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1. Use your textbook, your notes from the lessons, and visit my website for all the videos.
2. You will have Tuesday May 28th to review in class on your own or with a partner.
3. Exam is 80 scantron questions. (43 multiple choice and 37 true/false)

May 29th: 5th period (Multiple Choice); 7th period (ALL)

May 30th: 4th period (ALL); 5th period (True/False)

Chapter 25
1. T/F: Fewer than 10% of animal species are chordates
2. T/F: Flatworms brains are often more complex than chordate brains.
3. T/F: Segmented, radially symmetrical animals have external appendages on both sides of the body.
4. T/F: Segmentation causes difficulties in animal evolution?
5. What are the 4 characteristics that all chordates exhibit at some point in their life?
6. What type of symmetry does a sea anemone display?
7. What is a pseudocoelom?
8. If an animal displays cephalization, what type of symmetry do they likely have?
9. What type of symmetry do arthropods and annelids have?
10. What is unique about the phylum Arthropoda?
11. What is an invertebrate?
12. What percentage of animals are invertebrates?
13. How long did it take for prokaryotes to evolve from single cellular to multicellular organisms?
Chapter 26
1. What is a trace fossil?
2. Where are two of the major “Cambrian Fossil Sites”?
3. What is significant about the Ediacaran Fossils?
4. What is cartilage?
5. Echinoderms eventually gave rise to what phylum?
6. What are tetrapods?
7. When did mammals first appear?
8. What is the unique characteristic of primates that sets them apart from other mammals?
9. What organism do animals share a common ancestor with?
10. T/F: Invertebrates are the most abundant animals on Earth.
11. What is a Cambrian fossil?
12. What characteristics do chordates contain at some stage of development?
13. What organism is closely related to chordates?
14. What period were the earliest fossils of chordates from?
15. What is cartilage?
16. How come primates have binocular vision?
17. When did anthropoids split into two groups?
18. How long ago did fish appear in the fossil record?
19. What are some examples of primates?
20. What is a distinguishing characteristic of a primate?
Chapter 27
1. What does it mean to be a nutritional symbiont?
2. Describe the teeth of an herbivore vs that of a carnivore.
3. How do aquatic animals exchange gases?
4. T/F: Modern mammals typically have a three-chambered heart with two pumps working next to each other.
5. T/F: To eliminate wastes (including ammonia) from one’s body is known as excretion.
6. T/F: All animals obtain food the same way.
7. What is commensalism?
8. T/F: Gills are feathery structures that expose a large surface area of thin, membrane to water.
9. T/F: Malpighian tubes separate wastes and extra water from blood.
10. What are sensory neurons?
11. T/F: The endoskeleton is a structural support system located outside of the body.
12. What is an oviparous species?
13. T/F: Endocrine glands produce and release hormones that regulate body activity by releasing hormones into the
14. What do filter feeders catch with their modified gills?
15. What is symbiosis?
16. What is diffusion?
17. What are the two types of diffusion?
18. What is the open circulatory system?
19. How many heart chambers does a reptile have?
20. What is the function of the heart?
21. What is excretion?
22. What does a nephridia filter?
Chapter 28
1. What makes up the nervous system?
2. What is a stimuli?
3. T/F: Asexual reproduction requires 2 parents and there is a lot of genetic diversity.
4. T/F: All body systems work together to maintain homeostasis.
5. T/F: An ectotherm has high metabolic rates that generate heat.
6. What are interneurons?
7. What type of skeleton is located within the body?
8. What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?
9. What is an endotherm?
10. Why are joints important?
11. What are tendons?
12. What is internal fertilization?
13. T/F: Sexual reproduction contains only one parent.
Chapter 29
1. What is operant conditioning?
2. What is habituation?
3. What is classical conditioning?
4. What is insight learning?
5. What type of behaviors occur when an animal needs to learn what to do and partially understands it?
6. What is an animal’s “language”?
7. What are pheromones?
8. T/F: A grizzly bear marks its territory with its fur and scent.
9. T/F: A group of animals of the same species is called a society.
10. T/F: Communication is the passion of information from one organism to another.
11. What is innate behavior?
