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Journal of Food Engineering 210 (2017) 42e49

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Fluorescence spectroscopy as a non destructive method to predict

rheological characteristics of Tilsit cheese
Zhyldyzai Ozbekova, Asylbek Kulmyrzaev*
Department of Food Engineering, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Prospekt Mira, 56, 720038 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of fluorescence spectroscopy to predict
Received 6 October 2016 rheological characteristics of semi-hard cheeses as yield stress (tL), flow stress (tF), storage modulus (G0 )
Received in revised form and loss modulus (G00 ) measured at linear-viscoelastic, yield stress and flow stress oscillation regions.
13 April 2017
Melting temperatures and chemical composition of the semi-hard cheeses were also predicted using
Accepted 20 April 2017
fluorescence spectra. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares regression (PLSR)
Available online 22 April 2017
were applied to the fluorescence spectra to extract information on the rheological properties, chemical
composition, and melting temperatures. tL and tF were predicted with R2 ¼ 0.90 from the vitamin A
emission and excitation spectra, respectively. Melting temperatures, moisture, protein and fat contents
Oscillation rheology were predicted with R2 ¼ 0.98 from the vitamin A emission spectra. This study demonstrates that
Fluorescence spectroscopy fluorescence spectroscopy has potential for the accurate, non-destructive and rapid prediction of cheese
Multivariate statistics rheology at linear-viscoelastic, yield stress and flow stress oscillation regions simultaneously.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction LVE region is suitable for probing cheese structure and structure
development during different processes. The Yield Stress region
Cheese is used as a final product in the human diet, as well as an shows a significant change in the structure of the material. It also
important ingredient in various foods to form desirable texture, indicates the start of plastic deformation when a breakdown occurs,
taste, flavor and nutritional value. The use of cheese as an ingre- consequently, modulus decreases. The Flow Stress region can be
dient is affected by complex physical, thermal and mechanical used to determine the crossing point of two modulus (G’ and G”) at
processes (John, 2008; Subramanian et al., 2006). The rheological which gelling time and beginning of sample flow are determined
properties of cheese undergo significant changes in relation to (Mezger, 2011). The melting temperature of cheese is also an
temperature, duration and intensity of mechanical stress, method important quality parameter that characterizes the readiness for
of transportation as well as changing shear rate (O’Callaghan and implementation and transition of the product from one processing
Guinee, 2004). Since the cheese is exposed to these different fac- step to another (Karoui et al., 2003).
tors, the study of rheological behavior of cheeses in a wide range of The most common methods to determine the rheological
the shear stress, i.e. in linear visco-elastic (LVE), yield stress, and properties of cheeses are dynamic and transient tests (Venugopal
flow stress regions becomes a task of critical importance. and Muthukumarappan, 2003). Textural and rheological charac-
In the LVE range small sinusoidal stresses or strains are applied teristics of cheeses can also be studied using compression
to a cheese sample at levels that do not cause significant irrevers- (Kulmyrzaev et al., 2005; Campanella et al., 1987; Buffa et al., 2001)
ible changes to the cheese internal structure. The LVE range is and extensional (Ak et al., 1993; Muliawan and Hatzikiriakos, 2007)
characterized by viscous (G00 ) and elastic (G0 ) moduli the values of tests. Rheological properties of cheeses can be measured using
which remain unchanged throughout the LVE region indicating small amplitude oscillatory shear experiments (Joshi et al., 2004)
that the microstructure of the cheese is undisturbed. Therefore the and tube viscometry techniques (Leach et al., 2003). Despite the
usefulness of these techniques, a major drawback is that they are
tedious, destructive, invasive, time-consuming and require highly
skilled operators (Strasburg and Ludescher, 1995; Purna et al.,
* Corresponding author. 2005).
E-mail addresses: (Z. Ozbekova), kulmyrzaev@
Fluorescence spectroscopy is a highly sensitive, rapid, non- (A. Kulmyrzaev).
0260-8774/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Ozbekova, A. Kulmyrzaev / Journal of Food Engineering 210 (2017) 42e49 43

