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Downward Communication:

 Downward communication is managers communicating to their subordinates.

 Downward communication is the flow of information and messages from a higher level
inside an organization to a lower one.
 Effective downward communication is crucial to an organization’s success.
 Creating concise communications and maintaining a respectful tone help ensure effective
downward communication; making sure that employees clearly understand the
information is also crucial.
 Differences in experience, knowledge, levels of authority, and status can lead to
misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

When leaders and managers share information with lower-level employees, it is called
downward, or top-down, communication. While downward communication may sometimes
invite a response, it is usually one-directional rather than reciprocal–the higher-level
communicator does not invite or expect a response from the lower-level recipient.

In Sapphire, downward communication include explaining an organization’s mission and

strategy or explaining the organizational vision. Effective downward communication gives
employees a clear understanding of the message they have received. Whether informative or
persuasive, effective downward communication results in the recipients taking action or
otherwise behaving in accord with the communicators’ expectation. In Sapphire, the directives
from managers to employees are the most basic form of downward communication. They are
using “Emails”. As the directors mail the managers anything he wants to say or take any action
towards their employees. And then the managers forwaded that mail to all of the branches of
Sapphire. Then the appropriate action is taken according to it.

We have observed some benefits of effective downward communication:

 Better coordination.
 Improved individual performance through the development of intelligent participation.
 Improved morale.
 Improved industrial relations.

Ensuring effective downward communication is not necessarily an easy task. Differences in

experience, knowledge, levels of authority, and status can make it more likely that sender and
recipient do not share the same assumptions or understanding of context, which can result in
messages being misunderstood or misinterpreted. Creating clearly worded and non-ambiguous
communications and maintaining a respectful tone can overcome these issues and increase


Downward communication benefits the organization in many different ways. Through this
communication, superior provide necessary information and directives to the subordinates. The
major advantages of downward communication are highlighted below:

Delegating authority and responsibility:

Delegation means entrusting the subordinates with some responsibilities along with due
authority. It is essential to make the subordinates capable in performing their jobs. Since
downward communication starts form higher level, it helps mangers in delegating authority and
responsibility to the right persons.

Increasing efficiency:

Downward communication provides necessary guidance, orders, instructions and explanations

of various complex issues to the subordinates that ultimately increase the efficiency of the

Maintaining good labor-management relationship:

Downward communication helps to create and maintain good labor-management relationship in

Sapphire. When top-level executives communicate with their subordinates sincerely and
courteously, it develops good interpersonal and inter-group relationships between management
and works. In turn, this will motivate the employees and ensure good labor management relation
in Sapphire.


Though downward communication provides many advantages to the organization, it is not free
limitations. Its main limitations or disadvantages are discussed below:

Time consuming:

Downward communication is a delayed process. In this communication, information flows

through different levels of hierarchy. As a result, when information reaches to the lower level
workers, it may have lost its significance or utility.
Lack of feedback:

Absence of feedback is another major drawback of downward communication. The top-level

executives usually place little or no importance to the messages received from subordinates.
Superiors hardly seek feedback from the subordinates. Due to negligence of the superiors,
subordinates also seldom send feedback. As a result, communication becomes ineffective.

Creation of frustration:

Downward communication is directive in nature. This type of communication hardly allows the
subordinates to discuss any matter with their superiors. Moreover, the subordinates are
compelled to follow the orders and instructions of the superiors. Such coercion creates frustration
in the mind of the employees.

Upward Communication:
 Upward communication moves from lower to higher levels within an organization.
 Upward communication is the transmission of information from lower levels of an
organization to higher ones.
 Upward communication often comes in response to downwardly communicated requests
for information, opinions, or actions.
 The channel used to share upward communication (e.g., face-to-face, over the telephone,
through internet) can influence its effectiveness.
 Upward communication can be an important source of information that informs
management ‘s decision -making.

Upward communication is the transmission of information from lower levels of an organization

to higher ones; the most common form is employees communicating with managers. Managers
who are open to and encourage upward communication foster cooperation, gains support, and
reduces frustration among their employees. The content of such communication can include
judgments, estimations, propositions, complaints, grievances, appeals, reports, and any other
information directed from subordinates to superiors. Upward communication is often made in
response to downward communication; for instance, employees answering a question from their
manager. In this way, upward communication indicates the effectiveness of a company’s
downward communication.

The communication channel, or mode of sharing information, strongly influences the upward
communication process. Information sharing can be face-to-face, over the phone, or through
internet. In Sapphire, Employees also sent mails in reply as if the work or specific action has
been done to their managers which is forwaded to directors. Also if something is needed by any
branch of Sapphire, the employees requested to their mangers in the form of mailing them the
thing that is needed and the manager will take action upon it by forwading it to the director and
wait for the answer by the directors.

As we see, all is done through the E-MAILING.The availability of communication channels

affects employees’ overall satisfaction with upward communication. For management, upward
communication is an important source of information that can inform business decisions. It helps
to alert management of new developments, levels of performance, and other issues that may
require their attention. Whistle-blowing involves upward communication when employees
communicate directly with top management about matters requiring attention or discipline (e.g.,
harassment from another employee), including perceived ethical or legal breaches.


Providing suggestions and opinions:

By upward communication system, subordinate takes necessary suggestions and opinions from
superiors about the work related issues of Sapphire.

Motivating to employees:

Upward communication system allows lower level staff to express their attitude or opinion to
upper level staff. As a result sub-ordinates are influenced to work more towards fulfillment to
Good labor-management relationship:

Upward communication Is participative in nature. Here, information is invited from lower level
executives and employees and on the basis of this information top executive makes a decision.
So, a good relation between subordinates and bosses should create for the betterment of

Providing feedback:

The subordinate’s reaction is returned to the superior in this communication system. So, top level
management can decide what to do and what not do clearly understand and followed.


In spite of having many advantages upward communication it is not free from limitations of
disadvantages. The main disadvantages of upward communication are as follows:

Fear of inefficiency:

The main problem of the upward communication is fair to superiors. Generally superiors make a
question about the employees work position and efficiency. Many employees fear to
communicate and share their ideas, constructive suggestions and opinions with the superiors.


In order to convince the superior bosses, subordinates can take the help of flattery and for this
reason subordinates may conceal the true and provide incomplete information to top level.

Supervisor’s negligence:

Sometimes top level executives discourage the upward flow of information and neglect the
constructive suggestions and opinions about the work related issues of Sapphire.

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