

Bindings from AS to ES stopped working after
26475 Other
power fail
Server descriptions not visible in list view after 99
27064 Other
log off
30717 Other AS do not startup after power reset. 25417421

31020 Other AS - Blinking red after a power failure 26856905

WorkStation not responding when logged on to a

27905 PCS deployed server with links to not deployed
31205 PCS Unable to bind in Project Configuration Server 27446257

User database is not copied correctly when

28764 PCS Upgrade performing a parallel installation of the PCS

Inconsistent / unreliable data transfer between 238690,192186

26290 Reports
Enterprise Server and Report Server. 96
Report Server - not possible to Run Reports
The Reporting Services in the Report Service
Control Manager has stopped

If trying to run a report, an error message:

26995 Reports
"Msg=DDL creation failed ex=Error creating Drop
Downddlperiocity The request failed with HTTP
status 503: Service Unavailable"

30027 Reports Trends are not transferred to database 23696126

Trend data not updating - DESCR column in SQL 23468713
30132 Reports database has type nvarchar(80) instead of
After applying hotfix #30027 25277349
30404 Reports
spInsertLogTimeValues is corrupted
The Historical reads in the Report Server takes
30774 Reports
too long time, data is lost.
Daylight savings transition affects data read from 26623907
31003 Reports
ES to Web Reports
31009 SQL Server versions missing from supported 26801521
SQL Server detection in Web Reports installer
You cannot save consecutive weekly events in
c u “V w c u v ”v w
29454 Schedules
by c “+” c p v
29740 Schedules Schedules stop working 22951721
29452 Script Script editor - Debugger crashes in v1.7RC 22078893
Script programs with nested function calls don't 99
29964 Script
start after import
Closing Saved Searches or Searches does not 23136572
29756 Search
stop polling on a Lon network
29814 ES crashed during search for forced objects after 99
upgrade from v1.6.1 to v1.7.1

Schneider Electric Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

30311 When upgrading from v1.6.1.5000 to v1.7.1.89 24878491
save searches filtered criteria is lost
Sigma alarms with'Beep' when transitioned into 19641403
SBO - 1. Cannot be disabled/re-enabled 2. PRG
28616 Sigma Transition objects with alarms are always disabled
Note - Requires new version of Sigma Transition
component to be installed at the Sigma Server
Sigma Transition - Graphic - DO objects are not 19803820
bound correctly in transition process.
28625 Sigma Transition
Note - Requires new version of Sigma Transition
component to be installed at the Sigma Server
Shortcuts cannot be used when configuring the 99
29089 Sigma Transition
variable on a trend log
SBO and Sigma time sync is not correct for
29144 12hours when the time changing to/ from
Sigma Transition
Daylight Saving Time, when in a time zone other
than London
Sigma Logged data lost in a SBO Sigma 22259431,
29536 Sigma Transition
transition 22628765
Alarm audible indication plays when alarm has 23678613
29949 Sigma transition
been filtered out of the Alarm View
30346 Sigma Transition ES crashed while copying a message 98
Carrying out a Plant Review in SBO, on a Sigma 25509358
30587 Sigma Transition Controller can show that most objects are set to
Enterprise Server crashes and crash dump files 25953745
30828 Sigma Transition
are generated (related to Sigma callstack)
30848 Sigma Transition Sigma crash during GetPropertyValues 98

When an SPA object is of type Fixed and viewed

in the property grid and value displayed is below
31018 Sigma Transition 10 it shows in red! 99

AS-P crashed on SmartX Controller - Advanced

31375 SmartXAD Display tablet alarm manipulation 28004362

SBO mib files (for SNMP) have issues compiling 25667589

30570 SNMP
in third party software due to errors in the files
IO Channel number is incorrect after copying 21333061
29027 Spreadsheet
from spreadsheet view and pasting to Excel
WorkStation crashes when viewing trend chart
27768 Trends logged in with a user not having permissions to 17569418
the system folder
28223 Interval Trend Logs on AS pointing to values in IA
LON devices are missing samples
29140 Trends SBO trend logs times are drifting v1.6.1.5000 21248044
Issue with Meter Trend log activated by script 22860488
29687 Trends
WorkStation can crash when creating trend logs 23280819
29816 Trends
under certain conditions.
30027 Trends Trends are not transferred to database 23696126

Schneider Electric Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

Unable to differentiate between Trend Series in a 24131330
Chart that all have the same name but are
30144 Trends located in different devices. Happens in both
WorkStation (logged directly into AS) and
WorkStation Trend Chart view has gaps in the 25896427
30928 Trends
data (see backup attached)
Trend chart auto scale does not correctly re-scale
after a value has been manually changed in the
31238 Trends chart. 27486212

25772 Upgrade: AS looses non default Port settings 22366885

when upgraded from SBO v1.5 to v1.6.
29497 AS fails to upgrade - there is an EnDash instead 22204008
of a Hyphen in server and folder name
Error opening graphic or function block program 21096028
29529 Upgrade
after upgrading an AS
29720 Upgrade ES fails to restart after upgrade to v1.7.1 99

29748 Device administrator crash during upgrade of an 23087245

AS from version 1.6.1 to v1.7.1
29944 When logging in to AS with a (windows) domain 23486262
user Workstation wants you to change password
Upgraded database download to AS fails - 23775086,
29962 Upgrade /var/logs/btmp almost takes the complete 23655142
Device Administrator fails to upgrade (to hotfix some automation servers correctly
across a busy network, and leave them non
30034 Upgrade operational requiring USB/DFU 18926807

30435 Upgrade AS fail to upgrade if the server name starts with - 25440367
SBO AS with a Russian Name cannot be 25204314
Upgrade upgraded to over a network.

AS upgrade from to fails - 26340968

30897 Upgrade COML error - Not a valid cast from String to
Automation Server Upgrade Issue v1.6.1.5000 to
v1.7.1.89 fails. The upgrade files are loaded to
the AS but it eventually goes RED LED and does
30975 Upgrade not respond 26589046

: used in signal names in Menta is exchanged,

30992 Upgrade but not in the OP tree 26651777

Following an upgrade to 1.8.0.RC an Alarm 99

30995 Upgrade stating "Email server not specified" is
continuously reported
31026 Upgrade AddOn requires .NET 3.5 SP1 00

Unclear information in upgrade log after

31046 Upgrade upgrading an AS from to RC 00

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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

Upgrading an Enterprise Server from
31220 Upgrade to fails. 27050036

31264 Upgrade Pre-upgrade add-on error WorkStation crash 9696

Problem with the special national character Ø in 25287733

30384 Vista Transition
TAC Vista to SBO Conversion Tool
Vista to SBO Migration Tool fails to inject .AUT
30869 Vista Transition files from XBuilder projects files 99

EWS: When a GetContainerItems response has 99

22920 Web Services an entry with an empty 'name' field, SBO ignores
all entries
29544 Web Services SOAP style attribute not defined 22189363
30262 Web Services ES crashed while reading values through EWS 98, 25325206

