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1. Literal vs. inferential questions

The sky was grey and full of heavy clouds. Rain ran little rivers down the roads and traffic was travelling
much more slowly than usual

Literal Question; what was the weather like that day

Inferential question; from the evidence given in the text, why do you think the traffic was travelling
more slowly than usual

2. Lifting vs. own words question

The appearance of land at the end of a long sea voyage must be a welcome sight for any ship’s captain.
Yet he has to be particularly alert at this stage, for in many parts of the world are often rocky islands
close to the shore

Lifting question; At what stage of the sea journey must a captain be particularly alert

Own word questions; What features of the island meant that it took four years to build the light house?
Answer in your own words

3. Combining question

The sun beat down on the pavements of the town. It was home to three thousand or so inhabitants,
with its quaint little market stalls selling hot food, its winding streets and crowded shops. Outside the
town, boys played on the banks of the dried up river.

Question; how can you tell that the weather is hot? Give two reasons for your answer. (2 marks)

Huge waves pounded the stone walls built to keep the sea at bay, smashing free huge blocks of marble
and flinging them aside like pebbles, until the walls cracked and then collapsed.

Question; ‘Huge waves’pounded the sea walls. Explain fully the comparison used to show the strength
of the waves (2marks)

4. Quotation question

The next moment, though, she saw something more reassuring. In the far corner of the cave a large
white cloth screen was erected, musicians were gathering and people were taking their places for some
sort of show.
An old man made his entrance by the side of the screen, dressed in tattered, grimy cloak, but it was his
intense expression that startled Amy. Her feelings of uneasiness returned as she watched him gaze
round the audience.

Amy panicked wildly. She ran outside, stumbling down the steps, blundering past the crowd, desperate
from the ghastly presence of the cave.

Question; Amy saw something ‘reassuring.’ What single word used later in the passage shows that later
she was no longer feeling reassured?

Question; pick out and write down the single word which shows that the older man’s clothes were dirty.

Question; Amy ‘ran outside.’ Write down two separate words which shows that she was frightened as
she ran?

5. Writer’s Craft question

The Market in Mumbai Rohit meandered through the market in Mumbai. He was on holiday after all,
and the day was stretched out before him like a century.

Question: meaning of the word Meandered

Question; Explain fully what effect the writer gains by her use of the word ‘meandered’

Question: meaning of the word century

Question; Explain fully what effect the writer gains by her use of the word ‘century

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