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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Cooking strategies also called cooking Techniques. In English owing to the influence of

french cooking they tend to call it techniques rather than methods. Cooking techniques are a set

of method and procedures for preparing, and presenting food. It is more important to learn

cooking techniques than to follow recipes, many cooks believe that. A recipe or rescue that has

gone wrong, a certain technique can improve it. Good technique takes into account economical

use of food and cooking fuel resources, as well as food safety.


French cooking techniques mostly used in western cuisine, simply because the first to

document and codify cooking procedures are the French. In china, they can cook faster and

requires less cooking fuel envolved with the use of techniques are shared amongst the various

cuisines in the world. Some cooking techniques envolved from environmental factors. In western

cuisine cooking techniques usually divided into wet cooking techniques and dry cooking

tehniques. http//

According to the study, there are many more advanced techniques that one can learn to improve

kitchen skills.

Researchers knows how difficult cooking laboraty is without a module with different

strategies to help the students, like they have no guide when they are cooking. So the researchers
want to study this topic to collect knowledge or ideas to the fellow techvoc students. Researchers

chose this kind of study to find out the opinion of each grade 12 technical-vocational students

and how to boost their creativity and cooking skills by using cooking strategies to make the

cooking easier. Researchers would like to know the different strategies coming from the grade 12

technical-vocational students to combine those ideas and make a module or cookbook that

involves cooking techniques or strategies, so that the other tech-voc culinary students will learn

from it and adopt the cooking strategies that indicate in the cookbook or module. Being tech-voc

students is not easy beacause you need to have your own strategies on how will you do your

cooking to make the cooking easier.

Famous chefs are influential and popular not only because of their unique and innovative

cooking techniques but also for their capacity to create successful brands. Chefs are crucial to the

success of a food service outlet and the hospitality organization.

“ If you’re still at home wise and comfortable and secure by the time you’re 21 or 22, you

will have no ambition to… bust your arse and become a great chef’ that is from a world’s famous

chef, Gordon Ramsay. “Don’t let accent fool you” this chef gives new meaning to the words

harsh critique. This famous celebrity chef famous owns restaurants around the world including

many boasting Michelin stars, but like most famous celebrity chef this not why the general

populous knows his name. He knows because of his entertaining remark on television shows and

also because of his cooking skills.

He is known as the Godfather of contemporary cuisine, Marco Pierre White. He is a british

TV Chef. He believed that the first celebrity chef and is known to have trained other successful
chefs like Gordon Ramsay. He is also the youngest chef to be awarded 3 Michelin Stars. Last but

not the least, he is known as the “Naked Chef” Jamie oliver. He is also a british celebrity chef

shows off his minimalistic and fresh cooking techniques in the television.

According to Amy Besa, the authors document dishes and culinary techniques that are

rapidly disappearing and in some cases unknown to Filipinos to Philippines or abroad.

Gerry Gelle discusses that the Philippines is the great geographical diversity of the islands and

their six major culinary regions. Technical-Vocational Culinary is the strands for Senior High

School wherein, students teach how to improve their skills when it comes to cooking. The

example of cooking techniques are sautéing, seasoning, frying, baking, boiling etc.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the cooking strategies of technical-vocational students of Grade

12 DPRO in Olivarez College

1. What are the strategies of technical-vocational students to boost their cooking skills and

2. How will a technical-vocational student apply that cooking strategies in cooking

3. How can cooking strategies improve creativity and cooking skills?

Significance of the Study

This study will be helpful to the following;

Technical-Vocational Teachers- they may benefit from this research because not all the

technical-vocational teachers are expert and know all the cooking strategies. So if they not know

some of the cooking strategies they can read this study to learn more techniques and teach it to

their students

Grade 11 Technical-Vocational Students- Since in grade 11 cooking is not so difficult, upon

reading this study they may learn strategies to make their cooking easier when they turn to grade


Grade 12 Technical-Vocational Students- Since grade 12 students is in their second year in

cooking, they aalready know some strategies but with the help of this research they can improve

that strategies to do better in cooking.

Future Researcher- When their study is related to this topic, they can read this study to collect

idea to help with their research.

Parents – Since our first teacher is our parents, they may also benefit to this study because they

can learn strategies that they can use their home as well as they can teach it to their children at


Definition of Terms

Codify- Arrange(laws or rules) into a systematic code

Cook Books- A book containing recipes and other information about the preparation and

cooking of food.
Cooking Skill- Experties in cooking

Cooking Techniques- Set of method and procedures for preparing, cooking and presenting food

Cuisine- Style or method of cooking. Characteristic of a particular country or establishment

Dry Cooking- Methods that utilize air or fat


Innovative- Featuring new method ,advanced and original

Method- Form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something

Technical-vocational- Designed to bring vocational technical training to its student.