30305 ES crashed while reading subscribed values 98, 25325206

Web Services
through EWS
30440 ES Crashes when EWS does an unsubscribe on 25325206
Web Services
a variable
SBO EWS Client Sends Invalid Alarm Polling
31181 Web Services Requests 99

Not possible to navigate to a report using

24719 WebStation hyperlink from Firefox 27, IE9 and IE11 (works
fine in Chrome)
Clicking on user in object list view opens property
26892 WebStation
grid instead of edit user dialog
Bound background color doesn't work in 22477228
29551 WebStation
WebStation - add schedule on a screen with 22541023
29602 WebStation
resolution (1024*768) or lower not possible
JavaScript prompts no longer working in 23255303,
29765 WebStation
WebStation when using Chrome 22765601
29798 Pan and zoom not working in WebStation on a 23272629
Scale and rotate not consistent in WebStation 23020113
29844 WebStation
Missing or wrong icon for digital schedule in 23590091
29926 WebStation WebStation when Windows zoom level is not
RadiusX and RadiusY (rounded corners) doesn't 00
30105 WebStation
work correctly in WebStation
30173 Graphics StrokeDashArray doesn't work correctly 24542170
in WebStation
Graphics subscription/value update order in 24662239,2466
30214 WebStation scripts not the same in WebStation and 6536
ToolTip component doesn't work when 24666536
30241 WebStation removeChild() and appendChild() is used with
Links not working in WebStation (Uncaught in 24666536
30264 WebStation

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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description PSS Ticket ID

30397 AnimatedImage (GIF) doesn't show in 00
WebStation when animation is set to "Stop"
Xenta Central Schedules cannot be changed 23626730,
30417 WebStation
from a Web-Station 26143378
Script used in converted I/NET graphics doesn't 25419329
30454 WebStation
work in WebStation
30788 Multiple Panels in WebStation representation not 24465818
the same as WorkStation
30793 WebStation - TGML/HTML5 - Cant view trend 26001003
from a point in a Xenta FBP
ES Crashed in CWSServer while updating alarm
30851 WebStation
Graphics does not show in WebStation if server 26578321
31006 WebStation
name has a hash tag (#)
Graphics Editor crashes when resizing the work 26883759
31014 WebStation area in preview using the responsive graphics
Non-conformity in the implementation of
31042 WebStation setTimeout in graphics 26919625

OpenInFloatingWindow does not work correctly

31188 WebStation in WebStation (size and position) 00

TypeError in WebStation when clicking a link to a

31317 WebStation graphic 27812157

WorkStation does not display forced condition 21450843

29115 Workstation
correctly when set back to unforced
AS does not perform a ColdStart when requested
31365 WorkStation from the workstation 27650688

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

5. Known Defects in StruxureWare Building Operation

Release v1.8.1
The known defects are included in this release. Those marked with an * after the ID are new with
this release.

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

Log in to the AS and re-
enable the default admin
Account Unable to add server if default
26570 account. Add the AS to the
Management admin account is disabled
ES. Disable the default
admin account again.
Domain Local security groups are
26931 not in the SBO list of Windows
group names
26923 Server offline alarms not reset after
Alarms Manually reset alarms.
deploy from PCS
A Variable Status Alarm goes into Fixed planned for next
30522 Alarms
alarm and clears after a warm start release.
Archive schedule settings are not
21686 Archiving Manually reset the settings.
transferred from v1.5 to v1.7.0
Archiving - System alarm "IO error
when generating archive"
30773 * Archiving Acknowledge alarm.
generated every time an archive is
Sometimes Ethernet 2 setting stays Disable and enable the
29406 AS-P disabled on AS-P when set to setting again and it will get
enabled in Dev Admin reset properly.
The path simply cannot be
The 'Back up sets' path is not
25694 Backup/Restore edited, even if looks like it
editable and should be grayed out
Ignore the status flags and
trust the object overlay. A
Wrong value on Xenta Status flags
Xenta field device should
26374 Backup/Restore after a device is duplicated using
always be updated and
Restore from a backup set
commissioned when it is
assigned to a new server.
Navigating away from backup rules
while it is being loaded will not
30633 * Backup/Restore
show the user any objects in other
Unsupported BACnet properties in After upgrade, download or
23780 BACnet a third party device appear in the upload the third party
GUI after upgrade device.
After changing the unit of a BACnet
value, a refresh is needed to
24052 BACnet Refresh the window.
display the new unit in the watch

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

The IP and broadcast
addresses must be
BACnet IP and broadcast address changed manually from the
25044 BACnet do not change when the IP of the Basic tab of the IP Network
server changes beneath the BACnet
Interface of the Automation
Copy and paste of multistate Create separate new
25916 BACnet values or points will fail and crash objects rather than via
the WorkStation copy/paste.
A BACnet Alarm in the
alarm viewer can lose its
category if a user changes
the configuration for that
alarm. This can happen
only if the BACnet alarm is
configured to use the
BACnet Notification object
for 'Alarm handling and
There are two ways to
BACnet alarm category (and avoid this problem:
1) Do not change alarm
26836 BACnet others) glitch when alarm
configuration of BACnet
configuration changes alarms that have alarms in
the viewer.
2) Do not use the
notification class for Alarm
handling and presentation.
This can be done by setting
the 'Alarm handling and
presentation' to null, in
which case the alarm object
itself is the configuration
source for the category.

BACnet MSTP network on AS Realign the baud rates on

intermittently not communicating the MSTP interface and its
30462 BACnet
with b3 devices following power devices
Unable to 'backspace' to delete
Type in the new text before
30477 BACnet when editing a reference in a
deleting the original
BACnet trend log
Seems to be related to
Windows 2012 Server and
remote desktop. Very hard
WorkStation crashes when
30509 * Binding View to reproduce. Only
navigating in the binding tree
occurred on one single
computer. Ongoing
investigations in Heron.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

Delete all files in
Device Administrator takes 70 Electric
31486 * Device minutes to upgrade on some StruxureWare\Building
computers Operation 1.x except for
devices.xml and
If multiple users are accomplishing
imports at the same time, it is
9886 Engineering
possible for the event log to contain
erroneous data
It is necessary to restart the
Enterprise Server on occasion to
22203 Engineering Restart Enterprise Server.
establish reliable communication
with a replaced Automation Server
When upgrading from v1.5 to v1.6,
trying to open the bindings view
Open the view when logged
27429 Engineering directly from an AS that has not yet
into the ES.
been upgraded, the WorkStation
Detaching child AS by logging on
27567 Engineering to the AS itself makes the detach Detach via ES.
server command in ES unavailable
ES crashed when detaching 20
30701 * Engineering Detach one at the time.
child servers (AS-P)
Multiple Filters: After user rename
* Filters Log off and log in again
28445 no additional favorite filter savings
after changing User Name.
persist after logoff
Importing a Xenta application Replace character '/' with a
Function Block
25457 containing character '/' in signal valid character before
names fails importing the application.
Some dwg CAD files cannot be
25020 Graphics
Imported in Graphic Editor
Do not use legacy
WorkPlace Tech Tool to
download an MNB device
No error message displayed when at the same time as
I/A BACnet
30169 * two MNB application downloads someone downloading the
occur simultaneously device using WorkStation.
If this situation occurs, re-
download the controller
using WorkStation.
When Workplace Tech Editor Acknowledging the error
attempts to import an application will allow the user to
12682 I/A LON Transition
V 2003, w u “ ’ continue successfully
p c ” through the import.
Subscriptions (i.e. watch window,
View I/A Series I/O point
graphics, etc.) to I/A Series I/O
Default configuration
17640 I/A LON Transition point Default Configuration
property values in the
properties display the NULL icon
properties pane.
instead of their current values

