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Salesforce Training

23 Top Questions and Answers for Salesforce Interviews

Ryan Scalf
Last updated April 8, 2019


The more experienced we are, the more we grow to understand that the questions we ask or
the answers we give in an interview say a lot about our enthusiasm and level of interest for a
product, company, or organization. This is definitely the case with Salesforce, the mightiest
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) service in the world.

1. What is Salesforce?
Salesforce is the most effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) product that is
delivered to subscribers as cost effective software-as-a-service (SaaS).

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2. What is a custom object in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, custom objects refer specifically to database tables that store data related to
your company in

3. What does a custom object permit the user to do?

Once the custom object is defined, the subscriber can perform the following tasks: create
custom fields, relate the custom object to other records, track events and tasks, build page
layouts, create a custom tab for the custom object, analyze custom object data, create
dashboards and reports, and share custom tabs, custom apps, custom objects, and various other
related components. None of these tasks can be accomplished until the custom object has
4. What is a Self-Relationship?

A Self-Relationship is a lookup relationship to the same object. It is this premise that allows
users to take the object “Merchandise” and create relationships with other objects.

5. What is the Object Relationship Overview?

In Salesforce, the object relationship overview links custom object records to standard object
records in a related list. This is helpful to track product defects in related customer cases.
Salesforce allows users to define different types of relationships by creating custom relationship
fields on an object.

6. What can cause data loss in Salesforce?

Data loss in Salesforce can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

Changing data and date-time

Migrating to percent, number, and currency from other data types

Changing from multi-select picklist, checkbox, auto number to other types

Altering to multi-select picklist from any type except picklist

Changing to auto-number except from text

Changing from text-area to e-mail, phone, URL, and text

7. How is SaaS beneficial to Salesforce?

SaaS is subscription-based, so clients can choose not to renew and discontinue using the
program at any time without penalty other than not being able to use Salesforce. SaaS is
intended to help users avoid heavy initial startup fees and investments. SaaS applications use a
simple Internet interface supported by easy integration.

8. How does Salesforce track sales?

Salesforce is a tracking program that records a number of helpful basic details, such as:

Number of customers served daily

Daily sales volume

Detailed reports from Sales Manager

Sales figures by month or quarter

Most importantly, Salesforce tracks and reports repeat customer activity, which is the key to
any sales organization.

9. How many types of relationships are offered by

Salesforce recognizes two relationship types: Master-detail relationships and Lookup


10. What is the trigger?

Trigger is the code that is executed before or after the record is updated or inserted.

11. What is the difference between Trigger and Workflow?

Workflow is an automated process that fires an action based upon evaluation criteria and rule
criteria. As described above, Trigger is the code that is executed on or after the record is
updated or inserted.
[Preparing for Salesforce Admin Certification? Here're 60 Salesforce Admin certification exam
questions. Take this free practice test to know where you stand!]

12. What is static resource in Salesforce?

With Salesforce’s static resource, subscribers can upload zip files, images, jar files, JavaScript,
and CSS files that can be referred in a Visualforce page. The optimum size of static resources in
Salesforce is 250 MB.

13. What is the difference between and is Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), while is Software-as-a-Service


14. Is there a limit for records?

Salesforce users can see their limit form setup easily by simply clicking
administration/Users. From the users section, the users can see their monthly limit and
exactly how many records are exported during the month.

15. What are the three types of object relations in Salesforce?

The three types of object relations in Salesforce are:




The relation types are quite logical once the user becomes familiar with the software program.

16. What are the different types of reports available in Salesforce?

The different types of reports in Salesforce are:

Tabular report that displays the grand total in table form

Matrix report where grouping is based upon both rows and columns

Summary reports that are detailed reports in which the grouping is based on columns.
Joined report which allows two or more reports to be joined in a single report

17. Is it possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, it is not possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard.

18. What is the junction object and what purpose does it serve?

Junction objects are used to build many-to-many relationships between objects. For example,
the user can take a recruiting application where a position for a job can be linked to many
candidates or can link a candidate to many other jobs. In order to connect the data model, a
third party object is referred to as a junction object. In the given example, the junction object is
“job application.”

19. What is an Audit Trail?

The Audit Trail function in Salesforce is useful for gaining information or for tracking all the
recent setup changes that the administration has done in the organization. The audit trail can
preserve data for up to six months.

20. Explain the Salesforce dashboard?

In Salesforce, the dashboard is a pictorial representation of the report. 20 reports can be added
to a single dashboard.

21. What is the difference between SOQL and SOSL?

SOQL is Salesforce Object Query Language and SOSL is Salesforce Object Search Language. If
you are sensing that Salesforce is a culture unto itself, you are correct!

22. What is a Wrapper Class?

A Wrapper Class is a class whose instances are a collection of other objects and is used to
display different objects on a Visualforce page in the same table.

23. What is the sharing rule?

The sharing rules are applied when a user wishes to allow access to other users.

