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1. WHEN Muhammad Prophet move to Madina, who is his

friend on the way ?
Jawab : Abu Bakar
2. Anyone is praying , but actually his purpose to do it not for
Allah swt merely, but want to get praise for father in law.
It’s meant he has a habit. What is that ?
Jawab : Riya
3. One of group which has a right to get zakat is “Amil”. What
is the meaning of amil ?
Jawab : The man who works in management of zakat
4. What is the meaning of “As-sabiquunal Awwalun” ?
Jawab : The friends of Muhammad Prophet who enter
Islam for the first time.
5. What did happen toward Muhammad Prophet before
moving to Madina ?
Jawab : He gets threathen to be killed.
6. In Islamic history , there was era known “ Amul Huzni”,
why its called like that ?
Jawab : Because of that time, the uncle and wife
Muhammad prophet (Abu Thalib and Khadijah) died.
7. One of the custom of human is qanaah. What is the
meaning of qanaah ?
Jawab : to feel enaugh the favour of God.
8. What is the meaning of Luqathah in Islamic Law ?
Jawab : A thing that we found it on the way, which we
return it.
9. Before becoming as a messenger (prophet) Muhammad
was also called by ummy. What is the meaning of Ummy ?
Jawab : can not read and write.
10. Musailamah Al-Kazaab admit him self as a prophet .
at last he has killed by anyone. Who did kill him ?
Jawab : Wahsyi
11. If anyone is suspicious of his friend come to his house
. he think his friend whant to borrow his money. Where as
, his friend invite him to attend the wedding party. It’s
meant he has a habbit . what is that ?
Jawab : Prejudice/ suu zhon
12. What is another name of surah Muhammad ?
Jawab : Al-qital
13. What is another name of surah Al-mukmin ?
Jawab : Ghafir
14. What is another name of surah Al-Insan ?
Jawab : Ad-Dahr
15. What is another name of surah Al-Zalzalah ?
Jawab : Al-Zilzal
16. Where do moslem’s gather on the ninth of zulhijjah ?
Jawab : moslems who perform hajj must gather at
17. In the holy Quran, there is a surah named Fussilat.
Actually this surah has another name. What is it ?
Jawab : ha mim sajadah
18. During the life of rasulullah saw, there are the Battles
called Gazwah and Sariyyah. What is the meaning of
Sariyyah ?
Jawab : The Battles that was not leaded by Rasul but
Sahabat instead.

19. All praise is only Allah’s the lord of the worlds.

Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamin
20. And the montains will be like carded wool.
Wa takuunul jibaalu kal ‘ihnil manfuusy
21. Translate into english ! ( ‫) يوم يفر المرأ من أخيه‬
Jawab : The day when a person will flee from his own
22. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ some face
that day will be smilling (pleased)”
Jawab : ‫وجوه يومئذ مسفرة‬

23. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ verily with
difficulty , there is ease “
Jawab : ّ
‫فإن مع العسر يسرا‬

24. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ Indeed to

your lord is the return “
Jawab : ّ
‫إن الى ربك الرجعى‬

25. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ we have

indeed revealed this message in the nigt of power “
Jawab : ‫إنا أنزلناه فى ليلة القدر‬
26. Please read the ayah with the meaning “O, you
peaceful soul “
Jawab : ‫ياايتها النفس المطمئنة‬

27. Please read the ayah with the meaning “Indeed

mankind, to his Lord, is ungratefull/ unthankful “
Jawab : ّ
‫إن اإلنسان لربه لكنود‬

28. Please read the ayah with the meaning “until you visit
the grave “
Jawab : ‫حتى زرتم المقابر‬

29. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ again, you
soon shall know! “
Jawab : ‫ث ّم كال سوف تعلمون‬
30. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ No, but you
do not honor the orphan “
Jawab : ‫كال بل ال تكرمون اليتيم‬

31. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ They should
therefore worship the Lord of this house “
Jawab : ‫فليعبدوا رب هذ البيت‬

32. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ Thinking

that his wealth would make him last forever (immortal) “
Jawab : ّ ‫يحسب‬
‫أن ماله أخلده‬

33. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ And there is
none like him “
Jawab : ‫و لم يكن له كفوا أحد‬
34. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ so pray to
your Lord and sacrifice [ to him alone] “
Jawab : ‫فص ّل لربك و انحر‬
35. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ And made
your sleep for rest “
Jawab : ‫و جعلنا نومكم سباتا‬

36. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ And made
the day for livelihood “
Jawab : ‫و جعلنا النهار معاشا‬
37. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ They will
dwell there in for ages “
Jawab : ‫لبثين فيها أحقابا‬

38. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ Hearts that
day will be in agitation/unxiety “
Jawab : ‫قلوب يومئذ واجفة‬

39. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ And indeed
over you are the keepers “
Jawab : ّ ‫و‬
‫إن عليكم لحفظين‬

40. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ Go to firaun,

Indeed , he has indeed transgressed “
Jawab : ‫اذهب الى فرعون إنه طغى‬

41. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ And let me
guide you to your Lord, so you would fear him “
Jawab : ‫و أهديك الى ربك فتخشى‬

42. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ And when
the girl (who was) buried alive is asked “
Jawab : ‫و إذا الموءودة سئلت‬
43. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ And when
Paradise is brought near “
Jawab : ‫و إذا الجنة أزلفت‬

44. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ So remind,

(o, Muhammad) you are only a reminder “
Jawab : ‫فذكر إنما أنت مذكر‬

45. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ Then Allah
will punish him with the greatest punishment “
Jawab : ‫فيعذبه هللا العذاب االكبر‬

46. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ So remind, if

the reminder should benefit “
Jawab : ‫فذكر إن نفعت الذكرى‬

47. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ Then, he

neither dying there nor living “
Jawab : ‫ثم ال يموت فيها وال يحيى‬

48. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ And by the
moon when it becomes full “
Jawab : ‫و القمر إذا اتسق‬
49. Please read the ayah with the meaning “ we will ease
him toward ease “
Jawab : ّ ِّ ‫فسنُي‬
‫س ُره للي ْسرى‬

50. Please translate the ayah into good english ! ‫إذا تتلى‬
‫“عليه اياتنا قال أسطير االولين‬
Jawab : when our signs rehearsed to him, he says, “Tales
of the ancients!”