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

When forcing I/A Series I/O points To remove a force
to NA or 32768, the force condition condition from an I/A I/O
19554 I/A LON Transition is removed properly, but the force point, click the force button
button remains highlighted orange instead of entering NA or
and active 32768.
Add constants inside the
WPT Monitor: Constants custom object definition
27045 I/A LON Transition connected to custom object inputs page and use Write-to-
do not work with Write-to-RAM RAM within the custom
Set the regional settings of
Unable to connect objects in the client machine to use
28853 I/A LON Transition
WorkPlace Tech Editor period as the decimal
When you modify an MNL-800
application in SmartStruxure
WorkPlace Tech Editor, all MNL- Re-commission, then
800 controllers that use the download the controllers
30114 * I/A LON Transition
application have to be re- that use the application.
commissioned even if the
controllers' network variables have
not been changed.
Disregard values from
monitor tags connected
directly to the outputs of the
Monitor tags don't work on outputs NVI. Use monitor tags on
30250 * I/A LON Transition
of chiller status NVIs in MNL-800s the outputs of objects
downstream from the NVI
to verify the operation of
the NVI.
WorkPlace Tech Monitor crashes
I/A LON Transition Restart WorkPlace Tech
w vc ’
30630 * I/A BACnet Monitor to resume
Application is modified or
Transition monitoring the device.
Any SmartStruxure server hosting
TAC I/NET crashes when the
30880 * I/NET Transition
server clocks changed (advanced 1
hour) for Daylight Savings Time
PCS: Importing an "old" export file
Export the imported data
with bindings to a Xenta to local
24973 Import/Export using Export Special and
node on PCS server results in
import it again.
faulty bindings
Check the backup flag on
18346 LON Values of PV blocks not retained
Inconsistent presentation of SNVT
21668 LON values in watch pane and
properties pane in WorkStation
Uncheck unconfigured
Enabled but not configured NIC_IP
NIC_IP_00X in L-Config
22080 LON in L-Config stops all interfaces in
and in WS use Device
Discovery again.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

The upload actually works,
Buffer overflow when but other unsaved objects
commissioning a third party LON that may have been
24669 LON
device that has more than 1024 opened at the time of the
NCIs tree collapsing will have
been lost.
Sometimes valid Lon Bindings are
Although the binding is
indicated as faulty (Background
25364 LON indicated as faulty, it still
Color is red in Binding field) when
can be saved
If the number of Network Variables Contact Product Support
26649 LonWorks/Xenta plus Alias entries >255 in 'Hosted' Services to get help to
device types, commission fails modify the XIF-file.
Takes up to 40 seconds to transfer
an analog value from one ES/AS to See final bullet in Section
31428 * LonWorks/Xenta
a Xenta device and back to the 6.4
ES/AS via bindings
XIF file created by Menta is deleted
25146 Menta
when Menta is closed
Comments counts as blocks when
Remove comments to
system is checking for max number
28344 Menta make room for more
of blocks while saving a Menta
blocks. Max is 4000.
ES may hang during the deletion of
30426 * Operation many objects that are owned by Restart the ES PC
many child servers
The information in the Network tab Restarting the server will
21983 Other
is not updated. update it.
Using auto-hide on multiple
WorkStation: Cannot open auto- nesting levels of panels
26169 Panels hidden tabs in a panel if that panel concurrently may produce
is auto-hidden in another panel unexpected results in
Other user needs to wait for
PCS: WorkStation freezes when
24981 PCS WorkStation to become
other users are saving to database
In PCS, do not remove
local node Network
Variables if they have been
created in a live system
and later been imported to
Deploy to AS failed. Error the PCS. It doesn't matter if
(LonWorks /
25296 message: 'Xif nnn could not be they have been in a PCS or
found' exported/imported back
and forth to the PCS. If
variables origin from a live
system they should never
be deleted from the PCS
local node.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

When wrong items are
Control panel for the ES displays shown in the Control panel,
the content that belongs to the select other server in the
25388 PCS
project, if binding views or Control panel selection box,
spreadsheet is open in Work area then select the server you
want to navigate to.
Copy the backup file
25402 PCS Import backup set fails manually to the project db
backup folder.
PCS deploy does not provide
Channel validation is not
26434 PCS warnings for out of range channel
currently done with PCS.
Links to schedules from Backup
Select the Schedule in
27013 PCS Rules are broken in Live after
System Tree.
Deploy from PCS
Recommend to set a
27048 There is no password policy check
PCS required password change
when creating users in PCS
in policies.
This is automatically
resolved when deploying
the ES. A workaround is to
log on to the AS and
Disable http in a PCS multi server browse to the System-
28551 PCS system and deploy an AS first, http >Security Manager->Global
is then not disabled Security settings. Then
remove the lead reference
and change the property for
“D b p”
the lead reference again.
False error. If you log on to
the AS, the deploy has
Deploy sometimes fails with
probably succeeded. If
25316 PCS Deploy "Communication error" when using
using https as deploy
TCP as deploy protocol (1 of 10)
protocol, this defect does
not happen.
Warning shown when upgrading
26284 PCS Upgrade Ignore warnings.
PCS project
Full support for NaN,
+infinity and –infinity is not
yet implemented. Only use
+infinity or
I’ p b y u c
–infinity for LonWorks
26815 Property grid properties to NaN, +infinity and
network variables. Only
use NaN for Value and
Priority array properties in
I/A Series MNB BACnet
proxy objects.
Running a large number of reports Schedule reports to be run
22000 Reports at the same time may cause some on intervals of one or two
to be missed minutes.

Schneider Electric Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

There are two
workarounds: 1. Restart the
reporting agent. 2. Remove
Meter drop-down dialog box of the MeterTrendLog
energy consumption report does property, save the Meter
22181 Reports
not update to display new Object, add the
electricity MeterTrendLog property
back and save the Meter
object again.