destructive and easy to use an analytical technique that provides 20% (low-fat (LF), 45% (medium-fat (MF)) and 55% (high-fat (HF))
information on the presence of fluorescent molecules (Lakowicz, fat in dry matter (FDM) were obtained from a local supermarket.
2006). Natural compounds that exhibit fluorescence in cheeses Each cheese piece was cut into three sample portions and one was
are vitamin A and tryptophan residues, which provide specific in- used for rheological measurements, while second and third por-
formation on the physical state of triglycerides, and protein tions were used in measuring chemical composition and fluores-
conformational changes (Lakowicz, 2006), respectively. For cence spectroscopy, respectively. The samples were identified,
instance, the melting temperature of fat in cheese has been deter- vacuum packed and stored at 4  C before conducting experiments.
mined from vitamin A fluorescence spectra recorded at different
temperatures (Karoui et al., 2003). Fluorescence spectroscopy has 2.2. Chemical analysis
been considered to monitor rheological parameters (Karoui and
Dufour, 2006), light-induced changes (Andersen et al., 2005), The moisture, fat and protein content of cheese samples were
quality and ripening of cheeses (Kulmyrzaev et al., 2005) and their measured. Moisture in cheese was determined by the oven drying
molecular structure and molecular changes throughout the method at 130  C (AOAC International 948.12, 2000). Fat content
ripening (Kulmyrzaev et al., 2005; Karoui et al., 2007). was determined using an extraction procedure with petroleum
Studies conducted earlier assessed the potential of front face ether in a Soxhlet apparatus (Distillation System Vapodest 20,
fluorescence spectroscopy to predict rheological parameters of Germany) according to AOAC 920.125 (AOAC International, 2000).
cheeses exhibited in LVE region only, i.e. the storage modulus G0 , Kjeldahl method (AOAC International 991.20, 2000) was applied to
loss modulus G00 , and the loss factor tgd ¼ G”/G’ (Karoui et al., 2003). measure protein content using an Extraction Unit EV6 All/16
Stress at fracture (sF), strain at fracture (εF), work to fracture (WF) (Gerhardt, Germany). All chemical analyses were carried out on
and modulus of deformability (E) of soft cheeses obtained con- three replicates of each cheese sample and average values were
ducting uniaxial compression also well correlate with fluorescence taken.
spectra (Kulmyrzaev et al., 2005). However, as mentioned earlier,
cheese as a functional ingredient can be subjected to mechanical 2.3. Rheological measurements
processing (mixing, extrusion, transportation in tubes etc.) at shear
stresses that can cause disruption of cheese structure and flow. LVE The cheese samples were sliced into thin disks (2 mm thick and
range of viscoelastic materials (G’ ¼ const) is limited by the value of 25 mm diameter) and stored at 4  C until analysis in plastic bags to
strain (shear) gL (Mezger, 2011). gL is the strain value at which the prevent dehydration. The rheological measurements were con-
curve G0 begins to deviate from the LVE plateau value (G’ ¼ const). At ducted using an MCR 302 rheometer (Anton Paar, Graz, Austria)
strain amplitudes higher than gL the structure of the sample with a parallel plate measuring system PP25 (Ø 25 mm), and the
changes irreversibly. Thus, the limiting value gL and corresponding Peltier temperature control unit (P-PTD 200/56). The results of the
to it the limiting value tL (yield stress) characterize the point at rheological measurements were analyzed using Rheoplus/32 V3.61
which the structure of the sample is deformed irreversibly. (Anton Paar Germany GmbH, D-73760 Ostfildern) software.
Therefore gL or tL is considered as a critical rheological parameter Сheese exhibits both elastic (G0 ) and viscous (G00 ) behavior
