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How media is promoting brand consciousness in women through


Females are most dominant buyers on the planet as they control right around 80 percent of the family unit
spending. What's more, never again can the females' spending forces and impact be dismissed. The job of
females in the general public and their belongings has changed. Women nowadays are more likely to buy
branded stuff as comparatively to normal stuff because they think that the society would not accept them if they
don’t buy brands.

These brands have totally changed the scenario, once there was a woman who has no such demands and needs
of branded clothes and expensive clothes. Now advertising and promotion of such big brands like Gul Ahmed,
Khaadi, J. etc., has changed the buying perspective of women. Majority of women buy them because it is
trending, some of them buy it because they thing it is the only thing which show them elite and respectful. In
reality these type of factors is affecting every single woman in our society either she is from middle class or
lower class, this is the thing which is spreading complexes.

“Women are most powerful consumers in the world as they control almost 80 percent of the household
spending. And no longer can the women’s spending powers and influence be neglected.”

Dr. Anu Nagpal Chopra (Asian Education Group, Management)

“The trend of female branded fashion clothing is growing rapidly in retail industry across the globe.”

(Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing)


We are living in a modern world where every other woman wants to walk side by side with society and its
trends in living style,especially in clothing. Which drags them towards brands, brands are the biggest sign of
fashion statement in society which tags people levels or in other words we can say we judge people from their


There was a time when woman did not care about what brands they are wearing they did not care about labels
about society and other social factors. But now people think quality clothing only comes under brands. Why
brands have created so much complexity social competition and judgments among woman.


The main purpose for doing this research is to find out what are the main reasons which influence women to
buy branded stuff only. What social factors force them to go only for branded clothing?


This research will figure out the main elements of women buying behavior that why they are brand conscious
and why branded stuff make them feel satisfy of their social outlook.


This research will be conducted in Karachi under the consumer and buyer of 5 brands which are Khaadi, Nishat,
Al Karam and Gul Ahmed and J. (dot)
Literature Review
The aim of this study would be to find out the significant ways which attract women towards branded clothes.
The thinking that branded clothes enhance the personality drives women towards brand loyalty as well.
Advertisement of these clothing brands play major role of this attraction.

UTPAL, (2017), International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management.

The Y generation group (born after 1977) has major use of social networking sites like face book and others
which make their access easy towards branded clothes. Researchers divided them in five segments
“recreational quality seekers”, “recreational discount seekers”, “trend setting loyal”, “shopping and
fashion uninterested” and “confused time/money conserving”.

Cathy Bakewell, Vincent‐Wayne Mitchell, (2003)

Social media sites now a day’s influencing people to purchase and do shopping which is the attracting
point. The purpose of study this topic is give better understanding of the role of media influencer, trend
consciousness, and more over about choices in this regards.

Shepherd (2016), Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management.

Customer market for fashion has become more wide-ranging by in surge of designer brands, store brands
and different customs advertisement in the global market place of today. A very clever understanding of
preferences for consumers will help the emerging marketer to attract and maintain the target customer
group. The main reason of this study is to inspect female consumer buying behavior and intensely
understand the key factors of branded clothing which influence female consumers.

Namita Rajput, 2012, Archive of Business research.

The reason of this research is to inspect Pakistani female consumer’s buying performance and recognize the key
factors of branded clothing which influence female consumer’s involvement towards trendy branded clothing.
This paper expands considerate of female consumer trade behavior related to Pakistani environment and things
to see the factors that highly influence consumer involvement in fashion clothing.

(Hareem Zeb, (2011), International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance.)

This article reports a study of independently brand recall by female household heads and examines some factors
related to brand salience. Findings specify that brand recall is a compound, vibrant process.

Bogart, Charles (1973)

Social media marketing gave the revolution to advertising industry which transformed the overall buying
behaviors of women. This paper will discuss the impacts of social marketing on the shopping behaviors among
people in india and will discuss the impacts of traditional media and social media marketing.

AkankshaKhanna,( 2018) Christ University Banglore

Women’s behavior towards fashion changes day by day. Change in social attitude of women has also changed
their perceptions towards fashion. Buying clothes satisfy them and make them feel that they are trendy and can
compare themselves with others. Quality, comfort, cost and availability differs women expectation towards

Dr.S.Sujatha, (2018) International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Brands affect consumers’ decision making styles as well their choice between domestic and imported clothing
brands. It become necessary for brands to advertise their self on social media as well to grab the audience
otherwise their marketing won’t be strong credible or trustworthy. Audience won’t relate with them effectively.
Brands have to create brand awareness, shopping frequency and shopping expenditure between females.

Subodh Kesharwani,(2012) International journal of marketing studies

From the history, style for gold is famous among women in our society, in this study the main purpose is to look
for out the buying behavior of women towards branded thing in Lake City. During this study the researcher
tried to find out the Brand awareness level and many factors which is influencing their trade pattern. The
examination reveals that the women are aware of the brand players taken under study and design, offers, and
purity are the most influencing factor while trading.

Seema Kotwani, (2017) International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences


UGT is developed by Elihu Katz and Jay Blumler in 1974. This theory basically states the relationship of
audience and their use. It explains that people use media for the sake of their gratification and their uses are
different from each other. This theory also helps to explain that for what purpose people are using the media.

