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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Sat. Pendidikan : SMA
Kelas / Program : XI ( SEBELAS )
Kurikulum : K20013

A. Choose The Most Correct Answer

(Text for question no 1 – 5)

Students' Laptop
Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such
other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their
progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented
subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the
school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in
demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject.
Since there is a laptop on every student’s desk, this method will help student to get
better understanding.
Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there
is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop
has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop,
decide which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction. After
that the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save
time and money.
From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who
want to catch the best result for their study.
Adapted from
1. The following is what the students need stated on the text, except……………
a. Book
b. Eraser
c. Ruler
d. typing machine
e. drawing book
2. why do modern schools need to apply fast transferring knowledge?
a. To make student more clever
b. To catch the curriculum target
c. To give the complicated learning
d. To brows some information
e. To complete the transaction
3. Consequently students need extra media to cover the subject
Bold word has the closest meaning to….
a. Causing
b. Effect
c. Surely
d. Because
e. Due to
4. finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was.
It (Paragraph 3) refers to….
a. Modern school
b. Conventional student
c. Finding a laptop
d. Learning at school
e. Learning teaching activities
5. What kind of text is the text above?
a. Description
b. Recount
c. Report
d. Explanation
e. Analytical exposition

For questions number 6-7

6. Where does the conversation take place?

a. At home
b. At a restaurant
c. At a party
d. At the office
e. At a store
7. “What would you like to drink ?”
The sentence is the expression of….
a. Offering something
b. Asking a preference
c. Asking for a bill
d. Asking for some money
e. Offering a product

The following dialogue is for number 8-10

Agung: What’s your opinion of smoking?
Taufiq: well, I don’t agree about that, specially for children. For me, it’s important that
children do not smoke.
Agung: But do you think it’s ok if someone can smoke in public places?
Taufiq: I don’t think so, because there are many children also at those places.
Agung: So what do you think about stopping smoking everywhere in Jakarta?
Taufiq: I think that’s a good idea.
8. What are they talking about?
a. About children
b. About smoking
c. Public place
d. About Jakarta
e. About their hobby of smoking
9. “I don’t agree about that” . that on the text refers to…..
a. Smoking
b. Opinion
c. Children
d. Cigarette
e. Idea
10. “so what do you thing about…..”
The sentence above is the expression of……
a. Giving suggestion
b. Giving opinion
c. Asking for opinion
d. Offering something
e. Giving suggestion

For Questins number 11-13

Student: sory sir, I want to ask your suggestion…I have difficulty in learning English
and I think I should do something about it. What do you advise me to do?
Teacher: well, I think you should try to study by another fun learning. You can find it
on the internet.
Student: I think so, but what do you think I should start with?
Teacher: You'd better start with the simple lessons for the first. Then, try the exercises.
There are many interesting Exercises at internet. You can choose the easy
one for beginning.
Student: I would like to improve my speaking. What should I do?
Teacher: You should watch English channels and listen to English music.
Student: ok, I thing that’s good idea, I will try it. Thank you for your suggestion sir.
Teacher: you are very welcome.
11. What the student want from the teacher ?
a. Asking for an English lesson
b. Asking for an opinion
c. Asking for suggestion
d. Giving some information
e. Giving and offering
12. “I would like to improve my speaking”
The opposite of the underlined word is…..
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Maintain
d. Build
e. Form
13. “You should watch English channel……”
The sentence above is the expression of….
a. Asking for suggestion
b. Giving suggestion
c. Giving opinion
d. Asking for opinion
e. Offering something

14. A: What …………… we do this weekend?

B: Let's go to the beach.
a. will
b. is
c. shall
d. should e. are

15. How about …………….. surfing?

a. go
b. going
c. do
d. doing
e. gone
16. X: Let's throw a party this Friday. What do you say?
C: Yes,…………………..
a. we can
b. that would be great.
c. thank you
d. I do
e. I am

17. …………………. we go to the cafe? It's still too early to go into the cinema now.
a. why not
b. shall we do
c. what shall
d. why don't
e. why not

18. ………………. order some food? I'm starving now.

a. Why
b. let's
c. shall we
d. by the way
e. anyway

19. E: How will we go to the mall?

B: Shall we take my car?
E: …………………………………
a. That'll be great
b. I think it's nice.
c. I suppose you're right
d. I'll have a look at it.
e. I don’t think so

20. R: What about going to the movie?

K: Sorry,…………………………..
a. I'll be busy
b. I'm not really into it.
c. I can't play it.
d. I think it's not okay.
e. don’t worry

21. L: What time shall we meet?

P: What ……………three pm?
a. on
b. of
c. is
d. about
e. at

22. Why don't we ………………… train to Jogja?

a. go for
b. go to
c. go in
d. go by
e. go with

23. H: can we go camping this weekend?

N: I am sorry. I don't really like it…………………
a. I'd prefer going swimming
b. I prefer to go swimming
c. I'd love to going swimming
d. I'd rather to go swimming

the following text is for number 24-27

Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for
skateboarders to skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic
and adventurous pastime. Just watch a local street for a short while and note the
steady stream of skaters speeding up and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be
trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down as they struggle home carrying their
cat food from supermarkets. Thunderous rattles are heard on our main roads each
night as skaters travel without lights and without signs to oncoming cars.
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It
increases fitness, improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles.
Although it appears to be a solo sport, when groups practice together and complete to
inform stunts or runs, they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes.
If they are actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws
for fun. Kids will always seek thrills and excitement, they need to practice their 180s,
360s, and Ollie’s free from restriction. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so
that streets are safe for small children and senior citizens, and skaters have spaces
where they can race, chase, speed and soar towards the sun.

