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Read about the following topics:

Angles in a Circle Theorems

Angles and Intercepted Arcs

Intersecting Secants Theorem

Intersecting/Power Chord Theorem
Answer the following problems and submit on Monday (November 5, 2018)
1. Find the value of 𝜃 that will maximize the area of the triangle. You may use your calculus or
your common sense.

2. Suppose the angle 𝜃 is increasing at 0.25 rad per second. How fast is the base 𝑥 changing?

3. The bases of a trapezoid are 10 cm and 22 cm, and its base angles are 60° each. If the nonparallel
sides (called the legs) are produce to meet, what is the area of the largest triangle formed?

4. Find the length of the radius of a circle if a chord of the circle has a length of 12 cm and is 4 cm away
from the center of the circle.
5. The line AX is tangent to the circle at B. The line AY is tangent to the circle at C. Angle BDC is 58°.

Give the value of 𝑎.


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