that provides knowledge on the ability of viscoelastic materials to depending on deformation conditions (shear rate) (Guinee, 2011).
resist applied external force (stress), i.e. the mechanical strength of Therefore, oscillatory tests were conducted to obtain additional
the internal structure of materials. Commonly yield stress tL is used information on the elastic behavior of the cheese samples. Ampli-
in industrial practice to characterize structure strength of visco- tude sweep (AS) tests were performed at fixed angular frequency
elastic materials (Mezger, 2011). Another significant rheological u ¼ 10 rad/s and strain values varied as 0.01%-100%. Temperature
characteristic of viscoelastic materials determined by the oscilla- was maintained at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70  C.
tory rheology is the flow point gF or flow stress tF. The flow point Oscillation tests were conducted in yield stress, flow stress, and LVE
occurs as the crossover point G’ ¼ G” at which the internal structure ranges and G’, G” and t (yield stress) were measured. The oscillatory
of the material is braking to such an extent causing the material to tests were performed in triplicate at a given temperature and
flow. In industrial practice the flow stress tF is used in engineering average values of the measured characteristics were obtained.
processing of viscoelastic materials at which high rate shear Melting temperatures of the cheese samples were determined
deformation occurs (mixing, extrusion, pumping through chan- using temperature sweep (TS) test. The angular frequency (u) and
nels). Therefore, tL (yield stress) and tF (flow stress) are significant strain (g) were set constant as 10 rad/s and 1%, respectively. The
rheological characteristics of cheeses from both scientific and temperature ramp was 20e100  C, in a heating rate of 1  C per
practical point of view. 3 min. Tests were performed in triplicate for each sample and the
The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of average values were taken.
fluorescence spectroscopy to predict the rheological characteristics
of semi-hard cheeses such as tL (yield stress), tF (flow stress), 2.4. Fluorescence spectroscopy
modulus G’, and loss modulus G” measured at three oscillation
(yield stress, flow stress and LVE) regions using amplitude sweep Fluorescence spectra were recorded using a Fluoromax-4 spec-
oscillatory tests. Melting points measured using temperature trofluorometer (Horiba Jobin Yvon, USA) provided with a single-
sweep tests and chemical compositions of the cheeses were also position (56 ) thermostatically controlled cell holder dedicated to
predicted using fluorescence spectra of the cheeses. Principal front-face fluorescence. The temperature of the cell holder was
Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares Regression controlled by a digital temperature controller (VWR, Model 1136D,
(PLSR) were applied to fluorescence spectra to extract information USA) set at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70  C. The cheese
on rheological, chemical, and melting point of semi-hard cheeses. samples were cut into rectangular bar shaped specimens with
1 cm  1 cm cross-section and 4.2 cm length in order to fit into a 5-
2. Materials and methods ml quartz cuvette. The cheese specimens were placed in the quartz
cuvette, transferred into the cell holder of the spectrofluorometer
2.1. Cheese samples and upon reaching the desirable temperature fluorescence spectra
were collected. Emission spectra of tryptophan residues
Three kinds of pre-packed semi-hard cheese Tilsit (n ¼ 3) with (305e480 nm, excitation: 290 nm) and vitamin A (340e620 nm,
44 Z. Ozbekova, A. Kulmyrzaev / Journal of Food Engineering 210 (2017) 42e49