People who are using branded clothes are attracted to these brands by social media using social media is their
gratification but when they see their favorite brands presenting theirselves on these medium they connect with,
which develop the want to buy that particular stuff or product or dress.


This theory is given by Bibb Latane in 1981. This theory is defined as any influence on a person’s feelings,
thoughts and behavior created from the real or imagined actions of others. It also focuses on considering how
the individuals can be source or targets of social influence. Social impact is the effect of anyone’s actions on

We are living in a society where one’s recognition is what he/she is wearing. How much it cost? How many
times particular dress is repeated all these reason atre created by society and surroundings brands take
advantage of this thing and grab audience attention by telling them that how they look effect their personality
and career.


This theory was developed by M Scott Poole. This theory defined that bunch of people or any particular group
affects other people in surrounding. It is a human nature that they adopt the thing which is popular in society.

Brands structure the situations where audience connect with their message as they choose the trending celebrity
to grab the audience or connect their advertising campaigning with some particular event or situation which
boost their sales.


This theory was presented by Max Weber a German sociologist. This theory defines the process of
modernization in societies that how people of societies are changing their traditional styles or making change
them sometimes making few changes in them to make or look more modernized.

Clothing brands are doing same thing today they are making little difference in traditional clothing to grab the
audience. Especially by emerging the eastern and western style and convince user that they will look modern in
their product and they won’t need to lose the traditions as well.


This theory was presented BY Walter Lippman. This theory discuss power of media and message through it in
this theory assumptions are also included that how audience is going to react on advertisement and sometimes
advertisement is done by proper arrangements and agenda although makers already now the pros and cons of it
they still make it.

Clothing brands are always working on agendas sometimes its about women empowerment sometimes it’s
about education of girls, equality of genders, relationship and many other just to relate it with audience so they
come to their product.


Magic bullet theory is given by Warren Commission. The magic bullet theory, sometimes called the
hypodermic needle model, assumes that a media message is ''injected' in people through TV and other mediums.

Clothing brands spend heavy budget on their advertisements because makers are well aware that they are going
to earn double from it. These advertisements hit the audience mind immediately, makers build that connection
between consumer and brand by showcasing that it would fulfill the entire needs consumer wants.
The research employed the methodology of quantitative to find out that how TV advertisements are promoting
brand consciousness in women buying behavior. Data was collected through survey in Karachi under the
consumer and buyer of brands.

Hypothesis generated on the basis of these extracted variables from different articles were:

H1: Advertising Characteristics is positively related to consumer buying behavior of branded


H2: Consumer attitude is positively related to consumer buying behavior of branded


H3: Online advertisement is positively related to consumer buying behavior of branded


H4: Conventional advertisement is positively related to consumer buying behavior of branded


The survey shows that 40% people are intend to buy branded clothes by watching their ads on Tv and different
social media platforms.

Prefer buying branded clothes, which shown on media.



There was a time when woman did not care about what brands they are wearing they did not care about labels
about society and other social factors. But now people think quality clothing only comes under brands. Why
brands have created so much complexity social competition and judgments among woman.

Today’s women are more conscious about her physical appearance so she prefers to buy branded and expensive
clothes in which she could make herself more confident and can be able to survive in the society.

Do you think media is promoting brand consciousness in women?

media is promoting brand consciousness in


Clothing sector firms are competing to increase their profit share in the market and among these firms; branded
clothing has shifted the conventional clothing interest of people. A brand which is sold at a high price and the
other which is sold at low price while both have same quality and attributes, then why people prefer namely
brands only? First of all the makers of advertisements of these brands use sharp campaigns to grab the
audience’s attention and they make people perfectly realized that they need these branded clothes to walk with
time and affection in society. Illustrations are being used by marketers to differentiate the brands from other
brands and to get competitive edge. This effection builds the importance of brands in consumers mind.
Consumers start trusting the brand and become loyal to it sometimes addicted as well, that uncertainty won’t be
bearable by them. Pakistan has a great name in textile industry that our clothing brands are eagerly wear in other
countries as well, and this is growing fast. The purpose of the study is to identify the important factors of
branded clothing adoption in Pakistan and to find the impact of these factors on consumer buying behavior.

It was concluded that TV is the major source of entertainment and also intend to show the new clothing brans
advertisement through it. Many people accept that media is promoting brand consciousness among people either
it is social media, electronic media or print media. And people also get attracted towards brand when their
favorite celebrities endorse their specific brand.
 Silverstein, B., Perdue, L., Peterson, B., & Kelly, E. (1986). The role of the mass media in promoting a
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 Nelson, M. R., & McLeod, L. E. (2005). Adolescent brand consciousness and product placements:
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 Shim, S., & Kotsiopulos, A. (1993). A typology of apparel shopping orientation segments among female
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 Shephard, A., Pookulangara, S., Kinley, T. R., & Josiam, B. M. (2016). Media influence, fashion, and
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 Seema Kotwani, (2017) International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied
 Subodh Kesharwani, (2012) International journal of marketing studies
 Dr.S. Sujatha, (2018) International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
 UTPAL, (2017), International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management.
 Cathy Bakewell, Vincent‐Wayne Mitchell, (2003)

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