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Packag. Technol. Sci. 2009; 22: 107–113

Published online 4 November 2008 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/pts.838

Effect of Light-barrier Property of Packaging

Film on the Photo-oxidation and Shelf Life of
Cookies Based on Accelerated Tests
By Li-Xin Lu1,2* and Fang Xu1
Department of Packaging Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
China National Light Industry packaging Quality Supervising and Testing Center, Wuxi 214122, China

The influences of intensity of ultraviolet (UV) light, light-barrier property of

packaging film on the fat photo-oxidation and accelerated shelf life of cookies were
studied. Unpacked cookies were stored at a temperature of 40∞C and a relative
humidity (RH) of 50% for 10 to 65 days, with an intensity of the UV light of 0.3,
1.9 and 9.5 mW/cm2. Meanwhile, the same batch of cookies was packed with
oriented nylon/polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate/oriented nylon/
polyethylene and bi-oriented polypropylene/vacuuming aluminized casting
polypropylene and stored at the same temperature and RH and UV-light intensity
of 1.9 mW/cm2 for more than 40 days. The peroxide values (POV) of cookies were
measured under the storage conditions. The results showed that the intensity of the
UV light and light-barrier property of film had notable influence on the photo-
oxidation rate and accelerated shelf life of cookies. According to the threshold of
POV, unpacked cookies were rancid less than 32 and 11 days when exposed in light
of 1.9 and 9.5 mW/cm2 in the accelerated test, respectively. In contrast, the shelf life
of unpacked cookies in darkness, or cookies packed in high light-barrier package
was more than 75 days. Logarithm of POV and store-time relationship under
different UV-light illumination was successfully fitted by linear regression under
the same temperature, RH and the accelerated shelf-life-based oxide index was
estimated. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 24 January 2008; Revised 23 September 2008; Accepted 9 October 2008
KEY WORDS: cookies; photo-oxidative; UV light; transparency; packaging materials; shelf life

INTRODUCTION taste and the smell of cookies, but also reduce

the intrinsic quality and the nutritional value of
As a kind of fat-rich food with a fat content usually cookies, or even produce deleterious substance,
above 20%, cookies are easily effected in its fat by leading to food poisoning of the customers.
environmental factors such as light, oxygen during Auto-oxidation and photo-oxidation are two
the course of packaging, storage, transport and main ways of fat oxidation, but photo-oxidation
sales, leading the fat in the them to oxidise rancid- rate is hundreds to thousands of times faster than
ity, which will cause rancid flavour and taste. Ran- auto-oxidation.1,2 The absorption of light depends
cidity can not only deteriorate the appearance, on the substance called photosensitizer. If the fat

* Correspondence to: L.-X. Lu, Department of Packaging Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Load, Wuxi, Jiangsu
214122, China.

Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Packaging Technology L.-X. LU AND F. XU

