Jacques Derrida - Glas (1986) PDF

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University of Nebraska Pras Lincoln and London %, Jacques Derrida English Translation by Jobn P. Leavey, Jr, and Richard Rand Prepartion of this volume was made posible in pare by «gras From the Progra fr Tansaions ‘ofthe National Endowment fo the Humanities, an independent federal agency, Publication was also supporce by a grant from the Nesonal Endowment forthe Humanities ‘Copyrighe 1986 by the Universicy of Nebraska Press. All ighes eseved Manufactured in the Uniced Sates of America Fics published in France as Gla, « Editions Ga 1974 “The paper ia this book meets the minimum require ments of American National Stands fot Information Seiences~ Permanence of Paper fr Priced Library Marerias, ANS 239.48-1984.@ Libary of Congres Ctaloging-n-Publicatioe Daca Derrida, Jacques Gia, ‘Trandation of: Gls 1 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm redrch, 1770-1831 2, Genet, Jean, 1910-86. 1. Tile 82948.04613 1986 19385-28877 'S@N 8032-1667. (alaline paper) Note to the Translation ‘The translation of Glas was a joint efor. Richard Rand provided ‘he fre draft translation of the column on Jean Genet and I of che column on Hegel. [chen ineegrated and reworked both columas for accuracy, continuity of anguage, and sylistcs For che critical apparatus co the translation, thac is, explana- soos of pacticula terms and their cranslaions, commentary oa individual lines, nd che location ofall cited passages, 25 wel as incoductory stays, the ceader is referred to Glasary, by Jobo P Leavey, Je, with an esay by Gregory L. Ulmer anda foreword by Jacques Derrida. Glasary, also published by the University of ‘Nebrasia Pres, is the complement ofthis translation and indicaces alleferences cit by page and line number. ‘The translation follows cheseexrual principles: German terms within parentheses are Derrida’ citaions or emphases. German terms with translation alteraatives or explanations wiehin square brackets are Derrida’. German terms alone within square brackets are the eranslators' addition for clarity. French terms within square brackees ae likewise the translators { would like to thank che fllowing: Dr. Susan Mango and the “Translations Program of che National Endowment for the Humani- ‘ies for a granc tha allowed full-time work during 19808; the University of Florida's Division of Sponsored Research, College of Liberal Ars and Sciences, and English Department for thei sup- port of cher pats ofthis project; Clark Butler for aking available (© me his translation of the Hegel lecers before publication by Indiana University Pres; Indiana University Press for permission co cite fen Hoge: The Later, crans. Clark Buslet and Cheistane Seiler, with commentary by Clack Butler (Indiana University ress, 1984); Barbara Fletcher for her help inthe early stages of the translation; and Marie A. Nelion fr hee time, good spirits, and patience in eying and correcting the entire manuscripe— without her this project would sill not be finished. T would also like co acknowledge the support that Paul de Man and John Sallis gave this translation from its inception. J. Hillis Miller has always been available and helpful with any problems ‘hat might aise. He made chis work possible. Gilbere Debusscher wwas kind enough 0 review parts of the cranslzion and answer questions on particular passages ia the French. Finally, 1 want 0 ‘hank Jacques Derrida himself. His friendship, patience, and gen- ‘rous answers co my many questions continually guided me in this translation. JL

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