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Part 1

Step a.


Test Pass? Issue Solution Check

PC1 to PC2 No IP on PC1 Change IP Yes

PC1 to S1 Yes

PC1 to R1 Yes

PC1 to PC4 No Wrong GW IP PC4 Change GW IP Yes

PC4 to PC2 Yes

PC3 to PC4 No Wrong IP PC 3 Change IP PC 3 Yes

PC3 to S2 No VLAN not set Configure in No


Step 2

c. Change Gateway address of PC 4 and change the IP address of PC 3

Tested after and got PC 3 and 4 can successfully send messages to each other and PC 1 and 2.

Part 2

Step 2
a Verified the issues are fixed. All pings succesful and the three fixes now allow all trafic between
devices on both networks as well and traffic between both networks. One exception is S2 which I
cannot find out how to configure correctly

a. Router 1, Switch and PC1

b. Layer 3. The PC needs to get a message outside the network its connected to.

c. Source IP is switched with Destination IP and visa versa

Part 2

Step 1


e. IP information is added that address to PC2 PC3 and Router 1

f. Broadcast message is only sent within the LAN that it came from

Part 3

c. Hosts send a reply packet back to the router it received it from

d. Packets received are rejected

Uni-cast packets: go directly for the originally intended device

Broadcast packets: Entire LAN receives packet

Multi-cast: Received by all devices on the LAN but rejected by all unless the device is a part of the
multi-cast group.

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