excitation: 322 nm) in the cheese samples were recorded. Excita- 3. Results and discussion
tion spectra of vitamin A were also recorded in the wavelength
range of 250e350 nm with the emission wavelength set at 410 nm. 3.1. Chemical composition and melting temperature
Each spectrum was recorded in triplicate on different aliquots. In
total 270 spectra (3 types of spectra, 3 types of cheese, 10 tem- The differences in chemical composition lead to differences in
peratures, and 3 repetitions) were recorded. texture, rheological properties, and fluorescence spectra among the
cheese samples.
The mean results and standard deviations for moisture, fat,
2.5. Multivariate statistical analysis protein contents and melting temperatures of the cheese samples
are presented in Table 1. Chemical composition, especially fat and
The objective of the statistical processing was to derive relevant protein content, considerably affect the rheology/texture of cheeses
information from the fluorescence spectral data allowing predic- (Hort et al., 1997). It is assumed that milk proteins contribute to
tion of rheological characteristics, chemical composition, and firmness and milk fats influence smoothness of the cheese. The fat
melting point of semi-hard cheeses. content of the LF cheese was measured as 9.8% and its protein
In order to reduce scattering effects, the fluorescence spectra content was 29.1%, while the MF cheese contained 24.1% and 24.9%
were normalized by reducing the area under each spectrum to a of fat and protein, respectively (Table 1). The HF cheese contained
value of 1 according to Bertrand and Scotter (1992): 31.1% of fat and 24.3% of protein, while its moisture content was
ci ¼ Fi =norm (1) Melting points of the cheeses measured using temperature
sweep (TS) test are presented in Table 1. Temperature-sweep dy-
and namic shear profiles obtained with the LF, MF and HF cheeses are
shown in Fig. 1. The melting points of the MF cheese and HF cheese
uX were 52.18  C and 59.57  C, respectively (Table 1). The temperature
u n 2
norm ¼ t Fj (2) sweeps of the MF and HF cheese samples had a crossover of G0 and
j¼1 G00 at which solid-like behavior changes into liquid-like behavior
(Fig. 1). Increasing temperature induces melting of the cheese fat
where ci is the corrected value at wavelength i, Fi is the fluorescence entrapped in the protein network, and, in agreement with earlier
intensity at emission wavelength i, Fj is the fluorescence at wave- studies (Reparet and Noe €l, 2003; Tunick, 2010), G0 and G00 of the MF
length j, and n is the number of data points for each spectrum. Thus, and HF cheeses gradually decreased, G0 remaining over G00 until
mainly the shifts of the maximum emission and the width changes their cross point. Domination of elastic behavior over viscous one
of the spectra, retaining most of the cheese structural information, before crossover G0 and G” (Fig. 1) can be explained by the me-
were considered. Normalization of the fluorescence spectra was chanical resistance of the protein network while the cheese fat
conducted using a custom-designed algorithm written in MatLab melts progressively (Reparet and Noe €l, 2003). At the temperatures
(The MathWorks Inc., MA, USA). above the melting point the cheese fat becomes liquid and struc-
Rheological and chemical data tables were standardized to tural support of the fat globules to the protein network reduces. The
assure zero mean and unit variance of each column. The experi- melting point of the LF cheese was not derived due to the shapes of
mental data were arranged in six data tables: (1) emission spectra the TS curves (Fig. 1). The LF cheese was the only variety with the
of tryptophan, (2) emission spectra of vitamin A, (3) excitation elastic component G0 always higher than the viscous component
spectra of vitamin A, (4) rheological properties, (5) chemical G00 , resulting in values without any crossing-point over the entire
composition, and (6) melting point. temperature range (25e70  C) (Fig. 1). Moreover, the values of G0
Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the and G00 were the highest among all the studied cheeses. This
normalized fluorescence spectral data to obtain a map describing observation could be explained by the fact that the low fat content
physical and chemical variations between the samples studied. PCA of the LF cheese might reduce the melting of the cheese (Reparet
finds combinations of variables that describe major trends in the and Noe €l, 2003; Tunick et al., 1993).
data. Mathematically, PCA relies upon an eigenvector decomposi-
tion of the covariance or correlation matrix of the process variables.
PCA reduces the dimensionality of the data, having lost the least 3.2. Rheological characteristics
amount of information, and describes objects with the few prin-
cipal components (PC) that explain as much as possible of the total Table 2 presents the values of the storage modulus (G0 ) and the
variance contained in the original data without altering their native
structure (Monfreda, 2012). Table 1
Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was applied in order to Chemical compositions and melting temperatures of the experimental cheese.
predict rheological characteristics, chemical composition and
melting point of the cheese samples from fluorescence data. PLSR
a b c
searches the relationship and interdependence of two (X, Y) or
more (X, Y, Z etc.) random variables and describes their common Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
structure. The accuracy of the regression is expressed with a cor- Moisture (%) 54.11 0.185 41.7 0.173 40.33 0.073
relation coefficient (R2). It allows establishing the extent of the Protein (%) 29.12 0.045 24.89 0.095 24.27 0.010
relationship, on which predict the value of a random variable from a Fat (%) 9.76 0.086 24.11 0.110 31.08 0.710
Melting point ( C) a a 52.18 0.11 59.57 0.09
large set of independent values (Dijkstra, 2010). In PLSR ‘‘leave-one-
out’’ cross-validation process was used for validation, that is, a: melting temperature cannot be derived due to the shape of the temperature
leaving one sample of the calibration set at a time for prediction. sweep curves.
LF: low fat.
The custom-designed versions of PCA and PLSR programmed in b
MF: medium fat.
MatLab (The MathWorks Inc., MA, USA) were utilized in the sta- c
HF: high fat.
tistical data treatment. SD: standard deviation.
Z. Ozbekova, A. Kulmyrzaev / Journal of Food Engineering 210 (2017) 42e49 45

