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/ MAy 21, 2019


Myths, misconceptions about 2o7g vote

l! he 2019 midterm elections have come swept the ciqy's Senate polls. Only Iiggjr
I Uut
not entirely gone; serious Manicad failed to make the first 12 in Davao
I questions
about possible fraud re- City; eyen more noteworthy, perennial sur-
I main. We can all be sure of one thing. vey favodte Grace Poe placed only 13tll
The Commission on Elections dropped the ' But other local results showed the se-
ball; the country's fourth automated elec- vere limits of an alliance based mostly on
Lion should have been a cinch. borrowed charisma (the President's, of
On the national leyel, the scale of defeat course). Inday Sara's bete noire Pantaleon
of the opposition is unprecedented in the Alvarez reclaimed his seat in tlie first dis-
post-Edsa era- But the results were fore- trict of Davao del Norte in a massive land-
shadowed by the surveys. On the local level, slide against a key Hugpong personality,
many surprises happened; they reveal a Davao del Norte cov. Anthony del Rosario. '
much more complicated picture than just Alvarez's former ally, Rep. Antonio Floiren- .
simply that President Duterte had won an
unquestioned vote of confi dence. llEtt$$[lr0 do jr., on whom he turruld when he became
speaker of the House, and whose fortune
Consider just the most pointed exam- JOHN NERY.
backed Hugpong, lost his race in the
ple. Th.ree-fourths of the politicians the province's second district
President named in his controversial and 20 million threshold in 2019. If Hugpbng could not elect Areir own two
unconstitutional "drug list" (that's 27 out Villar's fiist-place finish in the Senate stalwarts, in ttle very center of the region they
.of 36) won their elections. But there were race makes her tlre front-runner in the had staked as thet own, what kind of influ-
other mlths and misconceptions. uozz presidential election. -Senate top- ence can they be expected to bring td bear in
Let's start with a mistake that's easy notchers have a history olheartbieak whin otler regions or in the nation as a whole?
to correct. l it comes to ambitions for higher office. See In fact, the national results of the Senate
The number of votes Cynthia Villar re- Salonga (three.time topnotcher). Loren elections show that Higpong's clout is very
ceived is proof of cheating. This early take, Legarda (twice), Poe (once). To be sure, much open td debate. Four of their 13 candi
whjch gained altde traction a day or so after tlere is tJre example of Cloria Macapagal dates failed to win; one of tieir winning can-
the elections. charged that Villar;s :5 million Arroyo, who topped the Senate vote in 1995. didates, Koko Pimentel, they even dropped
votes could not be authentic because the Bui compared to her husband, the billion- ilom their sample ballot inDavao City. The
leading Senate candidate of the last three aire entrepremur Manny Villar, Cynthia is ones who did win, such as Villar or pia
etections averaged around l8 to :o million iacking in the charisma department. Cayetano or Somy Angar4 h'ad their own
votes. This misake is based on a lack of The Marcoses are making their last considerable political capital to begin wittL
knowledge about the number of registered gasp. This was my mista-ke, committed to Mr. Duterte's "enduring popularity',
voters (63.6 million), the actuai voter tumout writing. I
thought that with the savly spelled the difference. There is some truttt
(43.9 miljon), or t}le nonlinear impact of strategibt Rudy Farina! contesting the Ilo- to this, but again take a lobk at the results.
population growth on Senate elections. cos Norte governorship, and Imee Marcos' The Duterte candidates who could have used
In 2o1o, Bong Revilla topped the Senate slippage in the polis, the countrywas head- his popularity fared badly: pafael Alunan, '
race with r9.5 million votes, becoming the ed to the first Marcos-free election since Freddie Aguilar, Dong Mangudadatu, Mani-
flllst person since Mar Roxas in 2oo4 to cross 1992. I was entirely wrong. It would be ex- cad. The ones who won were already popu-
the 19 million theshold; in 2013, Grace poe tremety difficult for the Supreme Court, as lar or moneyed to begin witb" Only two were
became the fust person in Philippine history the Presidential Electoral Tribunal, to rule virtual nobodies in 2016: Bong Go and Bato
to gain over zo million voles; in 2016, Franklin in favor of Bongbong Marcos' decrepit dela Rosa. Only the purposely btind will not
Drilon became ttle first Senate president to election protest. But the real politician in see tlat they were the beneficiaries of gov-
win reelection by topping the Senate vote, the family, Imee, now has a national plat- ernrnent spending well before the elections.
with 18.6 million votes. The population was form. There's no disguising that. Perception is power in politics. But the
steadily increasing through these years; but Hugpong ng Pagbabago is the party of truth is, the equity of the incumbent isn't
popularion growth alone could not guarantee the future. Davao City Mayor Inday Sara whatitused to be.
that the vote torats would also increase Duterte was reponedly overjoyed when 12
steadily. Conversely, it would be a mistake to of the 13 senatorial candidates endorsed by .On Twitter: @jnery_newsstand, email:
think that the totals would not breach tb.f her regional-party-turned-poltical-alliance

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