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CH103 Quiz - Inorganic Chemistry (2010)

(Model Answers)
1. The reaction of a gas X2 with a metal sulfide (MS) can result in the extraction of
M which boils at 1050 °C with the liberation of gaseous SX2 at temperature 1350
°C and beyond. For this hypothetical extraction, show a properly drawn and
labeled Elligham diagram. (2)
(a) Both the axes being properly labeled (0.5 mark)
(b) Show the SX2 plot that does not exhibit any slope (0.5 mark), since there is no change
in the physical state.
(c) Show the MS plot. While up to 1050 °C, slope is very little, at this temperature slope
suddenly goes upwards because M boils at this temperature. (0.5 mark)
(d) The plot of MS must cross the plot of SX2 at 1350 °C and labeling of both 1050 and
1350 °C should be shown. (0.5 mark)

P.S.: Just by writing equation of M + S --Æ MS or S + X2 --Æ SX2 or both does not
secure any marks.

2. Low grade ores of gold are generally oxidized under mild conditions in the
presence of cyanide salt. The species formed from this is used for obtaining purer
form of the gold. (0.5 + 0.5)

(a) Write the formula of the species formed in this process.

Ans: [Au(CN)2]- (Au should be only in the +1 oxidation state and not the +3 oxidation
state since the conditions are given as mild oxidation. No partial marks please)

(b) How is purer gold obtained from the above species?

Ans: By reducing the species given above. Any reducing agent is acceptable (No
partial marks please).

3. Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of a chloride salt (counter cation is

immaterial) results in the formation of both Cl2 and H2 gases and the reaction has a free
energy of +483 kJ mol-1. (Given the Faraday constant: 96.5 kCmol-1) (1 + 0.5 + 0.5)

(a) Using the information given above, write a complete and balanced equation for
the reaction.
Answer: (only complete and balanced equation will earn 1.0 mark)
2xCl-(aq.) + 2H2O(liq.) ---Æ 2xOH- (aq.) + H2 (g) + Cl2 (g)

(b) Calculate the potential required for the isolation of Cl2

Ans: ΔG = -nFE° [since 2 electrons are involved , n = 2 ] E° = -2.5 volt

{P.S.: No need to write the formula}

(c) How is Cl2 separated from the H2 gas?
Ans: While H2 is liberated at cathode, Cl2 is liberated at anode. Thus both these products
are separated. No need to use any absorber or desorber or anything else.

4. Provide an example that is suitable to extract metal by hydrometallurgical

extraction? Justify your answer (example). (0.5 + 0.5)

(a) Example:
Ans: Give any example of the salt or compound or ore that can be dissolved in water, but
will not react with water. Just naming a metal, such as, copper, gold or iron etc.,
is not sufficient enough.

(b) Justification:
Ans: Having given the answer for (a), defend the extraction of metal from the above
example in aqueous condition, which means, there should be no reaction between
the reactant & water or product & water. But you should mention what reagent
will extract the metal from the example given by you under (a). The metal should
not be obtained by heating at high temperature, otherwise, it will become

5. Lanthanide oxide ores with the formula, Ln2O3, possesses a mixture of lanthanide
ions and can be dissolved in water using appropriate acid. Individual trivalent
lanthanide ions can be separated from this mixture. (0.5 + 0.5)

(a) Suggest a method for the separation of individual trivalent lanthanide ions from
this mixture?
Ans: Ion exchange chromatography or simply chromatography or solvent extraction.

(b) What is the principle associated when these are separated in the presence of
organic chelators?

Ans: Differential stability of the complexes formed by these chelating agents with
different lanthanide ions. (OR) Partition between the stationary and mobile phase
(OR) differential exchange between the chromatography column and the eluent.

6. Ultrapure silicon is prepared from pure silicon by Zone refinement method.

Highlight the principles involved in the same. (1.0)

Ans: Fractional crystallization or Impurities are more soluble in the liquid and the
impurities move from solid to the liquid phase, by a gradient heating of a rod of Si. A
diagram with proper labeling is also accepted.

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