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Students who completed
the 1st cycle of studies in
Engineering (Mechanical,

Civil or Biomechanics),
Physics or Mathematics,
and are seeking an ad-
vanced specialization in
Computational Mechanics.

Students who, although In the recent decades, the Computa- Students will acquire and develop Additionally, the students will devel-
having already completed a tional Mechanics had a profound im- comprehensive technical and scien- op a professional profile to easily CAREER EXPECTATION
2nd cycle of studies in Me- pact on science and technology and tific skills in this área, including: integrate the labour market, guided
chanical, Biomechanics or it is now a key area of research, ed- by the spirit of initiative, autonomy, The Faculty of Engineering of
ucation and application worldwide.  Skills in Computational Mechan- creativity and responsibility. the University of Porto is ori-
Civil Engineering, intend an Today it is being extended to areas ics, with priority applications in ented to train competitive and
advanced specialization in such as Biology, Medicine and Bio- Solid and Fluid Mechanics; forefront engineering profes-
Computational Mechanics. engineering.  Skills in software development, sionals, with a high scientific
. regarding the formulation, the knowledge. These profes-
Students who, although analysis and the development of sionals are capable to act as
having already completed a computational numerical tools to positive changing agents in
simulate mechanic phenomena
2nd cycle of studies in in complex engineering prob-
the industrial and economic
Physics or Mathematics, lems; Thus, along the Master course, the tissue, both locally and inter-
intend an advanced spe-  Skills to understand the complex students will attend classes in which nationally.
cialization in Computational approaches that currently char- the practical and the theoretical
Mechanics. acterize the Computational Me- foundations will be highlighted. Addi- The Master in Computational
More and more codes based on chanics, allowing its application tionally, they will be involved in pro- Mechanics accords with
Graduates in Mechanical, Computational Mechanics are used to different areas of Engineering jects of computational nature that these purposes, since it es-
in industry, to design, develop and and Science; are conducive to development of the tablish a unifying and special-
Biomechanics or Civil Engi- optimize products and production  Skills to correctly use existing previously mentioned skills. ized training offer in the com-
neering, Physics or Mathe- processes. codes and commercial software putational mechanics area.
matics wishing an ad- on Computational Mechanics, This master course answers
vanced specialization in including simulation packages for to a growing need of the in-
Computational Mechanics. specific applications required by
dustry, which today requires
high-level professionals in
this area.
1st Phase: Academic Services
24.FEB. a 16.APR. 2015 Faculty of Engineering
University of Porto
2nd Phase: The preparation of the final Masters
Dissertation will allow to integrate,
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
17.APR a 12.AUG. 2015 s/n, 4200-465 Porto
The Master in Computational Me- converge and consolidate the
chanics is structured with the mis- knowledge obtained during the Tel. + 351 22508 1977 / 1405
3rd Phase: sion to train engineering profession- course. It will also permit to develop
13.AUG a 20.OCT. 2015 als, capable to compete in the global a project in which the previously
market with the ability to act as studied models can be applied.
change agents in the business.

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