Object not found/Incorrect Reports

23508 Reports being displayed when Reports are
opened in multiple tabs/windows
Reporting agent activity table not
23516 Reports visible completely when exported Export to Word.
to Excel in collapsed state
Add the existing tags after
adding the new tags to the
Newly added tags to the site/meter site/meter. Execute the
25534 Reports are not listed in the tbTagMappings tbTagMappings table and
table observe that newly added
tags are displayed along
with the existing tags.
Report Server will not collect
26975 Reports events due to mismatch in Server Refer to Engineering
section 6.9
WebStation: Reports are not
displayed in object list view and
27520 Reports can therefore not be generated
when the user log on to
WebStation through https
Time Schedules - Using an end
time setting of 00:00, is handled
18596 Schedules
differently by the WebStation to the
Schedule Exceptions with Avoid using "Any Day of
30194 Schedules wildcards are overriding schedules the Month" wildcard or call
when they are not supposed to support for a hotfix
User created script data is
Save user created libraries
removed during the uninstall
22562 Script Programs to a non-default location
WorkStation portion of the upgrade
prior to upgrade.
If the WorkStation is
required to operate in
“FI ” , c
Edit script program not possible
26224 Script Programs time editing a Script
from a "FIPS" WorkStation
program is to take place,
the WorkStation must be
removed from FIPS mode.
Non-English Characters are not
28085 Script Programs resolved in Script Editor Binding
Variables and in SBO values
Renaming an i2 or b3 script causes Manually create the
30683 * Script Programs
SBO bindings to become empty. bindings

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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

Import from Plain English is broken Use a previous version to
31329 * Script Programs in v1.8 - it shows all objects as not convert older PE programs.
found when convert is attempted This is fixed in 1.9
After importing the search
Search objects imported from a object, it is necessary to
24436 Search
PCS will not work correctly confirm and fix up the path
that is specified.
In SBO v1.6, the 'Xenta
Digital Schedule' has two
representations (object
types). The schedule object
type under 'Schedule Base'
represents the object in
SBO v1.5 and the other
schedule, on "the root"
object represents the object
in SBO v1.6. The reason
why the schedule object
exits in two versions in
When searching of Xenta Digital SBO v1.6 is to support the
26524 Search Schedule (in Include types) nothing user during upgrade from
is found SBO v1.5 to SBO v1.6,
when different servers
temporarily can be in both
SBO versions. The new
Xenta schedule editor can
handle both versions.

If you want to search for all

'Xenta Digital Schedules',
include both types in the
search criteria ('Include
The TGML graphic snippet
must be altered to use the
"setForce" method to
Sigma Setpoint cannot be altered change the Sigma property
25741 Sigma Transition
on a native TGML graphic value. This technique can
only be used with data
values and not
configuration properties.
It is not possible to add a 2nd
single day Holiday period within Use the 'Add Date Range'
31166 * Sigma Transition icon, to add other single
4weeks of a existing Holiday period
date Holiday
in a Sigma Holiday schedule.
When configuring Extended
Extended Trend Logs miss records
Trend Logs to retrieve trend
from b3 Continuum-Style logs data from a b3 controller,
when the log records are not set the number of records
26545 Trends
evenly divisible by the Extended configured in the b3
Trend Logs Maximum Transfer intrinsic logs to a multiple of
Interval the Extended Trend Logs
Maximum Transfer Interval.

Schneider Electric Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

When configuring Extended
Extended Trend Logs miss records
Trend Logs to retrieve trend
from b3 Continuum-Style logs data from a b3 controller,
when the log records are not set the number of records
26545 Trends
evenly divisible by the Extended configured in the b3
Trend Logs Maximum Transfer intrinsic logs to a multiple of
Interval the Extended Trend Logs
Maximum Transfer Interval
The ES Service in the Skynet Use Windows task
system fails to stop fully when manager and kill the
31029 * Upgrade
stopped from the Software process for the Enterprise
Administrator Server.
Upgrade fails when upgrading Set nciLocation to a string
31269 * Upgrade server from 1.7.1 to 1.8.1 with of printable characters and
0x1E in nciLocation upgrade again.
Use WorkPlace Tech Editor
or NodeUtil to remove the
ASCII control characters
from nciLocation in MNL
 If using WorkPlace Tech
Editor, set nciLocation to a
Upgrade fails with error
readable string, then
StruxureWare Building Operation
download the application
has stopped working. This is
to the controllers.
31269 * Upgrade possibly due to ASCII control
 If using NodeUtil, set
characters in LonWorks SNVTs of
nciLocation to a string that
type SNVT_str_asc such as
does not include control
nciLocation in MNL devices.
characters, then Upload
configurations from the
After removing ASCII
control characters from NCI
Location in all devices,
upgrade the server.
Delete all files in
Device Administrator takes 70 Electric
31486 * Upgrade minutes to upgrade on some StruxureWare\Building
computers Operation 1.x except for
devices.xml and

Schneider Electric Boston ONE Campus, 800 Federal Street, Andover, MA 01810 Telephone +1 978-794-0800
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© 2016 Schneider Electric, all rights reserved

[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Defect ID Functionality Description Workaround/Solution

This may occur when many
AS are group selected
within Device Administrator
and the attempt to capture
the backup file occurs after
the initial logon to the AS
such that it has auto logged
off and, for some external
8 out of 162 AS (mixed types) reason, fails to log back in.
31497 Upgrade
failed to generate backup Three tries are made and
then the Linux system will
lockout the user for the lock
u “w ” p .
Subsequent upgrades are
likely to be successful. The
lock out wait can be
adjusted in the Security
settings of Control Panel.
Re-configure the columns
User added columns need to be re-
27529 Views by opening Add/Remove
configured to change language
Columns and save.
For users with only read
access it appears as they
Appears as if user can change
can edit values but this is a
25775 WebStation properties on values with only
pure visual effect.
Read access
Refreshing the page will
show the correct value.
26851 WebStation Using Windows user in WebStation Enter the Domain name all
in lower case letters.
IE11 sometimes stops working
Internet Explorer needs to
28246 WebStation when clicking on a Cascading
be restarted.
In WebStation, BACnet objects that
30002 * WebStation are left at default NaN value, do not
show properties
Add users and/or groups in
Unable to add additional send to WorkStation and then edit
30476 WebStation email addresses in WebStation the users emails directly
1.7.189 from WebStation.

System tree is not visible in edit

Add the Work Area before
26551 Workspace layout mode for Workspaces until
adding the System tree.
removed and added again
Graphic components not shown in Open graphic editor and
26908 WorkStation Graphic Editor after repair of WS add all components and
installation categories manually.
A monitored variable for a Function
17431 Xenta
Block Alarm can be edited

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

6. Important Engineering Information

Important engineering information with regard to the StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8. is
listed below. Before any engineering is accomplished, it is imperative that the upgrade procedure
described in section 9.2 be understood and followed.

