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Reading Presentation

Topic: Harry Potter

- Group Introduction: We are group 6.2. Today we’re going to present
all of you about a topic – Harry Potter. I am____. (countinously
introducing other members)

The first group has talked a lot about heroes. Now we will talk about a
little hero – Harry Potter.

And now,
Welcome to Hogwarts. Before you take your seats, you must be sorted
into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and
Slytherin. While you're here, your house will be like your family. There
will be many games during the presentation. At the end of the
presentation, the house with the most points will win the house cup
and receive a gift. Your victory depends on your attitude. The Sorting
Ceremony will begin momentarily.
I have 4 cards here, each house will have a representative to pick the
cards and they will decide which house you belong to.
- Starting to present with a mini game:
Before we start our presentation, we will have a mini game for you. You
guys will have 30 seconds to remember the words on the slide. There
will be some words repeated from the first group. And then each house
will choose a representative to come to the board and write the words
you remember. When we show you the slide, you can write down on the
paper but you can’t take photos.Do you understand ?... Are you ready ?
Let’s begin the game. 1p
Now, you have 30 more seconds to discuss with your house. And
then,one person will come to the board and show us how many words
you guys can remember. 30s : remember: 30s: team work : 1p : write
Check :1p
 Journey.
 Intelligence.
 Struggle.
 Dangerous.
 Succeed.
 Safety.
 Mentor.
 Affect.
 Teasure.
 Opportunity.
 Wizard.
 Muggle.
 Witchcraft.
 Wizardry.
 Potions.
 Quidditch.
 Magic.
 Adventure.
 Challenges.
 Strange.
 Exciting.
 Defeat.
 Fail.
 Protecting.
 Magic.
 Headmaster.
 Chess.
 Confrontation
 Stone.
 Stuff.
 Basement.
 Chapter.
 Geneticist
Wizard (n) /ˈwɪzəd/: a person with magic powers
Magic (n) /ˈmædʒɪk/: the secret power of appearing to make impossible things
happen by saying special words or doing special things
Protect (v) /prəˈtekt/ : to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed,
injured, damaged, etc.
Defeat (v) /dɪˈfiːt/; to win against somebody in a war, competition, sports game,.. or to
stop something from being successful
Adventure (n) /ədˈventʃər/: an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience,
journey or series of events
Fail (v) /feɪl/: to not be successful in achieving something
Chess (n) /tʃes/: a board game requiring deep thinking

Let’s head to the second part. Long

- Go straight to main parts:
Now I will introduce the main characters from the book called “Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone”.Before I show you, let’s see how much
you guys know about the book ? (Ask the audiences.)

1. Generally introduce Harry Potter and other characters:

- Harry Potter: The main character of the series, orphaned son of James
and Lily Potter and student at Hogwarts. A brave, smart and kind boy.
Has been experiencing many adventures through out the story of the
- Ron Weasley: Best friends with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger,
youngest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley, Gryffindor Quidditch
Keeper, school prefect, a member of Dumbledore's army.
- Hermione Granger: Muggle-born Gryffindor student in Harry's year,
one of Harry's best friends, founder of Dumbledore's Army and
S.P.E.W., Gryffindor Prefect.
- Severus Snape: Potions and later Defence Against the Dark Arts
professor, Head of Slytherin House. He was supposed to be a cruel,
selfish professor but at the end, his kindness was revealed.
- Dumbledore: Hogwarts Headmaster in Harry Potter's time,
Transfiguration professor in Tom Riddle (Voldemort)'s time, founder of
the Order of the Phoenix.
- Lord Voldemort: The villain of the series, murderer of Harry Potter's
parents and of many others in his quest for immortality and absolute
2. Generally introduce Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone book:
Do you know who is she ? Show the picture of JK.
- Author: J. K Rowling: J.K. Rowling is the author of the record-breaking,
multi-award-winning Harry Potter novels. Loved by fans around the
world, the series has sold more than 500 million copies, been translated
into 80 languages and made into eight blockbuster films.
- Day published: 1997
- Sales: Best seller in August 1998
- Some more information (we can find some stories of how this book
was made and tell the audience.) 2p