Wet Cooking- Cooking uses water or steam

Scope and Delimitation

This study covered the cooking strategies to boost cooking skills of grade 12 technical-

vocational studentsd in Olivarez College-Paranaque.

This research covered period about a month of August 30 to October 18, 2018. This research

will be conducted in Olivarez College-Paranaque which have three hundred thirty six(336)

technical-vocational students.

The Olivarez College-Paranaque has four stands in Senior High School, but researchers will

focus on the student of technical-vocational.

The research data was based on open ended questions about cooking strategies to boost

cooking skills of the grade 12 technical-vocational student in Olivarez College-Paranaque

The research is delimited to the following;

● Academic Performance

● Other Senior High School Strands

Theoretical Framework

Principles of art mediate what I put into a dish. I look at color, texture, taste, and

numbers. The theories, detailed in my book Intuitive Cooking (Book Publishing Company,

2006), are simple and founded in common sense. They apply both to creating a dish and

composing a meal. The theory of numbers guides me on how many major elements will be in a

dish or meal so it is visually pleasant and digestible. The theory of color and texture brings

different nutrients into the dish and holds the interest of the eater, important for chewing and

digestion. The theory of balance looks at a variety of cooking methods to prevent boredom for

the cook and the eater. The theory of five tastes—sweet, salty, sour, pungent (hot), and bitter—

helps a cook fix a dish that is out of balance. The theory of “substance, flavor, strength”

(SFS) also guides a cook on how to fix an imbalanced dish. Substance is the body weight of the

dish, its thickness or thinness. Flavor comes from ingredient choice; sometimes this brings taste

(garlic, ginger) and sometimes not (rice, water). Strength is the quantity of any ingredient. These

three attributes are interdependent. Change the substance of something too thick by adding more

liquid, and it will alter the strength of flavor (Saltzman, 2007)

Conceptual Framework

Cooking Strategies

Color and Texture Taste

Platings Twist

Boost Cooking Skills

According to the theory of Joanne Saltzman,2007, from the theories of color and texture,

theory of substance, flavor, strength and theory of five tastes the dish or meal makes visually


From the use of cooking strategies it can create a good color,texture and taste. If there is

good color and texture, the food plating will be eye catchy. And in the food taste, it will have a

new flavorings or twist of the product that is new for the eater. After doing the cooking

strategies, it can boost the cooking skills of students.


Review of the Related Literature and Studies

The purpose of this study was to determine if cooking strategies can boost cooking skills of

the students. This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-

depth search done by the researchers.

Foreign Literature

According to this article, cooking skills are increasingly included in strategies to prevent and

reduce chronic diet-related diseases and obesity. While cooking interventions target all age

groups (Child, Teen and Adult), the optimal age for learning these skills on: 1) skills retention, 2)

cooking practices, 3) cooking attitudes, 4) diet quality and 5) health is unknown. Similarly,

although the source of learning cooking skills has been previously studied, the differences in

learning from these different sources has not been considered. This research investigated the

associations of the age and source of learning with the aforementioned five factors. International

Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2016

Cooking and food skills learning in the home, with family members, in school and other

more formal learning environments, and through forms of mass media also is of interest. Mothers

are most often reported as the major source of cooking learning in childhood. Caraher et al.

found that in England, the importance of school cooking classes for learning was greatest for

people in lower-income groups, while cookery books were cited as being more important to

people from higher-income groups. This raises some important questions about the decline in
cooking skills teaching in Canadian schools. For example, could a decline in cooking skills

teaching be contributing to the heavier burden of nutrition-related problems such as obesity and

diabetes in lower-income Canadians.

Local Literature

First, cooking and cooking skills are examined, along with the ambiguities related to terms

associated with cooking in the research literature. Food choice, cooking, and health are

described, particularly in relation to economic factors that may lead to health inequalities within

the population. The importance of developing an understanding of factors within the wider food

system as part of food choice and cooking skills is presented, and gaps in the research literature

are examined and areas for future research are presented. Cooking practices are not well studied

but are important to an understanding of human nutritional health as it relates to cultural,

environmental, and economic factors.

According to Domestic, 2003 cooking with pre-prepared foods must be acknowledged to

involve cooking skills (such as using a microwave). In addition, she also explains that although a

relationship exists between skills and knowledge and practices, the relationship is not

straightforward. Domestic,2003 stated that “Rather than our technical skills, it is our approach to

cooking that influences what and how we cook, ‘approach to cooking’ being made up of the

attitudes and beliefs about cooking that we share with others, our personal identifications as

people who cook and our confidence in cooking and the degree to which we find it an effort,

arising in part from our tacit, unseen skills and academic knowledge”
Foreign Studies

According to Ormrod, 2008, We chose some techniques because an initial survey of the

literature indicated that they could improve student success across a wide range of conditions.