and Science
contains photosensitizer, the photo-oxidation will illumination, and to predict the shelf life of cookies
be triggered when the fat is exposed to light (either based on the oxide index.
visible or ultraviolet) directly.3
Cookies are usually displayed in shops under
illumination, with their packaging materials often
totally or partially transparent to show them to MATERIALS AND METHODS
However, some investigations have showed that Cookie samples
exposure to light is hazardous for photo-oxidation
of food rich in fat.4 So the light from the fluorescent Baked high-fat-containing (23.5% fat, vegetable
lamps in the retail stores can trigger the oxidation shortening) milk cookies were supplied by a food
of cookies. Some studies indicated that wavelength manufacturer (Nabisco Food Co. Ltd., Suzhou,
distribution from the light source and light inten- China) as part of its standard production. The
sity are important parameters affecting fat oxida- cookies analysed were all randomly sampled from
tion, and ultraviolet (UV) light, whose wavelength the same batch of product in order to maintain
is 200–260 nm, affected fat oxidation the most homogeneity, which was sent to the laboratory as
among those kinds of light. Therefore, the light- soon as they were packed with a weight of 100 g.
barrier property of packaging materials has a great
influence on the shelf life of food rich in fat when
the temperature, relative humidity and oxygen Packaging materials
concentration are identical in the package.5 At
present, research on photo-oxidation of fat-rich Specifications of the packaging materials evalu-
food is mainly on meat, cheese and some fried ated were given in Table 1. Three packaging films
food,4,5 while similar research on cookies is were cut into 540 × 240 mm, respectively, which
limited. was polyethylene terephthalate/oriented nylon/
It is pointed out that an efficient way to improve polyethylene (PET/ONY/PE, 170 mm, semitrans-
the light-barrier property of packaging materials parent; Shengda Co. Ltd., Jiangsu, China), oriented
is to add UV stabilizers or UV absorbers into the nylon/polyethylene (ONY/PE, 125 mm, transpar-
packaging materials,6 even including transparent ent; Shengda Co. Ltd., Jiangsu, China) and bi-
packaging films. Using some metallized packag- oriented polypropylene/vacuuming aluminized
ing film is also effectual to slow down fat photo- casting polypropylene (BOPP/vmCPP, 45 mm,
oxidation.7 opaque; Zijiang Colour Printing, Shanghai,
The aims of this study were: a) to investigate the China). A DQB-360W multifunctional modified-
effect of UV-light illumination on photo-oxidation atmosphere packaging machine (Qingpa Food
rate in unpacked cookies; b) to estimate the abili- Packaging Machine Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China)
ties of packaging materials of different light-barrier was used to pack the cookie samples with the
properties to protect cookies from fat oxidation; chosen films with a gas composition in the pack-
and c) to develop a relationship between the fat ages the same as atmospheric composition, leaving
photo-oxidation rates of the cookies and UV-light out of account the effect of original oxygen

Table 1. Characteristics of the packaging films

Thickness OTR WVTR Rate of UV-light

Film (mm) (cm3/m2⋅d⋅0.1 MPa) (g/m2⋅d) transmission (%)

PET/ONY/PE, semitransparent 170 37.18 1.81 42.9

ONY/PE, transparent 125 21.08 3.04 85.7
BOPP/vmCPP, almost opaque 45 1.49 0.81 7.1

Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 108 Packag. Technol. Sci. 2009; 22: 107–113
DOI: 10.1002/pts
and Science
mable climate-regulating chamber for accelerated
experiments for about 65 days, with a temperature
and the relative humidity (RH) of 40°C and 50%,
respectively, as this RH condition had the less
influence on fat oxidation rate. The illumination of
the UV light was 0.3 (corresponding to no light),
1.9 and 9.5 mW/cm2, which were similar to the UV-
light intensity on the supermarket shelves, and
that under ultra-strong light, respectively.
Meanwhile, the same batch of cookies was
packed with ONY/PE, PET/ONY/PE and BOPP/
vmCPP, respectively for accelerated experiments
under the same temperature and RH and a UV-
light intensity of 1.9 mW/cm2 for more than 40
Figure 1. Packs with different UV-light transparency films
(1) PET/ONY/PE; (2) ONY/PE; and (3) BOPP/vmCPP. Experimental methods
Both the acid value (AV) and the peroxide value
(POV) were main indicators that valuate the fat
concentration on rate of fat oxidation. The shapes
oxidative rancidity. According to the GB7100-2003
of packs are showed in Figure 1.
and GB/T5009-2003,10–12 AV and POV were mea-
sured by chemical titration method and spectro-
Oxygen transmission rate (OTR) and water
photometry using V-1100 spectrophotometer
vapour transmission rate (WVTR). The OTR and
(MAPADA Instruments Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China),
WVTR measurements on films were performed
respectively. Compared with these two measure
using a BTY-B1 gas property measurement (Lab-
methods, the result of the latter was more accurate
think Co., Ltd., Jinan, China) according to GB/T
and the amount of samples was less than the
1038-20008 and TSY-T water vapour transmission
former. Meanwhile, as it indicated the quantity of
measurement (Labthink Co., Ltd.) according to the
peroxide during fat oxidation more directly, the
GB1037-19889 respectively. The data is showed in
POV was chosen as characteristic index of cookies
Table 1.
oxidation in this study. A higher POV means more
peroxide is produced and the oxidation level is
Light transmission of the packaging film. Packs
also greater. But the POV will decrease as the oxi-
made by films of different light-barrier property
dation further increases because the peroxide
were placed into the PQX-330D programmable
decomposes faster than it is produced.
climate-regulating chamber (Southeast Instrument
The POV of each sample was measured five
Co. Ltd., Ningbo, China) that set light illumination
times each pack and at an interval of every 3–7
2, in which the UV-light illumination was 1.6 mW/
days, with the initial value of each group mea-
cm2, measuring the UV-light illumination outside
sured before tests.
and inside of these packs using a ZDZ-1 UV power
meter (Jiading Xuelian Instrument Plant, Shang-
hai, China) and calculating the rates of UV-light
transmission of packaging films (Table 1). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Change of POV of cookies in
Experimental condition accelerated test
Ten batches (100 g/batch) samples of cookies were The POV of six batches measured under the above
placed in the PQX-330D multi-section program- conditions were compared with each other, and

Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 109 Packag. Technol. Sci. 2009; 22: 107–113
DOI: 10.1002/pts
Packaging Technology L.-X. LU AND F. XU

and Science

25 PET/Ony/PE




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 2. Effect of UV-light illumination on the POV of Figure 3. Effect of packaging films of light-barrier property
cookies (unpacked). on the POV of cookies under UV-light illumination of
1.9 mW/cm2.

the data are showed in Figures 2 and 3. The POV

of cookies was in uptrend slowly during the
period of 50 days in the two batches of cookies, one
of which was under a UV-light illumination of
0.3 mW/cm2, and the other was packed with
almost opaque packaging material, arriving at the
maximum at about 45 days after initiation and
then became downtrend. But the maximum POV
measured in these conditions did not exceed the
threshold according to GB7100-2003.10 The reason
is that the speed of fat oxidation in dark-stored
cookies is very slow, and the peroxide decomposes
faster than it is produced as the oxidation degree
growing greater. Meanwhile, in the four batches of
cookies that were displayed in light, the increasing Figure 4. Colour degradation of cookies after 25 days
velocity of POV was obviously faster than two storage (1) cookies unpacked under 9.5 mW/cm2; (2)
batches of dark-stored cookies. The rate of oxida- cookies unpacked under 1.9 mW/cm2; (3) cookies packed
tion of cookies under illumination of 1.9 mW/cm2, with BOPP/vmCPP under 1.9 mW/cm2; and (4) cookies
which is similar with fluorescent light from retail unpacked under 0.3 mW/cm2.
stores, was more than twice as the batch of cookies
under illumination of 0.3 mW/cm2, reaching the
maximum at 39 days. In contrast, the shelf life Photo-oxidation rate of cookies
of an unpacked cookie sample is about 11
days under illumination of 9.5 mW/cm2 in this As a study on the grain food oxidation and
accelerating test. Besides, the colour of light- shelf life indicated that the vegetable oil-oxidized
exposed cookies faded after 25 days (Figure 4), rancidity mechanism conformed to the first
caused by fat photo-oxidation of it being exposed order kinetics of reaction,13 the experimental data
to strong UV light. (average POV) were changed into logarithms to

Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 110 Packag. Technol. Sci. 2009; 22: 107–113
DOI: 10.1002/pts
and Science

Figure 5. Ln(POV) and store-time relationship fitted by Figure 6. Ln(POV) and store-time relationship fitted by
linear regression under different UV-light illumination. linear regression under different UV-light transparency of
packaging films.