6.1 General Engineering

 If operating from a WorkStation via a VPN to the StruxureWare Building Operation
servers, it is possible that communication to the license server could be disrupted. In
this case, licenses that are local to the WorkStations may be required.
 Change operations are queued for data integrity reasons; consequently, lengthy
change operations carried out by users may affect other logged on users so that their
"queued" changes seem to take longer. If there are extensive changes to be
accomplished, it will have less impact on day-to-day operational activities if the large
changes are accomplished at times of light utilization
 Setting time
 Until the time is set, b3 data will not update in the Watch Window.
 Until the time is set, BACnet COV will not be functional.
 Until the time is set, Automation Servers with BACnet devices cannot be
deployed from the PCS.
 Automation Server time does not synchronize directly with the Enterprise Server.
Instead, all servers can synchronize to the same accessible time server.
 If there are communication failure alarms with the Automation Server as the source
server and/or alarms indicating that the Automation Server Alarm Control Panel could
“V y L Obj c u ”w p v ’ ,
there is likely to be a communication problem between the Enterprise Server and the
Automation Server. The following items should be examined:
 L k “ u c ” b p v c I
address for the Enterprise Server is correct.
 Examine the OS on the Enterprise Server and confirm that there is no firewall.
 Binding
 Changing the units to units that are incompatible after two objects have been
b u c u b k b ,u u w “N U ”p
change. The Reference Manager will show this as an invalid binding.
 WebStation operation
 There are currently available some cybersecurity software products that make
u w k w “ v ”c c .T c w p v c
and will prevent a user from being able to log into an Enterprise Server or
Automation Server that is downstream of a device that uses this software. Such
caching will need to be disabled for WebStation to operate correctly.
 Deploy of user accounts via PCS
 When having user accounts and password policies as part of a PCS deploy,
make sure to require a password change for all accounts as a policy since
policies are not validated and applied in the PCS, only in the live system. This will
ensure that users must change their passwords, and thus enforce password
 Add all IP-addresses to servers in PCS when deploying servers having bindings to
other not yet deployed servers.
 When connecting to a deployed server with WorkStation where there are bindings
to some other server which has not yet been deployed, WorkStation will likely
hang. In order to prevent this, make sure to add IP-addresses to all servers in
PCS which will resolve this issue.
 Long user initiated operations
 A user triggered operation, like hosting a big system via EWS or the manual start
of a huge backup, that takes more than 90 minutes to complete by the server will

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

u “W u ID p w ” W k
will be restarted. The message is somewhat benign since the actual operation
started by the user will be successfully completed by the server.
 Resource limitations to consider during engineering
 When designing and engineering a system, make sure not to over-engineer a
server. Make sure to follow stated engineering guidelines and do not add, for
example, too many trend logs in an AS where resources are the most limited.
Adding too much content and logs can cause performance reduction and even a
crashed server if disk ends up being full. Reference the Architectural Guidelines
from The Exchange for further information.
 Uninstall one of many versions of SBO WorkStation
 If you have many versions of SBO WorkStation and uninstall one of the versions,
y u “R p ” remaining installations in order for external editors
(Graphic, Function Block Program, Script) to work properly.
 PCS and LON
 In order to configure and deploy your configuration properties for your LON-
devices in PCS 1.8, you need to use a LNS-plugin. If you change a configuration
property outside the LNS-plugin, then that value will not be deployed. Instead
only the default value is deployed.

6.2 WebStation
6.2.1 Graphics Viewer
 Global variables that are already defined in IE, Firefox and Chrome will not work.
Example: top,x,y, width, height
 Functions are called that actually are properties shows a script error.
Example: array.length() instead of array.length
 Scripts that do 'drag' need to call preventDefault() on mousedown. This disables
standard touch/drag panoration
 Use of java classes is unsupported.
 Please use 'var' when declaring variables inside your TGMLscripts instead of assigning
global variables. This enables you to use global scripts (UseGlobalScripts flag in TGML
root element) that make it possible to share functions between Script nodes. Having
UseGlobalScripts set to True will also improve performance substantially in
WebStation. See section 6.3.
 There is a simple tool in the Statistics tab of the Graphics Editor that will tell you if your
image has some of these commons issues.
6.2.2 Workspace and Panels
 The use of toolbars in WebStation is restricted. The Statusbar, Historybar and
Addressbar have no effect in WebStation. Hidden and Not available have the same
results (Hidden).
6.2.3 General information
 Status overlays on the icons in the System tree are not available in WebStation.

6.3 Graphics
 The JavaScript engine in the Graphics Editor and WorkStation has been updated in this
release. This has a number of advantages; bugs fixed, better performance, stronger
compliance with the JavaScript standard and better compatibility with the JavaScript
engines that are used by web browsers. The stronger compliance with the standard
may result in compatibility issues with JavaScript code written in older versions of
StruxureWare Building Operation. The old version was sometimes more forgiving when
running JavaScripts that were not written correctly.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

 By default, each Script element (script block) creates a JavaScript context. In this
mode, function calls between script blocks (contexts) are not supported, that is, no
support for global script functions. It is possible to enable scripts to run in one single
context for the whole graphic so that functions and variables can be shared between
script blocks, by setting the TGML element property UseGlobalScripts in the Graphics
Editor to True. The default is False for backward compatibility reasons. Setting
UseGlobalScripts to True has a very positive effect on graphics loading performance in
some of the viewers, depending on technology used.
 In order to improve performance in the WorkStation Graphics Viewer the behavior of
links has been changed. Before, when a graphic was shown, all links were validated to
find out if they were resolved or not. This took some time. Now the link is not validated
until the user clicks on it.
 W TGML p c , c “ v ” v TGML
t , “ v ” bu w b b w b p b v
changes to StruxureWare Building Operation. If the desire is to save a copy to file, then
u c xp “ v ”.

6.4 LonWorks
 When creating folders beneath a LonWorks Network, naming is more restrictive than
other StruxureWare Building Operation names. The name is restricted to 20 characters
with no minus sign.
 When a LON binding is created to a CPT, the delta is displayed as a property, but there
will be no effect if the user changes this delta. Consequently, the CPT will be written to
even on changes that are less than the entered delta. As a workaround, the user can
create a StruxureWare Building Operation binding to allow for adjustable polling
 When the Local Node is imported, it is necessary to perform a commission on the node
order to activate the bindings.
 u y ’ p b up w BO, up
mainly used for navigation from Xenta OP. Due to prioritizations this function is
postponed to a later version. The workaround is to remove, rename and re-
commissioning the network.
 To view network variables and configuration parameters in WorkStation select the
Variable Fields tab in Properties.
 To edit properties of a Network Variable (NV) in WebStation, simply left click on the NV
in the System Tree and the property grid is displayed. Alternatively, right click the NV in
the System Tree and select Properties and a Property Dialog is displayed. The Variable
Fields tab contain the values of the NV.
 After the upgrade to version 1.8 you need to manually update some path dependent
internal functions if they reference LonWorks network variable fields. Check and update
your saved searches, saved watches and binding templates.
The structure in 1.7 and earlier:
The structure in 1.8:
 After the upgrade to version 1.8 you also need to manually update external utilities that
either generates structured LonWorks network variables to the system or collect
structured LonWorks network variables from the system. Examples of external utilities
are EWS, Expert Tool or other transition tools using the WorkStation transition SDK.
 If a Xenta 401 device has an overall high load, with a large application program and
many trend logs, the following settings of the device Non-group receive timer are
 768 ms, if the number of Network Variables <=50
 1024 ms if 50 < the number of Network Variables <=100
 1536 ms if the number of Network Variables > 100

