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O Listening is the act of hearing, interpreting,
and responding to sound

O Listening is the activity which governs how

and when we use the other communication
Kinds of Listening
O When do you usually listen?

O What are the kinds of things that you love

listening to?

O When do you refuse to listen?

O You have learned that hearing is different
from listening. We hear sounds around us
most of the time and listening is always a
challenge. Our responses to different
listening stimuli depend on our purpose
which also affect the kind of listening that
we do.
O Our previous experiences help us process
what we listen. These experiences are
further enhanced when we listen. We listen
to add to, to refine, to reorganize, or to
enhance that experience. One who listens
to an informative speaker just like a student
to a teacher wishes to expand his previous
experience or learning.
O This means that he engages to what is
called discriminative listening. This happens
when the listener knows that he listens to
something that is essential for him. To
discriminate is to have the capacity to
distinguish the degree to which they are
excellent, appropriate, and true.
O This discriminative listening can be
classified as formal and informal.
O Formal discriminative listening – this
happens when we decide to be involved in a
situation where we listen to learn.
O Informal discriminative listening - this
happens when listening happens
unexpectedly but drives us to extend our
The Informing Speaker’s
O This is when the speaker creates and
transmits messages to receive so as to be
understood and to develop shared
meanings. In this setting, the speaker
explains what something is, why it happens,
or how it works.
The Discriminative
Listener’s Goals

O The discriminative listener’s goals are:

O To understand the material they listen to

O To learn something from what they listen to

O To extend their experience what using what

they listen to
O Discriminative listeners are listeners who
want to know how to do something, will
understand more clearly how something
works, or will understand more about why
something happened. They also want to
recognize differences or similarities among
ideas, to compare the speaker’s ideas to
their own, or to define an all new concepts.
O There are four strategies for improving
discriminative listening performance.

O Concentrate on the main ideas in the message

O Concentrate on the speaker’s pattern of


O Be aware of feedback to speaker

O Consciously formulate questions


O Activity: Explain the following cases using

the “terminologies” that were discussed in
this activity. Write your analysis and
paragraphs in this workbook. Underline the
terminologies that you will be using in your
O Case 1: Nico, a graduate of Bachelor of
Science in Secondary Education major in
English is preparing for the licensure
examination for teachers. He knows that
there are still many things that he needs to
recall and so he enrolled in a review center.
While he was talking to the registration
officer, he could not hear the message.
Essay Questions:

1. What kind of discriminative listening does

he need in the first day of the review
session since he was allowed to enroll?
2. What can the speaker expect from Nico?
3. What are the listening techniques that Nico
may try during the review sessions?
Next Schedule of Meeting:
O August 27, 2017. Attendance is a MUST.

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