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Placement: Semester I & II Time: 60 hours

Objectives 1. To further development of vocabulary which will enable the student to comprehend
fully the technical and abstract word of medical and nursing profession.

2. To further knowledge of the structure of the English language and its modern usage.

3. To acquire standard of English which will enable the student to lectures and books in nursing and
allied subjects render their writing accurate, speech fluent, and reading fast and comprehend fully.

Unit I Text Books

1. Arms and the Man by J.B.Shaw

2. The final diagnosis by Arther Hailey

Reference to the context Questions on the text from both above books

Unit II

Grammar 1.

Essay 2.

Precis 3.


4. Paragraph//////////////

5. Punctuation

6. Articles

7. Direct/indirect

8. Speech

9. Tenses

10. Idioms

11. Active/Passive

12. Fill in the blanks

ENGLISH Placement: First Year Time: 60 hours COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to help
the student understand and use English needed for their professional work. OBJECTIVES After the
course the students will 1. Speak and write grammatically correct English 2. Demonstrate effective
skill in reading and understanding the English language 3. Demonstrate skill in reporting.


Remedial study of Grammar – Review of grammar, vocabulary and effective use of dictionary.
Prepare task- oriented seminars, Symposia and panel discussion.
Unit II – The ability to understand selected passage and express meaning in one’s own words.
Reading and comprehension of the prescribed books.

68 Syllabus B Sc (Hons / Post Certificate) Nursing — AIIMS

Unit III – The study of various forms of composition – Note taking – Diary – Nurses’ notes, anecdotal
records. – Writing of summary – Nurses reports on health problems – The student will submit one
sample of each item from her own practical experience.

Unit IV – Verbal communication – Oral reports – Summarization of discussion – Debate – Listening

comprehension-film, cassette and Radio. PRACTICAL – The clinical experience in the wards and
bedside nursing will provide opportunity for students to fulfill the objectives of learning language. –
Assignment on writing and conversation through participation in discussion, debates, seminars and
symposia. The students will gain further skills in task- oriented communication.

English For Basic B.Sc. (Nursing) 1st Year


1. Review of Grammar.
2. Remedial study of Grammar.
3. Building vocabulary.
4. Phonetics.
5. Public speaking.
Read and comprehend prescribed course books.


1. Various forms of composition.

2. Letter writing.
3. Note taking.
4. Precis writing.
5. Nurses notes.
6. Anecdotal records.
7. Diary writing.
8. Reports on health problems, etc.
9. Resume/CV.


1. Spoken English.
2. Oral report.
3. Discussion.
4. Debates.
5. Telephone conversation.


1. Listening Comprehension.
2. Media, audio, video, speeches etc.,

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Communication & Educational Technology For Basic B.Sc.

(Nursing) 2nd Year

Placement : Second Year Theory Teaching Hours : 90

Course Description:
This course is designed to help the students acquire an understanding of the
principles and methods of communication a teaching. It helps to develop skills
in communicating effectively, maintaining effective interpersonal relations,
teaching individuals and groups in clinical, community health and educational

Unit– I (5 Hrs.)

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the communication process
2. Identify techniques of effective communication

1. Review of Communication Process
2. Process: elements and chance
3. Facilitators
4. Barriers and methods of overcoming
5. Techniques

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Role plays
3. Exercises with audio/video tapes

Assessment Methods:
1. Respond critical incidents
2. Short answers questions
3. Objective type questions

Unit – II (5 Hrs.)

Learning Objective:
Establish effective inter- personal relations the patients, families & coworkers.

Interpersonal relations
1. Purpose & types
2. Phases
3. Barriers & methods of overcoming
4. Johari Window

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Role plays
3. Exercises with audio/video tapes
4. Process recording
Assessment Methods:
Short answers questions
Objective type questions

Unit – III (5 Hrs.)