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

6.5 b3 Devices
 When selecting and downloading from the application folder, it is necessary to select
and download in the appropriate order to satisfy all of the referencing accomplished in
the bindings. Downloading the entire device avoids this type of problem.
 When creating BACnet schedules, it is important to add those items to be controlled by
the schedule to the Object Property Reference List and NOT to use the binding tool to
bind c u ’ v u .
 In order for extended log data to capture b3 log data successfully, they must be
configured in a very specific way: a) Smart Logs = False b) The intrinsic b3 logs must
be evenly divisible by the maximum transfer interval of the ETL Reference on The
Exchange Knowledgebase.
 Defect 30806 causes script programs that are triggered by system variables to continue
to be triggered even when the trigger is removed. To stop the trigger, it is necessary to
delete and recreate the program.
 D c 31329 p v b y u “ v ”w
Script Editor from functioning correctly. The problem is fixed in 1.9, To work around the
problem while operating in1.8, import the Plain English code into a 1.7 or earlier
system, convert into Script syntax and use the Building Operation export function to
save it for 1.8 projects.

6.6 Trends
 When a COV trend log is created in an Automation Server to monitor an object from a
field bus device, attention should be given to the capability of the field device. If the field
device supports COV, as many BACnet devices do, then the BACnet device will supply
the Automation Server with data via COV, but it will do so at an interval that
corresponds to the devices interval not to the delta as established by the trend log. If
the device does not support COV, then the trend will function as a polling trend with an
interval of 500ms. In those cases, users should create an interval log to avoid
unnecessary field bus communication.
 In order for extended log data to capture b3 log data successfully, they must be
configured in a very specific way: a) Smart Logs = False b) The intrinsic b3 logs must
be evenly divisible by the maximum transfer interval of the ETL Reference on The
Exchange Knowledgebase.
 Each SmartStruxure server in an installation has two properties relating to trend logs:
Trend storage capacity and Trend storage usage. Whenever the usage exceeds the
capacity, a system alarm will be generated. There is also an indication whenever a
trend log of any type is created of how many records the new log will consume and
what the available storage is.
 Previous versions of the Architectural Guidelines contained erroneous information
concerning BACnet trend logs. All SmartStruxure server devices have a limit of BACnet
trend log size limit of 1,000 records. The 1.8.1 Architectural Guidelines have been
updated to include this limit.
 Several defects were resolved in 1.8.1 to eliminate the likelihood of a corrupt database.
In the course of resolving the defects, it was found that the likelihood of database
corruption increases dramatically as the quantity and frequency of trending increases. If
you are logging more than 300 trend logs per hour (and that could be any interval /
CoV) then you are in much greater risk of the database write error occurring. The
problems are mitigated by upgrading, but, until a site is upgraded it is wise to be
reasonable in the amount of trending that is done at the AS.

6.7 Archiving
When archiving using the CSV format, the maximum size limit for the archive will be 65,536,
which is the maximum allowed in an Excel spreadsheet.

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6.8 Web Services

 Script Web Service
 When capturing date / time data through a script program in an Automation Server,
that time will be localized by the WorkStation to the time zone of the WorkStation
whenever the data is displayed. Consequently, the Automation v ’ c p
program should include the logic to adjust the date/time value to UTC.
 Script programs do not recompile based upon bindings. Consequently, you may
enter a program, save it, establish bindings, and save the bindings. Yet, it will only
appear to be running without many of its outputs actually being set. It is necessary
to force a recompile of the programs to allow the web service information to be
incorporated into the actual byte code of the program.
 c uxu ™ W b v c (EWS)
 When configuring trend logs and extended trend logs, it is important to be aware of
their relative sizes and polling intervals. The trend log must have a size big enough
to store all values from a single poll - typically at least twice the size of values
received in one poll. Otherwise, the extended trend log will not be able to keep up
with the trend log. There must be sufficient time for the extended trend log to read
the values from the trend log before they are overwritten.
 When configuring a multi-server system, it is best to establish the EWS interface
after all server renaming takes place. A client that uses cookies will suddenly trigger
error messages such as "access denied", and no more data will be communicated
when the server is renamed or moved into a multi-server configuration in a running
system. The cookies, and all other communication parameters, are valid so the
client does not detect any communication problems and continues to use that
cookie. When this occurs, it will be necessary to restart the reconfigured server.

6.9 Reports
 I yp ‘I ’ HTT p v URL y.
 The user account used for connection with the Enterprise Server should be a part of
‘R p ’ up.
 If Enterprise Server is renamed, after collecting few events, and Reports Server is
installed at this time, then the first event details with the new server name (i.e. first
sequence number associated with the new server name) should be manually entered
into the tbEvents table to make the agent collect events data successfully.
 If Enterprise Server is generating around 2500000 ETLog records per day then the
maxHistoricalReadcount in reporting agent config file should be modified to 250000

6.10 Authentication
 If the Enterprise Server is offline when logging on to an Automation Server there is only
one log on attempt. If that attempt is failed a timer is started which will not allow any log
on attempts until 2 minutes have passed.
 When setting up a site with a Windows Active Directory, make sure the Enterprise
Server is running with rights to read at least those AD-groups that are intended to be
used for authentication via SBO.

6.11 Schedules
 In order to accommodate as many resolution settings as possible for the graphic
display of the WorkStation Schedule editor, it was decided that the smallest event
duration for that editor would be 5 minutes. If an event duration of less than 5 minutes is
desired, the user is directed to use either the text editor that is located on the Advanced
tab of the graphical schedule editor or to use WebStation.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

6.12 WorkStation Alarm/Client Notifications

 The Client Notification that was added in v1.7 to allow user control over the alarm
“bubb ” w y pp y qu N c bj c
be present for the notification (bubble) to appear. A system upgraded from before v1.7
will not have this object and consequently the notification will no longer appear.
 If you wish to have a notification, create the object or objects and specify what the
conditions are to be for it to appear. You can create multiple object for different displays
based upon different schedules. Review the help system for more details.