106 3260 Pa in case of the HF cheese with 31.08% of fat at the same
temperature (Tables 1 and 2). G0 , G00 , and tF also decreased when
the fat content of the cheese samples increased. In agreement with
earlier studies, at low amplitude values, in the LVE range, both the
G0 and G00 curves display constant plateau values on different levels
105 (data not shown). The overall magnitudes of G0 , G00 , tL, and tF
G', G" (Pa)

decreased from the LF, MF cheese to the HF cheese (Table 2). Such
evolution of the rheology of cheeses is believed to be caused,
particularly, by the amounts of fat and moisture in cheese, that is
both G0 and G00 decrease with increasing moisture and fat (Tunick
104 G' (LF)
G" (LF) et al., 1993). Our results showed that tL and tF follow the same
G' (MF) pattern as well (Table 2). However, in the case of the cheese
G" (MF) samples tested in the present study, the contribution of the fat
G' (HF) content to the reduction of G0 , G00 , tL, and tF seems to be much
G" (HF) greater than that of the moisture content. The LF cheese with the
largest moisture content among the cheese samples (Table 1) is
30 40 50 60 70
supposed to be the softest one, since elevating the water content
Temperature (oC) in cheese results in greater hydration of the casein network to
cause a decrease in hardness and G’ (Tunick et al., 1993). However,
Fig. 1. Temperature-sweep dynamic shear profiles of the experimental cheeses. the magnitudes of G0 , G00 , tL, and tF obtained with the LF cheese

Table 2
Rheological properties of the cheeses at linear viscoelastic (LVE), yield stress, and flow stress regions at 25e70  C.

T ( C) LVE Yield stress Flow stress

G (kPa) 00
G (kPa) 0
G (kPa) 00
G (kPa) tL (kPa) G0 (kPa) G00 (kPa) tF (kPa)
25 115.76 37.38 119.40 47.68 8.94 42.00 42.00 41.60
30 110.09 33.28 104.80 38.97 5.91 35.50 35.50 30.60
35 76.70 25.57 99.30 37.65 3.87 24.49 24.49 24.35
40 63.32 22.91 86.65 36.18 1.36 19.12 19.12 13.97
45 48.84 20.89 71.02 35.50 1.14 16.79 16.79 8.02
50 41.47 18.91 45.38 29.77 0.41 12.97 12.97 3.48
55 37.07 18.51 20.70 34.98 0.55 10.18 10.18 2.22
60 22.04 15.84 35.22 15.24 0.28 8.51 8.51 0.92
65 21.89 12.50 56.42 47.90 0.22 4.73 4.73 0.56
70 17.41 10.75 39.82 24.53 0.37 1.58 1.58 0.25
25 107.39 35.07 88.79 37.02 4.09 24.78 24.78 15.95
30 65.45 23.13 55.76 23.38 2.90 20.77 20.77 8.22
35 39.26 15.74 35.73 15.45 1.74 13.26 13.26 6.19
40 29.76 12.85 27.55 12.43 1.08 9.19 9.19 2.98
45 21.62 10.87 18.78 10.87 0.86 7.80 7.80 1.71
50 14.35 8.57 13.82 8.47 0.34 7.13 7.13 0.93
55 8.93 6.86 8.70 8.23 0.25 6.97 6.97 0.34
60 5.82 5.57 6.50 6.84 0.13 5.62 5.62 0.14
65 3.50 3.62 3.43 5.69 0.12 4.22 4.22 0.09
70 1.87 2.80 1.76 3.56 0.08 1.89 1.89 0.05
25 97 31.28 79.80 33.40 3.26 20.66 20.66 14.18
30 55.84 19.10 46.02 20.94 2.08 15.05 15.05 8.52
35 33.15 11.83 27.77 12.45 1.23 9.84 9.84 6.66
40 22.53 9.46 20.40 9.14 1.12 7.12 7.12 2.58
45 15.84 7.84 14.54 8.18 0.67 5.42 5.42 1.36
50 11.28 6.49 11.12 5.99 0.45 4.57 4.57 1.08
55 7.55 5.74 7.34 4.56 0.29 3.98 3.98 0.51
60 3.20 3.20 2.62 3.08 0.20 3.16 3.16 0.16
65 1.85 2.74 1.53 2.57 0.13 0.93 0.93 0.19
70 0.86 1.42 0.93 1.39 0.04 0.41 0.41 0.09