Thus, we limited our choices to techniques that could be implemented by students without

assistance. Some training may be required for students to learn how to use a technique with

fidelity, but in principle, students should be able to use the techniques without supervision. We

also chose techniques for which a sufficient amount of empirical evidence was available to

support at least a preliminary assessment of potential efficacy. Of course, we could not review all

the techniques that meet these criteria, given the in-depth nature of our reviews, and these criteria

excluded some techniques that show much promise, such as techniques that are driven by

advanced technologies. Because teachers are most likely to learn about these techniques in

educational psychology classes, we examined how some educational-psychology textbooks

covered them

Local Studies

In the study of Mechling, 2008 the procedures to be effective in the acquisition of food

preparation skills when instructors used a set of prescribed prompting and instructional

procedures. Concern exists, however, for the transfer of stimulus control from adult lead

instruction to natural sets of prompts that can be independently used over an extended period of

time and across a range of stimuli while cooking.

Fortunately, cognitive and educational psychologists have been developing and evaluating

easy-to-use learning techniques that could help students achieve their learning goals (Dunlosky
et al). If simple techniques were available that teachers and students could use to improve student

learning and achievement, would you be surprised if teachers were not being told about these

techniques and if many students were not using them? What if students were instead adopting

ineffective learning techniques that undermined their achievement, or at least did not improve it?

Shouldn’t they stop using these techniques and begin using ones that are effective? Psychologists

have been developing and evaluating the efficacy of techniques for study and instruction for

more than 100 years. Nevertheless, some effective techniques are underutilized—many teachers

do not learn about them, and hence many students do not use them, despite evidence suggesting

that the techniques could benefit student achievement with little added effort. Also, some

learning techniques that are popular and often used by students are relatively ineffective. One

potential reason for the disconnect between research on the efficacy of learning techniques and

their use in educational practice is that because so many techniques are available, it would be

challenging for educators to sift through the relevant research to decide which ones show

promise of efficacy and could feasibly be implemented by students (Pressley, et al)

Chapter III

Research Methodology

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted in Parañaque City. Parañaque City is surrounded with the city of

Taguig, Pasay, Muntinlupa and Las Pińas City. Olivarez College is located in Parañaque City

along Dr.A Santos Avenue Barangay San Dionisio. There are four(4) faculty rooms in DPRO

Department consisting of one hundred one(101) teachers and seven thousand four

hundred(7,400) students in different track. The Grade 12 DPRO Technical-vocational track has

three hundred thirty six(336) students in Olivarez College-Parañaque.

Research Instrument

The researchers created fifteen(15) survey questions to know the answer of the

respondents. Researchers used survey questionnaires as the primary tool for gathering data. The

types of questionnaire that the researchers used are the Yes or No questions,scale questioms and

multiple choices.

The part 1 of the survey questionnaire will be the yes or no questions wherein the

respondents will answer between yes or no and consist of ten(10) questions. The part 2, scale

questions wherein the respondents will rank their answer to the questions and consist of 3

questions. The part 3 will be multiple choices wherein the respondents will chose between

(A,B,C,D) and consist of 2 questions.

Description of the Participants

The participants of the study were the Grade 12 DPRO Technical-Vocational students in

Olivarez College-Parañaque. The participant were divided according to their gender. The Grade

12 DPRO Technical-Vocational students have three hundred thirty six(336) and divided into

seven(7) sections, the Mary, Lazarus, Paul, Joseph, Revelation, Philippians and Philemon.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used probability sampling specifically simple random sampling where

every individual in the population has equal chances of being selected. The researchers had the

list of the students every section and researchers used the method of picking strips of paper with

the names of students randomly in order to know which students will be utilize for the research.

Th3 researchers used 0.05 margin of error and 90% level of confidence in determining the

sample size of half population (75%) the formula in computing the respondents of this study is

called Unknown Population. Level of confidence raise to two multiply to 1/2 population then

multiply to one minus the population divided by the margin of error.

Unknown Population

z=level of confidence(standard normal deviate)

p=population in target population

d=margin of error
n= z^ p (1-p)

n= 1.46^(.75)(1-.75)


n= 0.399


= 159.6 EA:160
EA: 160

Statistical Treatment of Data

1.) Friedman Test

2.) Frequency Test

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