6.13 Import / Export

 Export files from v1.2 and earlier are not supported as import for v1.7 or later. Any files
that are of that age should be imported into a v1.6 system and then exported again to
maintain compatibility.
 Export files are, in general, NOT backwardly compatible. A Script or Function Block
Program that is exported from v1.8 is NOT guaranteed to import successfully into an
earlier release.
 Import of export files created before v1.8, with SBO bindings to Lon variable fields
outside the scope of the export file, will not convert those bindings when you import the
file into version 1.8. They need to be corrected manually after the import. Please use
Binding Diagnostics in the Engineering section of the Control Panel to detect references
that are not properly converted.
 Import of an export file that contains a large number (>1000) trend log configurations
has a performance that is slightly worse than prior to 1.8.1

6.14 BACnet
Defect 30015 was fixed and this affected the operation of a BBMD during an upgrade. SBO
servers whose BBMD Distribution Table (BDT) is taught, lose a BDT entry during upgrade and
hosted BACnet devices may become offline. The fix prepared in v1.8 fixes the teach operation,
such that after a teach, the first entry will refer to the local server's address, and not be dropped
during upgrade (avoiding corruption of the BBMD table). However, in prior versions (v1.6 or
v1.7) a teach will produce a BDT table which becomes corrupt during upgrade. To fix the
problem in v1.8, the user must delete the corrupted BDT tables (in SBO WorkStation), and then
redo the BBMD Teach operation to restore all BBMDs.

6.15 Search
If a saved Search-object from previous versions, has contained a type that no longer exist in the
server, e.g. an E-mail-notification that is converted to an Alarm Triggered Notification, then the
search operation will not find any object in v1.8 and need to be manually re-configured in order
to present the expected result.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

7. APPENDIX A – StruxureWare Building Operation

Release v1.8.1 Deliverable
The StruxureWare Building Operation Release.1.8.1 deliverable includes the following software
and firmware.

Product Version Build Included Service

Pack/Hot fixes
StruxureWare Building Operation Device Administrator 1.8.1 79
(Automation Server)
StruxureWare Building Operation License Administrator 1.8.1 79
StruxureWare Building Operation WorkStation 1.8.1 79
StruxureWare Building Operation Enterprise Server 1.8.1 79
StruxureWare Building Operation Report Server 1.8.1 79

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

8. APPENDIX B – Known Issues

Known issues in the StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1 are listed below.

1. Many problems arise when the Enterprise Server and Automation Servers are renamed.
Consequently, it is only possible to rename a server when no connection exists between the
Enterprise Server and any Automation Server or vice versa. The Enterprise Server must be
named first and the Automation Servers are named at the time of adding them as child
servers to the Enterprise Server. Do not attempt to restore a backup file that was generated
when the server had a different name. Once a server has been given a name, it should be
backed up for future protection.
2. Some elements of the system will occasionally fail to remove the temporary files that are
created on the WorkStation PC. Consequently, it is prudent to check the Temp directory and
accomplish deletions manually. This should be accomplished when WorkStation is not
3. Occasionally, trend objects may look empty, but retain values in the List View. This can
happen if a Xenta device has been reused without emptying it first.
4. It is not possible to move a folder that contains a LON device from one Network to another.
5. When upgrading an Automation Server, the Device Administrator will indicate the upgrade
has completed successfully before it is actually possible to log on. The time difference can be
quite long for a large size database.
6. When two engineers are simultaneously editing the same program (Function Block or Script)
or using WorkPlace Tech Editor, they will have no idea that someone else may be editing the
same object. The final save of the object in question will be the final copy that is in the server.
7. Alarm polling for an alarmed object on a LON device will continue to take place even if the
alarm shunt has been activated.
8. Alarms in the Reset state will be removed from the active alarm list if the Enterprise Server
abruptly loses power.
9. TAC I/A Series text reports do not function in the WebStation.
10. If a binding name is changed in the graphics or script editor, any binding that might exist for
that component is removed.
11. If a value is displayed in the spreadsheet view with localized units, then any copying of that
value to another location will also copy the localized units.
12. When a hot fix is applied, the true revision number can only be found from the properties of
the Automation Server as viewed from the WorkStation.
13. When working with Schedules on Xenta devices, it is p b “ v - ” v
“D y W k” xc p c y u M .
14. In some instances, when the Enterprise Server and License Server are on the same PC, the
Enterprise Server may attempt to start before the license server has successfully started. It
may be possible to delay the starting of the Enterprise Server using a batch file.
15. An event view can only show 6000 entries. If there are entries that are older than 6000
entries, a filter will need to be created that allow the entries of interest to be included in the
16. I ’ p b v w MNB v c by p y c ck bu
WorkStation while the BACnet application folder of an MNB device is shown in the list view.
When this occurs, values from the MNB device will stop updating for several minutes and
then return to normal. To avoid the problem do not click the refresh button in the list view.
Values in the list view update automatically without the need to refresh.
17. It is possible to fill the disk of an Automation Server and cause it to crash by setting Log sizes
over the maximums stated in the Architectural Guidelines. Refer to the third bullet in Section
18. Due to changes that were made in several areas of the Linux server operation, there are
more frequent spikes to the CPU utilization percentage. The average CPU utilization is not
substantially increased but there will be spikes that could generate false alarms if alarms are
attached to the CPU percentage. It is recommended that CPU percentage alarms include a
time delay of at least 60 seconds.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

9. APPENDIX C – Procedures
9.1 Installing
For installation of StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1 WorkStation, Enterprise Server,
or Report Server, please reference the Web Help for that topic.

Note: The new SmartX Controller - AS-B product and SmartX Controller - AS-P will be
shipped from the factory with no SBO operating system. When the software (v1.8.1 or later)
is downloaded and Device Administrator is run, there will be an option to select either New
Database or Upgrade Database. New Database is the only option that will work, since there
is no database to upgrade.

9.2 Upgrading
9.2.1 General Upgrade Information
IMPORTANT: Sites using LonWorks Externally Managed Network together with
Stibil specific network variables in the Local Node should not upgrade to 1.8.1RC.
The network variable values in the Local Node will be wrong and applications such
as Function Block or Script will not execute correctly. The problem will be fixed in
SBO v1.8.1.

System upgrades need to be performed in a prescribed sequence to ensure there

is no loss of configuration or historical data. It is highly recommended that the Web
Help procedures starting with the System Upgrade Workflows topic are followed
carefully. See Functionality Upgrade section in Web Help. If part of the overall
upgrade process at your site involves upgrading from any release prior to v1.7, then
it is imperative that you review and act upon upgrade instructions for the releases
between where you are currently operating and v1.7.

IMPORTANT – Depending upon the size of the system and the quantity of trends, it
is possible that the database on the Enterprise Server could be quite large. When
upgrading, always make certain that you have at least twice as much disk space
available as the size of your database. It should also be expected that the
p v y pp “ ” uc 20 30 minutes upon the first
initial start up after the upgrade, but only on the first start.

If ES-up w “-4”, w v
problem. See known defect 30772.

Note - CPU-load can be high some minutes in the AS after upgrade to v1.8
depending on how large historical db there is.

