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Basic Adjectives
Adjectives are describing words, such as blue, happy, dry, etc. Technically, an adjective is described as
modifying or quantifying a noun or pronoun, but an easier way to look at the definition of adjective is that
adjective tells us more and gives us extra information about something.
Adjective can be used with normal positioning, and the adjective can be said to be attributive
Ex :

 The yellow ribbon

 The heavy box
Or can be used with a linking verb and the adjective becomes predicative and can be placed after the
Ex :
 The ribbon is yellow
 The box seems heavy
2. Adjective degrees
Adjectives can be used to described different degrees of comparison about something.
a. It can be compare of the two things or can be called as Comparative Adjectives
Ex :
 I’m smaller than you
 The older men knew more than the younger man
b. It can be compare for more of the two things and also can be called as Superlative Adjective
Ex :

 Raka is the oldest student in his class

 Usain bolt is the fastest man in the world
c. In addition, some adjectives won’t change at all when used as comparative or superlative. Usually, these
will take the addition of the words “more” and “most” to make the comparison.
Ex :
 He is more interesting than you
 She is the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever see
d. However, a small group that don’t follow of those rules above by adding “…er” for Comparative and adding
“…est” for Superlative are called Irregular Comparative and Irregular Superlative.
Ex :

 Good : Better : Best

 Bad : Worse : Worst
 Far : Further : Furthest

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