3. Tell the story in the book:
And now, let’s see a book review from Alice Ogrodnik. It some how can
explain why this book became very famous.
Book Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
About me
My name is Alice Ogrodnik. I’m a 22-year-old senior in college, studying
biology. After I graduate, I am going to medical school to become a
medical geneticist. I’m a big reader and use reading as a way to relax
from all the hard class work.
1. I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K.
Rowling. I know I’m a little behind most of you. Most people I
know read these books years ago, In fact, I think a lot of people
my age who never read books for fun, started reading BECAUSE of
the Harry Potter books. But I wasn’t like those people. I read boks
all the time. So when everyone started reading Harry Potter, I told
myself the books were bad. I told myself I read GOOD books, not
silly stuff. Well, silly me. I just finished the first one and guess
what? It was great. Read on to hear why …
2. First of all, I love story where the main character is just a normal
kid. No, not all kids are wizards. But all kids go to school, make
friends, play games, and have teachers they love and teachers
they hate. Only in Harry’s world all this happens at an amazing
place called Hogwarts School pf Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here,
Harry makes two best friends, Ron and Hermione. They go to cool
classes like Potions (magic drinks) and the History of Magic. They
get to play a magical sport called Quidditch, which seems really
fun. Harry hates his potions teacher, Snape, and he loves the
headmaster, Dumbledore. Harry has no parents. When he was a
baby, they died protecting him from the wizard Lord Voldemort.
So Dumbledore acts like a afther to Harry.
3. The second reason I loved this book is because it is a great
adventure. One day, Harry and his two friends find something
strange at their school: a large three-headed dog. They learn that
the dog is protecting something called the Sorcerer’s Stone. This
magical stone takes Hermione, Ron, and Harry on a long journey
that leads them to the basement of Hogwarts. Here they must
pass many tests. If they fail to pass all the tests, Lord Voldemort
will get the Stone, live forever, and rule the wizard world. The
challenges are really exciting! In one room they find a magical
plant that tries to strangle them. In another room they must play
and win a life-sized game of wizard chess. In the next room, they
must drink dangerous potions. Because there’s only enough
potion for one, Harry takes it and goes on alone. When he finally
arrives in the last room, Harry meets Lord Voldemort-the most
dangerous wizard of all time. Will Harry be able to win? Harry
does his best in a confrontation with Voldemort. At last
Voldemort reaches for Harry’s arm. Harry thinks it is over. He falls
to the ground and everything go black.
4. 4. In the last chapter, Harry wakes up in bed with his friends
nearby and Dumbledore smiling down at him. Dumbledore
explains that Harry didn’t fail. When his mother saved him from
Voldemort with her life, she gave Harry the most powerful magic
in the world. With it, he defeated Voldemort. At least for now.
5. 5. This brings me to the third reason I loved this book: Harry is on
set to have another adventure because he must meet Voldemort
again…….. I can’t wait to read Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Mơ+ Minh
4. Comprehension
After a while revising the content of the book, now let’s comprehense it
by sorting these pictures one by one. Now you will have these pieces of
paper, and the first house to complete the puzzle will win 10 points.
Show kết quả

As we’ve read Alice’s review about the book, in paragraph 3:
 “ The second reason I loved this book is because it Is a great
adventure. One day, Harry and his two friends find something strange
at their school: a large three-headed dog.”
The first sentence is part of blog. The main verb is loved. This is past
tense because the author read this book sometime in the recent past.
She loved it when she read it.
The second sentence is the start of the Harry Potter story. The verb
here is find. This is present tense because the author want to help
readers feel more connected to the story.
So now you read two versions of the same test from paragraph 3 of
Reading Two. Underline the verbs in each version. What verb tenses
are used? Why? 3p
1. One day, Harry and his two friends find something strange at their
school: a large three-headed dog. They learn that the dog is
protecting something called the Sorcerer’s Stone. This magical
stone takes Hermione, Ron, and Harry on a long journey that
leads them to the basement of Hogwarts.
2. One day, Harry and his two friends found something strange at
their school: a large three-headed dog. They learned that the dog
was protecting something called the Sorcerer’s Stone. This
magical stone took Hermione, Ron, and Harry on a long journey
that led them to the basement of Hogwarts.
(in giay) 2p

Connect the reading

And now we move on connect the reading.
Reading one (R1) contains lots of information about all hero stories.
Reading two (R2) describes details of one specific hero story. Read the
lists of phrases from R1 and R2 and place them in the correct box in the
chart on the next page. 5p
(Suy nghi game)

4. Do the task in Northstar Textbook:

- Start with some questions about Harry’s appearance:
+ What does his scar look like?
+ Where is his scar?
+ What kind of shape of glasses does he wear?
Cau hoi
Mơ+ Minh

And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding. And the
points stand thus:
and Finally the house cup belongs to…….
Thanks for your particip
END…. 2p
About me
My name is Alice Ogrodnik . I’m a 22-year-old senior in college, studying
biology. After I graduate, I am going to medical school to become a
medical geneticist. I’m a big reader and use reading as a way to relax
from all the hard class work.

4. In the last chapter, Harry wakes up in bed with his friends nearby and
Dumbledore smiling down at him. Dumbledore explains that Harry
didn’t fail. When his mother saved him from Voldemort with her life,
she gave Harry the most powerful magic in the world. With it, he
defeated Voldemort. At least for now.

5. This brings me to the third reason I loved this book: Harry is on set to
have another adventure because he must meet Voldemort again…….. I
can’t wait to read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!

Look at the example and read the explanation:
 “ The second reason I loved this book is because it Is a great
adventure. One day, Harry and his two friends find something strange
at their school: a large three-headed dog.” (paragraph 3)
The first sentence is part of blog. The main verb is loved. This is past
tense because the author read this book sometime in the recent past.
She loved it when she read it.
The second sentence is the start of the Harry Potter story. The verb
here is find. This is present tense because the author want to help
readers feel more connected to the story.
 Work with a partner. Read two versions of the same test from
paragraph 3 of Reading Two. Underline the verbs in each version. What
verb tenses are used? Why?
3. One day, Harry and his two friends find something strange at their
school: a large three-headed dog. They learn that the dog is
protecting something called the Sorcerer’s Stone. This magical
stone takes Hermione, Ron, and Harry on a long journey that
leads them to the basement of Hogwarts.
4. One day, Harry and his two friends found something strange at
their school: a large three-headed dog. They learned that the dog
was protecting something called the Sorcerer’s Stone. This
magical stone took Hermione, Ron, and Harry on a long journey
that led them to the basement of Hogwarts.



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