Learning Objectives:
Develop effective human relations in context of nursing

1. Human relations
2. Understanding self motivation, social attitudes
3. Individual and groups
4. Groups & individual
5. Human relations in context of nursing
6. Group dynamics
7. Team work

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Sociometry
3. Group games
4. Psychometric exercises followed by discussion

Assessment Methods:
1. Short answers
2. Objective type questions
3. Respond to test bas on critical incidents

Unit – IV (10 Hrs. Theory; 5 Hrs. Practical)

Learning Objectives:
Develop basic skills of counseling and guidance

1. Guidance & counseling
2. Definition
3. Purpose, scope and nee
4. Basic principles
5. Organization of counseling services
6. Types of counseling approaches
7. Role and presentation of counselor
8. Issues for counseling in Nursing: studies and practitioners
9. Counseling process-steps & technique stools of counselor
10. Managing disciplinary problems
11. Management of crisis & referral

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Role plays on counseling in different situations followed by discussion.

Assessment Methods:
1. Short answers
2. Objective type questions
3. Assess performance in role play situations

Unit – V (5 Hrs. Theory)

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the philosophy & principles of education.
2. Explain the teaching learning process

1. Principles of education & teaching learning process
2. Education: meaning, philosophy, aims, functions & principles
3. Nature and characteristics of learning
4. Principles and maxims of teaching
5. Formulating objectives; general and specific
6. Lesson planning
7. Classroom management

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Prepare lesson plan
3. Micro teaching
4. Exercise on writing objectives

Assessment Methods:
1. Short answers questions
2. Objective type questions
3. Assess lesson plans & teaching situations

Unit – VI (10 Hrs. Practical)

Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate teaching skill using various teaching methods in clinical,
classroom and community settings.
1. Methods of teaching
2. Lecture, demonstration, group discussion, seminar, discussion, role play,
project, field trip, work shop, exhibition, programmed instruction, computer
assisted learning, micro teaching problem based learning, self instructional
module, and simulation etc.
3. Clinical teaching methods: Case method, nursing round & reports, bedside
clinic, conference (individual & group) process recording.

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Conduct 5 teaching sessions using different methods & media

Assessment Methods:
1. Short answers questions
2. Objective type questions
3. Assess teaching situations

Unit – VII (10 Hrs. Theory; 8 Hrs. Practical)

Learning Objectives:
Prepare and use different types of educational media effectively

1. Educational Media
2. Purposes & types of A.V Aids, principles and sources etc.
3. Graphic aids: chalk board, chart, graph, poster, flash cards, flannel graph,
bulletin, cartoon
4. Three dimensional aids: objects, specimens, models, puppets
5. Printed aids: Pamphlets, & leaflets
6. Projected aids; slides, overhead projector, films, TV, VCR/VCD ,camera,
microscope, LCD
7. Audio aids: tape recorder, public address system
8. Computer

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Demonstration
3. Prepare different teaching aids- projected &non projected

Assessment Methods:
1. Short answers questions
2. Objective type questions
3. Assess teaching aids prepared
Unit – VIII (5 Hrs. Theory; 7 Hrs. Practical)

Learning Objectives:
Prepare different types of questions for assessment of knowledge, skills and

1. Assessment
2. Purpose and scope of evaluation & assessment
3. Criteria for selection of assessment techniques and methods
4. Assessment of knowledge: Essay type questions questions, short answer
questions(SAQ), Multiple choice questions(MCQ)
5. Assessment of skills: observation checklist, practical exam, viva, objective
structured clinical examination (OSCE)
6. Assessment of Attitudes: Attitude scales

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Exercise on writing different types of assessment tools

Assessment Methods:
1. Short answers questions
2. Objective type questions
3. Assess strategies used in practice teaching sessions and exercise Sessions

Unit – IX (5 Hrs.)

Learning Objectives:
Teaching individuals, group and communities about health with their active

1. Information, Education & communication for health (IEC)
2. Health behaviour and health education
3. Planning for health education
4. Health education with individuals, groups & communities
5. Communicating health messages
6. Methods & media for communicating health messages
7. Using mass media

Teaching Learning Methods:

1. Lecture Discussion
2. Plan and conduct health education sessions for individuals, group &
Assessment Methods:
1. Short answers questions
2. Objective type questions
3. Assess the planning & conduct of the educational session
Books Recommended:

 Heidgerkohn, D.E. Teaching and Learning in School of Nursing.

Philadelphia: 3.0.Billioet Co.
 WHO. Curriculum Guide for the Schools of Nursing in India. New Delhi:
 Neeraja. Textbook of Nursing Education. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers.
 Tyler, R.W. Basic of Curriculum and Instruction. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.

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