Planning for a career in Salesforce? Check out the Course Preview of our Salesforce Course here
Salesforce has become the centerpiece of many company’s sales and marketing automation
efforts, and the demand for qualified Salesforce administrators is as high as ever. Nonetheless,
competition is also tough for the right positions, so preparation is key if you want to stand out
from the crowd.

These 23 most common questions and answers will help you prepare effectively and perform
well in Salesforce interviews. Study them thoroughly to make a good impression on your
prospective employers. Do any of the above topics stand out as weak knowledge areas? We
offer four different training courses to get you up to speed in a snap.

Looking for Salesforce App Builder Certification? Here're 60 Salesforce App certification exam
questions. Take this free practice test to know where you stand!

Find our Salesforce Administrator & App Builder Online Classroom

training classes in top cities:

Name Date Place

Salesforce Administrator & App 22 Apr -13 May 2019, Weekdays Your City View
Builder batch Details

Salesforce Administrator & App 18 May -23 Jun 2019, Weekend New York View
Builder batch City Details

About the Author

Ryan Scalf is a professional Salesforce Consultant specializing in the Sales Cloud and user
adoption. Ryan holds the 4 following Certifications: certified Admin, Developer, App Builder
and Advanced Admin and has trained 2000+ individuals on Salesforce Administration and

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How Can a Salesforce Certification Accelerate Your Career?

Kamakshi Kamath
Published on Oct 15, 2015

11820 Views 5 Comments

The field of Cloud Computing is vast and ever-changing, with technological developments and
breakthrough applications coming thick and fast. The range and scope of opportunities available to a
cloud computing professional is among the highest in the IT industry, and will continue to rise
dramatically in the years to come. According to a recent report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc, the
Cloud Computing market is expected to cross $127 billion by 2017.

As the domain continues to expand and find application across a range of functions, from Customer
Relationship Management to Mobile Marketing, the demand for capable, qualified cloud computing
professionals is unlikely to waver off its upward trajectory.

Among Cloud Computing’s most effectual and innovative adaptations has been with the suite of
enterprise sales and relationship management software developed by

Considering all this, imagine the scope that Salesforce offers. 4.2 million job opportunities will be
created in the field of cloud computing by the year 2016. This means that an aspiring professional in
this field has an extraordinary range of opportunities to find his or her strengths and become
indispensable to any organization. As a matter of fact, most Fortune 500 companies are looking for
professionals who are skilled in Salesforce, the platform that has transformed CRM across the globe.

And the best way to make sure you have the skills that these companies need is by acquiring a
Salesforce certification.

Naturally, the skeptic in you is probably wondering: How, exactly, will a Salesforce certification help
me progress in my career? And we’re glad you ask.
Why Get A Certification?
A Salesforce certification proves two things to your prospective employer:


A Salesforce certification gives you an in-depth understanding of the platform and also increases your
insight into sales and customer relations in general. In fact, as you delve deeper into the platform, you
will discover various tools that you wouldn’t have before, despite your expertise and years of practice!


Salesforce certification training courses emphasize hands-on experience, and are packaged with
industry-relevant live projects and case studies based on real-life scenarios. When you enroll for
a Salesforce certification course, you can expect as many as 12 hours of the training devoted to Live
Projects in industry, and over 20 hours of in-class Lab Practice.

I’m A Salesforce Professional With Experience: Do I Really Need A

Salesforce Certification?
As surprising as this may sound – yes, you do. A Salesforce training course is definitely recommended
if you are part of an organization that looks to being an active presence where customers talk about
them. When there are people acknowledging your organization’s products and services, you need to
be there. And here’s how a Salesforce certification will help you:

Leverage A Dynamically Updated, Current Knowledge Base

One of the biggest benefits of cloud technology is that all releases get automatically pushed to the
application. releases these updates at various times, every year. If your company has
already deployed Salesforce, it will mean that you shall no longer have to wait for months to tediously
update the entire enterprise software. And if you have a certification to your credit, you will also need
to make sure that you keep it current. But being certified means that you will be the go-to person in
your company whenever there is a release.

Deploy Efficient Account Planning Knowhow

This is particularly true if you are a sales representative. With a Salesforce certification, you will find
yourself to be better at planning. With a more intimate understanding of the Salesforce platform, you
will be able to quickly navigate through the application and handle customer and prospect requests
with a lot more rapid efficiency. Maintaining the certification will also ensure that you always know
how to leverage the tool strategically to improve your personal processes. Won’t it be a pleasant
surprise if you see that you are able to handle situations a lot better, so you can drastically improve
your work-life balance?

Improve Your Analytical Skills:

A Salesforce certification enables you to have a far better understanding of sales trends by providing
customizable, detailed sales insights.
Optimize Salesforce Implementation: Become Your Company’s Star Performer

There are several companies that do not have a solid plan to optimize their Salesforce, even after
having decided to implement it. As a result of this, organizations miss out on a large chunk of the
platform’s functionality since it is not used to its full potential. Once you get a Salesforce certification,
you are in a great position to help your company optimize and customize their Salesforce instance.
You will learn exactly how to configure Salesforce, leading your managers to look up to you whenever
they have any strategic Salesforce questions.

