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Rena Tri Wahyuni 170210401005 Anggi Lestari E 170210401013

Adinniyah Nurfitasari 170210401020 Erni Ermayanti KD 170210401036

Subject : English Language Skill : Speaking

Class / Semester : VIII / I Time Allocation : 30 Minutes
Theme : Asking and Giving Direction

Section 1

Task 1
1. You have 5 minutes to read and comprehend the map above and think about what you want to
2. You can take some notes if you want to.
3. After this 5 minutes preparation time, you have to go in front of the class and talk about the
directions with the teacher. The teacher will ask you some questions relate with the map.
Then, the examiner will listen to you and take the score of your performance.
Key Answer
Teacher : Based on the map, if I am in Hotel, can you please tell me how do I get to
Student : From the hotel, you can turn right and go straight in Queen’s Avenue street till
you find second intersection. Then turn left in King’s Way street. The restaurant
is on the left and next to car park.
Teacher : From the restaurant, where is the quickest way of getting to the shopping
Student : Go straight in King’s way and turn right to the Queen’s Avenue street, then
turn left in Oxford Street. You will see the Football Pitch, go past and the
shopping centre is beside the high street. It is on the left.
Teacher : I am in Prince’s road. What’s the best way to the Baker?
Student : Go straight in Prine’s road. Turn left in Queen’s Avenue and you will see the
traffic light. Turn right in Oxford street. The Baker is next to News Agent’s
building on the right.
Section 2
Example of asking and giving direction dialogue :

Jimmy : Excuse me, Miss.

Najma : Yes, is there something I can help?

Jimmy : Yes, is there any mini mart around this harbour? I need to buy some snacks and

Najma : Yes, there is one.

Jimmy : Can you show me how to get there?

Najma : Of course! Just go straight this road, then there is T-junction, turn right and you
can already see the mini mart on your right side. It is next to toilet.

Jimmy : Oh I see. Thank you so much for the information.

Najma : You are welcome.

Task 2

Make a dialogue about asking and giving direction in your own words with your partner.
Submit it to the teacher. Then, present the dialogue in front of class!
Key answer

Jack is a tourist, He stays while in the Hotel. He will go to the market but he doesn’t
know where the market is. So he asks some local people.

Jack : Hi Sir, can you do a favor?

Billy : Yes, what can I do for you, sir?

Jack : Well, I’m a foreign here. My name is Jack. Nice to meet you.

Billy : Nice to meet you too, Mr. Jack. People call me Billy. So what’s up, Jack?

Jack : I’m looking for something for my souvenir. Is there any Market in this neighborhood?

Billy : Yes, there is one of course. There is one of Giant Market in this area but you will take a
minute to get there because it is far from here.

Jack : Never mine, I will enjoy that journey. How do I get there?

Billy : Ok, I’ll show you the way, listen… From this Hotel, walk along into St. James
Mansions. You will find T- junction at Central Avenue Street.

Jack : Ok I see. What’s next?

Billy : Turn left from that T- junction. Keep going until you find what are looking for. There is
a market on the right side of Central Avenue and you can find the souvenir in there.

Jack : I get it. that’s not too complicated, is it? Well… thanks for the information anyway.

Billy : Yeah. Good luck and have a nice trip, Jack.

Jack : Okay, see you.

Section 3

Situation: Jane will visit his friend at Royal Residence but she gets wrong direction to the
address. She asks to local person there.

Now, you have to fill in the blank the missing conversation with your partner by
using your own words. Then, practice it in front of the class!

Jane: Hello, lady. Can you help me?

Tina: _____________________________?

Jane: My name is Jane. I will visit my friend. This is the map and the address. It’s at
Royal Residence. But I think I get wrong direction. _________________?

Tina: Let me check the address first.____________________________________. But I know

that place.

Jane: __________________________

Tina: __________________________. Firstly, go along this street then you will find
intersection. It’s about 1 km. Next, you have to turn right at Main Street. __________?

Jane: Alright. I will go along that about 1 km, then I will find intersection after that I have to turn

Tina: _______________.

Jane: Is there the place?

Tina: Nope. Next, go along the way until you find the market. That will be the only market in
there. So, it will be easy to be recognized. After that, look at the left. You will see
Royal Residence. __________________________________________, you can ask for help to
Mr. Security there. __________________________________________

Jane: Alright. _____________________. From Main Street, I will go along until I find the
market. On the left, that is Royal Residence. I got it. Thank you so much.

Tina:_____________________. I hope that you don’t get lost.

Key Answer:

Jane: Hello, lady. Can you help me?

Tina: Yes, what can I do for you?

Jane: My name is Jane. I will visit my friend. This is the map and the address. It’s at
Royal Residence. But I think I get wrong direction. Can you take me to that place?

Tina: Let me check the address first. Well… You’re right, this address is not at this street. But I
know that place.

Jane: Oh… Thanks God.

Tina: Alright. I’ll give you some clues to find that place. Firstly, go along this street then you
will find intersection. It’s about 1 km. Next, you have to turn right at Main Street. Do you get it?

Jane: Alright. I will go along that about 1 km, then I will find intersection after that I have to turn

Tina: That’s right.

Jane: Is there the place?

Tina: Nope. Next, go along the way until you find the market. That will be the only market in
there. So, it will be easy to be recognized. After that, look at the left. You will see
Royal Residence. I cannot help you anymore but when you find at Royal Residence, you can ask
for help to Mr. Security there. I’m sure if he will help you to get that address.

Jane: Alright. I will replay the direction. From Main Street, I will go along until I find the
market. On the left, that is Royal Residence. I got it. Thank you so much.

Tina: You’re welcome. I hope that you don’t get lost.

Scoring Rubric for Speaking Assessment

Aspect Score Performance Description

Using a variety of vocabulary and the right phrases, so it is very
easy to understand.
Sometimes the cage uses a vocabulary that is rather diverse and a
21 few expressions that are not appropriate, so that it is easy to
Often uses less diverse vocabulary and many inappropriate
17 expressions, making it a little difficult to understand.
Many use vocabulary that is not diverse and many false
expressions, so it is very difficult to understand.
Using a limited vocabulary and very many false expressions, so
it cannot be understood.
Use a very limited vocabulary, so that conversation is not
22 Very smooth and no repetition of words.
18 A little bit smooth and there are several repetitions of words.
14 Rather smooth and lots of repetitions of words.

Fluency 10 Not smooth, often hesitant and often stopped amid conversation.
Talk is intermittent and stops a lot, so that conversation is not
4 Don't talk, just stay quiet.
4 All grammar is wrong so it cannot be understood.

20 Understand all without experiencing difficulties.

Understand almost everything, even though there are repetitions

in certain parts.
Understanding most of what is said, and many repetitions in
certain parts.
Just understanding a few parts, it's hard to understand what is
being said.
Have not understood the text, and have difficulty understanding
what is being said.
Could not understand the text and didn’t understand what was
13 There are no or few grammatical errors.

Sometimes it makes grammatical mistakes but does not affect

10 Often make grammatical mistakes that affect meaning.
Grammar Many grammatical errors that hinder meaning and often
rearrange sentences.
Grammar errors are so severe that they are difficult to
4 All grammar is wrong so it cannot be understood.
20 Easy to understand and clear pronunciation.
Easy to understand even though there are some pronunciation
that is not clear yet.
It is a little bit difficult to understand and there are some
pronunciation that is not clear yet.
It's a little bit difficult to understand and there are a lot of unclear
Difficult to understand and there are a lot of obscure
5 It cannot be understood and all pronunciation is not clear.

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