loss modulus (G00 ) measured at LVE, yield stress and flow stress remain always larger comparing to those of the MF and HF cheeses
regions as well as the values of the yield stress (tL) and flow stress at the same temperature (Table 2). Such a consequence could be
(tF) measured at 25e70  C. In agreement with the studies reported elucidated by the fact that, at the same time, the amount of fat in
earlier, an increase in temperature results in a decrease of all the cheese as well as the size and distribution of the lipid particles
measured rheological characteristics of the cheese samples (G0 , G00 , influences the interactions within protein matrix and determine
tL, tF) (Karoui et al., 2003). In addition, as fat content of the cheese hardness (Van Hekken et al., 2007). In the LF cheese, the quantity
samples increase, the magnitudes of its rheological characteristics of fat dispersed within the protein matrix was relatively low to
decrease. For example, at 25  C the yield stress (tL) of the LF disrupt the matrix and resulted in a hard cheese matrix, i.e. in the
cheese containing 9.76% of fat was 8942 Pa, which decreased to larger magnitudes of G’, G”, tL, and tF.
46 Z. Ozbekova, A. Kulmyrzaev / Journal of Food Engineering 210 (2017) 42e49

3.3. Fluorescence properties MF cheese are presented. The shapes of the spectra distinctly
changed depending on the temperature. As the temperature
At a constant temperature (25  C), the shapes of the normalized increased, the highest intensities of all obtained spectra decreased
fluorescence spectra of the cheese samples varied depending on (Fig. 2 A, B, C). The variation of the environment polarity affects the
their chemical composition. maximum intensity of the emission of tryptophan residues
The tryptophan emission spectra exhibited a peak at 382, 392 (Lakowicz, 2006; Ladokhin, 2000). As the temperature increased,
and 387 nm recorded with the LF, MF and HF cheese sample, the maximum intensity of the emission of tryptophan residues in
respectively (data not shown). the cheese samples decreased and the maximum intensity wave-
The emission spectra of vitamin A of the cheese samples showed length shifted from 394 nm at 25  C to 379 nm and 378 nm at 45  C
the highest normalized emission intensity at 526 nm and two and 70  C (Fig. 2A). The decrease of the tryptophan emission could
shoulders located at 400e450 nm and 560 nm (data not shown). be explained by the increase in the hydrophobicity of the trypto-
The excitation spectra of vitamin A of the LF, MF and HF cheeses had phan environment (Rampon et al., 2003). The degree of tryptophan
the highest absorption at about 325 nm and a shoulder at 312 nm environment hydrophobicity is also estimated by the value of the
(data not shown). Additionally, the width and intensities of the shift of emission spectra (Ladokhin, 2000). The blue-shift
fluorescence spectra differed from one cheese sample to the other. (decrease) of the maximum emission wavelength to shorter
As it has been concluded in the previous section, G’, G”, tL, and tF wavelength range with increasing temperature suggested that the
were mainly influenced by the fat content of the cheeses. Tem- tryptophan residues of milk proteins moved into more hydrophobic
perature alters physical state of fat in the cheese samples, thus, it environment (Fig. 2A). The reason of this could be conformational
also modifies rheological properties of the cheeses. The shapes of changes in proteins due to heating. Similar spectral patterns were
vitamin A spectra are correlated with the physical state of the tri- also found in the tryptophan emission spectra of the LF and HF
glycerides in the fat globules of an emulsion (Dufour et al., 2000) cheeses (data not shown).
and the protein/fat globule interactions (Herbert et al., 2000). In Modifications of the maximum intensities and shapes of the
Fig. 2 the normalized emission spectra of tryptophan (Fig. 2A), emission spectra (Fig. 2B) and excitation spectra (Fig. 2C) of vitamin
emission spectra (Fig. 2B) and excitation spectra (Fig. 2C) of vitamin A obtained with the MF cheese at different temperatures were
A for selected temperatures (25, 45 and 70  C) obtained with the explained by the decrease in the viscosity of triglycerides of cheese

0,016 0,035
25 oC A 25 oC B
0,014 0,030
45 oC o
45 C
0,012 70 oC 0,025 70 oC
Intensity (a.u.)