12. What is learned behavior?
13. What is complex behavior?
14. What is circadian rhythm?
15. What is hibernation?
16. What is migration?
17. What is kin selection and why is it an important animal behavior?
18. What are the 3 signals that animals use to communicate with one another?
19. What is meant by the phrase “behavior courtship”?
20. What are some reasons for an animal to show aggression?
Chapter 30
1. What substance(s) does the liver regulate?
2. What are the four main types of tissues?
3. What is homeostasis?
4. How does the liver function to help maintain homeostasis?
5. How much Vitamin A does the average person need on a daily basis?
6. What nutrients does the human body need?
7. T/F: Having an excess of vitamins is healthy.
8. T/F: Strong dietary decisions can be replaced by exercise.
9. What part of the body initiates mechanical digestion?
10. What organ stores liquid waste in the body?
11. T/F: The kidney regulates the amount of glucose and fat in blood.
12. What are neurons responsible for?
13. What role does the skin play in the excretory system?
14. T/F: The ear’s function is to hear and to regulate the amount of impulses coming from the side of one’s head.
15. What type of tissue makes up the heart?
16. Which body system involves the brain?
17. T/F: proteins supply raw materials for growth and repair of muscles and skin.
18. What is the function of the duodenum and where is it located?
19. T/F: The large intestine absorbs water.
20. What is excretion?
21. Where is urine released from?
Chapter 31
1. Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated fats.
2. What is the stomach?
3. Differentiate between mechanical and chemical digestion.
4. What is meant by ingestion?
5. What is the nervous system?
6. What are impulses?
7. T/F: The brainstem is responsible for processing and relaying information/
8. T/F: White matter is the inside part of the cerebrum.
9. What system controls emotions, behaviors, and memories?
10. What is the cerebellum?
11. What connects the brain to the spinal cord?
12. T/F: The brain stem has 4 parts.
13. What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
14. T/F: Sensory receptors in the body respond to touch, temperature, and pain.
Chapter 32
1. How many bones are in the adult human body?
2. T/F: Bones are made of Keratin.
3. How many bones are babies born with?
4. How many types of muscle are there?
5. T/F: ATP stands for Adenosine triphosphate.
6. What percentage of muscle makes up the total body weight?
7. T/F: The skin contains 2 layers.
8. Where does hair grow out of?
9. T/F: Cavities are a common skin problem.
10. What are the main muscle fibers?
11. How many layers are found in the skin?
12. Name all of the components the integumentary system?
Chapter 33
1. Name the blood vessels found within the circulatory system.
2. What is the lymphatic system?
3. What is the difference between the left and right ventricle?
4. What is transported via the circulatory system?
5. What are the functions of the lymphatic system?
6. Name the 4 components of blood.
7. What are the 3 broad categories of circulatory system disease.
8. What are the functions of the respiratory system.
9. What diseases can be caused by smoking?
10. T/F: Plasma is 90% dissolved gases, salts, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, waste products, proteins, cholesterol
and other important compounds and 10% water.
11. What are the 3 most common diseases that occur in the circulatory system?
12. Where does air travel to after it reaches the nose?
13. Explain the process of gas exchange in the lungs.
Chapter 35
1. What is the “common” or “general” term for microorganisms that invade the body?
2. What is an antigen?
3. What are the three types of immune responses?
4. What are the two main styles for a specific immune response?
5. T/F: The most widespread, non-specific defense is the skin.
6. T/F: Passive immunity lasts forever.
7. T/F: Two major reasons for the emergence of new diseases are due to the ongoing merging of human and animal
habitats as well as the misuse of medication.
8. T/F: Active immunity only results from vaccines.
9. What are infectious diseases and what causes them?
10. How did the germ theory of disease get its name?
11. How does Robert Koch use his postulates?
12. Name the 2 ways that bacteria can produce illness.
13. What type of immunity do vaccinations produce?
14. What is mucus?
15. What is an inflammatory response?
16. What causes allergies?
17. What is asthma?

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