High ROI

When in doubt, always think of the returns. There are plenty of studies which indicate that the return
on training-related investments is considerably higher when it comes to Salesforce certification, as
compared to other courses. So whether you’re a business or taking the course alone, you’ll definitely
find it worthwhile.

Broaden The Scope For Success

Whether small firms or large organizations, both businesses and professionals armed with expertise in
Salesforce have observed an exponential rise in the prospects for success as well as in levels of
efficiency. After all, isn’t it success that you’re looking for?

Certification Mandatory For Salesforce Roles:

Most Salesforce-related job descriptions currently indicate that a Salesforce Certification is mandatory.
So if you do not have a certification and have been wondering why you didn’t get interview calls
despite your expertise, here’s your answer. Do not be surprised if you are rejected for that one lack.
Therefore, if you wish to join organizations using Salesforce or those that plan on deploying
Salesforce, you must get trained and certified.

That’s Great! But What About Opportunities Post-Certification?

We all know that there is no better way to validate our skills than a certification: that holds true for
Salesforce professionals as well. A Salesforce certification validates your skill and expertise, and
demonstrates commitment to your domain. As a result, armed with a Salesforce certification, you are
far more likely to ace your interview and have offers pouring in than without!

Salesforce certified professionals are found to possess extremely efficient processing ability. They are
also known for their innovative application and excellent response-times to customers, and are
capable of handling all kinds of tough situations without any hiccups.

It is no wonder then, that employers are slowly, yet steadily, recognizing the value that a Salesforce
certified expert adds to their business. And therefore, more and more organizations want to hire these
individuals over their non-certified peers.
The Salesforce market is on a high right now, which means that there are huge numbers of applicants
competing for the same position. Therefore, it’s almost certain that you will be up against certified
A Salesforce certification will get you on an even-keel.
Sure, you may have been working on the Salesforce platform for several years, and you may know my
stuff better than anyone else.

But while that may be true, not having a Salesforce certification on your resume might just make you a
lot less desirable. So don’t stop yourself from getting your dream job.

Well, Show Me The Money! How Much Of A Hike Can I Expect With
It is no rumor or myth that certifications make a difference to paychecks. In fact, IT professionals see as
much as 40% pay hikes the moment they get that a single credential on their resume. And more the
certifications, better the pay.

According to a study conducted in 2013, the average salary of Salesforce experts who had no
certification to their credit was $69,600. However, a Salesforce certified professional had an average
pay of $86,850! And that was with just one certification! If a single credential could make a difference
of $17,250 annually, you can imagine what many more certifications can do.

On an average, Salesforce certified individuals earn over 25% more than their non-certified
counterparts. In fact, they make over $100,000 annually! And yes, you can demand $120+ per hour if
you’re hired on contract.

Salary of Salesforce Professionals

So if your career involves Salesforce, and if you’re great at it, you have a fantastic chance to progress.
But if you are working without a certification, you are certainly hurting your potential to make a whole
lot more money than you do right now. In spite of your expertise, capabilities, and hands-on
experience, a certification can boost your salary like you can never imagine.

With returns like these, isn’t this an investment worth making?

I’m Pumped! What Do I Do Next?

If you feel you’re ready to take on the excitement of a career as Salesforce professional, here’s an
insightful article on how you can go about becoming a certified Salesforce Administrator. Once you’re
done with that, find a training course from our stable that meets your requirements and needs, and
you’re all set and ready to go!

Planning for a career in Salesforce? Check out the Course Preview of our Salesforce Course here

So set aside your inhibitions, catch the wind in your sails, and kick-start your career with a Salesforce
certification. Explore your options and make complete use of your tremendous potential.
And if you’ve got any more questions you think we haven’t answered, do let us know in the comments
section, below!
Find our Salesforce Administrator & App Builder Online Classroom
training classes in top cities:

Name Date Place

Salesforce Administrator & App 22 Apr -13 May 2019, Weekdays Your City View
Builder batch Details

Salesforce Administrator & App 18 May -23 Jun 2019, Weekend New York View
Builder batch City Details

About the Author

Kamakshi Kamath is a Knowledge Analyst at Simplilearn and writes on Project Management,

Salesforce, TOGAF and Digital Marketing. With a degree in Journalism, Psychology and English
Literature, Kamakshi is passionate about all things digital, and has been involved in digital
marketing for premium brands such as The Oberoi Hotels and Resorts.

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About the Ebook

Do you want to earn Salesforce Administrator certification but don’t think you have time? Here’s help.
This ebook spells out a 5-week program for passing the Salesforce Administrator Certification exam—
even if you’re working full-time. The guide is detailed and comprehensive.

Download the Ebook


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