Table 2. Ln(POV ) – t relationship fitted by linear regression and shelf life of cookies under
accelerated test

UV-light Shelf life of cookies

illumination Packaging Equation of under accelerated
(mW/cm2) films linear regression SSE R-square test (d)

0.3 unpacked Ln(POV ) = 0.0231t + 0.783 0.0813 0.9314 95

1.9 unpacked Ln(POV ) = 0.0617t + 1.051 0.3850 0.9216 32
9.5 unpacked Ln(POV ) = 0.175t + 1.096 0.4379 0.9294 11
1.9 ONY/PE Ln(POV ) = 0.0523t + 1.051 0.2106 0.9352 37
1.9 PET/ONY/PE Ln(POV ) = 0.0375t + 1.051 0.1076 0.9753 52
1.9 BOPP/vmCPP Ln(POV ) = 0.0269t + 0.872 0.0864 0.9192 76

show the relation between store time and POV The results showed that the fat oxidation process
logarithms (Ln(POV)) according to the first order in the cookie conforms to the relation of first order
kinetics of reaction (Figures 5 and 6). kinetics, which was:
As mentioned above, under favourable condi-
Ln ( POV ) = kt + Ln ( POV0 ) (1)
tions, fat oxidation in cookies followed a free
radical chemical process where the initially formed where k is the fat photo-oxidation rate of cookies
hydroperoxides may further decompose, produc- (meq/kg d), t is the store time of cookies (d) and
ing micro-molecule substance such as aldehyde, POV0 is the initial POV of cookies (meq/kg).
ketone and others. At the same time, it represented Above two groups of contrast experiment data
that the decrease in POV does not mean that the were fitted with linear regression, and obtained
oxidation process stopped, but that the data were regression equations are shown in Table 2. As the
not suitable to indicate the oxidation degree. There- fitting regression equation significance examina-
fore, only the rising POV had been discussed in tion shows, the linear degree of correlation is
experiment. remarkable.

Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 111 Packag. Technol. Sci. 2009; 22: 107–113
DOI: 10.1002/pts
Packaging Technology L.-X. LU AND F. XU

and Science
The shelf life of cookies obtained from the accel- CONCLUSIONS
erated test with a temperature of 40°C and RH of
50%, based the critical POV (19.7 meq/kg) referred The UV-light led fat photo-oxidation in cookies to
in GB7100-200310 (Table 2). be vigorous and shorter in their shelf life. Data
As a whole, the effects of UV-light illumination performed in this study showed that the shelf life
and its transmission of packaging films on the of cookies which were packed with high light-
fat oxidation rate and shelf life of cookies were barrier property or placed on somewhere without
notable. For unpacked cookies, the fat oxidation light was twice or three times more than the same
rate increased with the increase of UV-light illu- samples packed with semitransparent or transpar-
mination. Meanwhile, for packed cookies, the fat ent packaging materials or displayed under light.
oxidation rate decreased with the increase of The barrier property of packaging materials which
the light-barrier property of the packaging film. obstructs light transmission through the packag-
Besides, under the same illumination of 1.9 mW/ ing material in the short wavelength range (UV
cm2, the fat oxidation rate of packed cookies was light for instance) was important to prevent cookies
less than that of unpacked cookies. from photo-oxidation. So it is important to select
appropriate packaging films for the cookies to
retard fat photo-oxidation.
Besides, a linear relationship between the fat
Relationship between photo-oxidation photo-oxidation rate of the cookies and UV-light
rate and UV-light illumination illumination was proposed, which can predict the
shelf life based oxide index under the same tem-
In the further analysis of the influence on rate con- perature, RH but different UV-light illumination.
stants of fat oxidation by UV-light illumination, it
was pointed out in this paper that the photo-
oxidation rate of the cookies was in a linear cor- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
relation with the UV-light intensity. The
mathematical equation is expressed as: This project was financially supported by the key Lab
of Printing and Packaging Material at Beijing Institute
of Graphic Communication, Beijing, China.
k = 0.01567S + 0.02769 (2)

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