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For my SLE I choose to spend time with the children and gather them around to play

soccer. I choose this type of SLE because I want to teach the kids how soccer benefits

your health. This SLE is a good way for me and the kids because it both benefits us. At

first it was hard to gather all the children because some kids don’t want to go play

outside and had encourage them. Another challenge for my is that I need to have a

assistance to help me such as my friends and my soccer coach so I have to find the

right time to do this SLE. After we successfully do a first Block Party, many children

come out with us to enjoy and having a great time. Block Party is basically to bring kids

all together to play soccer and learn about the bible. I learned that this is a great

opportunity for me to show my leadership skill and to be self confidence. I learned many

things with the kids such as the benefits of soccer and the bible. I learned that the

leaderships I established can help me in the future to be a leader in the community.

Next time I will do differently by buy some snack for the kids to eat because I want the

kids to spend time with us as long as they can to teach them about different things.

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