24. What is the purpose of the text above ?

a. To provoke youngsters into local government policy
b. To inform parents about the goodness of skateboarding
c. To promote the writer’s business of skateboarding class
d. To convince the readers that they need a safe place for skaters to skate
e. To invite the local teenagers to skate in a park built specifically for skaters
25. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
a. Kids seek an excitement in skate
b. The advantages of skateboarding
c. The skateboarding is a serious sport
d. There is no safe place for skateboarders
e. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding
26. They need to practice their 180’s, 360’s and Ollie’s free from restriction
The synonym of the bold word is ……….
a. approval
b. Limitation
c. Allowance
d. Prevention
e. Improvement
27. What must we do to let the skaters play ?
a. Join them everywhere
b. Give them space in the park
c. Let them play in local street
d. Let them play in the main road
e. Build a skate park in the suburbs

The text is for number 28-30

Dear Nina,
Hi Nina I’d like to invite you to my birthday party on 20 February
It will be very exciting because I invite all of our friends. will also be therea big and
delicious birthday cake. I am sure you will be delighted. Do you still remember merry,
rani, sisca and Alda, our elementary schoolmate? I have asked them to bring their
musical instruments.
After dinner we can sing and dance together.
I am looking forward to you.
Sincerely yours,
28. The letter tells us that ...
a. Ratna invites Nina to come to her birthday party.
b. Ratna invites Nina to attend her birthday party.
c. Ratna invites his friends to to attend Nina’s birthday party.
d. Ratna is invited by her friend to celebrate her birthday party.
e. Ratna invites Nina to come to his friend’s birthday party.

29. Ratna’s birthday party will be held ....

a. in the morning
b. in the evening
c. in the afternoon
d. at midnight
e. between 9. p.m and 12. p.m.
30. who is Nina ?
a. Alda’s neigbour
b. Ratna’s neighbor
c. Ratna’s sister
d. Ratna’s senior highscool mate
e. Ratna’s elementary schoolmate

31. “A well-known architect is designing our new office.” The passive form of the
sentence is “Our new
office … by a well-known architect.”
a. Designs
b. Designed
c. Is designed
d. Is being designed
e. is designing
32. “The waitress is now serving coffee to the customers.” The passive form of the
sentence is.?
a. The customers are serving coffee now.
b. The customers are now served coffee.
c. Coffee is now served by the customers.
d. Coffee is now being served to the customers.
e. the customers is being served the coffee
33. “Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?”
“Yes, … to the headquarters of Garuda.”
a. They are faxed
b. It has faxed
c. It has been faxed
d. We fax it
e. it is fax
34. “Why does the baby next-door keep crying?” ---- “As usual, it … by the babysitter.”
a. Is neglecting
b. Is neglected
c. Neglects
d. Is to be neglected
35. We called the committee to ask whether the competition …… to begin that
a. Was scheduled
b. To scheduled
c. Was scheduling
d. To be scheduled
e. being sceduled
36. The director agreed that the performance of the company has not been good these
past few years. In fact, its organization … now for improvements.
a. Restructured
b. Is restructuring
c. Is being restructured
d. Is to restructure
e. is restructure
37. “Which paintings will be exhibited tomorrow?” ---- “We do not know yet, they … by
a team.”
a. Are still being selected
b. Are still selecting
c. Still be selected
d. Still selected
38. Do you know that at the moment some amazing experiments … by the university
research biologist?
a. Carried out
b. To carry out
c. Are being carried out
d. Be carried out
e. is carried out
39. “Dina: Can I borrow your laptop?” --- “Dita: Certainly, but what’s wrong with yours?”
“Dina: It … now.”
a. Is being repaired
b. Repaired
c. Is repairing
d. Had repaired
e. been repaired
40. Nothing … since we left.
a. Has been changed
b. Is changed
c. Would be changed
d. Was changed
e. being changed
B. Answer the question below!
1. Change the sentences below into passive voice
a. I have returned back some books to the library
b. I am eating a very delicious pancake at my favorite restauran.

2 Complete the dialogue of asking and giving opinion below by your own sentences
A :………….about the corruption problem in our country?
B : ………….it must be there some ways to overcome this problem. Character
building in education is the most important.……………think ?
B: yes, I agree with you

3. Translate into English

a. Kamu seharusnya beristirahat atau kamu akan sakit.
b. Kamu seharusnya membawakanku bukuku karena aku ingin belajar untuk

4. Translate into English using passive voice pattern.

a. Kelasnya sudah dibersikan sejak pagi tadi
b. Tokonya sudah ditutup sebelum aku sampai ke sana

5. Make an invitation letter to your junior high school friends to attend the annual

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