Note – When upgrading Automation Servers, it is much faster to upgrade via the
network (IP) rather than via USB. Automation Server will upgrade in a two-stage
process where the first step copies the backup file from the Automation Server to
the PC running Device Administrator and completes all of the necessary activities
to upgrade the database. During this time, the Automation Server will remain
operational. Once the database upgrade has been completed, the user must
choose to deploy the new database. During the deployment period the Automation
Server will not be operational from a controls perspective.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

Important - The upgrade process is sequential, for example, v1.1 to v1.2 to v1.3,
v1.4, etc. There will be runtime compatibility between Revision 1.7 and v1.8.

Default Password Policies – An upgrade to v1.8.1 will apply default password

policies. If the user has not needed to change the admin user password as part of
the upgrade, then the user may not be aware of what the new policies are. It is
strongly recommended that the password policies be reviewed after upgrade.

Note - In a semi upgraded system where the Enterprise Server is upgraded to

v1.8.1 and the Automation Server is not, changes in Password Policies in the
Enterprise Server will not propagate to the Automation Server until the Automation
Server is upgraded.

Downgrade – Downgrading a system has never been supported; however, there

are occasionally circumstances that may cause a person to abort an upgrade and
revert their system to the previous version by downgrading servers and restoring
back up files. Downgrading must be done locally via USB and following a DFU
reset of the Automation Server. The DFU reset may also result in the Automation
Server falling back to the default IP address which will then need to be changed.

9.2.2 Upgrading a System with LON devices

In systems that have SBO servers that already are hosting, or in the future will host,
Lon devices based on LonWorks imported device templates (.XIF) or resource kits
(.DRF), the servers need to be prepared before the upgrade from version 1.7.1/1.7.2
to version 1.8.1 is done. Even if device templates (.XIF) or resource kits (.DRF) are
just imported, and no devices or network variables are created yet, the servers have
to be prepared before the upgrade. If you are unsure if it is needed, go through the
pre-upgrade process anyway. The pre-upgrade process will not do any harm to
servers not requiring pre-upgrade.

In multi server installations, the Pre-upgrade LonWorks configuration command

should be issued in Workstation logged on to the Enterprise Server. The Enterprise
Server and all Automation Servers online will then be prepared for the upgrade to
version 1.8.1.

It is also possible to prepare each server individually by running the command logged
on to each server separately. The command can be launched multiple times, in any
order, at any time, as long as the server is running version 1.7.1/1.7.2. Not all servers
have to prepared at the same time. If you for some reason decide to upgrade your
installation step by step, you can prepare the servers one at a time.

Example 1 – Steps to upgrade a 1.7.1 multi server

1. Download the WorkStation 1.7.1 "Lon pre-
upgrade" add-on - SE.SBO.WorkStation -
1.7.1500xx - AddOn.exe.
2. Upgrade your 1.7.1 WorkStation with the add-
In WorkStation, logon to the
Enterprise Server and prepare the LonWorks configurations in all online
SmartStruxure servers for version 1.8.1 upgrade. On the File menu, point to
LonWorks and click Pre-upgrade LonWorks configuration.
Proceed with the normal upgrade process, now or at a later time.

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Example 2 – Steps to upgrade a 1.7.2 multi server system:

1. In WorkStation 1.7.2, logon to the Enterprise Server and prepare the LonWorks
configurations in all online SmartStruxure servers for version1.8.1 upgrade. On
the File menu, point to LonWorks and click Pre-upgrade LonWorks configuration.
2. Proceed with the normal upgrade process, now or at a later time.

9.2.3 Delete obsolete objects after upgrading a System with LON devices
During the upgrade process from version 1.7.1 to 1.8.x all servers, hosting Lon
networks using LonWorks imported Lon device templates (.XIF) or Lon resource kits
(.DRF), need to keep objects representing references between servers in both the
"old" Lon format and in the updated format. This is done to support runtime
compatibility during upgrade, when servers in a multi server system are temporarily
running different versions. When the upgrade is completed and an internal "reference
synchronization" is done, the now obsolete objects can be deleted. The "reference
synchronization" can take all from a couple of minutes, up to a couple of hours,
depending on how many servers and how many bindings there are in the system.

The Delete obsolete Lon objects command is found in the Actions menu when the
server object is selected. If the command is launched from the enterprise server (ES),
all servers in the multi server system will be handled. It is possible to launch the
command logged on to each sub-server separately. If so, make sure all servers have
been updated to 1.8.1 before you launch the command, or you may break references
(bindings) between servers.

Example – Steps to optimize the configuration database

1. Make sure all servers in the system are successfully upgraded to version
2. Let the system run for an hour, or two, to make sure the system "reference
synchronization" is completed.
3. In WorkStation, logon to the Enterprise Server to delete obsolete Lon objects
in all online SmartStruxure servers. Select the Enterprise Server object. On
the Actions menu, point to LonWorks and click Delete obsolete Lon
4. Wait for the command to complete in all servers.
5. Done!

9.2.4 Update objects and tools that use path based Lon references
As a result of the changes to the Lon model, other changes are required to update
path dependent internal functions if they reference LonWorks network variable fields.
Check and update your saved searches, saved watches and binding templates.
The structure in 1.7 and earlier:
The structure in 1.8:

After the upgrade to version 1.8 you also need to update external utilities that either
generate structured LonWorks network variables to the system or collect structured
LonWorks network variables from the system. Examples of external utilities are EWS,
Expert Tool or other transition tools using the WorkStation transition SDK.

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9.2.5 Forced Change of Default Password

If default logon credentials for administrator account are used, you can expect a
request being shown to change password after upgrade which is mandatory. This is
to increase security aspects of the system.

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[ Release Notes ] StruxureWare Building Operation v1.8.1

9.3 Commissioning
1. In order to maximize the productivity of multiple engineers, it is best for each engineer to
work on one individual StruxureWare Building Operation Server. Allocate one engineer to
work on each Automation Server and then after the Automation Server devices are
approaching completion, they can be added as children to the Enterprise Server and the
necessary binding can be accomplished. It is possible that, when the Automation Server is
first added to the system and multiple Extended Logs are created at the Enterprise Server
which point to logs in the Automation Server, there will be a slowdown in the Enterprise
Server until the log updates are completed. Once an Automation Server has been added
beneath an Enterprise Server, it is still recommended that multiple engineers be
accommodated by logging directly into separate Automation Servers rather than the
Enterprise Server.
2. As in all software activity, frequent backups should be made. Perform backups when the
system is either unused or very lightly used.
3. As part of the regular system monitoring and maintenance plan, it is recommended that
Automation Server CPU usage and memory usage be monitored with alarms that trigger if
either item is at an excessively high level for a period of time. You can determine the
appropriate trigger values after configuring the system and validating normal operation. If
the alarms become active, evaluate your system storage and usage and if it cannot be
explained, then contact PSS to determine what might be at the root cause and how the
situation can be resolved
4. Be vigilant about closing unused panes, panels, tabs, etc.

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