Intensity (a.u.)


0,002 0,005

0,000 0,000
280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
25 oC C
0,025 45 oC
70 C
Intensity (a.u.)




240 260 280 300 320 340 360
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 2. (2A) Tryptophan emission spectra of the medium fat (MF) semi-hard cheese at 25, 45 and 70  C, (2B) Vitamin A emission spectra of the medium fat (MF) semi-hard cheese at
25, 45 and 70  C, (2C) Vitamin A excitation spectra of the medium fat (MF) semi-hard cheese at 25, 45 and 70  C.
Z. Ozbekova, A. Kulmyrzaev / Journal of Food Engineering 210 (2017) 42e49 47

fat with the temperature increase (Dufour and Riaublanc, 1997). variance of the spectra, respectively. Relative to A1, the MF cheese
Similar spectral patterns were also observed in the emission and samples at different temperature conditions were discriminated.
excitation spectra of vitamin A of the LF and HF cheeses obtained at The cheese samples, the spectra of which were recorded at the
different temperatures (data not shown). temperatures higher than 40e45  C, were scored positively relative
to the principal component A1, while those, the spectra of which
3.4. Multivariate statistical analysis recorded at the temperatures below 40e45  C, were scored nega-
tively Fig. 3. As the temperature-sweep dynamic shear experiments
The analysis of the obtained spectra conducted in the previous demonstrated (Fig. 1), at 40e45  C the difference between G0 and G00
section has demonstrated that the characteristic spectral patterns considerably decreased until the two moduli became equal each
(maximum photon emission and excitation, shape and width of other at the cross-point. Thus, the cheese samples scored positively
spectra) have changed depending on the cheese constituents along A1 on the PCA scatter-plot (Fig. 3) oppositely differed from
(protein, moisture and fat contents) and temperature. It should be those scored negatively because of the difference in the physical
noted that change of temperature caused modification of rheo- state of triglycerides in the two groups of the cheese samples. The
logical properties of the cheese samples. Principal component cheese samples scored negatively exhibited solid-like behavior
analysis (PCA) is a multivariate tool which is normally applied first (G’ > G00 ), while those scored positively because of melting of fat
in order to confirm the results of tentative analysis of spectral became liquid-like (G’ < G”) (Fig. 3). Similar discriminations
patterns observed under effect of different factors. PCA was applied depending on temperature were observed when PCA was applied
to the normalized spectra to extract information on the influence of to the tryptophan and vitamin A emission spectra of the MF cheese
chemical composition and temperature on the cheese properties. samples, as well as tryptophan emission, vitamin A emission and
270 spectra (3 types of spectra, 3 types of cheese, 10 temperatures, excitation spectra of the LF and HF cheese samples (data not
and 3 repetitions) were analyzed. shown). The results of PCA proved the close relationship between
The results of PCA applied to the spectra (tryptophan emission, the spectral data and temperature conditions and, consequently,
vitamin A emission and excitation) obtained at 25  C showed between the spectral data and rheological characteristics of the
discrimination of the cheese samples depending on the cheese cheeses.
chemical composition (data not shown). The PLSR algorithm with cross-validation was used to develop
Since the principal objective of this study was to predict the regression models of the chemical properties, melting point, and
rheological characteristics of cheeses such as storage modulus G0 , rheological properties of the experimental cheeses. The numbers of
loss modulus G00 , yield stress tL, and flow stress tF measured at PLSR factors used for the final models were the numbers giving first
three oscillation (yield stress, flow stress and LVE) regions and local minimum for the root mean squared error of validation
these characteristics significantly affected by temperature, partic- (RMSEV). The results of PLSR applied to the spectral, chemical and
ular attention was drawn to the results of the PCA conducted on the rheological data sets are presented in Table 3. Considering LVE re-
spectra obtained at different temperatures. As an example, the PCA gion of the oscillation tests, the best regression model including 7
score plot obtained with the vitamin A excitation spectra of the MF components (R2 ¼ 0.82) to predict G0 and G00 was obtained applying
cheese samples is presented in Fig. 3. Principal component A1 and PLSR on the tryptophan emission spectra of the cheeses. Vitamin A
principal component A2 explained 69.7% and 26.4% of the total emission and excitation spectra are actually correlated with the

