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Appendix A

Survey Form

Demographic Information:

1. Name (optional):
2. Age:
3. Gender:
4. Religion:
5. Major of study:
6. Year level:
7. Ethnicity
8. Educational history

Level Name of School Year of graduation

a. Primary (SD)

b. Elementary

c. Secondary

d. Tertiary

A. Please, circle Yes or No as the most correct response which describe you

1. I have a clear purpose of study in the university ○ Yes ○ No

2. I attend religious meetings (mass/fellowship/worship time) regularly ○ Yes ○ No
3. I am involved in the student activities program. ○ Yes ○ No
4. I am a religious person. ○ Yes ○ No
5. I have a clear plan for my future. ○ Yes ○ No
6. I believe there is a Higher Power that controls my life. ○ Yes ○ No
7. I believe my religion is better than other religions. ○ Yes ○ No
8. I am interested in religious activities. ○ Yes ○ No
9. I need help to grow spiritually ○ Yes ○ No
10. I feel comfortable in expressing my religious belief ○ Yes ○ No
11. It is difficult for me to work together with people from other religions ○ Yes ○ No

B. 1. Please answer these questions by indicating which is true about your religious activity:

Item Never or at least At least once in At least once in

once in a year a month a week
1. I read sacred text/literature
2. I pray
3. I attend religious activities

B.2. Please describe your answer to the questions below:

1. List sacred texts/literatures you have read for the past one year (if any):

2. How many times do you approximately pray in a day/week/month/year?

______ time (s) a day
______ time (s) a week
______ time (s) a month
______ time (s) a year

3. When you pray, what are commonly you pray about or pray for?

4. List religious/spiritual activities you have attended for the past one year:

Your participation is very much appreciated.

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