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The New Coagulation Cascade and Its Possible Influence on

the Delicate Balance Between Thrombosis and Hemorrhage
Francisco Pérez-Gómeza and Ramón Boverb

Servicio de Cardiología, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain

The article published by Navarro et al1 in this issue of North Carolina (Monroe et al4). Both groups described
Revista Española de Cardiología reports the experience a “new cascade” (Figure) that has been internationally
of 4 anticoagulation units located in large referral hospitals accepted, as demonstrated by the recently published
in Spain. The article also illustrates the appropriateness position paper from the Task Force of the European
of monitoring treatment in specialist units to maintain Society of Cardiology.5 This new perspective built on the
the level of anticoagulation within the very narrow margin classic cascade in the following ways:
that allows prevention of thrombosis without causing
bleeding complications. 1. The complex formed by tissue factor and factor VII
All thrombotic processes have their origin in the participates in the activation of factor IX, indicating that
dysfunction or rupture of the vascular endothelium, the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways are linked
leading to release of tissue factor, which initiates the almost from the beginning of the process.
process of coagulation, and of collagen and von 2. The complete process does not occur continuously
Willebrand factor, which initiates adhesion and activation but rather requires 3 consecutive phases: an initial phase,
of platelets. Alteration of the homeostatic balance between an amplification phase, and a propagation phase. Platelets
prothrombotic and antithrombotic factors during and thrombin are actively involved in the last 2 phases.
anticoagulation therapy can result in insufficient inhibition
of coagulation (thrombosis) or the occurrence of bleeding
Initial Phase
due to excessive antithrombotic treatment.
The interpretation of the coagulation process described The tissue factor–factor VII complex activates factor
by MacFarlane2 in 1964 (the “MacFarlane cascade”) has X, either directly or indirectly via factor IX, and transforms
been of use for many years in beginning to understand prothrombin into thrombin in small amounts that are
the complex problem of thrombus formation. According insufficient to complete the process of fibrin formation.
to MacFarlane, there are 2 pathways: the extrinsic
pathway, involving tissue factor and factor VII, and the
Amplification Phase
intrinsic pathway, in which factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, and
V participate. Both pathways converge to activate factor The thrombin that has been formed, along with calcium
X and lead to transformation of prothrombin into thrombin from the blood and acidic phospholipids derived from
and, through the action of thrombin, of fibrinogen into platelets, actively participates in a positive feedback
fibrin. The role of platelets in coagulation was considered process for the activation of factors XI, IX, VIII, and V,
independent. and, especially, to accelerate platelet activation.
During the following 3 decades, numerous studies Simultaneously, the factors mentioned are attracted
were undertaken, culminating in almost simultaneous through chemotactic mechanisms to the surface of the
publications from groups in Houston (Schafer et al3) and platelets, where very rapid and extensive activation and
amplification occurs.

Propagation Phase
The amplification of the process through feedback
mechanisms involving thrombin and platelets and the
activation of all these factors allow large quantities of
factor X to be activated and form the prothrombinase
complex to convert prothrombin into thrombin and,
through the action of thrombin, fibrinogen into fibrin.
Correspondence: Dr. R. Bover. The final process, always occurring on the surface of the
Servicio de Cardiología. Hospital Clínico San Carlos.
Prof. Martín Lagos, s/n. 28040 Madrid. España.
platelets, accelerates and leads to the explosive generation
E-mail: of large quantities of thrombin and fibrin.
Rev Esp Cardiol. 2007;60(12):1217-9 1217
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Pérez-Gómez F et al. The New Coagulation Cascade and Its Possible Influence on the Delicate Balance Between Thrombosis and Hemorrhage

1. Initial Phase 2. Amplification 3. Propagation

IXa VIIIa Activated Platelet Xa

X V Prothrombinase Prothrombin
Figure. Phases of coagulation according
2+ to the new cascade. a indicates activated
Thrombin Thrombin + Ca + APL Fibrinogen Fibrin
(Roman numerals represent the coagulation
factors); APL, acidic phospholipids; Ca2+,
calcium; TF, tissue factor.

The Role of Platelets hemorrhage. The use in Spain of acenocoumarol

(Sintrom®) represents an added difficulty due to the
Activation of platelets alters the permeability of the dosage inadequacy of the commercially available drug,
membrane and allows entry of calcium and release of which does not allow patients to take the same dose every
chemotactic substances that attract coagulation factors day.
to the surface. At the same time, factor V and acidic The new coagulation cascade presents fibrin formation
phospholipids are released, providing the necessary as the result of 2 complementary processes: coagulation
complement for the coagulation process. (represented by thrombin) and platelet activation. Strong
Research into counteracting the tendency toward and combined inhibition of both processes necessarily
thrombosis has focused on inhibiting the factors involved leads to severe bleeding, as was soon documented in
in the cascade (tissue factor, factor X, prothrombin, or international studies.7 However, the combination of
thrombin) or counteracting the action of other important pharmacologic inhibitors of both processes at doses
factors such as factor VIII. Research into inhibiting the corresponding to the lower level of the therapeutic range
tissue factor–factor VII complex is still ongoing but has can achieve an effective antithrombotic effect without
not yielded results that can be applied in clinical settings. risk of bleeding complications. The clinical trials
Phase II/III trials of factor X and thrombin inhibition are undertaken by the Working Group on Thrombosis of the
more promising, although recent trials of a thrombin Spanish Society of Cardiology into moderate inhibition
inhibitor (ximegalatran) were suspended due to hepatic of prothrombin and platelet activity are an example of
toxicity.6 Factor VIII, although not part of the main the clinical application of the new cascade8-10 and may
pathway of the cascade, is a very important factor and represent a starting point for studies aimed at determining
its inhibition with the different forms of heparin has been, the ideal combination and dose of the 2 drugs to achieve
and continues to be, used successfully due to its ease of the desired balance between prevention of thrombosis
monitoring and very low risk of bleeding complications. and development of bleeding complications.11
However, its use is limited by the requirement for The study by Navarro et al1 yielded interesting data
parenteral administration and the inadequate regarding the increased use of anticoagulation therapy
antithrombotic effect in certain situations. compared with the results of previous studies.12 The
Inhibition of prothrombin with anti-vitamin K drugs percentage of follow-ups in which the international
(warfarin, acenocoumarol) is the most widely used normalized ratio (INR) was within the intended range
treatment for the chronic prevention of thrombosis, as indicates a good level of control, similar to that seen in
reported by Navarro et al.1 Their study, undertaken by other countries.13 However, it should be noted that the
specialist units with extensive experience in monitoring selected range of anticoagulation was very wide (INR
anticoagulant therapy, illustrates the common difficulty between 2.0 and 4.0) and is not recommended according
associated with maintaining a level of anticoagulation to the guidelines of the Spanish Society of Cardiology
that prevents thrombotic events. It also illustrates how or international guidelines.14,15 In most situations, the
excessive inhibition of a single factor in the cascade guidelines recommend INR values of between 2.0 and
(prothrombin) puts patients at risk for severe or fatal 3.0, except in patients with metallic prostheses, in whom
1218 Rev Esp Cardiol. 2007;60(12):1217-9
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Pérez-Gómez F et al. The New Coagulation Cascade and Its Possible Influence on the Delicate Balance Between Thrombosis and Hemorrhage

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