51. Please translate the ayah into good english ! ‫و إذا قُ ِّر َء‬
‫القران ال يسجدون‬ “
Jawab : and when the Quran is read to them,they fall not
52. Please translate the ayah into good english !
‫“وهم على ما يفعلون بالمؤمنين شهود‬
Jawab : And they witnessed (all) that they were doing
against the Believers!”
53. Please translate the ayah into good english !
‫“الذى له ملك السموات و االرض و هللا على كل شيئ شهيد‬
Jawab : Him to whom belongs the dominion of the
heavens and the eart and Allah is witness to all things!”
54. Please translate the ayah into good english !
" ‫ إنه يعلم الجهر و ما يخفى‬, ‫“إال ما شاء هللا‬
Jawab : exept as Allah wills : for he knows what is manifest
and what is hidden”
55. Please translate the ayah into good english !
‫ثم كان من الذين امنوا و تواصو بالصبر و تواصو بالمرحمة‬
Jawab : Then will he be of those who believe, and enjoin
patience, and enjoin deeds of kindness and compassion”
56. Please translate the ayah into good english !
‫“إال الذين امنوا و عملوا الصلحات فلهم أجر غير ممنون‬
Jawab : Except such as believe and do righteous deeds:
For they shall have a reward unfailing (certain,
57. Please translate the ayah into good english !
‫“إن الذين امنوا و عملوا الصلحات اولئك هم خير البرية‬
Jawab :Indeed , they who have believed and done
righteous deeds – they are the best of creatures!”
58. Please translate the ayah into good english !
‫“رسول من هللا يتلوا صحفا مطهرة‬
Jawab : A messenger from Allah reciting purified
59. Please translate the ayah into good english !
‫“ يقولون أءنا لمردودون فى الحافرة‬
Jawab : They are saying “Will we indeed be returned to
former state ( of life )”
60. Listen the following verse!
َّ ‫قال يبني ال تقصص رؤياك على إخوتك فيكيدوا لك كيدا‬
َ‫إن الشيطان‬,
‫عدو مبين‬
ّ ‫“لآلنسان‬
The above mentioned verse describes short massages of
the prophet Yusuf. Please mention two of them.
Jawab :
1. O, my son , do not relate (tell) your vision (dream) to
your brothers
2. They will contrive (arrange) against you a plan.
3. Indeed satan to man is a manifest enemy.

61. Please translate the ayah into good english !

‫ و‬, ‫الذين ينفقون فى السراء و الضراء و الكاظمين الغيظ و العافين عن الناس‬
‫“هللا يحب المحسنين‬
The above mentioned ayat describe some caracteristics of
Almuttaqin. Please mention two of them !
Jawab :
1. Those who restrain anger
2. Who pardon the people
3. Those who spend ( in the cauce of Allah) during ease
and in hardship.
62. Please translate the ayah into good english !
‫إن الذين يأكلون أموال اليتمى ظلما إنما يأكلون فى بطونهم نارا و سيصلون‬
The above mentioned ayat ,Allah explain the conditions of
the people who unjustly eat up the property of orphans.
How did Allah explain the conditions those people ?
Jawab :
1. They eat up only e fire into their bellies
2. They will be burnt in the blazing fire.
Al maidah : 32

.... ,‫الناس جميعا‬

َ ‫االرض فكأنّما قتل‬
ِّ ‫نفس أو فسا ٍد فى‬
ٍ ‫ أنه من قتل نفسأ بغير‬....
Membunuh seorang saja seolah-olah telah membunuh seluruh
umat manusia
Al maidah : 8

... ‫قوم على االَّ تعدلوا اعْدلوا هو أقرب للتقواى‬

ٍ ‫ و ال يجرمنكم شنئان‬......

Adil mendekati takwa

Al-baqarah : 264
.... ‫ ال تبطلوا صدقاتكم بالمن و االذى كالذى ينفق ماله رئاء الناس وال‬...
Jangan iringi sedekah dengan riya(menyebut-nyebut
Al-an’am : 141

141 : ‫ االنعام‬: ‫ وال تسرفوا إنه ال يحبّ المسرفين‬, ‫ و اتوا حقه يوم حصاده‬.....
(Bayarkanlah haknya pada hari memtiknya)
Zakat pertanian
Ali-Imran : 133

‫و سارعوا الى مغفرةٍ من ربكم وجنة عرضها السموات و االرض أعدت للمتقين‬
Bersegeralah bertaubat !
Al-maidah : 2

Tolong-menolonglah dalam kebaikan !

Ali-Imran : 200

Hai orang yg beriman bersabarlah dan kuatkanlah kesabaranmu

dan tetaplah (di negerimu) agar kamu beruntung.
Ali-Imran : 110

Kamu adalah sebaik-baiknya umat karena menyuruh kepada

yang baik dan mencegah kemungkaran dan beriman kepada
Ali-Imran : 26
Katakanlah ! oh tuhan pemilik kerajaan datangkanlah
kerajaanmu pada siapa yang engkau kehendaki...
Adz-zariat : 19

Pada harta yang kita miliki terdapat hak orang-orang yang

meminta minta..
Ali imran : 31

Katakanlah!jika kamu menyukai allah....

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