x 10


A2 (26.4%)

MF35 MF40
MF40 MF65
MF30 MF30MF30 MF45
0 MF25
MF25 MF45


MF50 MF60

-2 MF60

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
A1 (69.7%) x 10

Fig. 3. PCA similarity map obtained using vitamin A excitation spectra of the medium fat (MF) semi-hard cheese.
48 Z. Ozbekova, A. Kulmyrzaev / Journal of Food Engineering 210 (2017) 42e49

Table 3
Results of the PLSR statistics to predict rheological and physico-chemical properties of the experimental cheeses from fluorescence spectra.

Region Characteristics Triptophan emission spectra Vitamin A emission spectra Vtamin A excitation spectra

R2 PLS components R2 PLS components R2 PLS components

LVE G 0.82 7 0.80 10 0.78 6
G00 0.82 7 0.81 10 0.78 6
Yield stress G0 0.53 5 0.53 8 0.62 6
G00 0.59 5 0.62 8 0.67 6
tL 0.75 9 0.90 10 0.74 10
Flow stress G0 0.90 7 0.85 8 0.85 6
G00 0.90 7 0.85 8 0.85 6
tF 0.90 7 0.85 8 0.85 6
Physico-chemical characteristics
Tmelting( C) 0.99 6 0.98 9 0.89 6
Moisture (%) 0.99 6 0.98 10 0.89 6
Protein (%) 0.98 6 0.98 10 0.88 6
Fat (%) 0.98 6 0.98 10 0.88 6

physical state of triglycerides in the fat globules. In connection with 4. Conclusion

that, processing the fluorescence spectra of vitamin A yielded the
PLSR models, which were able to predict G’ and G” with relatively Fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with multivariate statistical
high accuracy (Table 3). tools was successfully used to develop PLS regression models to
Yield stress region is characterized by G0 and G00 as well, and predict storage modulus (G0 ), loss modulus (G00 ), yield stress (tL)
additionally yield stress tL can be derived from this part of the and flow stress (tF) of the semi-hard cheeses at LVE, yield stress and
oscillation tests. As mentioned above, tL indicates the magnitude of flow stress oscillation regions simultaneously. In addition, melting
the stress at which the deformation of a sample becomes irre- temperatures, moisture, protein and fat contents were accurately
versible. Therefore, tL is a critical characteristic to be taken into predicted using the regression models derived from the fluores-
account when, for example, the ability of any viscoelastic matter to cence spectral data collected from the experimental cheeses. It
resist applied external forces in order to maintain given shape and should be particularly noted that the attempt to predict yield stress
sizes is considered. Yield stress tL was well predicted with the R2 (tL) and flow stress (tF) from the fluorescence spectra of the cheeses
value of 0.90 using the PLSR model with 10 components, which was was successful. Indeed, yield stress (tL) and flow stress (tF) were
derived using the vitamin A emission spectra (Table 3). The model predicted with R2 ¼ 0.90 applying PLSR to the vitamin A emission
taking into account 6 components derived from the vitamin A spectra and vitamin A excitation spectra, respectively. In conclu-
excitation spectra predicted fairly well the values of G0 and G00 sion, this study demonstrates that fluorescence spectroscopy
related to the yield stress region. Corresponding values of R2 for G’ combined with multivariate statistical tools has potential applica-
and G” were 0.62 and 0.67, respectively (Table 3). tion for the accurate, non-destructive and rapid prediction of
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viscous flow of a viscoelastic matter. At this point the viscoelastic oscillation regions simultaneously. In order to test its robustness
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